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教育王國 討論區 港澳信義會小學 Can we share the kids's careless mistake each other?
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Can we share the kids's careless mistake each other? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-13 15:35 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
It shall be start from me :

first of all, we would like to share each other about English Paper:-

A) Prepositions
We must not litter ON the train.
(but I saw on other ex book, the answer is IN.)

B) Comprehensive

1) Who is having a birthday today?

      My son's answer is Sam. (扣2分).

2) What is Sam's Dad going to buy?

     My son's answer is : buy some for us. (扣2分).


He omit you must ............... use the computers.

   0    0    0    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-13 17:06 |只看該作者

Careless Mistakes

Terry Ma,

A) Prepositions
    The correct answer should on the train.  Due to we
    should sit on the transportation.   Even I told my son
    it is ON, But he still write the answer as in.

B) Comprehensive

1) Who is having a birthday today?

      My son's answer is Sam. (扣2分).  
      The correct answer is Sam Mum.  My son also
      write Mum is still deduct 2 marks.

2) What is Sam's Dad going to buy?
     My son's answer is : buy some for us. (扣2分).
     Yes.  It should refer to the sentence that
     orange juice.  But my son also write some for us.  So,
     it is also deduct 2 marks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-13 17:28 |只看該作者

Careless Mistakes

Terry Ma,

Pls let them have next exam and point out the careless mistakes & ask them to take care.  How they are do & get the preformance in the exam.  Dont dreaming that it is prefect.  

He also write one more word in the last sentense that it deduct one mark.  & other section also overwrite "s".  My god.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-13 17:32 |只看該作者
原文章由 cluk15hon 於 07-11-13 17:06 硐表
Terry Ma,

A) Prepositions
    The correct answer should on the train.  Due to we
    should sit on the transportation.   Even I told my son
    it is ON, But he still write the answer as in.

B) Com ...

好像他們未識轉彎, 只懂straight forward exam paper.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-13 17:38 |只看該作者

Careless Mistakes

I ask my son turn that he has still use his methods.  So, I feel very angry.  

原文章由 Terry280905 於 07-11-13 17:32 硐表

好像他們未識轉彎, 只懂straight forward exam paper.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-13 17:46 |只看該作者

Maths Exam Paper

My son's carless mistake on exam paper:-

A) 662+21+104 = 747 (787)

B) 鉛筆長約    9    cm. (the answer is 10 cm).

B 錯, 令其他一題都錯. total 扣 4分.

C) 在529 中, 百位數是 2, 表示 200. (He is dreaming)

D) 橫式上面 應該是 337, 他寫 377.

E) 直式上面 應該是 105, 他寫 150.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-22 20:42 |只看該作者
Dear every mami,

I get all the exam paper today, Same as before,
I would like to share the mistake each other.

About 中文作句 & 中文讀本卷

1) 段落寫作 15分無做
2) 寫錯字 : "已", "紀", "髮","後" & "麗".
3) 不識寫字 : "整" & "誕"
4) 抄錯字 : "許"
5) 寫漏句號

English - GE

When can Kerry visit HK Disneyland ?
My son's answer is Aug 2005. (May 2007)

[ 本文章最後由 Terry280905 於 08-1-23 10:18 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-23 10:31 |只看該作者

English GE mistake

Teddy is flying the (a) kite.
John is sleeping on the (a) beach.

Comprehension (Give short answers only)
- My son without use Initial Letter.

The dog is behind (in front of ) the shopping centre.
The clothes shop is next to the sweet shop and the shoe shop.

General Studies

香港所有的中文字是簡體字. .


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-23 10:42 |只看該作者
我個仔常識只係錯左一題, 就係.......

大部分香港人的家鄉在哪個國家?  答 : 英國

我諗佢更係以為以前比英國統治過, 所以咪答英國囉.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-23 10:50 |只看該作者


Good morning,

阿仔很差, 兩次考試都有15-20分無做.
What can I help him?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-24 12:40 |只看該作者
Terry Ma

G.S  : He also missing to write the answer that he said he dont know ?

Terry Ma,

I find my son's exam paper that there are so many careless mistakes.

missing the punctation (no matter for English, Chinese & 中文造句.   抄寫方面 - missing the words / phase  (no matter for chinese & English & 中文造句). :idea:

He lose at least six marks for punctation
missing word / phase      - 5 marks

Oh.  I should call for the god where his mind go ?  

I should ask him to write & count the timer.

原文章由 Terry280905 於 08-1-23 10:50 發表
Good morning,

阿仔很差, 兩次考試都有15-20分無做.
What can I help him?

[ 本文章最後由 cluk15hon 於 08-1-24 12:41 編輯 ]
Best Regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-24 12:53 |只看該作者
原文章由 cluk15hon 於 08-1-24 12:40 發表
Terry Ma

G.S  : He also missing to write the answer that he said he dont know ?

Terry Ma,

I find my son's exam paper that there are so many careless mistakes.

missing the punctation (no matter ...


在屋企, 他是不肯寫中文字的, 連 chinese dict 叫佢
dict chinese vocab 都叫苦連天.

May we request teacher to assign them to
write more vocab on their homework ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-24 23:07 |只看該作者
原文章由 Terry280905 於 08-1-24 12:53 發表


在屋企, 他是不肯寫中文字的, 連 chinese dict 叫佢
dict chinese vocab 都叫苦連天.

May we request teacher to assign them to
write more vocab on their homework ?

agree to assign more vocab homework fof them

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-25 09:16 |只看該作者

He will not refuse to do the homework.  
He know that he will revise the chinese words for dictation no matter for Chinese or English.  But he always absolutely miner to remember the words especially for the easy words.  If the wording is so difficulty that he will try hard too.  As per the teacher (Maths & English) that they also infm my son always dreaming for easy questio n.  He will listen & pay more attention for difficulty.    Therefore, the teacher ask me to give him more hard question for him? .  Anyway, I set up the awards for him that he like to revise the dictation well.  So, you try to know what he like that set up the guideline what he will follow to do.

3 times dictation have 90-100 marks that he will have a small prize.  Like redemption.  

原文章由 fullyhappy 於 08-1-24 23:07 發表

agree to assign more vocab homework fof them
Best Regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-25 09:32 |只看該作者
Terry Ma,

他是否摯筆有問題.  如果不改善這方面的問題.  他們很疲倦.
開始時, 給予5-10分鐘時間 - 考察. 再安排或許有其他方式針對他的方針.  因為你說他的行動也慢點.

原文章由 fullyhappy 於 08-1-24 23:07 發表

agree to assign more vocab homework fof them
Best Regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-25 09:37 |只看該作者
他的其他科目有足夠的時間. 這代表他可能是太多時間去想創作方面.  所以, 中文科有時間做 還有96分. 就証明他寫字不是慢:

原文章由 Terry280905 於 08-1-23 10:50 發表
Good morning,

阿仔很差, 兩次考試都有15-20分無做.
What can I help him?
Best Regards

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-25 09:51 |只看該作者
原文章由 cluk15hon 於 08-1-25 09:37 發表
他的其他科目有足夠的時間. 這代表他可能是太多時間去想創作方面.  所以, 中文科有時間做 還有96分. 就証明他寫字不是慢:


會不會中文卷很少字要寫呢 ? 而造句多字寫.
阿仔話在想怎樣作句時, 所以沒有時間做.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-25 10:29 |只看該作者
原文章由 Terry280905 於 08-1-25 09:51 發表


會不會中文卷很少字要寫呢 ? 而造句多字寫.
阿仔話在想怎樣作句時, 所以沒有時間做.

Hi Hilda,

As the teacher inform us before, the 作句 need to 背了作句簿 which can make sure the student is enough time to do it and the wording and 標點運用沒有錯.

At the beginning, I dont agree this point due to it is I think it is effect their 創作 n dont know if they are really know the question or not.  

But later I feel it is really is problem for my son for 作句at once, 1. It is so timing consuming
         2. He dont know so many words, he want to write due to they are not enough wording bank inside.
         3. 即時,思緒較混亂,尤是長句,句子不通順,有時想講d嘢太混亂和複習. 我在跟他温作句時,也發現這些問題.

Now, I ask him to 背作句,温書時,他可以改動句子,因他很多時,未必exactly 一樣,但框框一樣,再教不懂的生字,所以我覺得作句與常識温書時比較難和花時間.


if you have any idea for learning 作句, please share.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-25 10:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 samanthat38 於 08-1-25 10:29 發表

Hi Hilda,

As the teacher inform us before, the 作句 need to 背了作句簿 which can make sure the student is enough time to do it and the wording and 標點運用沒有錯.

At the beginning, I dont agree t ...

由於上次only 60marks, therefore, 今次叫佢
背以前做過的句子law, but still not enough
time to do. only 77 marks.

初小就話背咋! 到P.4, P.5 要作文無的背, 怎辦?
I find this is my important matter to be solve ?
Do you agree?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-25 11:00 |只看該作者
原文章由 Terry280905 於 08-1-25 10:47 發表

由於上次only 60marks, therefore, 今次叫佢
背以前做過的句子law, but still not enough
time to do. only 77 marks.

初小就話背咋! 到P.4, P.5 要作文無的背, 怎辦?
I find this is my important matter to be  ...

I totally agree.  But I think the mainly problem is saving more wording and the pattern which should be help the composition.  Do you agree?

Others, I think everyone know : Reading more and widen your eyes if ask them to discuss more thinks such as news, film, everything.... etc.  If he like, 鼓勵寫日期,隨筆,什至寫信....etc.  But maybe it is quite difficult for tainning and 要形造環境.  I think everyone know that writing our month.  So, the first thing is 講嘢要有條理,思緒要清淅 which is difficult to tainning than writing.

Also, dont hate writing. Now sometimes, I ask Thomas to Mcdonald to buy food for us if enough time and request him to write it down if he dont remember it.  Hope he can learn more wording even if it is Chinese or Eng.  ( I hope I will ask him to do more if not in hurry.  But so many times is in hurry.)
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