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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 DBSPD interview schedule
樓主: WD40

DBSPD interview schedule [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-1 09:13 |只看該作者
Hi...I've attended 2nd in of dbs yesterday (I think it should be the last session among all).

Honestly, the feeling is not good coz the PANEL LADIES gave me a rather "bad" impression....as practice, they asked us (parents) some questions.  When I and my husband took turn to answer and show our view points, the LADIES seemed having "day-dreams" and gave NO response.  It might because they took long time to interview, but....

When we answered all, one of the LADIES requested us to leave the room and let our boy stayed in for futher "test".  

After around 15 min, our son went out and looked not so happy.  When we asked our son what's happen and what kind of question(s) the LADIES asked, our son just keep silence and NO SMILING.

We didn't know what's up, but....let it be.  We didn't want to put much pressure on our little boy, who just 5 yrs old.

Both my husband and I didn't want to guess but, frankly, we gave up dbs coz we realized we would NOT be chosen.  As some parents said, they might already selected those "favourite students" for their p.1.  So, like us, who without siblings, without religious support, without "special connection", surely would be the 陪襯.

Frankly, we don't feel unset or 可惜 coz we believe  好多野整定.   一切隨緣吧啦

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-1 09:48 |只看該作者
Don't be like this la... May be they are just tried after 2 weeks interviews.  The result won't come out till 2 weeks time.  Enjoy these time by arranging some Christmas or New Year trip and feel much more relax and happy. I think your son is a smart and happy child and you are a good parent.


原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-1 09:13 發表
Hi...I've attended 2nd in of dbs yesterday (I think it should be the last session among all).

Honestly, the feeling is not good coz the PANEL LADIES gave me a rather "bad" impression....as practice,  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-1 10:04 |只看該作者
Dear Prema,

Thanks so much for your kind 安慰.  

Yup, we've booked a trip to Japan coz our son wants to visit Tokyo Disneyland.   How abt you?  


原文章由 Prema 於 07-12-1 09:48 發表
Don't be like this la... May be they are just tried after 2 weeks interviews.  The result won't come out till 2 weeks time.  Enjoy these time by arranging some Christmas or New Year trip and feel much ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-1 10:55 |只看該作者
I feel so excited already hearing the name "Tokyo Disneyland".  I think it is the best Disneyland in the world. You know my favorite food is Japanese Sushi.

Our Christmas trip will be a short one, just go to Macau.

[quote]原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-1 10:04 發表
Dear Prema,

Thanks so much for your kind 安慰.  

Yup, we've booked a trip to Japan coz our son wants to visit Tokyo Disneyland.   How abt you?  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-1 11:02 |只看該作者
Macau...it sounds good wor~  

Hey, when you attended the 2nd in of dbs?  I think you should be earlier than us.  Do u feel any chance???  I read from other thread that some parents criticized dbs and queried they provide "private channel" for those who can donate $$$$ for school.   Do u believe such "rumour"???

By the way, any school(s) registered on hand?  We only applied 2 for my son and we are now waiting for the result after 2nd round interview of the 2 schools.  Wish we could get either one confirmation soonest la (dbs may have lowest chance lor)~


原文章由 Prema 於 07-12-1 10:55 發表
I feel so excited already hearing the name "Tokyo Disneyland".  I think it is the best Disneyland in the world. You know my favorite food is Japanese Sushi.

Our Christmas trip will be a ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-12-1 13:42 |只看該作者
Hi, CheCheMan,

今日仲有2nd interview, 去到12點幾都仲未完 (之後因為已離開左學校, 所以唔清楚!)!

你果個panel, 應該至少都有一個成員會好燦爛咁對住你地笑架噃! (果個咪係headteacher, Ms Lo!)

唔緊要喇, 你地已經好努力完成, 依家就一齊耐心d等"好"消息喇!


原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-1 09:13 發表
Hi...I've attended 2nd in of dbs yesterday (I think it should be the last session among all).

Honestly, the feeling is not good coz the PANEL LADIES gave me a rather "bad" impression....as practice,  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-1 14:11 |只看該作者
Hi CheCheMan,

Actually, the result may not be as bad as you thought - my son only stayed there for around 5 mins !! For me, chance is low even though this is really my dream school.

X'mas & have a nice trip. I'll also be in Japan for New Year.

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-12-1 13:42 發表
Hi, CheCheMan,

今日仲有2nd interview, 去到12點幾都仲未完 (之後因為已離開左學校, 所以唔清楚!)!

你果個panel, 應該至少都有一個成員會好燦爛咁對住你地笑架噃! (果個咪係headteacher, Ms Lo!)

唔緊要喇, 你 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-2 00:53 |只看該作者
My boy was interviewed for only 5 minutes or so and I saw quite a few came out 2-3 minutes after their parents.  Your son had been interviewed for 15 minutes, that is a lot more than others.  I think your son has much better chance of getting a place than most of parents here.  So, don't worry la, just enjoy yourself.  We all have tried our best la and done a good job.  Just relax and prepare for the results, whatever it is ...........

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-1 09:13 發表
Hi...I've attended 2nd in of dbs yesterday (I think it should be the last session among all).

Honestly, the feeling is not good coz the PANEL LADIES gave me a rather "bad" impression....as practice,  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-2 01:03 |只看該作者
Many ppl said that DBSPD admit students by donation.  I don't really believe it.  They have lots of resources and it is very much unnecessary to raise money that way.  Probably it is not fair to those who were admitted through the fair competition by interviews.  Amongst top tier schools in HK, I think DBSPD is the most fair one in selection students.  For instances, I don't see any other school involves Member of School Committee in the selection process and my son told me that during the first interview, the questions were asked by playing the tape/CD so as to maintain the fairness in how the questions were asked.  When DBSPD cares about very fine details of the interview process, I believe fairness is amongst their top priority.

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-1 11:02 發表
Macau...it sounds good wor~  

Hey, when you attended the 2nd in of dbs?  I think you should be earlier than us.  Do u feel any chance???  I read from other thread that some parents criticized dbs and ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-2 01:07 |只看該作者

Which school did you apply apart from DBSPD?

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-11-20 08:45 發表
Dear OnHo,

Thanks so much for your kind sharing from 1st in until now.   

It seems quite difficult and different fr last yr's.

To be frank, I really feel worry coz I just applied 2 schools for my s ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-2 04:20 |只看該作者
有1% or 只得三兩個係用唔同既途徑....donation..都會成人話柄
當然唔係你話有錢, 肯捐佢哋就收,

原文章由 martie 於 07-12-2 01:03 發表
Many ppl said that DBSPD admit students by donation.  I don't really believe it.  They have lots of resources and it is very much unnecessary to raise money that way.  Probably it is not fair to those ...

[ 本文章最後由 overview 於 07-12-2 04:28 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-2 06:37 |只看該作者
Being able to enter 2nd interview is very "terrific" already. You should be proud of your son.

Entering a school with "special channel" e.g. donation or recommendation letter is not uncommon in Hong Kong. They are a just few ones from the majority. This is the reality still happens in Hong Kong. Just like HKU medical department, the name is even changed to Li Ka Shing medical department la, if he helps someone to study there, what wll be chance? will department head be fair to deal with the case.

What is fairness? One who has reglion and mark from brother has already got 15 marks in the 1st interview. How can study chase back this 15 marks in the first interview? If fairness exists, there will be no such marks. Fairness is quite subjective anyway.

My son came out during the 1st interview saying that he did not answer 1 question only but he was not selected for the 2nd interview.  So I suppose your son is so smart enough and you should be proud of him being able to enter the 2nd round without any relationships. There are so many factors for school admission as heard from underground channels, believe it or not, it is the truth.

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-1 11:02 發表
Macau...it sounds good wor~  

Hey, when you attended the 2nd in of dbs?  I think you should be earlier than us.  Do u feel any chance???  I read from other thread that some parents criticized dbs and ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-2 10:29 |只看該作者

回覆 #332 ChiFungMom 的文章

I agree with ChiFungMom.  I do not mind about the reality of special channels as it happens in anywhere.

My son finished the 2nd interview but the experience was hahahaha very poor.  My son got sleepy and tempered after waiting for nearly two hours in the waiting room.  He was tired and just lean on the chair in the interview room and did not pay attention to interview panel at all.  He repeatedly asking us to leave.   The panel members are very nice, cheerful and elegant.  They're the headteacher and an elegant lady from 校董會 (Ms Cheung or Ms Law? I forgot) and there's another lady who's 主任. We did not see Principal Cheung.  When we were told to leave the room my son got temper and grapped us.  He did not allow us to leave (it's very unusual as he likes to meet new friend s especailly he knew there's games to play).   It took a minute for us and the friendly 主任 to comfort my son.   The 校董會 member and the headteacher kept on smiling and I was so embarrassed.   It's another 3 or 4 minutes my son left the room and urged us to leave.  I do not think my son will be selected but it's a good experince for us.

My impression is that DBS is very good and well disciplined/organised though it may not suit your style.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-2 13:10 |只看該作者
我有兩個朋友2nd int 都話表現好差, 但最終都收左, 佢哋話其實收唔收係第一次int已finalize, 到2nd int都係睇吓家長既理念...對賽果影響唔大....不過唔知信唔信得過...因小朋友係讀cckg.


原文章由 BBHin 於 07-12-2 10:29 發表
I agree with ChiFungMom.  I do not mind about the reality of special channels as it happens in anywhere.

My son finished the 2nd interview but the experience was hahahaha very poor.  My son got slee ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-2 23:26 |只看該作者
Agree with ChiFungMom.  But I thought the religion and brother marks is only 10 or  Do you mean if they have both points, they will get 15.   Anyway it really doesn't matter now, let God arrange the path.

原文章由 ChiFungMom 於 07-12-2 06:37 發表
Being able to enter 2nd interview is very "terrific" already. You should be proud of your son.

Entering a school with "special channel" e.g. donation or recommendation letter is not uncommon in Hong  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-3 08:55 |只看該作者
Hi Martie,

I only applied cky and dbs for my son.  Luckily we got into 2nd round interview by both schools.  However, we have NO school confirmed on hand yet.  Hence, we're rather anxious.

Anyway, I have to be patient to wait for the RESULT.

How abt you?  Can share any strategies for me???


原文章由 martie 於 07-12-2 01:07 發表

Which school did you apply apart from DBSPD?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-3 14:52 |只看該作者
In fact, I don’t have much strategy apart from applying a few private/DSS just in case my son does not do well in the interview.
Then, I may have more chance.
The tradeoff is I have to attend so many interviews.
It is NOT fun.
However, I always only keep ONE offer at a time so it will also be fair to other children who are on the waiting list.

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-3 08:55 發表
Hi Martie,

I only applied cky and dbs for my son.  Luckily we got into 2nd round interview by both schools.  However, we have NO school confirmed on hand yet.  Hence, we're rather anxious.

Anyway, I ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-3 16:15 |只看該作者

原文章由 martie 於 07-12-3 14:52 發表
In fact, I don’t have much strategy apart from applying a few private/DSS just in case my son does not do well in the interview.
Then, I may have more chance.
The tradeoff is I have to attend so many ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-3 16:51 |只看該作者
Wa...it sounds so good.  I think my strategy is rather poor coz I only applied 2.

If so, have you already registered one?


原文章由 martie 於 07-12-3 14:52 發表
In fact, I don’t have much strategy apart from applying a few private/DSS just in case my son does not do well in the interview.
Then, I may have more chance.
The tradeoff is I have to attend so many ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-4 01:49 |只看該作者

Yes, you are right.  I have one on hand.


原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-3 16:51 發表
Wa...it sounds so good.  I think my strategy is rather poor coz I only applied 2.

If so, have you already registered one?

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