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教育王國 討論區 英華小學 優才 is better than 英華小學
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優才 is better than 英華小學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-8-22 15:20 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear parents,

Please share your views whether GT is beter than Ying Wah if

1. Parents have little time to spend on kids' all rounded development
2. Parents don't want to put too much pressure on kids chasing against "Marks"
3. Parents prefer more Teacher's caring of your kids
4. Parents want to discovering kids' talent without spending extra money (psychologists, iQ test,...,etc)
5. Parents want their kids to be more creative and active in learning (pulling but not pushing)
6. Parents want their kids to attend IB as well as HK public Exams
7. Parents don't want to spend money on extra tuitions
8. Parents want their kids have a global aspects on how things work

Vote if you agree on points above.

Thks in advance for your opinions and pracipations.

[ 本帖最後由 smartkids2008 於 08-8-22 15:24 編輯 ]
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-8-24 01:15 |只看該作者
Deleted by smartcar.

[ 本帖最後由 smartcar 於 08-8-27 01:12 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-26 18:17 |只看該作者
In the interview, Principal Lam frankly told us that the school and the parents are partners to build up our boys.

[ 本帖最後由 Kanba 於 08-8-26 18:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-26 18:22 |只看該作者
Hi smartkids2008,

I wonder how you could understand that the points 2-5 & 8 are really the factors differentiating the two schools. Do you have children studying in both of them?

Rank: 4

發表於 08-8-26 22:22 |只看該作者
I think smartkids is not really throw questions here.  He/she is an advertiser promoting GT in YW's page.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-8-27 00:05 |只看該作者

I am not promoting any schools here in this thread as I do not have any benefits from doing so.

My intention is simple, as there will only be a small group of parents who have the experience and understandings on both school - it's weird. It is a good idea to post the same thread in each forum with focus on each individual school and see comments from both size. Then you could tell the different.


Rank: 4

發表於 08-8-27 00:59 |只看該作者

I have seen your post of the same at GT page and Imy words might be too strong.

I apologize for my rude ..as I believed you were llite up a fire in YW page.

From the title of your post, you already draw a conclusion.

It is not possible to compare the two school system.  A kind of traditional school on the move(YW) and a freestyle learning(GT).

I know a teacher and a relative of GT..

From teacher point of view, GT is building, or try hard to build a reputation of a school comparing to CKY/Creative sort of school.  The first year of GT student, back in 90's, were boosted hard regardless of resources.  However, those freestyle parent, just like your questions at Q1-2, experienced difficulties and it brings quite a headache on school side to those parents simply letting their children to be babysat at GT.  What turn out next, the school side talked to parents(my relative) and pressure the children to switch to other school.  The children is just could not catch up the programme and his parents were both busy to job.  Is this answer to your Q1-2?  Don't expect the kid would be brought up unilaterally from school side only.  Private or DSS needs reputation to survive.

My kid is studying at YW in 2008 and I immedately felt the stress too.  I was once fancy the beauty of happy learning.  I want to be a happy face to my boy all the time and too tire for futher private tutoring on his studies. There must be scracrifies as a responsible parent.

I really believe you and your other side are both busy and could not find a moment to teach your kid.  If so happen, Go find a better established international school with proven record might meet your expectation.  

It is still time for those GT, Creative, CKY, etc...to prove their success in education.

[ 本帖最後由 smartcar 於 08-8-27 01:18 編輯 ]
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