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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 穆民國際學校 Umah International Primary School
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穆民國際學校 Umah International Primary School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-24 15:23 |只看該作者

穆民國際學校 Umah International Primary School


Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-25 00:01 |只看該作者

Re: 穆民國際學校 Umah International Primary School

I wanna to know as well!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-25 10:01 |只看該作者

Re: 穆民國際學校 Umah International Primary School

have you asked the school for information yet ?

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-25 10:20 |只看該作者

Re: 穆民國際學校 Umah International Primary School

No idea, school good or not. Hope the following information help:

Umah International Primary School


Following the opening of the Haji Omar Ramju Sadick Care and Attention Home, the Association, on June 21,1996, applied to the Government for a piece of land about 1,730 sq. m . in Yuen Long for use as a school catering especially to non-Chinese speaking children in the New Territories. The application was granted and the derelict, village type school was converted to a new school at a cost of HK$1.5M. The government granted a HK$1.00 rent per annum to the Association after justifying the grounds for the need of a school for Ethnic Minorities children.

On October 15,1996, the school known as UMAH International Primary School was formally opened with 116 students and with classes ranging from Primary 1 to 4. During the academic year 1998-1999, classes Primary 5 and Primary 6 were added producing UMAH International Primary School's first graduates.

This is the first international English school in the New Territories run by a Muslim organization wherein the sylabuses are based on the Hong Kong curriculum and caters to different nationalities namely Pakistanis, Nepalese, South African, Sri Lankan, Indian, Filipinos, Bangladesh, Chinese, Chinese-American, Chinese-British and local Chinese - regardless of religion, culture, and race.

The school has 7 classrooms, an office, a library, a computer room, a Tuck shop, a store room and a basketball court plus other amenities. This is the cheapest International School in the the whole Hong Kong since it charges a minimal and affordable tuition fee. Since our school is run by a Muslim Organization, the Muslim students offer their daily prayer during Zuhur time, and Jumma every Friday. Non-Halal food are not permitted inside the school premises. Before the Zuhur prayer, Arabic lessons are being conducted to the Muslim students.


The UMAH International Primary School's basic goal is to inculcate virtues and values that could mould the pupil to be God-fearing, and develop the sense of responsibility and genuine concern for his/her family and community. The Path success through education starts and ends at home.

Our school directs the pupil's thought and actions towards the development of their identity and help them aware to understand and value the meaning of discipline, responsibility, sharing, sensitivity, unity and brotherhood.


The UMAH International Primary School has viewed Education from a holistic perspective. Value Education always starts at home. Family builds the nation. Whatever values and virtues does the family has inculcated into the child's life will be carried on when he/she grows up. Education followed-up, developed and safeguard these values that the child learned and habitually practiced at home. The development of values and attitude that encourages mature and responsible behaviour is viewed as an integral part of education of the child.

The sole purpose of the rules and regulation enacted by the school is to further the process of development in Islamic way of life. Students are encouraged to discipline themselves. However, as guidance and direction are required and corrections are necessary, the following policies will be carried out to maintain discipline not only in school but also in all areas of life.


To uplift the social and moral values of a pupil by promoting and safeguarding it.
To increase the pupil's knowledge of the world he lives in and his imaginative understanding both of that possibilities of that world and of his own responsibilities in it.
To train the pupil to be independent and self- reliant as he/she is capable of and the ability to work independently and to use his/her skill and talent for preparation of his/her future.
To promote a "child-centered" approach wherein the pupils ideas and views will be respected and acknowledged.
To encourage parents to cooperate, participate and get-involved in their children's education.


General Studies
Arts and Crafts
Physical Education
Computer (for Primary 5 and 6)

For further inquiries, contact the Principal's Office at telephone number (852) 24461258
or the Supervisor Mr. Mohamed Alli DIN at telephone number (852) 26183172
Fax number: (852) 24302176.

Fung Chi Tsuen Village,
Wang Chau, Yuen Long,
New Territories, Hong Kong

P.O. BOX 51 Yuen Long,
New Territories, Hong Kong.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-7-13 17:58 |只看該作者

Re: 穆民國際學校 Umah International Primary School

is it for foreigners only?
any chinese join this school?
it seems to be not as famous as the other international school...
:party: :-D

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-7-14 17:47 |只看該作者

Re: 穆民國際學校 Umah International Primary School

呢間學校我去過做義工同小朋友玩遊戲. 已經係六年前的事了!!
呢間學校的學生主要係d 小數族裔, 如印度, 巴基斯坦等小朋友上學的. 學校設計好簡陋, 好似一般鄉村學校咁. 學校係係個山坡上面要經小路行入去. 老師主要講英文. 但大部份老師係巴基斯坦人. 無記錯個主任係香港人, 入面都有一兩位老師係香港人的.
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