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教育王國 討論區 港澳信義會小學 大家做個朋友
樓主: ac02

大家做個朋友 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-13 17:54 |只看該作者
原文章由 samanthat38 於 08-6-13 13:57 發表
Hi Hilda,

You think : 一千幾百,猶如垃圾,一萬幾千,過眼雲煙.

我吔D仔(my son) 同D雲咁friend, 好快d雲 n 煙就入哂你袋.
D 垃圾算啦!! 我今年加咗4%左右人工咋,前2年,沒有得加添.

Anyway, 有好過無. Take it easy! ...

撞鬼 law !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-13 20:03 |只看該作者
原文章由 cluk15hon 於 08-6-13 16:39 發表
result :

Oral : 80 marks
Music : (the teacher only info the top of the class that
             all of them are girls)
Bible   : My son talk to me that he got 38 marks.  My eye
             drop it d ...

My son said that Andy got 3+ marks,
I said no la, he got 83 marks.
My son only 65 marks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-13 21:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 cluk15hon 於 08-6-10 20:42 發表

Pls let us know whether your class info / adv any news for G.S. exam ?  If yes, pls share!!!

Hi Candy,

阿女到目前為此話老師都無講過考試題示, 只叫佢地"努力溫習" . 我覺得常識時事題, 只要佢地平時有睇新聞嘅習慣(阿女每日都會睇新聞和天氣報告). 咁! 應該唔會有太大問題. 唔駛估得咁辛苦!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-13 23:00 |只看該作者
原文章由 cluk15hon 於 08-6-13 16:41 發表
There have four days to be exam.

The teacher pass back the w.s. & exercise book that it is too many for revision.  Oh dear.

琴晚見到頭都大埋. 等佢訓佐"覺"先同佢整理吓! 無計! 咁亂! 我唔識同佢溫. 今晚完全無幫阿女溫書, 比佢輕鬆吓! 等明日日光日白先有精神同佢溫.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-15 11:55 |只看該作者

Well.  Your daughter is so smart that you are no need to worry about.  Due to she can handle by herself.  

I would like to infm that my son do so many exercise that there have so many many careless mistakes are made.  
In addition, he cant concentrate for revision purpose.  I ask him that he has so confusion.  

Anyway, I dont expect him have goods result.

原文章由 ac02 於 08-6-13 23:00 發表

琴晚見到頭都大埋. 等佢訓佐"覺"先同佢整理吓! 無計! 咁亂! 我唔識同佢溫. 今晚完全無幫阿女溫書, 比佢輕鬆吓! 等明日日光日白先有精神同佢溫. ...
Best Regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-15 12:02 |只看該作者

我昨晚才找回您上次給我的 past paper,
現在叫阿仔做, but he is unwilling.

News from other school, GS asked :
Which area happened earthquare ?
Who is the Taiwan president now ?
Who is the 1st 火炬手.
How many 火炬手?

[ 本文章最後由 Terry280905 於 08-6-15 12:04 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-16 14:32 |只看該作者
News of the exam on today.

1.Who is the 1st 火炬手

My son said that he has two answer that he dont know the correct answer.  Other he has confident that he said it is like the previous past exam paper.  

But, he has some question wrongly answer that he ask me the correct answer.  

原文章由 Terry280905 於 08-6-15 12:02 發表

我昨晚才找回您上次給我的 past paper,
現在叫阿仔做, but he is unwilling.

News from other school, GS asked :
Which area happened earthquare ?
Who is the Taiwan president now ?
Who is the 1st 火 ...
Best Regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-16 15:58 |只看該作者
原文章由 cluk15hon 於 08-6-16 14:32 發表
News of the exam on today.

1.Who is the 1st 火炬手

My son said that he has two answer that he dont know the correct answer.  Other he has confident that he said it is like the p ...


常識有字不懂得寫, 唉! 始終都是這些老問題.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-16 17:41 |只看該作者

I would like to share my info

My son also dont know the making sentense for composition.  I afraid him to write wrongly wordings or slowly.  So, I ask him to write the sentense at home.  In additional, I set the timer for him.  As you understand that he do everything that in slow motion.  I know he ought to use so much time for thinking the composition too.   

My son said that the composition (段落寫作) that have some wordings which write down.  They ought to refer the picture & write down for description for the picture what they see.   

** He said that it is not so difficulty **.  
** He guess he will have 90marks **  

Regarding the G.S.  

魚 和  "倉"鼠  那是供人欣賞的.     他答  "倉"鼠 -->  錯

By the way, I hope he dont dream on next few days.
I hope he dont make any friends with cloudy / rainy .....

原文章由 Terry280905 於 08-6-16 15:58 發表


常識有字不懂得寫, 唉! 始終都是這些老問題.
Best Regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-17 13:13 |只看該作者

count down

2 days left.  We can do anything.  
The tutor Miss said that we are studying for the final examination.  The kids is not care about.   Anyway, I will be free & go to sleep well on Thursday night.   

Celebration for finish the examination on Thursday.
Best Regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-17 13:14 |只看該作者

count down

2 days left.  We can do anything.  
The tutor Miss said that we are studying for the final examination.  The kids is not care about.   Anyway, I will be free & go to sleep well on Thursday night.   

Celebration for finish the examination on Thursday.
Best Regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-17 13:15 |只看該作者

count down

2 days left.  We can do anything.  
The tutor Miss said that we are studying for the final examination.  The kids is not care about.   Anyway, I will be free & go to sleep well on Thursday night.   

Celebration for finish the examination on Thursday.
Best Regards

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-18 12:56 |只看該作者
原文章由 ac02 於 08-6-13 21:49 發表

Hi Candy,

阿女到目前為此話老師都無講過考試題示, 只叫佢地"努力溫習" . 我覺得常識時事題, 只要佢地平時有睇新聞嘅習慣(阿女每日都會睇新聞和天氣報告). 咁! 應該唔會有太大問題. 唔駛估得咁辛苦! ...

Dear all

Haven't to talk to all of you for a long time. I am very busy for the few months. I left the office around 9-10pm everydays. I felt tired very very much. So, I haven't check my son's homework for a few months also. I have taken two days leave for Tsueday and Wenesday only. I studied with my son in yesterday and I slept all the day for the remaining time. I feel my son is not so good compare the last time exam. Anyway, I haven't time to be nervous in this time. So, let him to be natural. What is yr plan for yr daughter/son in this summer holiday? My son want to join the class for chirstmas training in Kwun Tong which is the notice on today. Who will join it? It will have school bus arranement for the class.

best regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-18 13:54 |只看該作者

Oh. I would like to infm that I arrange the summer's studies course for him.  So, he dont have the time to join the course even he tell me that most of the classmate will join.   

Anyway, we can arrange the gathering during summer holiday.  It may plan on Sunday that I suppose most of the Mum will be free on Sunday.

原文章由 fullyhappy 於 08-6-18 12:56 發表

Dear all

Haven't to talk to all of you for a long time. I am very busy for the few months. I left the office around 9-10pm everydays. I felt tired very very much. So, I haven't check my son's homew ...
Best Regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-18 13:58 |只看該作者
Hilda & Janice,

As per my son's info that Ms. Lau tell him the marks for English for the highest one.  郭泳兒 and my son also have the same marks.   

There will have the last subject on tmrw.  I have the feeling that he complete for P.2.  Hope it will be all the best in next years for everythings.  

原文章由 cluk15hon 於 08-6-17 13:15 發表
2 days left.  We can do anything.  
The tutor Miss said that we are studying for the final examination.  The kids is not care about.   Anyway, I will be free & go to sleep well on Thursday night.   

Best Regards

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-18 16:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 cluk15hon 於 08-6-18 13:58 發表
Hilda & Janice,

As per my son's info that Ms. Lau tell him the marks for English for the highest one.  郭泳兒 and my son also have the same marks.   

There will have the last subject on tmrw.  I hav ...

Hi Candy

It is good news for you.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-18 16:21 |只看該作者

My son says he get failure that he only 95 marks.  Due to the last term that he has 99marks. He says he is get down the result.  He says the classmate - Wing Kwok that she has improved for English.     

原文章由 fullyhappy 於 08-6-18 16:13 發表

Hi Candy

It is good news for you.
Best Regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-18 16:26 |只看該作者

My son said that he asks the words how to write during the revision period.  Bcz he don't how to write the words (chinese),  even the exam did not have the question, but, he feel happy to learn one more words.

原文章由 Terry280905 於 08-6-16 15:58 發表


常識有字不懂得寫, 唉! 始終都是這些老問題.
Best Regards

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-18 17:27 |只看該作者
原文章由 fullyhappy 於 08-6-18 12:56 發表

Dear all

Haven't to talk to all of you for a long time. I am very busy for the few months. I left the office around 9-10pm everydays. I felt tired very very much. So, I haven't check my son's homew ...

Hi fullyhappy,

話!.......妳真系好忙呀!:D  今日終於見妳嘅出現.  真系辛苦晒妳啦! 咁耐無見妳上來都估一定系好忙啦! 只系公司忙! 別來無仰呀嗎? 妳好彩仲有個星期六、日可以休息吓! 如果唔系.....哈!哈! 妳知點架啦! :idea: --------> 小心身體! 有大有細都要睇!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-18 17:28 |只看該作者
原文章由 cluk15hon 於 08-6-18 16:21 發表

My son says he get failure that he only 95 marks.  Due to the last term that he has 99marks. He says he is get down the result.  He says the classmate - Wing Kwok that she has improved f ...

Yes, Andy is right. I knew her that she was improved
compare with B4. It is good one more competitor.
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