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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証 ...
樓主: lulukkkzzz

真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorizatio [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-18 10:45 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

Agree with LungWai. :  :  :  :
[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 04-9-20 00:39 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

像 RST 的文章只表達了其囡囡很喜歡上學和能主動學習,但也受到強烈的批評:
eg: You better have an open mind and talk more to the people around you to find out the proper development of young children.

"有信心咪讀囉! 無信心咪唔好讀囉!"這句話除了語氣之外,我並不覺得有什何問題,有信心唔一定是好宗教,信心的背後可能還有很多資料研究,做什麼事情都要有信心,如果無信心作為基礎,就很難會取得成功,我們要有信心,才能成事,如果對學校沒有信心,就真的不要讓自己的孩子在那裡就讀。

But the priority has to be set first. Is happiness your ultimate priority for your kid? Or is happiness just a by-product of a well-balanced education that your child is having. If the former is the case, then you are right.


書名 :Help! For Preschoolers
作者 :Constance Carpenter Gagnon
    在我以往四年的大學訓練裡,無論是從文獻記載或是從講師、臨床督學的教導中,都經常強調兒童最佳的學習效果是透過遊戲達到的,即所謂 "learning through play"。
    若果你想嘗試在傳統的以教師?中心的教學方法(teacher-oriented approach)中,加入以兒童?中心的教學方法(child-oriented approach),想嘗試一下以輕鬆有趣的遊戲作為教學活動,你可以從這本書找到靈感。它記載了多種遊戲活動可讓語文科、數學科和感知科等老師參考,這些活動都十分適合中度組或低年班學生的能力。

Rank: 2

發表於 04-9-20 09:17 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

書名 :Help! For Preschoolers
This is a book for preschoolers. Please read the abstract below

書名 :Help! For Preschoolers
HELP for Preschoolers (for ages 3-6 years) is a curriculum-based extension of
HELP: 0-3, and used by professionals with children who are "at risk," who may have developmental delays, or who are developing as "normal" preschoolers. It is designed to be used by those working in early childhood settings or by multi-disciplinary teams.

As a curriculum-based assessment, it covers 622 developmental skills for ages 3-6 years -- structured as a direct extension to the HELP skills 0-3. HELP for Preschoolers helps you focus on child strengths as well as needs, provides adaptations for assessing each skill, and promotes high expectations for all children.

Comprehensive -- covers 622 skills in the six developmental domains: Cognitive, Language, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Social, and Self-Help.

Developmentally sequenced – each domain is organized into specific skills, starting at age 3 years and sequenced through 6 years in month-by-month increments.

Used by all staff involved in the assessment and planning of comprehensive services, e.g., classroom teachers and aides, special educators, therapists, early childhood educators, and psychologists. Promotes an integrated approach.

Focuses on the whole child – the importance of supportive environments and interactions, building on strengths and providing activities for working on specific needs.
The assessment procedures and the innovative instructional activities are easily used in classrooms and varied educational settings (individual, group, structured, observational, etc.) by both professionals and paraprofessionals.

The broad scope helps you plan inclusion strategies. The skill numbering and the Strand structure links directly to the Strand structure for the HELP 0-3 skills.


You are right, the approach for preschoolers should be activity based.

But we are talking about primary school education!!  You are giving a counter example to what you preach!

Please clarify whether you are talking about LOGOS kindergarten (which I do not know of) or the LOGOS academy (which is a primary + secondary school).

And BTW,  my point is not whether activity-based learning is good or not.  My point is, as the title suggests, this approach is NOT IB based curriculum.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 04-9-20 10:52 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

LungWai: And BTW, my point is not whether activity-based learning is good or not. My point is, as the title suggests, this approach is NOT IB based curriculum.

Let's come back to the discussion related to the topic. As I know Logos is not providing or has not yet planned to provide the IBO's Primary Years Programme (PYP), for students aged 3 to 12. It has only planned to provide the IBO’s Diploma Programme which is a demanding pre-university course of study that leads to examinations. It is designed for highly motivated secondary school students aged 16 to 19. [ref: www.ibo.org]

I have no idea whether activity-based learning  is IBO based curriculum or not. Even if this is not, what's the problem that Logo's primary school takes the activity-based learning approach?

發表於 04-9-20 11:54 |只看該作者


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發表於 04-9-20 12:15 |只看該作者


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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 04-9-20 12:51 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

Philipwhau: If Logos is planning to provide the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma like Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong, I am interested in knowing the progress that Logos has done so far to obtain the authorization from IBO for higher form students?

I don't know why you gugs keep on asking similar questions about the progress that Logos has done so far to obtain the authorization from IBO.
Principal Yau did answere the question to logos parents during a morning meeting. I also tried to answer the question under this topic using my limited knowledge. Here summaries what I said before:

[All are based on my own knowledge]
- Logos intended to let it's current primary school students to take the IBD. [The current secondary school students will take the local HK examinations.]
- It takes only 3 to 4 years time for a school to prepare for the IBD, right now it's too early for Logos to put too much effect on this.

Please also note that the IBO's Primay Years Program (PYP) serves as an excellent introduction to the Middle Years Programme (MYP), but it is not a prerequisite for this or for the Diploma Programme (DP).[ref: ibo.org]

Rank: 2

發表於 04-9-20 13:01 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

People keep asking because it is unclear.
When I ask my friend, they give me the model answer.
I think people just want to know more.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-20 14:57 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

Please allow me to call your attention to understand why parents here want to clarify the question which mention here.

1. Of course, logo's parents should not be in a hurry if they tend to let their kids studying in logo's for 11 years. In fact, they have no choice once their kids are studying in Logo's. Why?! You know, Logo's academic syllabus is quite big difference from others' primary school in Hong Kong. It is not easy to find a traditional primary school to receive a pupil who's studied Logo's for more than one year.  This is my understanding.

2. As is known, A. Einstein did not trust in foundations of physices up to the end of his life.  He was a genius that I agreed with his point of view.  Is Mr. Yau a genuis? So can he predict the future of Hong Kong Education System or can he tell you how's your kids' future?  Even our Secretary for Education and Manpower Mr. Arthur KC Li, he has more than thirty-year experience of the Education. He also cannot tell us a clear way of Hong Kong Education. Policy changed from time to time.

3. What type of distinction between logo's parents and non-logo's parents is there? There is distinction between their kids are studying in logo's or not. Be parents of logo's pupil, they have no choice to trust Mr. Yau. (Yes, I can hear that YOU trust Mr.Yau before you send your kids in logo's.)  They can't accept those no advantage message from public. On the other way, non-logo's parents want to know more about the future of the school, especially teaching method, acedamic results, IB etc. For example, non-logo's parents just like people who want to buy 008 (PCCW), they would better know  more about 008 before they make any decision. Otherwise, you can image the result of 008 now.

[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

發表於 04-9-20 14:59 |只看該作者


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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 04-9-20 15:40 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

Sorry for my poor English that confused some of those non-Logos parents.

Let me repeat again:

As I know Logos is not providing or has not yet planned to provide the IBO's Primary Years Programme (PYP) [PYP is targeted for students aged 3 to 12]

Logos intended to let it's current primary school students [now studying P1-P3 and the future primary students at Logos]to take the IBO's Diploma Programme (DP), that is 9 years later properly in 2013."

It has only planned to provide the IBO's Diploma Programme (DP) (The DP is designed for highly motivated secondary school students aged 16 to 19).

IBO's Primary Years Programme (PYP) is not a prerequisite for the IBO's Diploma Programme (DP)


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 15:39 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??


大部分會考生以升讀大學為目標,除高級程度會考外,也可選擇受國際大學承認的大學預科國際會考文憑課程(International Baccalaureate Diploma),簡稱IB文憑,是供16至19歲學生修讀的兩年制課程。現獲115個國家,千多所大學,包括牛津、哈佛、劍橋、耶魯等著名大學承認。本港畢業生除可選擇海外大學,亦可循非聯招途徑入讀本地大學。


IB課程要求考生修讀6個科目,包括以母語教授的文學課程、外語、個人及社會、實驗科學、數學、藝術及選修科目。其中3科屬於高級程度 (Higher Level),其餘則屬於標準程度 (Standard Level)。此外,考生必須修讀知識理論課,並完成畢業論文,更要完成全才活動(CAS),即藝術、運動、社區及校園服務的要求。



[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 15:47 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

The following 7 schools in Hong Kong are provided...







Yew Chung International School - Hong Kong  DIPLOMA IBAP HONG KONG-SAROC DAY BOTH  PRIVATE
[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 15:49 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

What schools can expect from IBO authorization

Excellence in education
IB programmes provide a broad and challenging education. The programmes enable students to acquire important academic skills and to develop an international perspective and a commitment to their communities.  

Ongoing support from the IBO
The IBO continues to work closely with schools after they become authorized. IBO regional offices organize regional conferences where IB world schools can share their experiences and exchange ideas. IB teachers can access curriculum materials and interact in real time with other teachers via the IBO's online curriculum centre. IB coordinators can download curriculum updates, examination schedules, and other information from the IBO's IBNET web site. The IBO evaluates schools' IB programmes on a regular basis and assists schools in developing procedures for the assessment of student work.

Participation in the activities of a worldwide community of IB schools

Official authorization to offer the DP will be subject to the process described in these guides and to an authorization visit by an IBO visiting team. A school may not advertise itself as an “IB world school” authorized to offer the DP, nor may it commence the teaching of the DP, until it has received official IBO authorization.
[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 15:54 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

The notes that follow aim to provide additional information to assist schools through the process.

Schools go through a number of steps prior to authorization.

Step 1:   The school makes an initial enquiry to the regional office in Singapore or to the office of the regional representative about the Diploma Programme. Sub-regional offices are located in Sydney for Australasia, Beijing for China and Mongolia, Tokyo for Japan and Korea, Mumbai for India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and Singapore for South-East Asia. The school will be directed to this web site for initial information.

Step 2:   After examining the IBO documents on this web site, the school will conduct a feasibility study to determine whether their educational philosophy is consistent with that of the IBO as expressed in the IBO’s mission statement. The school will also examine its resources – human, physical and financial - in light of the DP requirements.

In order to do this, the school may do a number of things:

Acquiring subject guides. This is essential in order to gain a clear understanding of the detailed requirements of each subject, as well as the ‘core elements’ of the DP.  These can be purchased online from the sales department in Cardiff. The full list of available publications can be found on the IBO web site (www.ibo.org);
Staff should attend IB teacher training workshops.  A calendar of workshops is available on the IBAP web site;
Key staff members should attend introductory workshops on the DP;
Invite the IB regional representative or the DP regional manager to visit the school and speak to the staff and/or governing board about the DP. The school will be expected to cover any travel and accommodation costs;
Arrange visits to authorized schools in the region to speak with staff experienced not only in running the DP but also who may have experience with the application process itself.
Step 3:   The governing body of the school makes a decision to seek authorization and sends the Notice of Intent to the regional office in Singapore, addressed to the regional manager, and sends a copy to the sub-regional office. At this stage the school is designated a “candidate” school.

Step 4:   The school prepares its application on the official Application Form, which has two parts, and e-mails it (or sends it on CD), along with supporting documentation, to the regional manager at the Asia-Pacific Singapore Office. At this stage, the school also remits its application fee to the IBO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The application must be submitted by the appropriate date (see below) to ensure that authorization is achieved in a manageable time frame.

Where it is not possible to provide electronic copies, hard copies of documents should be provided.  Please ensure that the school is clearly identified in all correspondence.

Step 5:   The regional manager, or the regional representative, will then organize with the school a date for the authorization visit.

Step 6:   The authorization visiting team will write a report based on the school’s application and their two-day visit and submit this report to the director general via the regional director.

Step 7:   The director general grants either full or conditional authorization, or refuses authorization, and notifies the school.

From the time of submission of the application form, authorization can take up to six months. The feasibility study, and the process leading to the decision by the governing body to seek authorization, may take anywhere from 12 months to two years, depending on the individual circumstances of the school. In undertaking the process leading to authorization, candidate schools need to take into consideration their own internal planning timeline for the development for academic timetables - the development of subject documentation, subject selection procedures and resource allocation. Therefore, schools wishing to become IBO-authorized DP schools must submit their application forms to the regional office by no later than

30 November for May session schools in the year preceding the anticipated commencement of the DP; or
30 March for November session schools in the year preceding the anticipated commencement of the DP.
[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

發表於 04-9-22 12:00 |只看該作者


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發表於 04-9-22 12:19 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

我見你們一直為 "真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!...." 而爭拗, 咁how about 這topic的第二部分: "......最終兩頭o吾到岸???"

Logos parents, 其實係唔係打算遲早送仔女去外國, 現在logos有沒有IB都無所謂啦? 總之學校好, activity-based, 開心, 唔係填鴨式咪得lor!  (除了那些: 「對丘校長好有信心、對丘校長辨事能力、教育遠見絕對信任....」的家長外)。

如果堅持留港的, 可唔可以轉番讀A-Level課程 (或者所謂的 "本港未來新的高中試")? 係唔係真係咁compatible, 到時可以翻轉頭? 如果可以, 就無問題啦, 如果唔可以, 最終係會"兩頭o吾到岸"的, 即係話, 如果afford唔到去外國的家長, 唔好冒咁大個險啦?

點解今年都有超過700人去報真道, 唔通咁多人都打算將來出國的? 唔係掛.....其實我見除o左真道, 都有其他新學校收緊小學生, plan緊開埋中學辦一條龍, 話lead to IB, 係咪一樣的問題? 那些學校都好多人爭的, 唔好只係針對真道?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-22 14:07 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??


回說IBD, 看Enchante的資料實不需這麼早搞呢!基本上還有很多年才有需要給IBO inspect。還未有高年級學生,無須年年白繳費用。首務是收取最好的學生,有了好材料,加工容易得多, 學校也能早些打出名堂。

Disclaimer: 我絕對認同直資及優質一條龍私校。不是迷信於一人,而是迷信這教改理念吧。

發表於 04-9-22 14:13 |只看該作者


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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 04-9-22 14:46 |只看該作者

Re: 真道並非authorized IB school, 高中無可能考到認可IB証書??????IB authorization 好難有!最終兩頭o吾到岸??

I said properly in 2013 which is the estimated year that current P3 students to take the IBO's Diploma Program Examination.

what Principal Yau said: "It takes only 3 to 4 years time for a school to prepare for the IBD, right now it's too early for Logos to put too much effect on this."

This was not said by Principal Yau, this was said by me.

在Website 所看到的好像真道現在已提供IB 課程
Judy: 04-09-08 12:22
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