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Searching the Best School in the World Donated to thankful [複製鏈接]

發表於 08-7-8 09:08 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-7-8 10:38 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-8 10:56 |只看該作者


Hi Mum 99

Thanks for your support and I was meant to response to xenonlit, Mighty & owenmami FIRST.

But, since you've brought up a very Important Point and I do feel it's essential to Clarify Without Delay,

I will NOT give up my sharing just because of One Disrespecful & Disruptive parent - just like a teacher will NOT give up the Whole Class simply because of a Disruptive child.

I appreicate your, like many other Quietly Reading Majority, understanding,

Everyone has a Busy Schedule in Life and people do have their Own Priorities.

Having stated the above, I aim to repsond to xeonlit, Mighty and owenmami WITHIN today, and thankful tomorrow.

I have NO doubt that you're a Happy Person, as you've looked at the Positive Sides of everything - and your Positive Energy has almost guarantted your child is to be a Happy Person too.

Happy Parents Bring Up Happy Children

原文章由 Mum99 於 08-7-8 09:08 發表
I feel so sorry for you, Fate.  You have donated so much of your valuable time and energy in trying to make us the parents think harder for our children, but sadly have been constantly disrupted by on ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-8 11:59 |只看該作者
Sorry, Fate, I have to interupt. I have learn many from your other sharing in the family money section, I am now a patient investor. I am quiet reading this forum until now.

I feel so happy for you, thankful.  You must be enjoying being nasty to Fate (and other people around you?).  Fate hinted you could move on if you are not happy. No one is pointing a gun at you, demanding you to read Fate's sharing.  Are you going to share with us what gain Fate is to make by this sharing?  All Fate did was asking a question,  "What is your definition of the best school?"

Fate, if I am you, I will not bother to answer thankful.  Someone just want to be destructive and enjoying in control others life.  I now know why there are winners and losers in this society.

原文章由 thankful 於 08-7-8 10:38 發表
I feel so happy for you, Fate.   You have spent so much of your worthless time in trying to get the maximum attention and interests of the parents for your own personal gains, but all in vain.  Fortun ...

發表於 08-7-8 12:12 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-7-8 12:31 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-8 20:50 |只看該作者

Show Off For.....?

Hi xenonlit

So, you think my "Real Purpose" was to show off to others I had lived all over the world?

Just out of Curiosity, could I ask what do you think I could acutally GAIN from this, according to you, "Show Off".

So that I can get a job as a Guide from any BK parent operating a travel agency?

Or getting myslef a job as an Estate Agent  from any BK parent operating an international property firm?

Please Do Excuse Me, I was laughing.

I was wondering was it because you have never lived in a place other than HK Yourself, making you to so logically conclude the ONLY reason I had stated that was I love Showing Off.

Oh, yes, of course, may be you think, by Showing Off, I could make myself HIGH.  Just to let you know I have long passed the stage of "Ascertaining Myself by Others' Appraise".

But, I'm Truly Amused by your Analytical Skill.

Yes, you're Right Spot On in saying I've NOT find the best school, though I am still trying.

Yes, following the Same Principle of your Logical Deduction of "make the most of the existing rotten eggs", I did settle on a, to me personally, Better School instead.

Limited Experience Limits Our Vision

原文章由 xenonlit 於 08-7-7 12:13 發表
Hi Fate,
I have a clear picture now. You were looking for the best school (best for your children I presume) in the places where you were staying. But I cannot figure out why you could not pick out th ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 08-7-8 21:50 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-8 21:20 |只看該作者

Welcome Back & One Step at a Time

Welcome Back, Mighty

You've made a Spectacular Return.

Glad that you've seen the Humorous Side of Everything in Life.  After all, Most people having more or less the same events in Life, and the only difference is :

How a particular individual deals with each event.

(And one of our main duties as parents is to adequately equip our children to effectively deal with the numerous Disappointments, Frustrations, Harrassments etc. in their Life)

There Might be TWO Misconceptions about this thread,

1) Fate is the ONLY person to tell us all , AND
2) Fate's to use a simple straight forward guide to tell us.

My responses to the above are :-

1) I Sincerely invite ALL Positive BK parents to forward their Valuable, Sensible and Humble Views about anything regarding the Best School;

(My wife keeps reminding me the simple reason of humans having two ears, two eyes and only one mouth - to Listen More, to See More and Speak Less!)

2) I wll share with you all about my Experiences in time, but NOT in a way like what my secondary history teacher did, Step 1... Step 2.

Hope the above clarify.

Rushing = Missing the Most Important Things in Life

原文章由 Mighty 於 08-7-7 14:03 發表
我実在不能不一便笑着、看FATE的回応。  非常有趣。  但我覚得有点不公平的是、FATE是想同大家分享自己的感受及資料、但現在給我、XEONLIT等将話題拉開、相信一定有很多家長在期待FATE的発表的、FATE、不要再譲 ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 08-7-8 21:22 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-8 21:42 |只看該作者

Cannot Agree

Hi owenmami

I cannot agree with you MORE about the Best School!!

Other than the reason you've mentioned (i.e. Every Child's needs is different - which I totally agree), I'll come back with my other Reasons/Observations at a later time.

Yes, I agree with you completely,

The Most Important factor in a Child's Development is their Parents.

Yes, Education System in Finland (in fact, in other Scandinavian Countires like Denamark, Normway too) is consistently being ranked at the top end of international reasearch. (So are their Health System)

I once saw a short TV report, reporting the Scandinavian Countries do NOT start formal education until the age of around 7 (e.g. they do NOT wear unifrom). E.g. when the children are taught about a flower, they will be taken to the bush to see, smell and touch this flower rather than looking at a picture from a book!

ownemami, once again, thanks for your Positive Feedback.

Global Thinking, Local Gaining

原文章由 owenmami 於 08-7-7 16:21 發表
"What is your Definition of the Best School?"
The best school is the one that suits your child.
There is no best school for everyone.

In the HK context, all "famous" schools rely heavily on the input ...

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-8 23:23 |只看該作者
Hi Thankful,

Just want to let you know that I recongized Fate via BK over a year.  To my impression, he is a humble, generous and wise dad.  His sons definitely are one of the luckiest boys in the world. (hee... please don't challenge me "in the world" 'coz I mentioned "one of ")

For last trip he came back HK from Australia in Nov, I met him with his wife and his two sons at the fair of RC.

He didn't sell me anything so far.  Instead, he keeps introducing some positive thinking and sharing to me.

Besides, I also read the photos of Fate's new apartment in Australia.

Hopefully it may let you believe Fate who is a real dad. Besides, it proves that your guess was incorrect.

"Thankful", actually I am quiet reader because I don't have much time in BK, may I know if you are "christf"?  Both of your tones are so harsh and unfriendly to others.


[ 本文章最後由 chingyu 於 08-7-8 23:28 編輯 ]

發表於 08-7-9 01:52 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-9 11:42 |只看該作者
hi, thankful
you are so low, because you are too lonely, too angry, too  misery, too much time, too sorry for you.
do you now happy by wasting your time in attacking others? and wasting others time. owenmami, xeonlit made good inputs, can you behave like them?

原文章由 thankful 於 08-7-9 01:52 發表
Hi, Chingyu,

I am not Christf.  I had an argument with Christf before.  I can't say that I like him and he probably hates my guts.  But I can tell you, Christf is a lot wiser than me because he won't ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-9 12:13 |只看該作者
hi, angry thankful again

Another point is, you offended fate, mum99, chingyu and many many quiet reading parents, is that the reason you become a bk member?

we are all here to help each other by sharing good inputs. your attacking style is not welcome. if I ask you to shut up, you are offended, this is the same when you asked fate to speed up, you are offending him.

fate stated cleared he wants others inputs first and will respond to you sometime today.  And you just can not wait and keep on shouting and shouting and shouting, and then offending more people.

It is you that wasting others time. It is you that mad.

I will not respond to a mad person like you any more, completely waste of my time.

sorry, fate, I just can not see this thankful ruining your forum, I have to make a stand.

原文章由 thankful 於 08-7-9 01:52 發表
Hi, Chingyu,

I am not Christf.  I had an argument with Christf before.  I can't say that I like him and he probably hates my guts.  But I can tell you, Christf is a lot wiser than me because he won't ...

[ 本文章最後由 Papa2ooo 於 08-7-9 12:14 編輯 ]

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