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請問學之園, 好嗎 ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-16 13:08 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我囡囡去左in, 我覺得間學校同老師都唔錯, 但學校好似唔多出名, 同比較輕鬆...  我怕將來搵小學會比較難....  請大家比d 意見....
   0    0    0    0

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-11-16 13:23 |只看該作者
It is a good school in my mind! It is popular and many students can go to good primary schools.
It is not easy to go to this school.

原文章由 IWAT 於 07-11-16 13:08 硐表
我囡囡去左in, 我覺得間學校同老師都唔錯, 但學校好似唔多出名, 同比較輕鬆...  我怕將來搵小學會比較難....  請大家比d 意見....

發表於 07-11-16 18:27 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-23 23:28 |只看該作者
Learning Habitat is really good kindergarten.  All teachers(local and foreign) are very nice and patient.  Open communication in between school and parents.  If parents are busy which cannot to pick up the kid.  You should through the internet to know the kids in school.  Good security, it use smart cards for bring and pick up.

Anyway, my son is happy everyday.  Give you the website for checking:   www.learninghabitat.org

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-24 06:32 |只看該作者
Of course it's a good school, I do not know why you think it is not famous and why you know 比較輕鬆. Even you want but it's difficult to get in.....

發表於 07-11-24 06:55 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-24 11:52 |只看該作者
原文章由 rats 於 07-11-24 06:55 硐表
Teachers are excellent, both local & NET. Very caring, frequent feedback given to parents -- by written & phone. My girl's language development is extremly superior, especially Eng.  She's now in K1,  ...

亞仔由pn 開始讀, 而家係k1. 佢好開心呀. .... 亞囡都報左同亞哥一間...  如果我覺得佢唔好, 又典會俾亞妹同亞哥一間學校呀.....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-24 13:16 |只看該作者
Totally agree!!!  Actuallt my son is now stuying PN classs at their Hampton campus.  Although I can't bring and pick up my son everyday, I know what he did at school.  It's not only because of the notice and phone calls from teachers, but also the open communication system, we can lot in their system and to see kids' photos.  I buy this system very much.  

I also buy the bilingual teaching method, i.e. one foreign and one Chinese teacher in the same class.  My son improve a lot of his lanuague skill.  Now when he talking with us, he will use Cantonese.  While he is facing "姐姐", he will use English and will not confuse.  Every morning, during the 15 minutes, it is the exercise time and bigboy enjoys very much (he loves dancing and singing)

However, same as other mothers, I also applied several kindergartens (such as ST. Cat, Pui Ching and KV) for bigboy (next year K1).  If luckily, those schools accept bigboy, I don't how to choose.  Actually I have registered at 學之園 for the 普英 pm class. While compare with the other schools, not so many K1 class and not so many students, but have a better relationship between school and the students.  

Are there any 學之園PN mothers also apply other Kindgerten? What is your reason?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-25 00:08 |只看該作者
May I know which Learning Habitat are you all talking about?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-25 00:28 |只看該作者
我都認為學校透明度好高,班主任同所有miss都好nice,返左一個月,所有staff包括門口詢問處,D嬸嬸,所有中英國語老師都可以響入門口果吓叫出我女嘅中,英,國語名字....而我女就對住唔同國藉嘅老師講唔同語言嘅"早晨""good morning""早安"...我第一次見到時真係十分讚嘆!!我覺得佢地並唔係傳說中咁"商業"囉!!!返左咁耐,除左學費,真係無乜收過雜費~連phonics CD都可以自由選擇買定唔買~都唔知佢地邊忽商業....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-25 19:57 |只看該作者
估唔到in得咁差(又唔理人又喊), 黃埔都收左我囡囡做下年k1 am生...

現在煩惱中, 應讀蘇浙定佢好 ?  同等待維多利亞result...

少少題外話, 維多利亞報告話: 細路係k3前唔應該學多過3種語言, 你地同意嗎 ?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-25 20:31 |只看該作者
原文章由 IWAT 於 07-11-25 19:57 硐表
估唔到in得咁差(又唔理人又喊), 黃埔都收左我囡囡做下年k1 am生...

現在煩惱中, 應讀蘇浙定佢好 ?  同等待維多利亞result...

少少題外話, 維多利亞報告話: 細路係k3前唔應該學多過3種語言, 你地同意嗎 ? ...

Regarding learning launguages, I disagree with this "belief".
My little girl is now in am PN class in Hampton Loft campus. She starts to learn English, cantonese and putonghua at the same time. Besides formal schooling,  she has been joining playagroups of different languages since 1-year-old. What's more, I am looking for spanish course for her now.
(The above is my opinion only. You should consider you child's language ability as well as yours as they need certain parental/family support during the learning process.)

For choosing between LH vs KC vs Victoria,
KC - quite good but the campus is :cry:.
Victoria - many friends said it's commercial although their kids are/were joining their PN/K1.  They are going to change school or changed already .
LH - so far the teachers(local & NET) I met are all good and nice, clean and tidy environment, heard that chance to some direct subsidy primary schools is good.
You can also consider the distance from your home to these schools. That's important too.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-25 21:50 |只看該作者
LH is quite good.
The education environment is encourging student development.

My son was educated in 3 language : cantonese, Potunghua, engilish.
victoria is quite commercial.
LH-Tsing Yi is better than LH-Hung Hom.
you will see a lot of child apply LH-Tsing Yi. As it is the best(from my opinion) Kingergarten in Kwai Tsing-Tsuen Wan.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-25 22:20 |只看該作者

回覆 #13 hugoBaBa 的文章



另外,LH著重visual arts訓練,如果你有留意佢地課堂artwork,同一般幼稚園美術課程設計好唔同,相當creative,可以嘗試的方法多籮籮,具啟發性.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-11-26 23:00 |只看該作者
Is LH (Tsing Yi) that good? I am choosing it with Think International KIndergarten in Mei Foo.
If LH is good enough, I might not need to take so much time to Mei Foo.

However, I have heard some negative comment about LH (Olympic) that makes me feeling a bit worried.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-11-27 06:42 |只看該作者
My boy has two and half year school life in this school (Tsing Yi), he loves to go to school. Teachers, staff and school helper are very nice to help and support all children. Language improvement is obviously in English and PTH, as they have someone to interact with daily.

I like their show and tell program starting from K1 to build up the child self-confidence (one of the reason why I choose this school).  This  year we are busy for P1 school selection and preperation, surpriseing that this school has P1 interview traning (how to seat, simple question training) starting from K2 2nd half  up to K3.  This really help us for good preperation.

Although  you have to pay for  higher school fee but  the add-on service such as  P1 interview  traning which can really teach my boy well, that is worth I think.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-27 09:46 |只看該作者
My son is also studying at their Hampton campus.  Acutally I choose this school as my friend's son who was graduated from their Tsing Yi campus about 3 years old and was accepted by DBS (total 2 from this class) and she highly recommend this school to me (their teaching method).  Her son can speak very well English and PTH at around K3.  (of course his parents also pay a lot of effort).

After studied in PN class for 3 months, I feel my son improved a lot expecitally his lanuage skills.  However, my husband don't like the teacher  (I don't know why) and he insists we must try to find any school for him.  I have already told him LH is not bad and they can offer English/PTH class too.  Anyway, I have paid the register fee at LH and will pay at KV too.  Let's wait the result of PC/

原文章由 BigBoyMaMa 於 07-11-24 13:16 硐表
Totally agree!!!  Actuallt my son is now stuying PN classs at their Hampton campus.  Although I can't bring and pick up my son everyday, I know what he did at school.  It's not only because of the not ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-11-27 10:27 |只看該作者
Your comment is very positive, hlngai. I wish it is really a good school and can help my daughter develop her learning skill. Maybe I should not consider the one that is far away from my home....
Do you think you need to buy a lot of "product" for the school as we have heard it is a commerical school.

原文章由 hlngai 於 07-11-27 06:42 硐表
My boy has two and half year school life in this school (Tsing Yi), he loves to go to school. Teachers, staff and school helper are very nice to help and support all children. Language improvement is  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-11-27 10:31 |只看該作者
我都覺得呢間幼稚園唔錯(feeling from open day & interview),著重雙語發展同家校聯繫,老師好nice咁,尋日收到佢既acceptance letter,都好開心.不過根德園都收左我個囝,各有各好,宜家都煩緊

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-27 10:35 |只看該作者
No need to buy a lot of things from school.  Only uniforms, some english books which were recomended by school (such as letterland).  They will provide snack everyday. (you have to bring your own cup and towel).  

原文章由 cpcog 於 07-11-27 10:27 硐表
Your comment is very positive, hlngai. I wish it is really a good school and can help my daughter develop her learning skill. Maybe I should not consider the one that is far away from my home....
Do  ...
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