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教育王國 討論區 香港培正小學(幼稚園部) 08/09 K1->09/10 K2->10/11 K3~~繼續傾
樓主: vonvon

08/09 K1->09/10 K2->10/11 K3~~繼續傾 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-10 16:53 |只看該作者
Yan Yan reported Man Lai go to school today la.  He is group leader of watermelon group today tim.

BTW, calling vonvon,
Yan Yan also missed Man Lai ah, she said he did not go to school for two days.

原帖由 fatkk 於 08-10-10 11:02 發表

How's ur son? Is he getting better now? TonTon miss him in school bus & school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-10 16:56 |只看該作者
Proud of Man Lai --> to be the group leader of Watermelon. Need to take care all those ladies ah :)!
原帖由 mimi_mama 於 08-10-10 16:53 發表
Yan Yan reported Man Lai go to school today la.  He is group leader of watermelon group today tim.

BTW, calling vonvon,
Yan Yan also missed Man Lai ah, she said he did not go to school for two days.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-10 17:02 |只看該作者
Oh, I think I have to check my daugther's belongings every time la because she is rather 大頭蝦.

In fact, her 大頭蝦 may be learning from me............. twotwo, I cannot find past record, may I know which class is 陶陶 studying??

原帖由 TwoTwo 於 08-10-10 14:20 發表


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-10 17:06 |只看該作者
HeeHee, as mentioned in 927 by class teacher, it's taking turn to be a group leader ga, i.e. every one will be a group leader by every two weeks ga.  Yan Yan was group leader yesterday.  Duty is taking/ collecting stationery etc.

原帖由 fatkk 於 08-10-10 16:56 發表
Proud of Man Lai --> to be the group leader of Watermelon. Need to take care all those ladies ah :)!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-10 21:34 |只看該作者
Thanks fatkk and mimi_mama

Man Lai連續三日都發燒, 唔知係咪病的關係, 特別扭計, 今早差點趕唔切上校巴返學tim呀
我而家仲返緊工呀, 返到屋企佢都瞓左了

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-11 07:17 |只看該作者
oic! Thanks, mimi_mama. Next time I should not miss the parents' day.

TonTon just joined a music class (in a group), hope she likes it. I'm also thinking other activities for her. How about all other kids here? What activities did u join or considering to join? Let's share here!
原帖由 mimi_mama 於 08-10-10 17:06 發表
HeeHee, as mentioned in 927 by class teacher, it's taking turn to be a group leader ga, i.e. every one will be a group leader by every two weeks ga.  Yan Yan was group leader yesterday.  Duty is takin ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-11 07:23 |只看該作者

After 9p still working...working shift or need to overtime?
Man Lai fever x 3-day, I think u already worked shift & overtimed a lot at home in the past 3 days :( ...Take Care!

原帖由 vonvon 於 08-10-10 21:34 發表
Thanks fatkk and mimi_mama

Man Lai連續三日都發燒, 唔知係咪病的關係, 特別扭計, 今早差點趕唔切上校巴返學tim呀
我而家仲返緊工呀, 返到屋企佢都瞓左了 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-11 14:55 |只看該作者
Night shift to 10 pm ar

原帖由 fatkk 於 08-10-11 07:23 發表

After 9p still working...working shift or need to overtime?
Man Lai fever x 3-day, I think u already worked shift & overtimed a lot at home in the past 3 days :( ...Take Care!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-11 14:58 |只看該作者
仲有, 洗老師話活動冊功課, 要揭去做果頁, 摺好入落file.

原帖由 fatkk 於 08-10-11 07:17 發表
oic! Thanks, mimi_mama. Next time I should not miss the parents' day.

TonTon just joined a music class (in a group), hope she likes it. I'm also thinking other activities for her. How about all other ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-12 01:10 |只看該作者

原帖由 mimi_mama 於 08-10-10 17:02 發表
Oh, I think I have to check my daugther's belongings every time la because she is rather 大頭蝦.

In fact, her 大頭蝦 may be learning from me............. twotwo, I cannot find past record, may I know ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-12 01:19 |只看該作者
我暫時俾陶陶讀緊公文數學,一個星期返一堂45分鍾,日日都要做一份功課﹗遲d諗住俾佢學另外一些動態的活動,或者係跳舞﹗之前俾佢學過跳健康舞,因4 歲才能報讀,我博大霧幫佢報讀了,結果,佢係跟唔到步法,所以,我諗住遲d先,等佢大d再報。又俾佢學過游水,結果,佢都唔係好肯學,佢話原因係覺得個老師好醜怪,你話係唔係俾佢激死﹗(其實,個老師都幾好樣的)不過,佢真係好難教﹗好多藉口唔想去學﹗

原帖由 fatkk 於 08-10-11 07:17 發表
oic! Thanks, mimi_mama. Next time I should not miss the parents' day.

TonTon just joined a music class (in a group), hope she likes it. I'm also thinking other activities for her. How about all other ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 07:10 |只看該作者
Thanks! Pls keep on reminding me.
原帖由 vonvon 於 08-10-11 14:58 發表
仲有, 洗老師話活動冊功課, 要揭去做果頁, 摺好入落file.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 07:28 |只看該作者
She just started a gymnastic class & English class yesterday. Both are in a kinder near my house. At the beginning, she cried a lot & not want to stay there. After 20 minutes struggled, she is fine.

TonTon joined a summer dance program in last Aug. She enjoyed it a lot!I want her to learn ballet or modern dance.  But, I can see some topics in BK, they said kids cannot follow well before age of 5.  So, I'm searching which school & what kind of dance suitable her. As u mentioned "健康舞", maybe I can also think about this, too. Which school did 陶陶 learn 健康舞?

For swimming, my elder son did join one when he was 3, but he was quite reluctant to follow & cannot learn anything at that time. And, it also made him hate swimming. Luckily, we brought him to "play" water & eventually not "hate". He tried to join lesson again when he was 5, that's a lot better. So, I think if only 3-y-o, just parents bring them to "play" water & train up not scare water is good enough.
原帖由 TwoTwo 於 08-10-12 01:19 發表
我暫時俾陶陶讀緊公文數學,一個星期返一堂45分鍾,日日都要做一份功課﹗遲d諗住俾佢學另外一些動態的活動,或者係跳舞﹗之前俾佢學過跳健康舞,因4 歲才能報讀,我博大霧幫佢報讀了,結果,佢係跟唔到步法,所以,我諗住遲d先,等佢大d再報 ...

[ 本帖最後由 fatkk 於 08-10-12 07:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-12 09:51 |只看該作者
洵洵而家都番緊 ballet, 係今年六月開始, 暑期個陣有 open day, 我去睇過, 覺得大陪份小朋友都跟到喎. 可能因為個班係 3-4or5 歲班, d 動作都好簡單, 所以我覺得 ok.

另外佢仲有番英文, 畫班, 同埋音樂班, 都係啱啱先開始.

暑假個陣都有參加親子游泳班, 不過因為主要係令小朋友唔怕水, 教既野都好簡單, 所以我覺得冇乜用 (因為我地本身都耐唔耐會帶佢去玩水, 所以佢唔怕水), 本來想俾佢上獨立既游泳班, 但因為已經 join 左咁多個 course, 同埋天氣開始轉涼, 所以都係決定唔 join 喇. 下年先啦.

原帖由 fatkk 於 08-10-12 07:28 發表
She just started a gymnastic class & English class yesterday. Both are in a kinder near my house. At the beginning, she cried a lot & not want to stay there. After 20 minutes struggled, she is fine.


[ 本帖最後由 mchan89 於 08-10-12 09:58 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 10:19 |只看該作者
Which school & where do 洵洵 taking ballet class? If I choose ballet, I'm considering 毛妹, do u know whether it's gd or not?
原帖由 mchan89 於 08-10-12 09:51 發表
洵洵而家都番緊 ballet, 係今年六月開始, 暑期個陣有 open day, 我去睇過, 覺得大陪份小朋友都跟到喎. 可能因為個班係 3-4or5 歲班, d 動作都好簡單, 所以我覺得 ok.

另外佢仲有番英文, 畫班, 同埋音樂班, 都係啱 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 10:39 |只看該作者
I'd put our PC K1 Am Class List on the first page of this topic. I found it's to figure out each of u when we chatting here. (u know! my memory is very poor!)
Some of u are active members here, like isaac_Ma & winwin831...., you can give me the information & I add on there (P.1), too.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-12 11:41 |只看該作者
bad, 我個仔又發燒了

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-12 22:36 |只看該作者
洵洵番緊九龍灣王仁曼. 毛妹都出名, 口啤應該唔錯, 我估應該幾好掛.


原帖由 fatkk 於 08-10-12 10:19 發表
Which school & where do 洵洵 taking ballet class? If I choose ballet, I'm considering 毛妹, do u know whether it's gd or not?

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-13 00:55 |只看該作者
心心學咗ballet 都有1, 但睇得出佢有興趣無天份. 只係跟到. 另外有上公文數學, 譜通話及香兒IEC. 佢對音樂及舞蹈有興趣. 對畫畫就麻麻. 暑假同佢報咗YWCA 的畫班. 開頭哭咗4, 原因係男老師, 真比佢激壞. 後其比佢番以前pn學校的畫班先ok. 游泳班我都想同佢對, 但佢好怕水. 唯有等明年先至安排啦.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-13 08:31 |只看該作者

咦, 洵洵番既音樂班都係香兒既 IEC 呀, 不過只係啱啱係十月先開始, 同埋要親子, 直到下年一月先會獨立上.

心心番緊邊度呀 ? 係咪都係何文田 ? 佢而家係乜班呀 ?

原帖由 anson_ma 於 08-10-13 00:55 發表
心心學咗ballet 都有1年, 但睇得出佢有興趣無天份. 只係跟到. 另外有上公文數學, 譜通話及香兒IEC. 佢對音樂及舞蹈有興趣. 對畫畫就麻麻. 暑假同佢報咗YWCA 的畫班. 開頭哭咗4日, 原因係男老師, 真比佢激壞. 後其比 ...
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