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TSL secondary allocation [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-30 10:11 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
According to some mums, the TSL secondary allocation to Band 1 school is only 30-40% per year.  Why still so many parents would like their kids to study in TSL?
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-30 16:37 |只看該作者
Becoz they are blindly believed that good english could bring the kid to everywhere.

TSL is factually a school purposely for enthical minority in HK, i.e. Parkintani, Indian, etc...  This explains why they use English as media.  

Good english is not neccessary related to good academic result, in Math, KM...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-30 17:37 |只看該作者
For information.

Click Students

Click SSPA result
但是,渡過了黑暗,不就是黎明了嗎 ?!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-30 17:49 |只看該作者
Every parent has his/her own reason to pick or not to pick a school.  However, leaving biased and unverified claims like these here does not seems to be helpful and responsible.  

原帖由 smartcar 於 08-11-30 16:37 發表
Becoz they are blindly believed that good english could bring the kid to everywhere.

TSL is factually a school purposely for enthical minority in HK, i.e. Parkintani, Indian, etc...  This explains wh ...

[ 本帖最後由 kaifu 於 08-11-30 20:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-30 18:23 |只看該作者
Totally agreed!
原帖由 kaifu 於 08-11-30 17:49 發表
Every parent has his/her own reason to pick or not to pick a school.  However, leaving biased and unverified claims like these here does not seems to be helpful and respobsible.  

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-30 20:19 |只看該作者
如果只關心中游派位的家長, 唔會試TSL.

因為, 有d家長仍然誤以為the TSL secondary allocation to Band 1 school is only 30-40% per year.  而又堅信某d學校仍然無論何時都90%升英中.

但有心讀TSL的家長, 會知道TSL的secondary allocation to Band 1 school在這幾年的改變. 中學在今年收左某校學生, 如果未如理想, 明年都未必想再收, 更唔好話送表比學校邀請學生interview.

good english could ‘NOT’ bring the kid to everywhere --但可以帶來優勢. 好似我妹妹在香港中文中學讀書, 在美國完成Master, 雖然成績好理想, 但佢對自己的英文始終有微言, 因為佢始終無信心講英文同有香港同伴, 所以懶得就懶.  直至佢回港工作, 除了佢秘書, 全公司都係外國人, 唔講唔得, 信心先返晒來, 四國開會都好興輕鬆, 因為佢ke英語能力已不只工作範圍. 香港人通常識好多’字’, 但唔敢講同唔識點講. 閒談卻好似開會.

TSL比到語境, 不要只以為金髮, 印度… 先係講英文, 中國人面孔好多都係回流, 唔識中文. 問題貴子女識唔識爭取.

英中科科係英文. Good english is neccessary & relate to到時ke good academic result.


原帖由 smartcar 於 08-11-30 16:37 發表
Becoz they are blindly believed that good english could bring the kid to everywhere.

TSL is factually a school purposely for enthical minority in HK, i.e. Parkintani, Indian, etc...  This explains wh ...

[ 本帖最後由 mamimummy 於 08-12-1 01:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-30 21:26 |只看該作者
The SPAA is good, covering 2006 to 2008, total 75 students admitted to B1 schools.  Excuse me and I did not meant to spark off anything.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-30 22:16 |只看該作者
我自己唔係陳守仁家長, 不過我相信時代唔同左, 更加多既家長唔係淨係為左入band 1中學去揀一間學校, 而係注重小朋友既學習質素同埋底可以學到咩野.  

要入一間好既大學, 英文好係必須, 而且相信未來都係唔會改變既事實, 但要學好英文, 只係靠入一間band 1 既emi 中學都未必一定有保障, 好多英中既學生都未必學得好英文.  語言係應該由細個開始"浸"出黎, 如果可以配合好既英語環境, 就更加可以事半功倍, 我相信呢個正正係陳守仁受歡迎既原因.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-1 02:35 |只看該作者
對不起. 我語氣都重左. 我明白無一間學校係適合所有人.

我來自中文小學, 當我進了一間英文中學的初期,全英環境令我好frustrated, 更被來自英小的同學(尤其SFA)嚇呆了, D英文真係好勁, 之後花了很大氣力才趕上. 所以我想女兒讀英小, 但想起弟弟讀SFA, 當時真係喊住做功課. 最後P.5轉左當時的下午校就輕鬆快樂左好多.
但咁多年後ke今日, 更認同 G-MA所講, “
語言係應該由細個始""出黎, 如果可以配合好既英語環境, 就更加可以事半功倍” 的事實. TSL基本上是可達到這點的. 但當然小朋友本身是要主動和喜歡英文.

TSL有些家長都好似我, 即使成績可以入某些名校都 (可能) 未必會選擇. 當然絕對唔係話這些學校唔好, 只是有d野對於我們更重要和更適合自己的子女. 正如當日選TSL一樣. 謝.

: 2006 to 2008 --- 一年度


原帖由 smartcar 於 08-11-30 21:26 發表
The SPAA is good, covering 2006 to 2008, total 75 students admitted to B1 schools.  Excuse me and I did not meant to spark off anything.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-1 07:51 |只看該作者
Agree.  I happen to know someone who is a graduate of a well-known EMI secondary school and he failed an English course at university last year.  I was very surprised and asked him what happened.  He told me that his English was not as good as his secondary school classmates because he was coming from a chinese primary school.  

原帖由 mamimummy 於 08-12-1 02:35 發表
對不起. 我語氣都重左. 我明白無一間學校係適合所有人.

我來自中文小學, 當我進了一間英文中學的初期,全英環境令我好frustrated, 更被來自英小的同學(尤其SFA)嚇呆了, D英文真係好勁, 之後花了很大氣力才趕上.  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-1 12:11 |只看該作者
呢個正正係現時最大既問題.  好多小朋友係中文小學成績好好, 入到英中, 但其實佢既英文底子並唔係想像中咁好, 又或者小學階段既成績係操練返嚟既, 但去到emi 中學要應付大量既英文知識, 真係要花好多功夫先可以追得上.  所以政府其實唔應該投放資源去攪中學既母語教學, 應該將d資源用係小學, 等小朋友從小就學好d英文, 就唔會攪到宜家中文又唔得, 英文又唔得.

原帖由 kaifu 於 08-12-1 07:51 發表
Agree.  I happen to know someone who is a graduate of a well-known EMI secondary school and he failed an English course at university last year.  I was very surprised and asked him what happened.  He  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-1 20:35 |只看該作者
小學階段既成績係操練返嚟既 --- le 個正正係要正視ke問題,小學其實是培養思考探索的階段,
但小朋友為了操練達到升中要求, 已失去寶貴的數年.

政府真係應該將d資源用係小學, 等小朋友從小就學好d英文,
培養好自找答案的能力, 來應付日後真正學習須要.

原帖由 G-Ma 於 08-12-1 12:11 發表
呢個正正係現時最大既問題.  好多小朋友係中文小學成績好好, 入到英中, 但其實佢既英文底子並唔係想像中咁好, 又或者小學階段既成績係操練返嚟既, 但去到emi 中學要應付大量既英文知識, 真係要花好多功夫先可以追得 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-2 11:17 |只看該作者
我仲未係陳守仁既家長, 但我老公都講過陳守仁既派位好散, 好多學生應該係自己去考, 所佢同津校比, 佢既派位係唔錯+啦! 而一些無登出來既學生,可能係d東南亞小朋友去左d唔同既學校或番自己國家升讀.

我同事既妹妹係一間bk媽咪認為既超級女校畢業, 讀本地大學時候, 去了星加坡讀左幾個月大學(交流) 但同事講星加坡d大學生英文很好, 亞妹追得好辛苦, 星加坡教授既英文講得好快, 同香港大學教授好唔同, 好再佢讀果間超級女校既時候, 英文氣紛很好. 算係可以免免強強涯左幾個月, 連d超級名校培養出來既學生, 去到星加坡都唔掂, 香港點做國際都會. (補充星加坡得兩間大學, 入得去係好勁!)

其實星加坡d學生英文很好,係佢地上堂唔講中文,(中文堂先至普遍話學減筆字) 因有好多馬拉人, 印度人....., 同現時香港既兩間直資好相似, 一間係陳守仁;而另外一間係SMC, 其他還有....
不過星加坡政府將英文視為母話, 同香港唔同, 回歸後既香港教育政策->中文好深, 英文好淺, 睇 TSA 就知, d高官提倡母語, 自己仔女讀曬國際學校,跟住又去埋外國...

[ 本帖最後由 catcatmom 於 08-12-2 11:20 編輯 ]

發表於 08-12-2 11:40 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-12-2 13:53 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-2 21:30 |只看該作者

If you can afford to send your kid to CKY, I also agree it's a good choice.  Yet, there are very very few schools in HK with that many NET teachers & yet the English standard of the kids may be as good (except the accent that we can hardly pick up).  And, I don't think local teachers are worse off.

I agree with G-ma.  Nowadays, we don't only count on the teachers.  We should be actively involved in the learning of our kids.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-2 21:56 |只看該作者
In fact, most brand-name schools, e.g. La Salle, DGS, DBS, Marymount, are english schools mainly taught by local teachers with HK accent.   Their students also talk to each other mainly in Cantonese.  Would you question their English standard (students and teachers) in the same way?  

原帖由 ljsze 於 08-12-2 21:30 發表

If you can afford to send your kid to CKY, I also agree it's a good choice.  Yet, there are very very few schools in HK with that many NET teachers & yet the English standard of the kids may be ...

發表於 08-12-2 22:18 |只看該作者
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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 08-12-2 22:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 belle 於 08-12-2 22:18 發表
I think both of you misunderstand my point.  I said teachers in TSL are not good at English.  Teachers in TSL do not equal to all local teachers in other school.  

On the open day, I heard the conver ...

我覺得你將tsl及cky相比, 係不太公平。一分錢一分貨, cky幾多錢一個月, tsl幾多錢一個月? 學校可以affort請幾多個外籍老師呢? 我唔認為有口音 = 教得唔好。新加坡英文都有新加坡口音, 但係佢地肯講, 肯用, 自然流暢。
香港老師教英文都有好處既, 佢地知道本地小朋友既弱點, 又比外籍老師肯做, 勤力。我仔仔而家幼稚園, 有小學, 佢地有28個外籍老師, 但幾錢學費呢? 又係好貴。
小朋友會唔會同其他種族既人有機會用英文, 唔只係睇佢地係唔係玩埋一齊。有d project都可能有機會要佢地合作, 咁大家自然有交流啦!
你係openday stay左幾耐? 同幾多個老師/聽到幾多個老師講英文? 如果單憑一日就話人地學校老師英文唔得, 又點會有成25xx幾人去考呢?
我唸有心讀tsl / 讀緊tsl既家長, 一定係有信心將小朋友交比佢地, 知道佢地會提供一個良好語境比佢地學習語言。至於佢地派成點, 考試考成點, 都係各自小朋友既造化, 父母既照顧培育。
我都唔知我仔等日適唔適應tsl, 唔知佢派成點, 但絕不會因為一兩次而話人地老師唔好....
鬼叫我窮....冇得比個仔去cky & 國際學校佢讀 唯有平平地讀住先啦...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-2 22:37 |只看該作者
Did you mean all or most TSL teahers are not good at English?  Or was it just the case that you happened to hear a few teachers not speaking good english?   Make sure you have enough evidences before making a generalized claim like that, otherwise you are bad-mouthing the school and hurting the teachers, parents, and students there.  
I am sure even in those brand name schools it is not difficult to find teachers with bad english, including secondary schools and universities.   

By the way, are you sure that all english teachers at CKY are native speakers?  I heard that it was not the case (but I could be wrong though).  

原帖由 belle 於 08-12-2 22:18 發表
I think both of you misunderstand my point.  I said teachers in TSL are not good at English.  Teachers in TSL do not equal to all local teachers in other school.  

On the open day, I heard the conver ...

[ 本帖最後由 kaifu 於 08-12-2 22:42 編輯 ]
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