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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 YCIS vs VICTORIA
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-19 09:49 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear all,
I have got accepted by both YC and Victoria in N1, althought I can let my little girl to go for YC on 1,3,5 then V on 2,4, totally 5 afternoons.  But I do want some more advice of this 2 schools, kinder, primary and their secondary.  
We are thinking to go for both first, then see how she feels and how the school runs, then may be pick either one later when she goes for K1, but still considering will this the best to choose in this moment.
Could any one give me some advises?
Thank you so much!
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-21 20:43 |只看該作者
I have gone through the same as you last year when I was searching for a good playgroup for my son (not N1).  After trying both (1,3,5 in YC and 2,4 in V), I've dropped V and continue YC, and now have reserved a N1 place in YC.  V is too commercial, and the English teacher I met in HMT campus is not good while on the other hand, I like the various kinds of activities organised by YC for the kids and parents as well as YC's teaching philosophy.  Also, I heard from other BK topics that the N1 interview by V this year was crazy!  (I haven't applied for V's N1 this year.)

The above is just my personal experience and opinion.  

原文章由 misskwokwok 於 08-3-19 09:49 發表
Dear all,
I have got accepted by both YC and Victoria in N1, althought I can let my little girl to go for YC on 1,3,5 then V on 2,4, totally 5 afternoons.  But I do want some more advice of this 2 sch ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-3-21 23:28 |只看該作者
The Victoria interview for this year was really crazy!!! But I think they have a very good program and teachers actually. I would put my kid in V. YC on the other hand, I thought was too commercial. But I guess it depends on which campus of V you go to. The best one is Harbour Heights for Pre-Nursery / the CWB one.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-22 14:33 |只看該作者

Victoria at HH

Dear Wonderful2007,

The interview in V is crasy. Very stressful at parent group interview session. Luckily, my son got an offer from HH campus pm class. As you mentioned HH is best campus for pre-nursery, can you share your experience with me? Thanks.

teacher to student ratio?
stable of teacher pool?
which areas impressed you most?

Appreciate if you can share more.
As I live in Kowloon, but works in area very closed to HH campus. Now the offer is pm class, I am still figuring out how to arrange transport to and from school.


Rank: 1

發表於 08-4-8 00:58 |只看該作者
Since my son is studying at HH campus, I just want to
share some of my experience as your information.
I found my son's classmates are very smart both in Eng. & Mandarin and can express themselves very well. So I
think the teaching method is really not bad if the kids can
study there from nursery because my son didn't study
from nursery at Victoria.  He can't handle both Eng. &
Mandarin as well as his classmates.

原文章由 Kate.Tong 於 08-3-22 14:33 發表
Dear Wonderful2007,

The interview in V is crasy. Very stressful at parent group interview session. Luckily, my son got an offer from HH campus pm class. As you mentioned HH is best campus for pre-nur ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-22 20:05 |只看該作者
Thanks for all yr sharing,  i still struggling with this issue...
btw, does anyone knows where the YC students go for their primary usually?   i don't see the result on their website.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-22 23:51 |只看該作者

u could try this link

For international Stream, just only N1 and upper kinder.
And then they will go P1

For 06/07, 39 students go to their upper kinder.

Pls. check it ar..

may i ask the advice on interview of YC????


原文章由 misskwokwok 於 08-6-22 20:05 發表
Thanks for all yr sharing,  i still struggling with this issue...
btw, does anyone knows where the YC students go for their primary usually?   i don't see the result on their website.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-3 15:01 |只看該作者
katetong,  could you please tell me how stressful is the interview.  I will apply N1 for my younger son this coming Sept.

My elder son is studying in Victoria HH campus since playgroup.  Now he is going to K2 this sept.  I like the HH campus very much.  Yes, it is true that Victoria is very commercial but I don't mind as long as V can provide good teachers and good learning environment for my kids.  The teachers are so loving and caring.  Victoria stresses so much on 兩文三語.  My niece and my godson study in Victoria HH campus as well, both of them are K3 going to P1 in Sept.  They can speak fluently in English and Putonghua with no Cantonese accent.

原文章由 Kate.Tong 於 08-3-22 14:33 發表
Dear Wonderful2007,

The interview in V is crasy. Very stressful at parent group interview session. Luckily, my son got an offer from HH campus pm class. As you mentioned HH is best campus for pre-nur ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-4 13:06 |只看該作者
I don't know about Victoria.

I chose Yew Chung 2 year old class for my kid simply because I want her to have a happy start in her school life. YC did made my girl very happy, she likes going to school even on weekends she asks me to take her to YC.
From K1 you can choose local stream (half day) which leads you to other local primary schools. The other option is international stream (only K1 & K2) is full day which leads you to study Yew Chung primary school at the age of 5.

The only drawback is the high school fee, other than that it exceeds some other schools in different aspects: better food (healthy oats porridge, macaroni, fresh fruit etc VS only biscuits in some other schools), it has 3 excursions a year (Yew Chung farm, Central Library & Science museum VS some other schools only have one or none excursions), caring teachers, lots of activities (can see from pictures posted on the newsletter), good management, good admin (very organized and systematic), whenever you call school the teachers always get back to you after class. The teachers knows my girl's character well and share with me tips how to handle her better, it shows that they know the kids well. Sometimes when my girl's uniform became dirty the a-mah of the class will help washing & dry it and next day put in the school bag or sometimes if wet she puts in the plastic bag to return home. They have clean clothes standby for kids to wear if their uniform gets dirty.
My kid manage to speak both languages, she tend to speak a little bit more Cantonese because of her classmates but she understands English and immediately change channel when speaking to our maid. The student/teacher ratio is 2 Cantonese teachers + 1 English native teacher + one ah-ma for maximum 24 students (2 Yrs old class).

Personal opinion, Yew Chung is a good school,  at the end the school delivered good outcome & I'm very satisfied.

原文章由 misskwokwok 於 08-3-19 09:49 發表
Dear all,
I have got accepted by both YC and Victoria in N1, althought I can let my little girl to go for YC on 1,3,5 then V on 2,4, totally 5 afternoons.  But I do want some more advice of this 2 sch ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-8-13 23:17 |只看該作者
From what I have seen on the posts, YC comments are very much extreme.  Some loves it and some hates it.

I visited their Shanghai campus long time ago and at least that was good.  Saw many happy kids there and staffs were very friendly.

Hope my kid will get in to YC.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-14 10:40 |只看該作者
From what I have seen on the posts, YC comments are very much extreme.  Some loves it and some hates it.

I visited their Shanghai campus long time ago and at least that was good.  Saw many happy kids ...

If you are to merely compare YC in Hong Kong with other YC in China, it is probably the worst one. I have friend who visited both Shanghai and Beijing YC and said that they are much better then Hong Kong YC.

Yet, again, in Shanghai and Beijing, there are many other IS which are much better than the YC in that area.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-14 10:40 |只看該作者
From what I have seen on the posts, YC comments are very much extreme.  Some loves it and some hates it.

I visited their Shanghai campus long time ago and at least that was good.  Saw many happy kids ...

If you are to merely compare YC in Hong Kong with other YC in China, it is probably the worst one. I have friend who visited both Shanghai and Beijing YC and said that they are much better then Hong Kong YC.

Yet, again, in Shanghai and Beijing, there are many other IS which are much better than the YC in that area.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-14 22:22 |只看該作者
I think if we are to merely look at the new YC campus in Hong Kong per ce, then I would say that it is quite impressive. But a school is much more than hardware. The qualities students and teachers would make up the general quality of a school. Make a visit to YC secondary before deciding whether it is really worth it. YC secondary is a total local Cantonese speaking community. Students are mostly dropouts of local schools and most are unable to really speak proper English. Even the teachers are mostly local Canotonese speaking teachers with very poor English. Check out some older discussions of YC.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-14 22:24 |只看該作者
原文章由 sarahmama 於 08-7-4 13:06 發表
I don't know about Victoria.

I chose Yew Chung 2 year old class for my kid simply because I want her to have a happy start in her school life. YC did made my girl very happy, she likes going to schoo ...

May I ask are you going to take international stream or local one? do you know which primary school will they enter after finishing the local one? thx~~

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-14 22:40 |只看該作者
ALMOM 講了重點 ---- YC 始終較其他 IS 差。

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-14 23:03 |只看該作者
要討論 YC,恐怕可以有排講,有興趣,就找找舊 POST,我和很多 YC 家長都分享過我地的經驗。

我唔會一面倒話叫人唔好讀 YC。因為真係要睇每個人的情形,每個人的要求。坦白講,YC 也有他的市場。

YC 主要有幾類學生:

(1) 在 LOCAL SCHOOL 讀唔上的學生。
他們水平差,甚至 CONDUCT 差;不要說是否有足夠應付國際學校課程的英語水平,有很多甚至只係 BAND 2 尾的學生。很多學生升唔上英中,但父母不甘心,就比孩子讀 YC。

(2) 讀 LOCAL SCHOOL,唔係讀唔上,但只係想轉讀國際學校。其實好多都係咁,孩子不是讀唔上,只係家長心痛孩子的 WORKLOAD,就諗住轉去 IS 插班,可惜其他 IS 門檻都很高,只有 YC 係 "先到先得",肯交留位費就有得讀,話名係有 ADMISSION TEST,但係個 TEST 亂寫都收 ( 有朋友的女兒,兩年前考 YEAR 8,佢話個 TEST 好難,佢唔識做,只有亂寫,但結果都收佢 )。

(3) 有些學生係在本地名校讀開的,希望先在香港轉讀非本地 SYLLABUS,然後再往外國升學。

其實,唔可以話 YC 全部學生都差,其實個別的確有少數質素較好,但高質素學生,真的很少,其他大部份都係差。因此,無論係學校,或者是學生/家長,都唔好因為 YC有一個半個學生成績叫做見得下人就沾沾自喜。YC 整體水平係點,大家心裡有數。

Rank: 1

發表於 08-8-20 10:49 |只看該作者
YC 始終較其他 IS 差<- exactly.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-2 12:48 |只看該作者
Thank you so so much of your sharing, that was all what I heard about YC's primary and Secondary, that's why I am thinking to put my little girl to Victoria's kinder, that thinking V's primary and secondary will be better than YC.  
btw, does anyone has your kids studying in Victoria's primary or secondary? would u pls give us some sharing? please? thanks!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-2 19:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 misskwokwok 於 08-9-2 12:48 發表
Thank you so so much of your sharing, that was all what I heard about YC's primary and Secondary, that's why I am thinking to put my little girl to Victoria's kinder, that thinking V's primary and sec ...

基本上,我覺得每間學校都會有自己的 "定位",亦因此各自都一定有自己的 "市場",如果唔係,早就 "做唔住" 了。
坦白講,耀中和維記並唔係我喜歡的學校,但這自係我的 "個人意見";無可否認,亦有好多人讀得開心。

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-4 12:40 |只看該作者

Thank you very much, 你好似好熟d2間學校嘅定位同強弱項. 不如講多小小你對d2間kinder嘅睇法吖, 同佢地provide俾孩子走的路向是怎樣的呢?謝謝.
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