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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 有冇人知轉校信應該點寫?
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有冇人知轉校信應該點寫? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-24 15:29 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

Thank you!

[ 本文章最後由 momoma72 於 07-11-24 15:33 編輯 ]
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-27 23:02 |只看該作者

I am the mother of XXXXXX.
My daughter is now studying Primary One in XXXXXXXXX

I have found that my daughter does not fit into the way of teaching in this school.
I am writing this letter to you hoping that my daughter will be granted an opportunity to study in your school and to show her ability under the guidance of the school.

I put your school in first priority during the Central Allocation procedure of Primary One Admission 2006 but unluckily my daughter wasn’t allocated to your school.
I have a clear understanding of the teaching principles.
My daughter and I are very much impressed by the education offered by your school which stresses a balanced and all-rounded development of one’s potential.
The school is so renowned for its academic and extra-curricular activities standing that all parents would like to have their children educated in such a sounding environment.
I attribute the success solely to the devotion and enthusiasms by the Principal and every members of the school.
In the past, I often searched for information about the school in the internet.
I have also asked the students about their life in the classes.
They all felt happy and showed this with smiles on their faces.
I have a big appreciation for the environment and facilities of the school as well as the attitude of the teachers.
After having discussed this with my husband, we have both decided to submit an application for my daughter to study in your school.
I am sure my daughter will obtain great benefit if she is with the XXXXXXX

And follows her own initiative in learning and being diligent.
Though she might not have done as well as others, she is likely to show great progress if some form of enlightenment is given by someone who is a real educationalist.
Moreover, my daughter is humble, pure and hardworking.
She love reading, drawing and playing piano.
She will also joins the 59th
Hong Kong Schools Music Festival in March, 2007.
We believe that good and high-quality education will help our daughter to build a solid foundation for the future, and also the best development and happy school life if she could be cultivated in your school.
We hope that you will give our daughter a chance to study in this school and to have an enjoyable school life.

My sincere hope that Principal could give us support.
For more understanding of my daughter, copies of her school test papers, reports, certificates and testimonials are enclosed for your consideration.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks for your kind attention.

Yours sincerely,

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-28 02:32 |只看該作者
Thank you 思樂 mama!
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