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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 黐脷根(Tongue Tie)和語言發展遲緩的關係?
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[聽/語障] 黐脷根(Tongue Tie)和語言發展遲緩的關係? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-8 13:21 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
其實黐脷根(tongue Tie,  ankyloglossia) 會否影響兒童語言發展遲緩, 現時在醫學界仍有爭論. 而小兒有輕微黐脷根, 在看過了耳鼻喉科醫生和言語治療師後, 我再上過超過30 websites, 看過超過100篇中英文章, 我不相信耳鼻喉科醫生和言語治療師的意見, 因為我發覺在這專題上, 他們並沒有足夠資料,書本上的知識可能已是過時了.

我傾向是有影響小兒遲說話,說話吃力和發音不正(Difficulty making (articulating) the t, d, z, s, th, n, and l sounds as your young child learns to speak.) (The most common is Ws as Ls; for example the word "lemonade" would come out as "wemonade.")

在上網找Tongue Tie資料的同時, 竟意外發現老爺和先生都有輕微黐脷根, 而我先生竟告訴我他說中, 英文都感"吃力"(他是跨國企業的中層), 他說講說話令他舌頭很倦, 他竟同意了他自己都做手術.



現在我先生要放狗鏈, 小兒又如何呢?可惜anesthesia 有機會令小朋友(小兒未滿4歲)腦細胞死亡(
), 真是仍需考慮....我會再找醫生傾.




A. 輕微舌繫韌帶過短:指寶寶舌頭所能伸出來的
B. 中等舌繫韌帶過短:指寶寶舌頭伸出的長度在8~11㎜。
C. 重度舌繫韌帶過短:指寶寶只能伸出3~7㎜。
D. 完全舌繫帶沾黏:寶寶舌頭所能向前伸的長度在3㎜以下。






A. 資料比較全面的website


B. Detailed tongue tie pdf file by Dr. Brian Palmer, Tongue Tie Expert


C. You tube tongue tie MD talk, case study and surgery (Billy - Moderate tongue tie boy)









D. Tongue Tie laser surgery - not much pain, not much blood


E. Tongue Tie Net - new view about tongue tie



Under-developed oral kinaesthesia is the result of individuals with a tongue tie having a very poor sense of the geography of the mouth, because they have such a limited range of lingual movements. Speech problems occur which are difficult to correct by conventional means because they cannot memorize the correct movements of speech, or be sure of always achieving them. Adults develop methods of speech which mask their difficulties with sounds.

Both adults and children often try to speak with a small oral aperture, so that they can make the lingual contacts required for pronouncing consonants; others speak slowly, softly or loudly. Nearly all patients past toddler stage are aware of the movements their tongue cannot make. Clarity in rapid speech is almost always impossible for a tongue-tied person to achieve.
The movements that tongue tie renders difficult may vary from patient to patient but some movements - such as lingual elevation to the upper teeth and horizontal lingual protrusion - are consistently difficult or impossible to achieve because of the pull of the tight lingual frenum on the floor of the mouth and on the tongue. Other movements (whether articulatory or unrelated to speech) can only be achieved under optimal conditions: during careful speech, after prolonged speech therapy, when concentrating, and when talking slowly.

Thus it is seen that many with tongue tie learn to compensate for their limited tongue mobility by adopting alterations of movements. These are rarely successful since they are often conspicuous or inefficient.

(文章草草, 有機會再整理...)

[ 本文章最後由 lycheema 於 08-8-8 13:29 編輯 ]
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-10 18:41 |只看該作者


我細仔3歲也未能說話, 黐脷根有無遺傳?因為爸爸小時候有黐脷根,不過剪咗.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-11 11:23 |只看該作者
黐脷根是遺傳的, 父母或近親有黐脷根, 小朋友有黐脷根的機會大很多.


Genetic factors

Tongue tie often runs in families. Some relatives may only have mild effects or no apparent symptoms while others show a severe impact on structure and function. As this strong familial tendency exists, parents may also notice a similarity to other relatives with tongue tie, especially in the older child.  The similarities observed may include postures of lips and tongue, habits of speech, and shapes of the nose and face.  

What causes tongue-tie?Tongue-tie is an inherited birth defect. Usually the mother or father or a close relative also had the condition.



我因為研究我亞仔是否黐脷根而引致語言發展遲緩,竟同時發現我先生的黐脷根, 情況比亞仔還嚴重(因他多年來學會了以舌頭"張就"compensate", 發音沒有問題, 只是比較吃力,所以連他自己發夢都估不到自己是黐脷根).

上星期六我先生就亞仔是否黐脷根見過了小兒外科醫生, 中午12時見, 小兒外科醫生診斷我先生有黐脷根, 下午2時我先生就做了cut黐脷根的手術(手術本身少過10分鐘), 他說cut咗之後條比較輕鬆, 我見佢條脷比以前靈活好多.

我亞仔因為要全身痳醉做手術, 所以會在8月底响浸會做手術, 之後我可以再告訴你效果如何?



Name: Olive
Country: usa
My daughter had tongue tie surgery at age 6 in July. We have noticed a big improvement in her speech clarity. Previously I couldnt understand her 50% of the time. I got very tired of continually saying What? to her. Now I understand everything that she says. The procedure was very simple. She ate ice cream for a few hours afterwards and then was ready for everything and anything. She was up and around and playing with her friends. There was some sensitivity for a few days but there really was nothing to it. I wish that we had it done when it was first noticed by her dentist at three. The dentist said that if a speech pathologist determines that it is interfering with her speech then it should be done. The schools speech pathologist determined that it wasnt so we left it at that. However her speech was so difficult to understand, we finally said forget it- even after a second opinion from another school speech pathologist, we had it done anyway. It really is a simple procedure that should have been done sooner rather than later. I think it would have saved us a lot of trouble and agonizing.

Name: Worried Mommy
Country: U.S.A.
Well, we got the procedure done on my 3 year old yesterday and I am so pleased with the result! She has had no pain, no problems with eating, etc. She speech is much clearer. She still sounds...well like a 3 yr old, but she isn't slurring her words and making that gurgling (?) sound that she used to make. I am very pleased that we did the procedure and would recommend it to anyone. Thanks!

Name: Jen Ciaccio
Country: usa
My son is 3, and I just discovered (myself) that, not only is he tongue tied, so were all of his 3 siblings (it broke for all but two of my children). At 3, he does not speak words recognizable to anyone outside of the family. At 21/2, the Navy pediatrician decided he was autistic (without having noticed the severe tongue tie)because my son was not speaking. Mike KNOWS he can't talk like his twin sisters, who are only a year older, and he avoids the stress of speaking situations by refusing to acknowledge strangers. Aside from speaking, he is a normal, affectionate 3 year old AT HOME. He is shy with other children, and does not deal well with strange adults. Curiously enough, he is picking up Japanese words (we're stationed there) with more ease than english words. Please get your childrens'tongue tie repaired as soon as you notice it and spare yourselves the potential for the immeasurable grief that we've undergone in the past year, and your children from the shame and embarrasment that my children who are still tongue tied endure. Just as a warning: my daughter (whose frenum did not break) has choked on hard candy and had to have the heimlich.

Name: Jay
Country: Netherlands
Hi; I had my frenectomy done quite late in life. Actually it started bothering me as soon as I started being sexually active. I couldn't move my tongue around easily and sticking it out as far as I could would mean having an inflamed frenulum for days afterwards. So now at 40, I finally had it done 5 days ago. The surgery itself was absolutely painless. But the specialist warned me that it'd be sore for a few days and that it was important to start exercising it immediatelly on a daily basis. The sutures look bad and my salivary glands are very pronounced underneath my tongue. Eating is still a nightmare and in the morning the pain is definitely an issue. But what really makes me happy and keeps me positive is that there already is a definite improvement. I can move my tongue around freely, extend it through both corners, touch the roof of my mouth with my mouth open, and have gained at least 1 cm on vertical protrusion. It just feels much more mobile and I'm glad that the frenulum isn't an issue anymore-apart from the spot where it was before being painful at the moment!-. Although it still hurts and the sutures are still there, I already feel better about my ' lingual abilities' . So I do my exercises 4 times a day, grimacing through the pain. Can't wait for it to heal. Don;t know why I waited so long to have it done! My advice: have it done, by a specialist, ask a lot of questions beforehand, don't expect to become a humanoid snake afterwards and be patient about the healing process!

Name: ellen
Country: U.S.A.
Hi my name is Ellen,I'm 31 yrs old now and I was tongue-tied.I had done with my tongue-tied surgery last year ago.The surgery only took 15 mnts.Now I can speak better than before.I have no problem with my speech now.If anybody have tongue-tie and want to have done/surgery has to ask details to the doctor first before do it ok?Thanks to have time to read my messages.Good Luck!

Name: Ms. Drama4Life
Country: India

My 4 1/2 old son was tongue tied until a few months ago. I was unaware of the surgery until I went to get him evaluated thinking his baby like speech was due to a developmental problem being that he was premature. Afterwards, he was referred to the speech therapy and she notice the tongue tie... thank goodness. He received the surgery and recovered completely in less than a week. We decided on the surgery because he was having so much difficultly pronouncing his words even though he knew exactly what they were. My son began to use his hands to express what he wanted from others and that hurt me deeply. Since then he talks non stop, is more outgoing, and much more happier. His preschool teacher has noticed a major chance in his social skills. Don't get me wrong he has a long way to go but there's a big change. For what I've been told speech problems due to tongue tie require a min of 12 mons therapy. It's a good thing his elementary school offers it without labeling children by automatically placing in special education.

原文章由 lovelypig2008 於 08-8-10 18:41 發表
我細仔3歲也未能說話, 黐脷根有無遺傳?因為爸爸小時候有黐脷根,不過剪咗.

[ 本文章最後由 lycheema 於 08-8-11 11:26 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-11 11:41 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 lycheema 的文章

太長, comments 要分兩次上載:-

(不過小心有些醫生不專於黐脷根症狀, 診症一知半解,  我同事就是例子, 她勁黐脷根,但佢細細個時,佢亞媽睇個醫生話佢無事, 咁就勁黐脷根30多年, 所以當年佢亞媽無取second opinion, third opinion真是有點錯)

:Name: J
Country: U.S.A.
My son just turned 5 and had his surgery 2 days ago. Like everyone else, I was filled with anxiety and hoped that having this done was the right decision. He never had any eating problems and his speech is fine but it's something we decided would be beneficial to him. We went to a surgical center we had the best possible experience. I was given scrubs and allowed in the operating room until he fell asleep. By the time I got back into my regular clothes and walked to the waiting room, the Dr. arrived about 5 min. later. The surgery was incredibly fast and when we went to the post-op room, my son was in a chair, eating an ice pop and talking to anyone who'd listen. After the surgery, he had 1 dose of regular tylenol and didn't need anything else. I hope this will help put some minds at ease!

Name: nfishr
Country: U.S.A.

I am 20 yrs old and just had a frenectomy performed today by way of a laser. The procedure was almost pain-free and it restored the movement of my tongue immediately! Kissing was a big issue and my dentist recommended the surgery to prevent future gum problems. I would highly recommend it!

Name: Dwan Craigie
Country: United Kingdom

my 2 year old son Oliver was born with toung tie and as soon as i found out i decided to get it cut. the doctors told me that it was best to get it done whilst he was young so i did! im very glad he had it done as you wouldnt even know he had had it! it only took seconds and bled for a min but after that he was none of the wiser!! good luck to all of you

Name: rachel
Country: India

my sonis 2 yrs old and today he got tongue tied it really was not that bad, because he is so little they gave him somthing to calm him down and after 15 min they took him to get anistega then 5min later it was done, they told me to give him tylenol, and that because of all the medecine he would cry allot he did only for the first 30 min after and once the tylenol kicked in hes been great playing and jumping,all in all it was not that bad.

Name: Shannon
Country: United Kingdom
I got my tongue tie released yesterday, im stugglin 2 eat much at the min but i can already tell a huge difference! I really recommend gettin it done (it really doesn't hurt as much as people say it does)

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-23 02:17 |只看該作者
你囝囝睇的 小兒外科醫生診金收費 & cut黐脷根的手術要幾錢 ?
我都想同我囝囝睇下是否 黐脷根
可否俾醫生名 & 地址我 ?

或請 pm給我

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-4 00:46 |只看該作者
Pls check PM.

My son has its surgery last Friday at private hospital.  很好, 只是吃鎮靜劑, 不用痳醉(不過要在手背打入"豆仔", 媽咪要留意). 收費少於1萬元, 我先生在診所做, 約3千多元!

So amazing!

After tongue tie surgery - my husband

Last night, I have a chance to listen my husband talking to his Canadian colleague over the long distance call (he used to do this before at home), and I want to tell you, surprisingly, I found his spoken English becomes SO SMOOTH AND FLUENT! The time between two words is shorter and more flexible, ....  He used to talk in big voice (so that his tongue can twist to pronounce the right sounds), but I can see he can control his voice very good last night.  

And I noticed he used to heavily twist or roll his tongue to talk in the past, but he did not need to do that last night.  The words are clear and good for hearing.  I told him about this after he has finished his talk.

He used to have quite good English standard and he is sorry that he cannot talk very smooth and fast.  Now he can! it is so amazing!  It is going to be the fourth week after his tongue tie surgery and his pains are all gone (within the first 2 weeks after the surgery, he has little pains so that he cannot freely move his tongue). This is the first time I listened to his spoken English after the wound healed....

But please note that not all people will have same results as the level of tongue tie complication is different from person to person!

After tongue tie surgery - my son

My son has surgery last Friday. In the past, he never pronounced the correct sound of "yellow", he wld say "yewwow" as he cannot uplift his tongue very freely, so "L" becomes "W" (like lemon to wemon, leung to weung etc.  Today, after the tongue tie surgery, he said twice "yellow" and the pronounciation is just RIGHT!  

I am so happy now and I need to tell all parents with kids of speech delay to seriously consider the potential "Tongue Tie" issue.   I think I will contact the phd doctors, speech, in university to share my experience as I really think the effect of slight or moderate TONGUE TIE in speech delay are really UNDERESTIMATED!

[ 本帖最後由 lycheema 於 08-9-4 22:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-4 20:04 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

For other parents who have sent me PM, pls see information as below:-

Dr. Peter Kam Fai YIP 葉錦輝,小兒外科醫生

旺角Nathan Road 655號大廈1105室(地鐵E1出口)
Tel no. 23916916

Dr. Yip was in 東區醫院 for many years.  

Good luck!

Note: some problems in replying PM today.


[ 本帖最後由 lycheema 於 08-9-4 22:45 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-4 22:57 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

另外, 附上有關舌韌帶的新聞兩則, 供參考:-



靠嘴吃飯當主播 其實小時候是個大舌頭
....排行家中老二的劉海若,在訪談之中和媽媽不時的鬥嘴,看得出兩人感情相當好,媽媽透露覺得在四個孩子中,老覺得她五音不太全,而且小時後還有大舌頭,全靠醫師幫她剪了一刀舌韌帶,情況才轉好,也才能有在主播台上播報的劉海若,而海若則說:「媽媽最愛唸我花錢花太多,要存錢。」蔡康永問:「父母會不會催你結婚?」劉海若肯定的說:「當然,不過我都回他,好啦!我知道了。」 ....



為講好英語 韓國流行替孩子剪舌筋



(Lycheema 註: 舌筋短小而影響說話能力的小朋友, 我認為還是剪舌筋好些, 起碼唔使好似我先生千辛萬苦學好大力摟動舌頭學發音, 事倍功半, 最終都是一剪.)

[ 本帖最後由 lycheema 於 08-9-5 09:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-8 09:31 |只看該作者


星期六(9月6日)見到言語治療師, 佢話亞仔已可以提升舌頭發音和輕易造出伸展舌頭到兩邊口角的行動....當然他現在還要惡補惡追....

還記得8月7日做speech delay assessment的時候, 這個言語治療師還表示亞仔提升舌頭發音和造出伸展舌頭到兩邊口角的動作有困難...收到的report 亦寫道:

Oral Motor Delay

...he has difficulties to elevate his tongue to upper lip and lateralize to lip corners. He was delayed in oral motor skills to control of his tongue....

真是, 如果聽從她的意見不做手術, 亞仔真是不知何年何日才鍊到可以輕易控制舌頭發音,現在他說的每一個英文字都清楚些, 發音快些......如果可以在他一歲時發現和做手術,今天的我是否不用在這裡大發大牢騷呢!!??

希望他快些進步, 亦會說廣東話, 我就安樂哂啦!!!

[ 本帖最後由 lycheema 於 08-9-8 09:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-10 10:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 lycheema 於 08-9-4 20:04 發表
For other parents who have sent me PM, pls see information as below:-

Dr. Peter Kam Fai YIP 葉錦輝,小兒外科醫生

旺角Nathan Road 655號大廈1105室(地鐵E1出口)
Tel no. 23916916

Dr. Yip was in 東區醫院  ...

Many thanks

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-21 00:35 |只看該作者


今天第二次到私人言語治療中心做training, 奇怪的是仔仔口肌動作竟然已沒有問題, 吹泡泡已可圓起口唇來吹,而且有力, 下次不用再做有關訓練.


(1)只是上個月中(做speech delay assessment的一天)-- 我仔仔並不能圓起口唇來吹泡泡,基本上是沒有風由口部吹出來,言語治療師話仔仔兩面口肌唔夠力, 要做多D training

(2)今個月初第一次做training(仔仔已做剪舌繫帶手術,只是未完全唔痛)--  言語治療師話仔仔兩面口肌不太差,但要再加訓練(在家),但其實兩星期來並無訓練.

(3)今日第二次做training(仔仔舌繫帶已完全唔痛)-- 一做已發覺仔仔吹得有力, 言語治療師並告訴我下次不用再做吹泡泡的鍊習

我問言語治療師是否與做了剪舌繫帶手術有關, 她的答覆有點怪...而我則認為是剪了舌繫帶令他可以發力做出吹泡泡的動作(剪舌繫帶前,他一直未能吹熄birthday candles 和吹泡泡).....


Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-23 21:47 |只看該作者
我仔仔都有類似問題...普通醫生說他無野..不是痴脷根...所以去左做言語治療(不過進度好慢), 但我總係覺得他的舌頭較大又不靈活...所以都好擔心, 見到你仔仔同你先生cut左...有咁快的成果...真係恭喜您~~唔知去睇葉醫生check貴唔貴(手術有無危險呢), 同埋本人唔多識睇英文可否用中文, 謝謝您

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-10 18:40 |只看該作者
唔好意思, 最近好忙, 亞女返小一,功課多得恨....



葉醫生睇一次收約$500, 私家醫院少於1萬元...你可以私人傳訊電話給我打給你詳談, 我只是希望幫到小朋友, 不要影響他們將來的學習和產生自卑感...

原帖由 paiwai 於 08-9-23 21:47 發表
我仔仔都有類似問題...普通醫生說他無野..不是痴脷根...所以去左做言語治療(不過進度好慢), 但我總係覺得他的舌頭較大又不靈活...所以都好擔心, 見到你仔仔同你先生cut左...有咁快的成果...真係恭喜您~~唔知去睇葉醫 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-14 23:07 |只看該作者
睇咗你個post,我諗我個女有Tongue Tie e個問題,我見佢脷根黐住舌頭,e家3y,某d音佢係發唔到或者好用力才發到音,伸脷時舌頭是W形......唉很擔心
明天已book Dr.Yip.....唔知要唔要cut 呢

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-15 18:05 |只看該作者
做咗la......原來真係好快及好簡單,Dr.Yip so nice
做完15mins後,我個女還係度lalalala tim ,有這個平台真係好,好似我e d 新手 mama遇到問題就可以上黎分享及分擔下......
thanks lycheema

[ 本帖最後由 tkyc 於 08-12-16 01:05 編輯 ]

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發表於 08-12-16 23:12 |只看該作者
Hi, tkyc

和你通過電話後知道你囡囡已做完手術, 真替你高興, 希望佢同我仔仔都快d 好番, 唔好因tongue tie影響學習進度...

但真心一句, 你辦事真有效率.....並祝願佢小小傷口早日康復...說話口齒伶俐....

其實我在電話收線後,才知你pose了message响度,希望有睇到此內容而又懷疑仔仔囡囡有tongue tie嘅爸爸媽咪可以早日正視這問題, 盡早補救, 不要令小小心靈變得沈默,自卑, 或走進口肌弱和自閉症的漫漫長路,誤了糾正的黃金時機.

tkyc, 你囡囡好乖呀, 定定地唔使去醫院做, 真的很難得... 至於傾向講英文的問題, 唔知是否flash英文卡之故,有機會再探討.....


原帖由 tkyc 於 08-12-15 18:05 發表
做咗la......原來真係好快及好簡單,Dr.Yip so nice
做完15mins後,我個女還係度lalalala tim ,有這個平台真係好,好似我e d 新手 mama遇到問題就可以上黎分享及分擔下......
thanks lycheema ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-17 11:15 |只看該作者


原帖由 tkyc 於 08-12-15 18:05 發表
做咗la......原來真係好快及好簡單,Dr.Yip so nice
做完15mins後,我個女還係度lalalala tim ,有這個平台真係好,好似我e d 新手 mama遇到問題就可以上黎分享及分擔下......
thanks lycheema ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-29 20:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 lycheema 於 08-12-16 23:12 發表
Hi, tkyc

和你通過電話後知道你囡囡已做完手術, 真替你高興, 希望佢同我仔仔都快d 好番, 唔好因tongue tie影響學習進度...

但真心一句, 你辦事真有效率.....並祝願佢小小傷口早日康復...說話口齒伶俐....

其實我 ...

好多謝你呀lycheema我快是 因你既post令我走小好多路,e家我個女講野明顯冇咁用力,仲成日lalalala tim 佢真係好鍾意講野架 e家下午我揾左個中文老師同佢上1hr 中文law.....要開始認字架啦....

P.S 十分認同Lychee ma 既講法,不要因此而令到d小朋友感到自悲,希望各小朋友都口齒伶俐la...

[ 本帖最後由 tkyc 於 08-12-29 21:09 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-29 20:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 rinapang 於 08-12-17 11:15 發表



p.s hahaha......係我個Blog copy 出黎的(懶寫呀)

[ 本帖最後由 tkyc 於 08-12-29 21:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-30 09:24 |只看該作者
Thank you for your information!
Could you PM your blog to me? I want to have a look, thanks!

[ 本帖最後由 rinapang 於 08-12-30 09:28 編輯 ]
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