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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ESF TY mami,How's your kid's first day?
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ESF TY mami,How's your kid's first day? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-1 21:00 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
hi moms,

How's your kid's first day school??

My son is in group B so tomorrow is the first day . I am very excited~~~

What about you??
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-2 15:55 |只看該作者
my girl liked it a lot this morning.

Most importantly, I taught her where to find the toilet and remind her to go every now and then....
I saw some kids had "accident" this morning -
vv on the floor.....

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-2 16:08 |只看該作者
to: bbjan & silly,

sorry ar..as i want to apply this kindergarten of my son in next year (09)..would u mind to share yr experience with me:

1) do u both r in Cat.1? if not, is it difficult to enter for Cat.2

2) do u plan to let yr kid to study in their primary school or will transfer back to local school?

3) do u know that the total no. of student admitted for this yr in TY branch & Sai Kung?

Thx very much!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-2 16:52 |只看該作者
My son love the school very much,but i felt too crowd and like everything not in order.

My boy didn't listen too his teachers for lining up and sit down.

Even there are 3 teachers in a class but it's seems like still not enough to control and take care all the kids.

My concern is what if there is an accicent happened and the kid doesn't know how to report,like this afternoon,when my son playing at the sandbox,a boy threw the sand in the air and the sands all went to my son's eyes. My son didn't say anything or cry ,just cover his eyes and came to me,and there was no teacher there,and i think that pretty dangerous.

I have another concern is , I saw many kids still need nappy (including my son),as those teachers are so busy at studio time ,they might not able to take care or to encourage the kids who needs help for the toilet,then how can the kids learn withut instruction??AAnd I believe no one will alert who might wet their pants.

I hope what I saw is just the first day situation and after all kids settled, everything will be alright since I saw most of the K2 kids are doing very well.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-2 16:58 |只看該作者

My husband and I are Chinese but all my family speak English to my son only since he was born,so he doesn't know any Cantonese but I don't know which Category am I .

I am planning to send my kid to Sha Tin Junior or RC .

Sorry I didn't know the data about kids admitted.


原帖由 tokwawan 於 08-9-2 16:08 發表
to: bbjan & silly,

sorry ar..as i want to apply this kindergarten of my son in next year (09)..would u mind to share yr experience with me:

1) do u both r in Cat.1? if not, is it difficult to enter  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-2 22:05 |只看該作者


I read some comments from baby kingdom, some pp said, ESF kindergarten students have priority to get interview chance in ESF... but i do not know the real sucess rate...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-2 22:36 |只看該作者

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I was with my son this morning.  He was led by two K2 classmate to play sand.  I saw a teacher there.  The teacher invited some kids to leave because they usually play sand at studio time.  The teacher encouraged them to try other things.  After my son had played for 20 mins, the teacher invited my son to try other new thing, such painting.  But I agree that the teacher should tell the kids, esp K1 newbies, to keep the sands low before they are allowed to play sand.  My son nearly became the trouble maker and the victim as well.  The sand pit was full of kids this morning.

Yes, as far as I observed this mroning, I think the K2 kids are quite smart.

I don't know if the school will assign a K2 buddy to each K1 newbie.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-2 23:08 |只看該作者
I agreed with the mum said about the toilet training especially for K1.  As they are new comer, they may be shy to said about going to the toilet. I didn't see the teacher ask anyone want to go.  K2 may be they are familier with the school, they will tell the teacher.  But for K1 I think the teacher should do some more.  Just like my son for this afternoon 3 hrs he just go to toilet for 1 time and then when he come home he has a little wet on his underwear.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-3 00:16 |只看該作者
Hi sillybabyq,

How do you get to school finally?  Do you take school bus or go direct to school by other transportation?

My daughter is group B as well.  Today is their first day, all the new k1 kids, teachers & moms are busy.  During the studio time, the class teacher came to each parent one by one to ask about what language for communication using at home and if she has been to any kindergarten before.  I think the teacher needs such info to evaluate the settle in process for each kid.  When the teacher knew that my daughter has been to nursery by her own for one year.  She tried to ask my daughter if mommy can go to get some drinks at the office but my daughter said "No".  So, we can only try again on Thurs.

At the end of the day, the teacher asked each new K1 kid if they are happy today, all the kid said "Yes" except my daughter said "No".  I asked her why she was not happy at school when we were on the way home.  I asked her if it's because she hasn't play enough in the sand pit or at the outdoor playground.  She said no.  Finally, she told me that because "mom go away".  Then I know, she was worrying all the time that I may leave the school.  I hope she'll be able to settle on Thurs.  How's your son doing today?

原帖由 sillybabyq 於 08-9-1 21:00 發表
hi moms,

How's your kid's first day school??

My son is in group B so tomorrow is the first day . I am very excited~~~

What about you??

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-3 14:13 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

Hi all,

I'm an ESF (TY) parent and a parent volunteer in school. My boy is in K2. At the beginning of the term in K1, I was as worried as you so I understand very well how you feel at this moment. I'd like to ease your mind by telling you more about the school.

Here are some tips:

1. Toilet training --- my son wasn't fully trained at that time but there weren't any teachers particularly keeping an eye on him. He did wet his uniform on and off throughout the term. What I could do was to tolerate all the misgivings in his learning process. It took time! In the second term, he did much better. Don't expect all the common scenes taking place in local kindergartens will happen in ESF. It's a place for kids to learn to be independent.

2. Discipline --- so far I've been quite satisfied. Most of the teachers keep discipline strictly in the classroom. Apart from teachers, kids also play a leading role in the learning process. They need space to learn how to resolve conflicts and face confrontations themselves. Most of the parents (including me) naturally feel protective towards their children. Due to this, their learning opportunities are always strangled. Don't worry.  Teachers will intervene when necessary.

3. Final tip --- RELAX !!! Frankly speaking, I spent a  whole year learning how to relax. I agree with what you've said. Most of the K2 kids are pretty smart. You can expect that your angels will be the same very soon. Don't be too nervous otherwise your children may feel stressed.

Trust me! Everything will be fine. Give yourselves and your kids more time. One more reminder ... since the school campus is too crowded, children get sick very easily. Be prepared! Make sure they have enough exercise and healthy diet which can strengthen their health.

Hope all the K1 newcomers have an enjoyable year!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-3 15:27 |只看該作者
Thank you, abs. What you said is very helpful. Although my son had been attended nursary for a year, I still worried about his settlement in esf. I'm quite satiesfied with the teachers about their kindness, ways of teaching and encouragement, but they do not pay enough attensions on the kids personal needs, such as toileting and eating, taking shoes off etc. My boy can handle these, just needing a bit of help. I'm a bit worried what happens if I'm not there, but I also agree it may be a good for him to be independent.

So far, my boy settles in well. His little mentor is very nice, always looking after him and be with him. He is still looking for me sometimes, but in general he can play all by himself. The teacher suggests me to accompany him on Friday, then we will see if I need to go next week. Hopefully everything will be fine.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-3 16:04 |只看該作者

Thank you very much for your tips.

After 2-day observation, I'm quite concern about the hygiene problem. As there is a snack table available all the time during and another one in their classroom right after the studio time, the kids can eat there when they want. But no one knows whether they wash hands before eating after playing or even toileting. Although we keep reminding them, you know the kids, they may lose control when they see their favorite food.

I agree with you that the less intervene, the better the way to train them to be independent. But due to the recent deseases and the wide spread of flu, I think the school could do more on the supervision (just supervision, not helping the kids).

I also want to be a parent volunteer, may be I will ask Vicky whether we can help to keep an eye on it.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-3 16:30 |只看該作者
Hi abs,

Thank you for sharing.  I agree with you that we need to learn to be relax.  Let the kids learn to be independent without too much intervnece by the adults.  One thing I have noticed when I was at school yesterday.  Even though the teachers did not intervene during the kids' activities, they do keep an eye on them.  For example, during the snack time, the class teacher came to the table talking to the parents one by one asked about the type of language for our communication at home.  All the time she was busy talking to the parents.  When she came to me, before she asked me about the language, she specially highlighted to me that she noticed the little boy who was sitting next to my daugher at the table  (also a new K1 boy), took some pretzels for my daugher putting on her plate.  She explained to me that in normal circumstances, they won't let children to share food during snack time or on their picnic day because the children may not realize if anyone will be allergic to any food.  Since the parents are there in the school yesterday with their kids, they didn't stop them from sharing food.  I was quite surprise that she did notice the little boy sharing food with my daughter as she seemed to be busy in talking with parents.  So, I feel that they well trained to be very alert to the kids' activities even though they are busy at work!  So, I feel confident that the kids can learn to be independent in this kinder.

原帖由 abs 於 08-9-3 14:13 發表
Hi all,

I'm an ESF (TY) parent and a parent volunteer in school. My boy is in K2. At the beginning of the term in K1, I was as worried as you so I understand very well how you feel at this moment. I' ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-3 21:00 |只看該作者
hi isw0316,

i took the school bus eventually ,i took an hour to school and just 20mins on the way back home`~~ actually my home is very close to school by car but the driver picked my son first so it takes a bit longer on the way to school,but still can be accepted.

Which teacher in your class? The teacher seems quite nice that would talk to you about your kid . My son's class teacher didn't talk to me or other parents and she just "doing her job". Her voice was very low and she just read story and sing songs but she can't draw kids attention,she even can't draw my attention,sometime I even don't know she started already.

But when I asked my son if he likes the school,he says YES ,and this morning,he say "going school" right after he opened his eyes.I think he really enjoyed the school life but I just worry what if I am not with him,will he still enjoy it??

原帖由 lsw0316 於 08-9-3 00:16 發表
Hi sillybabyq,

How do you get to school finally?  Do you take school bus or go direct to school by other transportation?

My daughter is group B as well.  Today is their first day, all the new k1 kid ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-3 21:12 |只看該作者
thank you abs!!

I think I really need to be relax .

As you mentioned about the toilet training, did you let your kid put on his nappy during the class? My son still doesn't know how to hold up his peepee for a while and some time he didn't tell us he needs to go to peepee , i JUST AFRAID HE WILL WET HIS PANTS during on the way to school as his school bus takes an hour to school.Do you have any suggestion on this??

thank you

原帖由 abs 於 08-9-3 14:13 發表
Hi all,

I'm an ESF (TY) parent and a parent volunteer in school. My boy is in K2. At the beginning of the term in K1, I was as worried as you so I understand very well how you feel at this moment. I' ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-4 00:21 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

Dear all,

Based on my observation last year, many kids ate snacks with their dirty hands. So did my son! I was also upset by the condition at that time. Besides, many kids even didn't wash hands after going to toilet. Nothing could be done. Their philosophy is to let kids learn what and most importantly how to do instead of pushing them to follow what they should do. Nevertheless, it can't be denied that more guidance has been given after the disease outbreaks. Bear in mind, these two weeks aren't normal school days. Things will be back to normal after it.

When my son was in K1, he didn't wear any nappy as it wasn't encouraged by the teachers. He did wet his uniform on the school bus (a one-hour trip). What I did was to ask the bus mother to remind him to wee wee before going home. I was lucky coz I met a very good bus mother. There were only 9 kids on the bus so she could take care of each well. She did a great job. Due to that training, my son got very dramatic improvement. His 3-month training in school was much more effective than what I did with him for a whole year at home.

The parent volunteer scheme usually starts in the seoncd term. Please be patient!

Hope the information helps!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-4 00:47 |只看該作者
Hi sillybabyq,

It's good that the school bus company is willing to get to your home.  An hour to school is a bit long comparing to the return trip home.  But, there is no better option, right?

My daughter is in Dinosaur class.  The class teacher is Rebecca.  Her voice is loud enough so can attract the kids' attention.  If any kid's attention distracted by the surrounding toys or walking/crawling around instead of sitting on the floor, she will call their name one by one to make sure they are paying attention to her.    She even asked the adults' to discipline their own kids when they're not paying attention or moving around the classroom.  It works out ok.  Most of the kids are listening to her, especially, the K2 kids are self disciplined.  So, I trust my daughter will be able to learn self discipline in her class.     

My daughter is also looking forward to her 2nd school day tommorrow.  Although she said she's not happy when the teacher asked her on the 1st day, she likes this new school indeed.  She is just worrying that I'll go away and leave her alone at school.  I've explained to her that I'll go to the other classroom to see Vicky, the principal.  I'll come back to pick her up at the end of the session and take the school bus home together.  She seems feel more confident that I'll come back to pick her up as I have to go home with her on the same school bus.  I hope she can settle in smoothly on her 2nd day.  

原帖由 sillybabyq 於 08-9-3 21:00 發表
hi isw0316,

i took the school bus eventually ,i took an hour to school and just 20mins on the way back home`~~ actually my home is very close to school by car but the driver picked my son first so it ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-4 10:48 |只看該作者
yes i agreed with some mum concern about the hygience.during the snack time or after toilet there is nobody reminding the kids to wash their hands.  It is a bit worry. They can wash by themselves but if someone can remind them then they can do it as a rountine.

I finally take taxi to school and take the public transport home.  It is really a long day.  I may to see again whether the school bus can pick up later in the morning cos 2hr is too long and I think their catchman is too big.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-4 16:55 |只看該作者
The second day is better ,more like normal class practise.

My son was crying very badly even i left  hime for 5 mins (the teacher adviced we leave for an hour).I think we'll need much more time for seperation.

I did give him nappy on the way to school,but I told him bus is not the right place for vv, and I didn't let him drink much before he get on the bus,and..........he didn't wet his nappy when we arrived school,I was so so so happy.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-4 23:06 |只看該作者
hi willy225,

i might saw u this morning, my girl is called gabrielle, what's yr son's name?

agreed that most K2 are really smart, hope that my girl can learn from them and become one too....

however, Michelle's voice is quite low and have to raise a bit...

原帖由 Willy225 於 08-9-2 22:36 發表
I was with my son this morning.  He was led by two K2 classmate to play sand.  I saw a teacher there.  The teacher invited some kids to leave because they usually play sand at studio time.  The teache ...
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