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港大同學會小學 vs 救恩學校 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-24 22:33 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本人已收到港大同學會 & 救恩的取錄通知信,但不知如何取捨,有無小朋友現在就讀於這兩間小學,何否給本人一些意見???
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Catherine Ho

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 08-10-24 22:53 |只看該作者
我女女係讀港同的, so far好滿意, 活動教學, 小朋友好有信心, 表現力強, 師生關係融洽, 學生係好charming好bright的
(你如果有參觀學校, 就憑課室decoration已經估到校風如何了)
救恩比較少家長講, 佢有中學的不過好遠, 聽講係一間好有愛心既學生, 對學生成長好關心
原帖由 catherinehwm 於 08-10-24 10:33 PM 發表
本人已收到港大同學會 & 救恩的取錄通知信,但不知如何取捨,有無小朋友現在就讀於這兩間小學,何否給本人一些意見???

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-24 23:09 |只看該作者
港大同學會,the secondary school is better.

原帖由 catherinehwm 於 08-10-24 22:33 發表
本人已收到港大同學會 & 救恩的取錄通知信,但不知如何取捨,有無小朋友現在就讀於這兩間小學,何否給本人一些意見???

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-25 00:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 steven819 於 08-10-24 23:09 發表
港大同學會,the secondary school is better.

My kid is studying in Kau Yan. It's a good Christian school: teachers know the kids very well, able to explore their strengths and help them in their weaknesses, pass on values, focus on family relationship.... My daughter (and me) does not have much study pressure and enjoy studying there. It is not only a school full of love but also has good academic results. It has a good associated secondary school in Kowloon East (not the secondary school in New Territories). Graduates can go to this associated school and other very famous secondary schools (you can check this out in the school's website). So I do not bother this too much.

Another important thing you should know is that the ex-principal of HKUGAPS (Mrs Gloria Chan who set up HKUGA primary and secondary sessions !) is now the principal of Kau Yan. She is reputable and is a Christian. She loves kids, knows the kids and inspires kids and parents. If you want to know more about Kau Yan, you can simply call or visit the school and chat with her directly. She is very nice.

For me, my son will also go to this school next year. Just to give u some more info about Kau Yan: It has own chef and kitchen to cook for kids everyday (balanced diet with soup, fruit...). Encourage reading. Most of the homework is finished at school. Short term break in Nov so you can avoid travelling in high seasons. Overseas trips for elder kids. Visits to local elderly and China poor areas.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-25 01:17 |只看該作者

請問您是幼稚園學生的家長OR小學的家長?我是幼稚園的家長,非常同意您的講法,不過唔知小學D老師係咪都同幼稚園D老師一樣咁有愛心,都有同個仔去見其他名校,唔知係咪個仔讀開Kau Yan,覺得其他學校D老師冇咁順眼,冇咩笑容,定係名校關係?我覺得Kau Yan 啲老師似老師多D,有愛心同有耐性果種,唔係只會鍚最叻個幾個果嘅老師,所以第時細佬妹會讀返Kau Yan 幼稚園。

係呢,您覺唔覺得Kau Yan多咗外國人讀,有黑人和混血兒?

[ 本帖最後由 manfred 於 08-10-25 01:20 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-25 06:11 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

好多謝各位既意見。我想問係 academic 方面,有好多人都話港大同學會好淺,無乜功課做,咁救恩又如何? 程度相比較深 / 淺?
Catherine Ho

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-25 09:27 |只看該作者
Just read from the following website

and have a general impression that girls have much better 派位 than boys if we don't look at 匯基書院 in Kowloon east. I also notice that no boy go to king's college, which is a popular school in net 11. Anyway, 匯基書院 is also a very popular and good secondary school but far away.  The history 港大同學會小學 is short and so it might be more risky.  Please correct me if I am wrong.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-25 09:38 |只看該作者
Sorry, I've found another link


The allocation result is better in this year.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-25 18:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 readers 於 08-10-25 00:32 發表

Another important thing you should know is that the ex-principal of HKUGAPS (Mrs Gloria Chan who set up HKUGA primary and secondary sessions !) is now the principal of Kau Yan. She is reputable and is a Christian. She loves kids, knows the kids and inspires kids and parents. If you want to know more about Kau Yan, you can simply call or visit the school and chat with her directly. She is very nice. ...

Why did she quit the job in HKUGAPS?  I remember that she said she would retire and do voluntary job only.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-25 18:18 |只看該作者
前HKUGA校長都好後生的, 走時話退休及做義工, 之後想重返教育界都沒有什麼問題呀, 她都係想作育英材, 喜歡教育。

現在的HKUGA任校長, 係由幅校長升上的, 她對學校都很熱心及關心學生。轉校長影響都不大。

另外HKUGA小一的課程都不是淺的, 其實睇下家長想要什麼, 亦有功課做, 需要學生思考的, 不是傳統教學, 而係學習愉快, 唔好話聽問而去決定學校, 都要問下用家的。



原帖由 wildberries 於 08-10-25 18:02 發表

Why did she quit the job in HKUGAPS?  I remember that she said she would retire and do voluntary job only.

[ 本帖最後由 iwff 於 08-10-25 18:27 編輯 ]

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 08-10-25 20:22 |只看該作者
同意, 港同功課唔淺的, 一般人對呢類型新思維直資都有d偏見, 認為功課少, 唔駛做, 學唔到野
其實功課係有的, 量係比傳統學校少, 不過唔等於唔駛做, 反而因為無咁死板, 好多都open questions, 小朋友要花時間去唸, 又唸得好開心, 寫下又多d寫下又多d, 分分鐘比傳統學校既功課花得更多時間去完成
同樣道理, 老師設計功課, 同改卷既時間亦較多, 所以工作係辛苦的, turnover高亦無可口非 (邊個唔想搵份工輕鬆d), 去年學校為左留住d有質數既老師, 學費由1650加到1800, 家長都好讚成, 所以多左老師留低
最欣賞係學校教小朋友既態度, 自由度好大, 學生好多創作表達既機會.......今年開學orientation week, 你知上堂做咩嗎? 作班名, 班口號, 班徵, 選班代表, decorate課室, 什至班規, 全部係老師帶領下, 俾同學自己創作同埋互相投票選出.........所以港同學生係習慣樣樣都主動出擊唔怕羞的, 正如學校所講, 係想培養"活潑, 好學, 思辯, 創新"既學生, 而學校係真正做得到的, 唔係假民主, 至於呢樣係咪你真正想要既野, 就要認真唸下喇 (我都明揀學校真係好頭痛的)

原帖由 iwff 於 08-10-25 06:18 PM 發表
前HKUGA校長都好後生的, 走時話退休及做義工, 之後想重返教育界都沒有什麼問題呀, 她都係想作育英材, 喜歡教育。

現在的HKUGA任校長, 係由幅校長升上的, 她對學校都很熱心及關心學生。轉校長影響都不大。

另外HKUG ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-25 23:03 |只看該作者
其實我覺得Kau Yan & 港大都是培訓領導放面的人材,記得選kau yan時,杜校長(前校長)說他們不是要培訓follower,他們不太注重抄寫,比較注重思考和鼓勵閱讀,我有參加港大的簡介會,同kau yan 的差不多,因為我住在中西區,所以沒有apply 港大.

[ 本帖最後由 manfred 於 08-10-25 23:41 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-26 01:27 |只看該作者
My daughter is in P2. She used to study in KY kindergarten. The teachers in primary section are very nice and caring. For example, when my father in law died last year, the whole class prayed for my daughter to ease her bad feeling of losing her grandad. All the teachers are happy to work with the parents on any problems regarding their kids. They care about every pupil and not only the good ones.

Mrs Gloria Chan left HKUGA after 4yrs service there. She then did volunteer work, mainly helping schools of overseas poor countries. In May 08 she joined KYS to replace the retired Mrs To. She is a Christian and may be that's one of the major reasons that she accepted KYS' offer.

I am not sure whether there are any non-Chinese students (may be just a few). I understand there are some students transferred from some  traditional famous schools to KYS because they could not bear with the heavy pressure there.

I feel good about the academics of KYS. I do not expect a school to teach p3 or p4 stuff in p2. My daughter knows what she should know as a p2 and enjoy studying very much. She has time to read books and play with her brother /us everyday. I spend about 20-30 mins on her homework everyday (just to check her work and prepare for any dictation in the next day).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-26 10:12 |只看該作者
Is there any major changes in this year when Mrs. Gloria Chan act as a new Principal in KYS?  I used to think of 嶺南小學 in Wan Chai, but it also has a new Principal last year and I cannot find any information from BK.    After reading so many good comments on KYS, I start to think of KYS.  What I concern is whether there would be major changes in the teaching staff and school policy, and  whether the Chinese and English standard of students can cope with EMI secondary school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-26 16:08 |只看該作者
Is there a briefing session about KYS on this Friday (31/10) night?  I've seen a poster on the outside of KYS today but I cannot find this information in their website.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-26 22:19 |只看該作者
I think that is for kindergarten session.

原帖由 avislai 於 08-10-26 16:08 發表
Is there a briefing session about KYS on this Friday (31/10) night?  I've seen a poster on the outside of KYS today but I cannot find this information in their website.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-26 23:39 |只看該作者
Core value does not change: christian principle based education. Changes so far are positive in my personal view (e.g. less exam, more native Eng teachers, more reading, etc.). Mrs Gloria Chan is reputable and she has passion in education. I will let my son study in KYS too. I like the KYS under Mrs To. I love the school even more when Gloria arrived.

原帖由 avislai 於 08-10-26 10:12 發表
Is there any major changes in this year when Mrs. Gloria Chan act as a new Principal in KYS?  I used to think of 嶺南小學 in Wan Chai, but it also has a new Principal last year and I cannot find any i ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-27 02:26 |只看該作者
My son is a P.1 student in KYS.   He is one of the students that benefit from the policy of the new principal, i.e. cease examination for P1 students.  

I share Readers' view that this school is full of love and caring.  My son's class teacher knows my son very well, not only his strength and weakness but also his personality.  She always shows appreciation to him and let him be confidence.  As such, I find my son enjoying his school life very much.  The school also organises various activities for parents, e.g.  家長班 .  I like to join the school activities to meet other parents and share views.   Sometimes, I can even chat with Mrs Gloria Chan since she joins the 家長班 as well.  The school makes me feel warm and pleasant!

Regarding the homeworks, they are not that much as my son can almost finish them all at school.  I only take about 20-30 min to check.  Sometimes I may have to spend another 30-60 min to do the revision with my son if there is dictation or assessment.  I think the workload is fair.  There is still enough time for my son to read story books and play games.  

In terms of the teaching style, it is not as creative as mentioned by the parents of 港同.   Both schools have their own characteristics.  Suitable or not would very much depend on the kid's personality and learning style.

原帖由 readers 於 08-10-26 23:39 發表
Core value does not change: christian principle based education. Changes so far are positive in my personal view (e.g. less exam, more native Eng teachers, more reading, etc.). Mrs Gloria Chan is repu ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-27 14:31 |只看該作者
How about the Chinese and English standard of KYS?  As Chinese and English are the core subjects in NSS and Language foundation is mainly developed in Primary School years.  Chinese seems to be especially difficult to learn than English (outside school).  So I think effective language teaching and learning in primary school is very important.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-29 00:08 |只看該作者
There is no reason to doubt the language standard of the school. It has good results in speech day, Cambridge Eng tests, etc. It does not teach p3 thing at p1 but the pupils know what they should know at their grade and enjoy learning.  

I also believe that the best language skill should be achieved through reading.   

原帖由 avislai 於 08-10-27 14:31 發表
How about the Chinese and English standard of KYS?  As Chinese and English are the core subjects in NSS and Language foundation is mainly developed in Primary School years.  Chinese seems to be especi ...
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