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Bad economy! Give up international school path?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-3 11:14 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Any one think about to give up the international school path for your kid due to the bad economy? Their education plan talk about needs for 10-20 years. How can you balancing out?

Seriously, I really hesitated now. I can smell the economy will be getting worst.  I just planing my girl in K1 study.  In this case, I really have to reconsider the whole situation.
Anyone can share your thought?
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-3 11:40 |只看該作者
My 2 cents:

1. As a good parents, we should cut our own spending but still give the best of what you can afford to your kids

2. Economy will turn better, say after 2 years. Kid's education is a long long term investment, if you give up due to a financial turmoil that only last for 1 -2 years, you may feel regret and whole family will feel the pressure of local education (if you originally plan for IS)

3. Do you really think local school is cheaper, as if you only put your kid in the school without any other after-school support and activities?

Just my own comment. Again I want my kid to grow up happily, at any cost!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-3 14:34 |只看該作者
蠢d講句, 我2公婆情願自己唔食都會供2個女讀IS, 因為真係喜歡IS教學法多d, 我地喜歡小朋友學習o既主動性同求知慾, 遠遠重要過中文or英文有幾叻, 成世人流流長要學新野幾時都得, 只要個小朋友有心就可以, 但我個人覺得暫時只有IS可以培養到小朋友主動學習, 所以點辛苦都唔會放棄

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-3 15:23 |只看該作者
Thank you all you advises.
I totally understand the good side of the IS education. The question i rasied is if u or your husband suddenly lost the job? what will u do? whats your contigency plan?  

Or you all already saved up 10 yrs (or +) of tuition $ now for backup? If not, how can u ganrantee you can keep paying the tuition (which increase every year)???

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-4 11:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 Chewy 於 09-3-3 15:23 發表
Thank you all you advises.
I totally understand the good side of the IS education. The question i rasied is if u or your husband suddenly lost the job? what will u do? whats your contigency plan?  

I think most people have their own little private "wallet" keeping their money or assets. Some own extra properties (besides the house they live in); some have their money put in stocks, bonds, funds, etc; some just put them as fixed savings; some even "invest" in Rolexes or diamonds, etc. Everyone should always have put some money away as savings, in whatever forms you prefer.

During this hard time, if you have not much of savings, I would say that you are really on the very brink, even if you are talking about local school education. Do not forget that even with local school, you need to pay for lots of other expanses, like text books, tutors, etc. And, in fact, DSS or private schools in Hong Kong are not exactly free. Chances are that, even if you did not choose an international school, you might end up choosing a school that you have to pay for the school fees anyway.

So, if unluckily, you really lost your job, you need to rely on the reserve that you have been putting aside during the past years. This is not only true for international school parents.

It is hard to say how well-off a person should be, to be "qualified" for even considering international schools education. Different families have their own philosophy in handling and managing their money. However, if you find it really hard to chip in that amount of money every month, and you have the feeling of insecurity (financially), then you might want to really re-organise your finance first. The worst of life is not the actually financial difficulties, but the constant feeling of being financially insecure.

[ 本帖最後由 almom 於 09-3-4 11:42 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-4 12:16 |只看該作者
我同你想法好似, 老套講句, 如果我或我老公冇左份工, (其實機會好低, 我地都係穩陣工嚟),我地情願唔食咁好,唔著咁好,唔住咁好,唔揸咁好...都盡能力俾佢讀,原因一樣, haqppy learning, happy life, wide-international thinking skill, open minded and be a all-round happy person...  ...
原帖由 babyoush 於 09-3-3 14:34 發表
蠢d講句, 我2公婆情願自己唔食都會供2個女讀IS, 因為真係喜歡IS教學法多d, 我地喜歡小朋友學習o既主動性同求知慾, 遠遠重要過中文or英文有幾叻, 成世人流流長要學新野幾時都得, 只要個小朋友有心就可以, 但我個人覺 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-4 13:36 |只看該作者
Thank you for all your advises.. I think i will sale some of my properties when the market go better and definitely send my kid to International school.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-4 14:46 |只看該作者
原帖由 Chewy 於 09-3-4 13:36 發表
Thank you for all your advises.. I think i will sale some of my properties when the market go better and definitely send my kid to International school.


其實我都有一時三刻想過放棄, 因為真係好似前路茫茫咁, 而且我屋企人好反對我比2個女讀IS, 佢哋覺得唔值花呢筆錢, 不過好彩我同我哥哥傾過, 佢鼓勵同支持我, 佢話每個人都有自己喜好, 只要自己認為係最好, 過到自己點解要顧忌咁多, 仔女係自己, 我哋先最清楚佢哋要咩, 不過過程真係好痛苦, 冇人了解冇人傾, 2公婆自己頂硬上

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-4 17:29 |只看該作者
Totally agree with popolung and babyouch.  My planing is sell out the other properties asap for reserving more money to kids.  Money can be earnt back.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-7 23:45 |只看該作者
我有同樣的遭遇, 好朋友又唔明白, 家人又覺得用咁多錢值得咩, 又令個細路中文唔好....到最後我自己都好迷茫同唔開心, Thanks god 我老公俾好大支持我, 令我明白最後向子女負責的都係我地自己, 其他人點睇點講, so what.  所以好同意你哥哥 的睇法. 放鬆d, 當你屋企人睇到成果後便明白你決定係啱。

原帖由 babyoush 於 09-3-4 14:46 發表

其實我都有一時三刻想過放棄, 因為真係好似前路茫茫咁, 而且我屋企人好反對我比2個女讀IS, 佢哋覺得唔值花呢筆錢, 不過好彩我同我哥哥傾過, 佢鼓勵同支持我, 佢話每個人都有自己喜好, 只要自己認為係最好, 過到自 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-9 10:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 maglo 於 09-3-7 23:45 發表
我有同樣的遭遇, 好朋友又唔明白, 家人又覺得用咁多錢值得咩, 又令個細路中文唔好....到最後我自己都好迷茫同唔開心, Thanks god 我老公俾好大支持我, 令我明白最後向子女負責的都係我地自己, 其他人點睇點講, so wh ...

終於有人明白啦, 太好啦~

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-9 12:07 |只看該作者
many people are not willing to invest their children in children in IS way and not "buying" other people doing that...quoting that how "wise" their decision of not choosing IS (Their logic is : Grape not chosen to eat must be sour...and u must be silly if u eat that)
Some people like driving a BMW, some like living in a big apartment, some like traveling every year, some like keeping pets....all are money-consuming but they have their reasons/excuse to spend their money in that way...(to be happy)
Some like sending their children to IS. Why not if you feel happy with this?

原帖由 babyoush 於 09-3-9 10:59 發表

終於有人明白啦, 太好啦~

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-9 12:31 |只看該作者
The day when our kid is born, all of our future belong to her / him already, unless you don't agree. So if they don't have a good future, where is our future? We work hard so they have a better future, agreed?

Other may argue than in IS they don't learn good Chinese, I really think it depends on how much effort you have made. Ask yourselves, when you are watching TV at night, what your kid is doing? Why not spend all the time you watch TV, but read and write more Chinese with them? Teach them something else?

This is what I am doing now, and so I don't really know what the TV program is about, until after 11pm when she is slept...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-11 14:06 |只看該作者
Mglo/ Babyoush,
想的做的事很死板,明明想做d新意思,身邊的有不明白又幫手,不要說幫忙連打氣,都不贊成!例如:去參加長途running....不如去shopping....play mohjoing...etc.
所以,各人有各人的想法;有時不可太聽別人多言,有不關他們事(他們knowledge, background/culture各不同,所以根本不同自己的想法);他們根本不知說了的說話會hurt了你及同你家人,對你的不她想法-浪費金錢及學不到中文)
小朋友是你的,我覺得為人父母一定不會點黑路給小朋友,所以選國際的家人,成日給人家指指點點,要學中文....) 家人壓力


uote]原帖由 babyoush 於 09-3-9 10:59 發表

終於有人明白啦, 太好啦~ [/quote]
When the rain is over, the sky clears up take one's course 順其發展;聽其自然

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-11 14:23 |只看該作者
原帖由 KaKaYa 於 09-3-11 14:06 發表
Mglo/ Babyoush,
想的做的事很死板,明明想做d新意思,身邊的有不明白又幫手,不要說幫忙連打氣,都不贊 ...

我諗時代真係唔同, 我以前細個咩都阿媽話事, 完全唔識爭取, 宜家D小朋友唔同晒啦, 我諗我都要學下佢哋爭取下先得

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