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兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-8-24 12:41 |只看該作者


兩歲小朋友, 返那一班得益比較大,比較多?
<1>幼兒班, 普通中文主流, 自己上堂,冇家長陪, 每日3個鐘;  
<2>playgroup, 英文外籍老師, 要家長陪上堂,每日個半鐘.


只是我個人諗法, 其他媽咪,可否分享你的經驗?
thank you!!

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-24 14:06 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Hi! dora8802,

我個人覺得返幼兒班好d.  以下係我既經驗:

我囡囡而家2歲4個月, 從佢14個月大就開始同佢一齊返英語playgroup親子班, 直到現在 (每星期日返一堂, 1 hr. 15 mins.), 主要都係以玩既形式. 期間學到英文,合群,唱歌等, 語言能力發展都幾好.  但近幾個月, 我發覺囡囡返playgroup時唔係幾鍾意講野, 有時連唱歌都提不起勁. 但o係屋企就好似開籠雀咁, 我一路都以為lee d 係所謂既Trouble Two.

但由佢開始返nursery 後(8月9日開始返, 每日3個鐘, 中/英文班, 主要語言為中文, 但每日有外籍老師教半個鐘英,數), 到而家返左學12日, 令我覺得冇選擇錯. 老師話我囡囡自理能力越來越有進步(e.g. 去厠所, 食飯等). 另外學識禮貌, 分享, 講野方面老師話由最初dum 低頭唔出聲, 到而家已經變回主動, 有問有答. 真係好開心.  而家每朝早佢都好鍾意返學.

playgroup 同 nursery 既最大分別係在于nursery 冇家長伴同上堂, 小孩子不會過份依賴.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-8-24 14:58 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Hi! BB Chan,

so do you think if i send my baby to pre-nusery(2 years),
is it too earlier? or should i wait if he is 2 years
4 months, or 2.1/2 year? because i know there is the
interview for K1 when he will be around 2 years few months,
so if he has not yet started the pre-nursey, he may be
very shy when he is facing the strangers.

by the way, which kindergarten is your daughter studying?
do you think if i send my baby to international class
(PN), is it good or should i send him to chinese/english

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-24 15:28 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Hi! monmantong,

For pre-nursery, 2 years is OK la.  As pre-nursery is also called "兩歲班",嘛 足兩歲就可以讀la.  Kids can learn many things in a short period of time, so don't waste his time.  Enroll now lar.  

My daughter is now studying at Funful (Discovery Bay, Tsuen Wan).

Originally, I plan to send my daughter to Funful's international class as I want her to learn more English, but then after discussion with my hubby & Funful's teachers, we decided to join their Chinese/English class because:

1/ For Funful's international class, there will not be any Chinese lesson.

2/ For Chinese/English class, there will still be a native speaking teacher to teach the kids English (phonics) & Maths (half an hour per day).  中文老師(班主任)負責教中文及溫習英,數課本.  Please note, however, I think some kindergartens' international class will still have Chinese/Mandarin lessons.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-8-24 16:11 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Hi BBChan,
Many thanks for your sharing.
Do you think is it very important, must let the child go without carer?
I sent my bb to playgroup in her 14 months also, 2 hours x 2 times a week in a formal kindergarten. The class content is more or less the same as nursery class except children go with carer. She's now 24 months and still in this class.
Originally, I'm planning to send her to NC on Feb-05 when she is 30 months, so I jointed another English playgroup for her on another 2 days per week in another learning center, so every week she has 4 days playgroup in 2 different schools. However, I'm worrying the coming K1 interviews as she is really shy when there's strangers.   
Do you think is it helpful if I send her to nursery class earlier?
BBChan 寫道:
Hi! dora8802,

我個人覺得返幼兒班好d.  以下係我既經驗:

我囡囡而家2歲4個月, 從佢14個月大就開始同佢一齊返英語playgroup親子班, 直到現在 (每星期日返一堂, 1 hr. 15 mins.), 主要都係以玩既形式. 期間學到英文,合群,唱歌等, 語言能力發展都幾好.  但近幾個月, 我發覺囡囡返playgroup時唔係幾鍾意講野, 有時連唱歌都提不起勁. 但o係屋企就好似開籠雀咁, 我一路都以為lee d 係所謂既Trouble Two.

但由佢開始返nursery 後(8月9日開始返, 每日3個鐘, 中/英文班, 主要語言為中文, 但每日有外籍老師教半個鐘英,數), 到而家返左學12日, 令我覺得冇選擇錯. 老師話我囡囡自理能力越來越有進步(e.g. 去厠所, 食飯等). 另外學識禮貌, 分享, 講野方面老師話由最初dum 低頭唔出聲, 到而家已經變回主動, 有問有答. 真係好開心.  而家每朝早佢都好鍾意返學.

playgroup 同 nursery 既最大分別係在于nursery 冇家長伴同上堂, 小孩子不會過份依賴.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-24 17:34 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Hi! dora8802,

我個人覺得冇大人陪同會好d, 而且妳囡囡已兩歲, 又返左成年playgroup好應該比佢自己一個學習同其他小朋友相處.
講件事妳知, 今日老師打電話比我話我囡囡今日見到佢同學賴左尿喊, 老師安慰極佢都唔收聲仲越喊越勁, 點之我囡囡走去攬住佢同學&講: 唔好喊啦, hall番妳啦(學好平時d對白)…. 佢同學就即刻唔喊……呢d情形我以前係未見過我囡囡做既.  老師都話好多野其實佢地已經識, 只要大人要對小朋友有信心&比鼓勵佢地.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-24 17:47 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Dear BB Chan,

I am considering to send my baby to Funful also. But I don't know whether I should go to Discovery Park or 海濱.
I checked with 海濱, they have 5 students in international class only. I think this is no good for the children which have 5 classmates.  If 1-2 classmates sick and 1-2 take leave.  Then, nobody will play with my baby.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-25 10:35 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Dear Paklamma,

I like 海濱's envoironment (the place is spacious).  Discovery Park's place is smaller but I think it is still acceptable and the teachers/amahs are very nice.

In the last 10 days, the class teacher keeps updating me my daughter's situation & improvements in the school and that really make me feel comfortable & lessen my worry.  And the most important thing is that my daughter loves to go to school everyday (this is what I expected).

I also think this is no good for only 5 students in a class.  I heard from other bk mums that sometimes the school will group the international class with the local class in case there are only 2-3 students in a class.  But I think this is still no good for the kids.

Have you also checked with the Discovery Park?  I heard from a mum (囡囡同學母親) that when she requested to switch to international class for her son, the officer said international class has already full.

Paklamma 寫道:
Dear BB Chan,

I am considering to send my baby to Funful also. But I don't know whether I should go to Discovery Park or 海濱.
I checked with 海濱, they have 5 students in international class only. I think this is no good for the children which have 5 classmates.  If 1-2 classmates sick and 1-2 take leave.  Then, nobody will play with my baby.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-25 13:41 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Dear BBchan,

As they don't have chinese lesson in international class, so I prefer to attend chinese/english class. And Funful in Discovery Park is nearby our home.  Even though we need to take the bus/mini bus when we go there.  But it takes around 10 minutes only.  If my son go there by school bus, I think it is OK for 2 years baby.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-25 14:12 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?


妳會報AM or PM session 呀?
我囡囡係AM session Nursery Truth I (Miss Chu 班主任)

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-25 18:40 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?


我會明天報名,我會報AM session, 我o地既小朋友可能會做到同學仔呀

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-25 19:03 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

I let my kid tried both 幼兒班 and playgroup.  All the family members found playgroup is more suitable for our kid.  She has fun in the playgroup and learn a lot.
This September she is going to kindergarten and we will let her continue go to playgroup.  She loves the teachers in the playgroup.
My personal thinking is nursery and playgroup are not compulsory, you can join or not without any force or pressure.  But the kid must go to kindergarten when 2.8 years old.  Therefore I just let my kid do what she likes.  And she's so happy and full of confidence.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-8-25 19:19 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Hi! Pakalamma,

I've just submit the application to Funful as well(海濱),AM session and International class and will have an interview tomorrow. I pick this school as my friend 's son had a very good and happy school life there. Now he still doesn't forget the name of Amahs although he is no longer be there for 1 year . The teacher are very nice and keep update and follow up the kid's situation. There are also a lot of space, a little hall and the swimming pool (but don't think open often).

I pick this branch also because fewer students can make teacher pay more attention to them.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-8-25 22:17 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

I think playgroup is more suitable for a 2 years old kid. I let me kid attended one year playgroup when she was 2 then enrolled to kindergraden when she was 3.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-8-25 22:51 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

I will let my son go to nursery in Feb 05 when he is 24 months.  But there is no half day nursery nearby, so I plan to let my son go to the nursery by school bus in the next district.  But I'm afraid he is not willing to take the school bus alone, do you get any exprience on it?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-8-26 09:16 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

My daughter started her playgroup while she was 18 months, and she joined the class on her own. At the beginning , she had the problem that we would not stay with her , we only waited for her outside the classroom. She scared but could get used to that after few lessons, and she loved to go then.We now arrange her to go to Nursey because she is a very active and energetic kid , only playgroup can't satisfy her (unless playgroup everyday)and she is also the single child at home. Nursey can teach her to learn how to share with the others and be independant ,the most important thing is to kill her energy. I think it depends on your child's character.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-26 11:40 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Dear Sunmoon,

My son went to 海濱 for playgroup on May & Jun.  He likes the environment. But 海濱 is far away from our home.  So, I choose Discovery Park finally.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-26 13:57 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?


咁就好喇, 第日可以多d交流下吖嘛.  

係呢, 如冇記錯, 妳囝囝好似係10月底出, 咁係咪要過左生日先可以返學架, 有冇問過學校插班生既學習編排會係點架. 我意思係在黎緊一,兩個月內唔多唔小學校都會教一d教科書上面既野(中文書有教: 人,口,耳,鼻,舌.....), 咁如妳囝囝插班, 會唔會有咩影響呢.

Paklamma 寫道:

我會明天報名,我會報AM session, 我o地既小朋友可能會做到同學仔呀

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-26 14:17 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Yes, my son borned in end of Oct. My maid sent an application form to them at 9:00. And I rec'd a call from 卜主任 at 9:15 already.  She asked us when can we go to interview. I said I need to take leave and will call them again after applied AL. She said I can let my maid bring him to interview.  But I want to attend the interview also and ask some questions. Actually, I went there before to see the environment.  But I forget to ask this question.( 咁如妳囝囝插班, 會唔會有咩影響呢.)  Tks for your remind.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-26 14:21 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Sorry for out of question.    

BBchan, pls discuss through PM.
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