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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 海外留學畢業後, 有冇返來香港工作呢?
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海外留學畢業後, 有冇返來香港工作呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-25 14:39 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我個女喺英國讀書, 畢業後就想留喺英國揾工.

佢咁諗, 一來係佢讀music performance, 返香港冇工做, 二來佢喺果邊開始拍拖, 就更加想留喺果邊

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GOD is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. [Psalms 46:1]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-25 23:03 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-26 12:17 |只看該作者
我都冇返香港, 畢業時巳結婚.. (喺澳洲) end up 返而跟老公返佢home town, new york.. 喺new york 落地生根..
daddy mommy 咪every 2 years 由HKG飛嚟US 抖吓, 玩吓, 坐吓discount cruise (US 好平)探吓孫.. or 我哋帶小朋友飛返HK探佢哋老人家,HK 生活環境tight, 相見好同住難, 小見面, 相見時更珍惜每一刻,影更多相做攝影集scrapbook.. 我就覺得咁樣大家關係更好, 我處事亦都變得更成熟.. as 你女女個profession 喺HK揾唔到食, 你俾佢去讀書時應有心理準備呢.. 佢都大個女, 俾佢自己揀喇..你喊只會令佢難做.. 佢返HK, (opps.. writing board is not working).. can't even find a job.. and she will become very depress.. I bet that you don't want to see that..
as lasalleps, we have to learn how to "let go" when kids growth up with a smile.!
best regards!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-26 12:48 |只看該作者
啊呀, 一連兩位的回應都係同一口勁....

係, 你地都講得好啱, 我都想佢有好的發展, 唔通睇住佢返來又唔開心咩, 不過, 兩年前真係冇諗過佢會唔返來, 之前我地一直都冇傾過呢個話題, 而家臨近畢業先講起, 真係有d 唔適應....
GOD is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. [Psalms 46:1]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-26 13:32 |只看該作者
其實我個仔都是在英國讀書, 佢出國果時我個個親朋好友都同我講要有心理準備佢在英國落地生根,所以為左佢的理想, 多唔願意都要放手,做媽媽的,都希望兒女生活得開心,能獨立照顧自己。你囡囡會明白你係有多愛錫佢。

發表於 08-6-26 15:38 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-26 19:56 |只看該作者
come up here and share your worries with us..
I know that it is very hard for you to cope with right now..
Please think about her futher and her love one (bf)..
I believe that you are a very good mom and you also want to see that your daughter will have happy life..

The day I left HK.. (when I went to Australia for my BSN.. I walked into the custom by myself..my very first time that I knew I have to left hk by myown.. I was crying in front of the officer.. and he gave me a tissue.. he said.. {be brave.. and turn around now, smile to your parents, they can't see you crying because of the glasses, wave your hands}.. I did as what the officer said.. and he said.. I had growth up and I have to go on my way. He told me that, I have to leave my parents one day anyway but different from other people, I was going to another country..
that's my story on the day I left HK at 1997. and I became mature, I learnt to cook, I learnt to do my laundry, I managed my finance.. but I also learnt.. to love and care about my parents.
when I was in hk, I have never think about calling my parents or by them a card.. just to ask how are they?
remind them to eat well.. watch out of the bad weather..
but now.. I do..
For me, come back to hk with no problem.. as a RN.. and with all my specialty.. I sure to find a job with no problem. however, how about my children.. I can't get a big backyard with the slide and swing, sandbox with water, jeep car, swiming pool in hk..  unless I am as rich as those 億萬富豪.. but it is easy for me to have them here in US and we go everywhere just drop off and pick up with our own cars, learning all those activities without problem(very cheap in US). For their better life as a mom.. although I don't like US.. I chose to stay.
原文章由 臣媽 於 08-6-25 11:48 PM 發表
啊呀, 一連兩位的回應都係同一口勁....

係, 你地都講得好啱, 我都想佢有好的發展, 唔通睇住佢返來又唔開心咩, 不過, 兩年前真係冇諗過佢會唔返來, 之前我地一直都冇傾過呢個話題, 而家臨近畢業先講起, 真係有d 唔適 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-26 20:11 |只看該作者
我年輕時曾經也有阿女的相同夢想, 而佢一直都做緊我自己想做的事, 其實我好替佢開心, 希望佢積極工作, 開展佢自己美好的人生.

雖然佢可能在外地落地生根, 但而家的交通同埋通訉都咁方便, 掛住佢咪講吓電話囉..

GOD is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. [Psalms 46:1]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-28 08:58 |只看該作者
你到時買video phone, 仲方便, 好似msn video confence 咁..
同埋, 飛去UK當旅行, 到女女生兒育女, 你咪又去幫佢坐吓月.. 好似我爸爸媽咪咁,生活好充實呢..
原文章由 臣媽 於 08-6-26 07:11 AM 發表
我年輕時曾經也有阿女的相同夢想, 而佢一直都做緊我自己想做的事, 其實我好替佢開心, 希望佢積極工作, 開展佢自己美好的人生.

雖然佢可能在外地落地生根, 但而家的交通同埋通訉都咁方便, 掛住佢咪講吓電話囉..

多 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-28 13:07 |只看該作者
video phone 係點咖, 同唔同果d web cam 呀? 你有冇d 乜野介紹呀? 我打去倫敦的電話費好貴, 好多時都係用2b, 但係佢一定要坐喺個電腦處, 而我呢邊又唔知可以裝d 乜野, 等佢可以用佢個電話打比我, 真頭痕
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-6-28 08:58 發表
你到時買video phone, 仲方便, 好似msn video confence 咁..
同埋, 飛去UK當旅行, 到女女生兒育女, 你咪又去幫佢坐吓月.. 好似我爸爸媽咪咁,生活好充實呢..
GOD is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. [Psalms 46:1]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-28 19:58 |只看該作者
我去expo 見過, 個電話有個screen, 可以見到對方, 我叫fatbear 老公幫你search 吓..
小朋友大咗, 羽翼長成就要飛.. 我都希望第時我嘅小朋友都飛得穩, 飛得開心.. once佢哋受傷, 我會打開門等佢哋返嚟療傷, or 當佢哋記起我同fat bear 老公, 我哋會stand by 煮餐chinese 俾佢哋食!!
原文章由 臣媽 於 08-6-28 12:07 AM 發表
video phone 係點咖, 同唔同果d web cam 呀? 你有冇d 乜野介紹呀? 我打去倫敦的電話費好貴, 好多時都係用2b, 但係佢一定要坐喺個電腦處, 而我呢邊又唔知可以裝d 乜野, 等佢可以用佢個電話打比我, 真頭痕 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-29 08:34 |只看該作者

好呀, 麻煩你喇, 如果你地有點打電話可以平d 的資料就記得話比我知喇, 倫敦電話真係貴到嘔

我個女下星期二會到hk 喇, 我等緊佢返來, 佢會留兩個月, 頭先佢text 我, 話聽日上機前有份工去見喎, 我都希望佢見成功ge

btw, fat bear 係邊位呀?
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-6-28 19:58 發表
我去expo 見過, 個電話有個screen, 可以見到對方, 我叫fatbear 老公幫你search 吓..
小朋友大咗, 羽翼長成就要飛.. 我都希望第時我嘅小朋友都飛得穩, 飛得開心.. once佢哋受傷, 我會打開門等佢哋返嚟療傷, or 當佢哋 ...
GOD is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. [Psalms 46:1]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-29 23:15 |只看該作者
美國呢邊, 我哋用citicom 城市電訊, 月費 加拿大紙$15, 任打返HK.. 其他地方1cent/1minute.

原文章由 臣媽 於 08-6-28 07:34 PM 發表

好呀, 麻煩你喇, 如果你地有點打電話可以平d 的資料就記得話比我知喇, 倫敦電話真係貴到嘔

我個女下星期二會到hk 喇, 我等緊佢返來, 佢會留兩個月, 頭先佢text 我, 話聽日上機前有份工去見喎, ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-30 09:36 |只看該作者
UK都有架, 我friend成日打番黎hk, 我地打去又唔洗錢

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-6-29 23:15 發表
美國呢邊, 我哋用citicom 城市電訊, 月費 加拿大紙$15, 任打返HK.. 其他地方1cent/1minute.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-30 15:22 |只看該作者
我上citicom 城市電訉, 除咗一般idd 同埋電話咭之外, 見到一個叫做"國際飛線漫遊服務", 月費三十幾, 但每分鐘仲要額外$1.69, 咁都好貴喎, 同埋我諗呢個唔係你地講果d.

你地果d 係點ge 呢? 請詳細講吓, 或者比個網址我睇吓啦, 唔該
原文章由 鳳梨 於 08-6-30 09:36 發表
UK都有架, 我friend成日打番黎hk, 我地打去又唔洗錢
GOD is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. [Psalms 46:1]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-7-1 08:18 |只看該作者
臣媽 ,
it doesn't work in UK.. it is a service for Canada and America call back or receive call from hk.
it connect to the voder, use the cable phone site, then connect to normal telephone.
that Canadian $15 is rental fee, so we call, and receive call for free.. it is a 8 digit HK telephone number, clear as you call local.
原文章由 臣媽 於 08-6-30 02:22 AM 發表
我上citicom 城市電訉, 除咗一般idd 同埋電話咭之外, 見到一個叫做"國際飛線漫遊服務", 月費三十幾, 但每分鐘仲要額外$1.69, 咁都好貴喎, 同埋我諗呢個唔係你地講果d.

你地果d 係點ge 呢? 請詳細講吓, 或者比個網址 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-1 08:21 |只看該作者
噢...香港打去好多地方都好平, 次次優惠都冇我份
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-7-1 08:18 發表
臣媽 ,
it doesn't work in UK.. it is a service for Canada and America call back or receive call from hk.
it connect to the voder, use the cable phone site, then connect to normal telephone.
that Canad ...
GOD is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. [Psalms 46:1]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-4 18:23 |只看該作者
臣媽 ,
   我找到個城市電訊英國專線  , 睇下啱唔啱用

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