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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 父母英文差, 俾子女讀國際學校好唔好?
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父母英文差, 俾子女讀國際學校好唔好? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-18 11:09 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我同老公 d 英文..................

1. 會唔會對小朋友唔好?
2. 多唔多 家長日/親子旅行? 我出羞唔緊要, 怕影響小朋友...
3. 還有要留意的地方嗎?
   0    0    0    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-18 15:01 |只看該作者
原文章由 a1234 於 08-3-18 11:09 發表
我同老公 d 英文..................

1. 會唔會對小朋友唔好?
2. 多唔多 家長日/親子旅行? 我出羞唔緊要, 怕影響小朋友...
3. 還有要留意的地方嗎? ...

Dear a1234,

Don't worry.  If your English is not good, not to talk to your kid; otherwise, you will mislead them.  Which IS are your thinking of?


Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-18 17:42 |只看該作者
原文章由 YauMum 於 08-3-18 15:01 發表

Dear a1234,

Don't worry.  If your English is not good, not to talk to your kid; otherwise, you will mislead them.  Which IS are your thinking of?


However, English of my domestic helper is also not good. Then how can I do ar?

My son is 2.5 years old now. I just want to know about IS. I haven't decided how to do.

[ 本文章最後由 a1234 於 08-3-18 20:29 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-18 17:46 |只看該作者
I before I don't think it is a problem

but now,.....

as I found communication between school and parents is very very important. I am not sure which IS you intersted in, some IS only use English as the media. Take my son's school as an example, no staff speak Chinese at all ... ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-18 20:21 |只看該作者
Majority of IS only use english as communications. This is a big problem ..communcation will be break down between you and school/kids and this is very danger. It is desirable to understand your objective and make the right choice for your kid.
原文章由 Aprmum 於 08-3-18 17:46 發表
I before I don't think it is a problem

but now,.....

as I found communication between school and parents is very very important. I am not sure which IS you intersted in, some IS only use English as ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-19 07:27 |只看該作者
hi a1234,

It is important that if you can provide a better environment for your child to learn a language.

I just think that you have to try extra hard to help your child and yourself should you decided to send your child to an IS. Please bear in mind that it is not always true that the outcome of your child would be good by sending him/her to an IS. At the end of the day, it is your child's ability to be able to survive in an English environment in order to achieve anything.

Of course, children has a very high ability to adopt into a new environment, but please also take into consideration that once you have go down the road of IS, it is very hard for the child to go back to the main stream school as well as the standard of Chinese would be behind of most of the main stream school.

Good luck.
原文章由 a1234 於 08-3-18 11:09 發表
我同老公 d 英文..................

1. 會唔會對小朋友唔好?
2. 多唔多 家長日/親子旅行? 我出羞唔緊要, 怕影響小朋友...
3. 還有要留意的地方嗎? ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-19 08:52 |只看該作者
原文章由 happy_mum 於 08-3-19 07:27 發表
hi a1234,

It is important that if you can provide a better environment for your child to learn a language.

I just think that you have to try extra hard to help your child and yourself should you de ...


始終香港是中國人的社會, 而且我好想囝囝留在香港讀書. 我知道入國際學校, 將來好大機會去外國 study, 但我唔又想囝囝像我同事的子女一樣, 他們到外國讀書後, 90%留在外國打工.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-19 23:07 |只看該作者
i have an example that my auntie can't really speak english, everytime for the parents meeting or need to see teacher, she asked uncle to take day off to go with her or if uncle not available, she asked the maid to go instead, it's quite bothering for her.  actually there are lots of good local schools, don't forget nowadays chinese language is also very important ar.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-20 01:34 |只看該作者
原文章由 happy_mum 於 08-3-19 07:27 發表
hi a1234,

but please also take into consideration that once you have go down the road of IS, it is very hard for the child to go back to the main stream school as well as the standard of Chinese would be behind of most of the main stream school.

That's very true... it's a river of no return.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-20 08:57 |只看該作者
hi a1234,

As a parent myself I do understand that you would want to provide the best for your child during the up-bringing.

However, I think wether he/she would stay or leave HK in the future is way beyond your control. But going to an IS would definately leading your child to leave HK should he/she wants to continue with the tertiary education.

I think it is important to consider  how much of an extra resources you can provide for your child to make up the deficiency.  I am a perfect example that I can read Chinese (most of it) but not writing. My husband do not know any Chinese at all, but we are liiving in HK, a Chinese languagedominate society but my son's Chinese is . I just have to accept the fact that his Chinese would never be as good as those kids with a strong Chinese background.

原文章由 a1234 於 08-3-19 08:52 發表


始終香港是中國人的社會, 而且我好想囝囝留在香港讀書. 我知道入國際學校, 將來好大機會去外國 study, 但我唔又想囝囝像我同事的子女一樣, 他們到外國讀書後, 90%留在外國打工. ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-20 17:23 |只看該作者
I know one couple they can not speak english at all. BUt their 3 kids still finish IS study, now kids are all in US university. What is problem?
1. 會唔會對小朋友唔好? the conact among school and you is not close enough, you may not know you kid problems at school, my friend kids is really got problem at school, but due to parent dont understand english, they can not talk and solve the problem with the class teacher easily.
2. 多唔多 家長日/親子旅行? 我出羞唔緊要, 怕影響小朋友...Of course, they have sport day, parent day, school fair, yearly performance, reading mum system, etc..all this young kid dont expect you can not speak english with them, what can you do, if you can not speak english fluently, they may say why you can not speak english directly... what do you think you son will think is most important. My english is not good too, but my kids will explain to her friends that her mum is study in local school and not able to handle english as well as they do,.do you think your kids can do it as well?
3. 還有要留意的地方嗎?
too many details, but I think the most important is what do you think first, then you will find the way out!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-21 16:04 |只看該作者
原文章由 a1234 於 08-3-18 17:42 發表

However, English of my domestic helper is also not good. Then how can I do ar?

My son is 2.5 years old now. I just want to know about IS. I haven't decided how to do.

If your helper does not speak good English, I hope she speaks Chinese to you & your son; otherwise, your son will learn improper English; damage is more.

Let your son try the English playground first & watch English cartoon.  Well, I highly recommend Now Disney Channel & Playhouse.  When the kid get older, you may have Now Nickodeon.  My daughter loves the channels, she started watching Disney channels when she was 3, she is going to ve 7.  

I found Disney program are interesting to the kids & English pronounciation are good, some British & some US.  But be aware, once you start the Disney channels, I don't think you can get rid of them.  Your son will love it.  Finally, most of the program provide Cantonese, Putonghua & English.  Make sure it is English or Putonghua for your son.  

Like my daughter, she only listens to English.  


Rank: 2

發表於 08-3-22 16:27 |只看該作者
我都想問同樣問題, 我的英文都不太好, 將來仔女讀 IS的話, 又同唔到老師溝通, 定一話俾仔女讀英文幼稚園都可學到流利英文呢, 好煩....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-30 03:29 |只看該作者
1. 會唔會對小朋友唔好?

身為父母, 都希望仔女叻過自己, 成就更高. 如果自己英文差, 而你又可送仔女讀國際学校, 学些自己唔識的, 不是更好嗎?例如我仔仔咁, 我同老公只係識好少好少法文及日文, 仔仔去学, 現在識d字仲多過我, 發音又準, 幾羨慕呀!
我都識得有些朋友, 一D英文都唔識, 都OK.

2. 多唔多 家長日/親子旅行? 我出羞唔緊要, 怕影響小朋友...
都幾多親子活動, 我多數參加. 好彩我仔仔同班d同学仔及家長, 大部份都好好人. 其實有d家長都係HK人, 溝通用英文又得, 中文又得. 至於外国人, 咁你可以慢慢來習慣.

3. 還有要留意的地方嗎? ... [/quote]


Rank: 1

發表於 08-4-8 00:41 |只看該作者
其實, 你想你小朋友的英文水準有多高呢? 因為讀國際學校會一般英文好過中文好多, 我個人認為中文比英文更難學, 如果你想小朋友中英文也不錯的話, 不妨考慮有英文部或國際部的本地學校吧!

原文章由 a1234 於 08-3-18 11:09 發表
我同老公 d 英文..................

1. 會唔會對小朋友唔好?
2. 多唔多 家長日/親子旅行? 我出羞唔緊要, 怕影響小朋友...
3. 還有要留意的地方嗎? ...

發表於 08-4-17 22:58 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-18 13:51 |只看該作者
Sorry. Duplicated.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-18 13:51 |只看該作者
我見方方樂趣有雙語班, 呢類學校又重視中文同時又注重英文, 會唔會比全英文教學既IS好呢?

有無家長可以分享 ...

If you really think you are not comfortable mixing with English speaking community and you do not like the idea of your child learning less Chinese, then IS might not be a good choice for you.

If you have no problem with mingling with western people (parents and teachers), and you do not mind the fact that the main language used by your child (and you) at school (and probably at home too eventually) would be English, and Chinese would probably just be an additional language taught, then you might consider IS as an option.

I have shared in other topics that choosing a school is more than choosing a language of instruction. We are also choosing a curriculum, culture, community, environment, national background, etc etc. Parents need to think whether they have any preferred criteria in these respects too. You might want to rank the importance of various criteria and compared that with each of the schools that you like. If you rate Chinese to be very high, you might as well choose a local school.

It is again a give an take issue. More Chinese would lead to less English. More English would lead to less Chinese. Unfortunately, this "Chinese + English" combination is not a "friendly pair". Not that many people can be really good at both. It seems to be a lot easier to be bilingual in English+French or English+Spanish.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-4-18 16:02 |只看該作者
原文章由 a1234 於 08-3-18 11:09 發表
我同老公 d 英文..................

1. 會唔會對小朋友唔好?
2. 多唔多 家長日/親子旅行? 我出羞唔緊要, 怕影響小朋友...
3. 還有要留意的地方嗎? ...

容易解決:請一位英文好的菲傭或印傭,最好曾在新加坡工作,讓她和你小朋友自小用英文對話,自己則用中文.亦由她帶小朋友返學放學,及參加活動.我認識一些 IS 家長,英文也不是十分流利,但沒有太大問題,有需要的話其他家長也很樂意幫忙.

[ 本文章最後由 tinadaddy 於 08-4-18 16:50 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-5-6 12:05 |只看該作者
原文章由 a1234 於 08-3-19 08:52 發表


始終香港是中國人的社會, 而且我好想囝囝留在香港讀書. 我知道入國際學校, 將來好大機會去外國 study, 但我唔又想囝囝像我同事的子女一樣, 他們到外國讀書後, 90%留在外國打工. ...

其實向邊到打工都唔係一個問題 最重要係佢有得發展同埋係佢鐘意揀既
若果向HK搵唔到好工 咪又係誤左佢
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