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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 MCS Vs DGJS
樓主: Helen'sMum

MCS Vs DGJS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-1-15 09:17 |只看該作者
原文章由 Helen'sMum 於 07-12-23 00:36 發表
upperyellow :

很多謝你寶貴的意見 ! 這兩天我也問了十多位朋友的意見 , 發現她們都一面倒認為應選 DGS , 因 DGS 在各方面的條件都比 MCS 優勝 , 特別是升中派位 (DGS 是100%升中) , 將來不需再為升中問題而操心 ,  ...

DGS is a good school.  The point that you mention you are scared some of the competition between parents' background and money later .   If you decide let her study there.  You must be prepare and give proper education to your daughter.   I understand a lot of work too. Especially these days.   

Which kinder your daughter attend ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-1-15 10:55 |只看該作者
我不會選dgjs.  因為兩個學費加起來成8萬一年, 未計inflation的因素, 即係黎緊幾年都只有加價.  

另, 少不免都要去補習社的, 又係$$, 所有$$都要 乘2 喎.

你地住得近, 讀maryknoll又可以慳番校車錢, 同時間.

又唔駛到細女時再受多一次考小一的折磨.  你今次好運, 第一round就入到, 但到細女時就未必了.  若到時佢又考唔到一間理想的私校, 第一round又入唔到好的學校, 到時你又會唔會覺得對個細女唔住呢??

個game根本就對大女有利, 細女輸蝕的, 所以有時好難公平攞.  況且, maryknoll點都唔失禮呀, 何必take這個risk呢??

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-1-15 15:34 |只看該作者
樓主話要睇埋細妹面試CCKG (DGJS半官方幼稚園, 女生升讀率聽講話超過八成) 結果如何再做決定, 咁即係其實樓主心目中都有個排名啦: DGJS前過MCS.

又假如(假如咋0下, 事實當然無可能啦), 依家DGJS話两姐妹都收, 樓主跟本都唔洗出topic問大家意見啦. 咁即是話, DGJS對家姐來講係best possible option. 如果因為要照顧埋妹妹而有其他考慮, 咁係放棄DGJS個機會成本已經高過放棄MCS.

妹妹自有佢自己既天份, 性格同興趣, 又有大抽獎, 到時都會有好多適合既機會.

[ 本文章最後由 YongXin 於 08-1-15 17:07 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-1-16 00:51 |只看該作者
每年都有同一個問題出現係bk,其實問題好簡單有錢一定讀dgjs,冇就入mcs至於將來小朋友是否出人頭地根本同你現在選入那一間(dgjs or mcs)扯不上任何關係.

原文章由 Helen'sMum 於 07-12-21 23:23 發表
瑪利諾和女拔都收了囡囡 , 真的很幸運 , 如經濟許可 , 是否應取 DGJS 而棄 MCS ? 但還有妹妹 , 而 DGJS 又要搬去將軍澳幾年 , 真不知應如何取棄 ......... 可否給予些意見 !
謝謝 ! ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-1-17 23:01 |只看該作者
I think Helen's mum has made up her mind. Don't need to worry for her lah. Everybody has his own thought, you do you want and i do i want lor.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-2-24 23:24 |只看該作者
Hi ! Helen mum , did you make up your mind yet ?
I have a freind whose daughter was admitted by dgjs, but is considering whether to let her daughter studying here after the briefing session by dgjs last month. She mentioned that the location of the temporary school in TKO is very inconvenicence and it is not close to the MTR station. It will be a big problem for the transit since they live in Tsuen Wan. And the environment around this temporary school is not good. She said there will be more "give-up places" released this year owing to this factor ??

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-25 10:13 |只看該作者

回覆 #46 sd7789666 的文章

In my view, location is the last of one's worries when choosing a school.  

I can understand people choosing a school (or a type of school) because of budget reasons.  

I can also understand people choosing a school because of achievements, standard, students character etc.

But it would be rather short-sighted to choose (or give up) a school because of a short period of inconvenience (unless you are also accepted by a school which is more convenient and is comparable in terms of standards and other relevant aspects).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-28 13:49 |只看該作者
Location has always been one of the most influencing factors.  But sometimes even if the school is not so far away geographically, due to the limited school bus arrangement, students may also take a lot of time in travelling.  That's why I think it is also necessary to study the school bus time table and route.  

I think it is poor to wake up a child at 6am and send him/her to the school bus at 6:45am.  Of course, every parents have different point of views.

原文章由 anxiousparent 於 08-2-25 10:13 發表
In my view, location is the last of one's worries when choosing a school.  

I can understand people choosing a school (or a type of school) because of budget reasons.  

I can also understand people  ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-2-28 16:06 |只看該作者
Actually I didn't know much about DGJS since I don't have any daughter. However, my friend draws my attention to this school as she always talk about it.

After visiting DGJS web page, I found that it is a very good school in term of its curriculum and school activities. DGJS implement library period to enhance students' reading interest. Strong emphasis on English teaching and variety of activities for students. The new development project impressed me a lot since the new school campus would has very good facilities which the students must be benefited in future .............

I will persuade my friend to let her daughter to study here and I hope those parents would choose this school for their daughters if she was admitted successfully !!

It's worth to do that !!!!!  Good LUCK !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-4 12:54 |只看該作者


DGJS is one of the top girl school in Hong Kong, both academic and ECA results are excellent, they train girls systematically in order to obtain the best results.  A very high profile school and the girls are also very confident.

MCS is also one of the top school in HK, students come from different family background.  I admire their philosophy of education.  Excellent academic performance but low

Don't worry about the deviation between these schools!  No one dares to discriminate if your girl studys at MCS rather than DGJS. If you have a younger sister following the eldest sister, MCS would be a better choice.  Remember!  you have to study P.1 again together with your daugther and spend a lot of time with her.  Actually, as a parent, you are the one to affect her most.  Better justify your own ability, time and money.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-5-7 16:53 |只看該作者
很久沒上來 , 原來還有這麼多的回應 ,多謝各位媽咪多月來的意見 !

Rank: 4

發表於 08-5-7 17:04 |只看該作者
原文章由 Helen'sMum 於 08-5-7 16:53 發表
很久沒上來 , 原來還有這麼多的回應 ,多謝各位媽咪多月來的意見 !

hello Helen's Mum,

Long time no see la, 你決定左未呀, 不過你簡邊簡都唔緊要啦因為2簡都係咁 top. 恭喜哂呀

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 08-5-7 17:09 |只看該作者
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