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如根德園同st.cath都收,你會點揀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-15 22:21 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-17 13:48 |只看該作者
My friend said boys usually choose KV while girls choose SC

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-17 17:05 |只看該作者

回覆 #2 bgkum 的文章

I choose KV, whilst my daughter was accepted by both KV and ST Cat.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-17 19:15 |只看該作者
我都係揀st. cat
Welcome to 吳公館

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-18 13:53 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-18 15:16 |只看該作者
原文章由 bgkum 於 08-1-15 22:21 發表

My son had graduated from SC and my daughter is now studying in KV. I compare with the two kinders, I recommend you to choose KV.

FYI, LS is subsidised school which you can not choose.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-1-18 21:28 |只看該作者
原文章由 Lyn 於 08-1-18 15:16 發表

My son had graduated from SC and my daughter is now studying in KV. I compare with the two kinders, I recommend you to choose KV.

FYI, LS is subsidised school which you can not choose.


I also need to make decision between SC, KV (and PC). Can you explain more about your recommendation. Thanks.

e.g. ? in which aspect?? is SC only Eng and then nothing??? Actually I prone to choose KV. I just want to know more to reinforce myself.

[ 本文章最後由 yansy 於 08-1-18 21:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-20 11:58 |只看該作者
Kids from KV is very good in Chinese but English is poor. Kids from St Catherine is slightly better in English. Anyways, you need to send your kids to attend external english course. Most of the kids from these two schools failed in the english test of ESF interview and are rejected because the kids have problem in communication in English.

原文章由 Lyn 於 08-1-18 15:16 發表

My son had graduated from SC and my daughter is now studying in KV. I compare with the two kinders, I recommend you to choose KV.

FYI, LS is subsidised school which you can not choose.

[ 本文章最後由 matthewdad 於 08-1-20 22:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-20 14:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 matthewdad 於 08-1-20 11:58 發表
Kids from KV is very good in Chinese but English is poor. Kids from St Catherine is slightly better in English. Anyways, you need to send your kids to attend external english course. I have seen kids  ...

English supplement from outside is easy, but supplement for Mathematics / Chinese is quite difficult.....................

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-21 09:43 |只看該作者
I agreed with Mattewdad’s point that kids from SC Eng are slightly better than KV. As SC provides native speakers and phonics, so kids tend to have better Eng listening and spelling skills. I never worry about my son's Eng dictation. SC uses Oxford Reading Tree as readers. Kids are trained to enjoy Eng story books, especially Oxford Reading Tree series.

However, from only few months my daughter with KV, I found her Chi words recognition ability is beyond my expectation. I played with her with the cards from SC( which few years ago fm my son, SC only gave to us without proper teaching, my son did not know them even at the end of the year.) My daughter knows almost all of them, I was shocked with her proper phrase eg. for the word “石”,  she would say “石” “大石, 山上大石多” . “媽” she would say “媽媽, 媽媽做家務”……Not just a few, they are up to 20-30 words. She recognized all of them! KV seems has her own techniques to train kids:  In Eng, she knows “thick” / “thicker” with her hands showing. She smacked on a chair with her month say “on the chair” “I am sitting on the chair”, I found it is very interesting. In Maths, she can count one by one up to 50 (Eng & Chi). One more thing, they teach her the concept of plural nouns, eg one apple, two apples….  All these happened to my daughter who has been just with KV since Sept 07, 3 months. However, I myself taught my son few years ago instead of SC.  

At last, the materials that SC used are only plain, without any colours. They are quite boring to kids while their school fee is comparative high. KV are using “Longman” pre school materials, they are colourful, systematic and all round education. In general, as a parent, we put our kids in a kinder, we expect kinder would teach our kids knowledge and train our kids behave well, and of course with reasonable school fee. That is the reason I highly recommend KV.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-21 10:53 |只看該作者
Hi Lyn,

Thanks for the detailed sharing.  I'm not facing the question of St Cat vs. KV but St Cat vs. Pui Ching.  But can I ask you something about St. Cat?

How do you find the English standard of St. Cat (I mean, in absolute term)?  It's slightly better than that of KV, but is it good enough?  You mentioned that you have to teach your son by yourself when he was with St. Cat.  Did you mean English?  Did your son take extra English class outside school?

My expectation on St. Cat is that it will train up my kid's English and Mandarin to a good standard (my kid's English and Mandarin are quite well as she studied in an international class PN and I myself teach her at home.  She loves reading Oxford story tree).  But if this is a wrong expectation, then it seems not worthwhile for me to give up Pui Ching for St. Cat.  Also, does the "St. Cat brand" really help when applying private/DSS primary schools?

I hope you can kindly enlighten me with your experience.  Thanks a lot.

原文章由 Lyn 於 08-1-21 09:43 發表
I agreed with Mattewdad’s point that kids from SC Eng are slightly better than KV. As SC provides native speakers and phonics, so kids tend to have better Eng listening and spelling skills. I never w ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-21 21:18 |只看該作者
There are wrong expectations from parents. In the kindergarten, the kids only have 2-3 hours per weeks taught by native speakers (english or mandrain). The speaking will definitely far below from native speaking level(or even not good enough for P.1 interview). However, writing/understanding of English/chinese or even mathematics for both school are Ok and better than average. So it depends on your own expectations...

原文章由 Yely 於 08-1-21 10:53 發表
Hi Lyn,

Thanks for the detailed sharing.  I'm not facing the question of St Cat vs. KV but St Cat vs. Pui Ching.  But can I ask you something about St. Cat?

How do you find the English standard of S ...

[ 本文章最後由 matthewdad 於 08-1-21 22:05 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-21 22:53 |只看該作者
Hi, Yely,

First, is Pui Ching Primary school your dream school? If it is, then don’t give up Pui Ching Kinder.

Referring to SC, their Eng level is above average kinders, but not up to the level of 英基 / Int’l kinders. If you speak fluent Eng, then you might be disappointed to their standard. Yes, I taught my son Eng as most of Mums do. My son didn’t take any Eng class outside school even now. Regarding Mandarin in SC, they have a Mandarin lesson once a week (few years ago). As to “SC brand”, you need to consider few points: 1) SC has a lot of students (say 400 per year), some of them can get in famous schools, we don’t know the reasons behind, they might get in because of siblings or dad/mum was old boy/girl. Or simply by luck. 2) SC’s school fee is comparative high, that means SC parents are taking more serious about theirs kids’ education. Namely, they would spend more time to train theirs kids themselves. 3) 近朱者赤, we might follow others to train or send your kid to be trained. Believe it or not, all of the kids with my son few years ago, were able to get in good primary schools.

Above is my personal opinion only.

原文章由 Yely 於 08-1-21 10:53 發表
Hi Lyn,

Thanks for the detailed sharing.  I'm not facing the question of St Cat vs. KV but St Cat vs. Pui Ching.  But can I ask you something about St. Cat?

How do you find the English standard of S ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-21 22:53 |只看該作者

Thanks for your advice.  But since my child is admitted to PTH/Eng class, will she have a better exposure to Mandarin (and English at least for the 1st year)?

原文章由 matthewdad 於 08-1-21 21:18 發表
There are wrong expectations from parents. In the kindergarten, the kids only have 2-3 hours per weeks taught by native speakers (english or mandrain). The speaking will definitely far below from nati ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-21 23:10 |只看該作者
Hi Lyn,

Really grateful for your kind advice.  Pui Ching Primary is a good school but not the only nor the most-wanted one on my wish list.  That's why I hesitated.  

Could you share which primary schools your son/his classmates went to?  Or via PM if you find suitable.  Thanks.

原文章由 Lyn 於 08-1-21 22:53 發表
Hi, Yely,

First, is Pui Ching Primary school your dream school? If it is, then don’t give up Pui Ching Kinder.

Referring to SC, their Eng level is above average kinders, but not up to the level of ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-1-21 23:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 bgkum 於 08-1-15 22:21 發表

根德園, more balance in all subjects

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-22 09:01 |只看該作者

Do you live at Kowloon side?

In your case, I think you better choose SC. You'll find the best way to raise your kid if you do care about her education. Kids with proper support from parents will definitely grow stronger in all-rounded.

原文章由 Yely 於 08-1-21 23:10 發表
Hi Lyn,

Really grateful for your kind advice.  Pui Ching Primary is a good school but not the only nor the most-wanted one on my wish list.  That's why I hesitated.  

Could you share which primary s ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-22 10:58 |只看該作者
Hi Lyn,

Yes, Kowloon side.

Hey Lyn, your message of " best way to raise your kid" is really inspiring to me.  I will think it over again.

Thanks to helpful and quality parents like you who make this forum useful.

原文章由 Lyn 於 08-1-22 09:01 發表

Do you live at Kowloon side?

In your case, I think you better choose SC. You'll find the best way to raise your kid if you do care about her education. Kids with proper support from parents wi ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-23 17:17 |只看該作者
hi, Lyn,

thanks for your sharing..i'm just a bit nervous coz my boy will study in KV in the coming Sept..i'm really impressed that your kid can learn such a lot only for a few months..can I ask a few questions?..do you have a revision with your kid every day?..i heard that there will be assessment without any announcement..does this mean that, 'every day' revision is needed?..

actually, my niece is now studying in KV (K1)..I'm just wondering what she learnt for the past few months..coz she doesn't say a lot..or maybe she doesn't know how to say..it seems that she did nothing at school..she always said that 'nothing', 'no'..my brother is quite worry about her..would you please tell me what your kid learnt for the past few months briefly?..and any assessment recently? i did ask her the day before and also yesterday?..she told me that "No Paper"..what did you heard from your kid? thanks a lot!!

原文章由 Lyn 於 08-1-21 09:43 發表
I agreed with Mattewdad’s point that kids from SC Eng are slightly better than KV. As SC provides native speakers and phonics, so kids tend to have better Eng listening and spelling skills. I never w ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-23 19:05 |只看該作者

You don't need to review every day, I never do any revision with my daughter so far. I mentioned that I played cards with her just by accidentally, I didn't mean to check her.

My girl keeps telling us what has learnt in school actively. She just can't stop singing and reading. We don't expect new piece every day, but once a week/two wks. Your niece may be a quiet girl. However, as an adult, we should talk to younger kids frequently, at any topics. That is the way to teach their knowledge and practice language. If she doesn't talk about kinder, then how about other topics? Do her parents read stories to her frequently? Have they ever discussed stories before?

I can't image your case. K1 has started 親子 reading since the beginning of November. You can tell from the handbook as well (with unique chop).They have finished a couple of readers, the finished one w/ "我己學會了" chop. Once in two wks will bring back Art bag which with a lot of art work that have done in school. Recently they started to write 連線, I didn't know they also write 連線 in school, because she brought home the whole Ex book. KV starts writing earlier than SC (SC starts at K2).

One more thing, if you want to know more about the school progress, simply call them and ask. I use hand book frequently to communicate with the class teacher, she does reply promptly.
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