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教育王國 討論區 拔萃女小學 入 DGJS 路 程
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入 DGJS 路 程 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-23 03:43 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My daughter is accepted by DGS and since I have learnt tremendously from the generous sharing here.....I would like to share my experience briefly here.
It is tough, for the girl and for you.  So be prepared.
First of all, you will feel the need to equip her with as many skills and 'awards' as you can.  So she would be attending many courses.
Secondly, at home, you would need to spend a lot of time with her, nurturing her.  This means minimum time for yourself.  
Thirdly, it costs $$, unless you are able to teach her everything!  (this is why many parents here have the impression that DGS girls must come from rich families.  This I do not think is true but it's must be true that most are from mid-class who are able to support the kids.  If not, I guess they are willing to spend 90% of the income on the girl or that the girl is a genius herself!).
From my experience, I observed that many kids now as so confident and smart.  Parents are so willing to spend and educate the kids.  So why some get in and some not?
I guess the common abilities DGS looks for are:
- good language skills (at least in English and Cantonese)
- confident girls
- all-round development (academics, sports, social awareness)
And from my experience with Mrs Dai, she comes across very discreet and nice.  She is not proud  (as written by a few BKs) and she seemed quite caring of the girls (held the girls' shoulders when they came out).  But this is based on a very short observation of a few seconds though.
For those BKs whose girls were not accepted, I completely understand your disappointment.  But if you are aiming for DGS, you must have put in tremendous effort.  In that case, your daughters would be good, whereever they are.
   17    0    0    0

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-23 12:50 |只看該作者
May I know more details for our preparation in next year ?
What kind of course and award you have ?
How much you spend per month in the course ?

Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-23 14:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 cy664 於 08-12-23 12:50 發表
May I know more details for our preparation in next year ?
What kind of course and award you have ?
How much you spend per month in the course ?

My daughter is accepted by DGJS too.....Frankly, it is too late if you are going to prepare for next year. I started to plan it once my kid was 6 months!!!! I think you need to prepare at 3 year old at least. Because the skills and awards are not possible to acheive in one or 2 years.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-23 14:46 |只看該作者
I agree with E.D.  The plan should start asap.

原帖由 E.D. 於 08-12-23 14:40 發表

My daughter is accepted by DGJS too.....Frankly, it is too late if you are going to prepare for next year. I started to plan it once my kid was 6 months!!!! I think you need to prepare at 3 year old ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-23 15:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 anak 於 08-12-23 03:43 發表
My daughter is accepted by DGS and since I have learnt tremendously from the generous sharing here.....I would like to share my experience briefly here.
It is tough, for the girl and for you.  So be p ...

110% agree......same road I walked through and most likely it is the basic requirement you should do if your target is DGJS.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-23 17:31 |只看該作者
can DGJS parents provide the example of some awards or certs which are important in application?

Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-23 21:00 |只看該作者

What awards?

I totally agree with E.D about preparing well ahead.  Even I was slightly late compared to other parents.

As for what awards, I must say I still wonder how Mrs Dai base her selection on.  Because successful candidates (whom I personally know) includes those with lots of certificates & awards and those without any!

The common factor, as I observe, is that their parents are 200% committed.  They are parents who could research, plan and execute the plan to nurture their kids.

To answer your questions about awards and certificates, some e.g. are:
- Trinity
- Speech and Drama
- Swimming
- Choir
- Piano
- Kumon

These are just some examples.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-23 21:19 |只看該作者

Thanks for your sharing.

Are you a full time mum?

Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-24 09:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 anak 於 08-12-23 21:00 發表
I totally agree with E.D about preparing well ahead.  Even I was slightly late compared to other parents.

As for what awards, I must say I still wonder how Mrs Dai base her selection on.  Because suc ...

Additional: Fencing....it is HOT in DGJS now!!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-24 09:56 |只看該作者
原帖由 E.D. 於 08-12-24 09:44 發表

Additional: Fencing....it is HOT in DGJS now!!!!

Fencing????  for a 3 years old or even 5 years old????

No wonder my daughter failed the interview.

She is learning figure skating, two musical instruments, belongs to Choir, competitive swimming team and has done Cambridge Starter and SAT Maths test with full marks!!!!!!

Anyway, I think what all of you have said are very true, if you are not 200 or even 300% committed, not even for now, but also for the coming 12 years, both yourself and your daughter will have a very hard time coping with the competitivness of the school atmosphere.

Good luck all girls and moms, and no matter if you are accepted or not, you have all done sooooooo well.... be proud of yourselves.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-24 10:17 |只看該作者

Hi all,

Many thanks for your generous sharing here !! Merry Christmas and all the best for the coming year !!!

原帖由 bird-bird 於 08-12-24 09:56 發表

Fencing????  for a 3 years old or even 5 years old????

No wonder my daughter failed the interview.

She is learning figure skating, two musical instruments, belongs to ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-24 13:40 |只看該作者
We always heard some noise referred to the application of DGS.
May I request all mums with DGS offer can provide some hints and indications for us :  
1. Most of parents also advised me that it needs both of parents to submit the application form to DGS. This is one of the point of DGS would be considered ?
2. Also both of the parent also need to attend the interview.
3. Most of parents also said that the headmaster scan the parents in the interview process
4. What kind of dressing code we need in the interview ? Formal office look or 名牌 look or  太太斯文 look is Ok
5. May I know you are working mum or housewife
6. What kind of certificate and awards you may have
7. Any reference letter, profile or knock door letter should be provided to DGS

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-12-24 14:48 |只看該作者
真的很感謝每一位願意分享經驗的家長. 你們的分享令我更清楚條路應該點行, 令我更堅定自己的理念.

我同意教育和培育一個小朋友最好是由細開始. 0-6歲係一個最重要既時間. 唔係只因為要考好學校, 而係為著小朋友打好學習既基礎.

無論成功與否, 大家和子女們都投下大量心血和努力, 這是肯定的.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-24 17:15 |只看該作者
Under this recession economic environment, I must more prefer gov't subsidy schools , such as Maryknoll or St. Marys etc.  If those school has offer, I will give up DGJS (personal opinion).:D

Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-24 17:54 |只看該作者


You are definitely very wise.  If you think of the cost of educating a child (up to university, not forgetting the possibility of sending them abroad), it's indeed a good thing to take up free education in a good school.
On the other hand, (and this is my personal opinion), I think schools like DGJS is very unique in Hong Kong, given the environment of the school which, I believe, can build a very good foundation for my child.  Hence, I would still choose to spend that school fees for my girl.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-24 17:58 |只看該作者

The queries

Regarding the many queries,
- my husband was not able to submit the form with me.
- yes, both of us did accompany our daughter to the interview
- yes, I think the principle did look at us, very briefly and politely.
- no, we did not wear 'brand' names.  We were dressed smart though, like going to work.
- I'm a working mum.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-24 19:27 |只看該作者




[ 本帖最後由 janfion 於 08-12-24 19:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-25 03:53 |只看該作者

Your values

Again, I regard this as the tendency to make assumptions.  About this and that.  Such as that about DGS kids, famous schools' principals and movie stars' kids etc.

As parents, I think we should not allow such prejudice to cloud our judgement about what we should do for our kids.  We must be very clear about what we want for our kids, what is the temperament/ personality of our kids etc.....and work from there.

I believe that not all parents of 名校 kids aims for their kids to發達.  It really depends on the individual parent, their value system, and this, I feel varies amongst all parents, in all schools; as you can see from the behaviour of your children's peers, I'm sure.
Yes, waking up at 4am really do sound too much.  But do we know what time this child sleeps?  Perhaps the parents have arranged a good time schedule for this kid?
Having said that, I too had to catch an early bus to go to school before and it did not worry me.  I did not feel it was hardship.
Really, it depends on the kid and parents must be very clear about that.  It is so important for parents to observe and review the ability of the kids throughout and to make changes, if neccessary.
I also belong to the group that believes that hardship when you're young will build resilience.  Kids now are so pampered already, to study hard, try hard in what they do, should not be considered hardship, it should be their responsibility.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-25 22:08 |只看該作者
It could be sure that most of parents will take MCS and SMC as if you know you can take place from them. In fact, it is a game of "Luck" in this education system of Hong Kong.
But as I know, many parents still admire the DGS.
Anyway, everyone has choice and take what you want.
原帖由 Coletteli 於 08-12-24 17:15 發表
Under this recession economic environment, I must more prefer gov't subsidy schools , such as Maryknoll or St. Marys etc.  If those school has offer, I will give up DGJS (personal opinion).:D

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-29 12:14 |只看該作者
So agree with you and E.D about good preparation.  I am also planning to do so.  Re Speech and Drama, Swimming, Choir, Piano, and fencing, can you suggest which schools (ie name)you enrolled?  I only know one in Kln Tong - Kids' Gallary.  Can you advise?

BTW, which kindergarten your girl was.  I will enrol K1 for my girl next year.  See which kindergarten is good for sending her to good primiary school.  Thanks

原帖由 anak 於 08-12-23 21:00 發表
I totally agree with E.D about preparing well ahead.  Even I was slightly late compared to other parents.

As for what awards, I must say I still wonder how Mrs Dai base her selection on.  Because suc ...
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