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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 KV 根德園 Interview Sharing
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KV 根德園 Interview Sharing [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-10 19:35 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Anyone interview today, please share!
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Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-10 20:38 |只看該作者
Had interview this morning. Very fast, finished within 30 mins. Two teachers- one asking questions and one doing recording. Asked my daughter to do puzzle, tell her name and age, what's happening from a picture and sing a song at the end (Remember to train your kid to sing).
Also asked who's looking after the kid at home.
Finished off with a small gift from the teacher and remember to say "Thank you"

It's not difficult as soon as your child respond to the teacher.

Hope this is helpful to all.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-10 21:13 |只看該作者
Thanks, it really helps me a lot!
I'll go tomorrow early morning.

Good luck to u!

原文章由 tsangwca 於 07-11-10 20:38 硐表
Had interview this morning. Very fast, finished within 30 mins. Two teachers- one asking questions and one doing recording. Asked my daughter to do puzzle, tell her name and age, what's happening from ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-11-10 21:14 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-10 21:15 |只看該作者
Sorry, one more quesiton...is that only one parent can accompany the child to enter the school....just like St Catherine's?  

原文章由 tsangwca 於 07-11-10 20:38 硐表
Had interview this morning. Very fast, finished within 30 mins. Two teachers- one asking questions and one doing recording. Asked my daughter to do puzzle, tell her name and age, what's happening from ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-10 21:23 |只看該作者
Yes, only one parent.

原文章由 beatriceyung 於 07-11-10 21:15 硐表
Sorry, one more quesiton...is that only one parent can accompany the child to enter the school....just like St Catherine's?  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-11 00:26 |只看該作者
我都覺得環境太嘈喇, 同一個班房有1個小朋友講野好大聲, 另外有2個小朋友大聲喊緊, 搞到miss都聽唔到我阿仔講野咁濟 同埋面試時只係在門口等, 之後入一間房登記完就入去第2間房面試, 家長都唔可以有機會睇下間學校既環境係點添.

原文章由 QQLAU 於 07-11-10 21:14 硐表

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-11 00:37 |只看該作者
我囡囡今日int KV 表現好過咋天in SC 好多, 最後仲肯唱歌添, 可能今早去完 int Victoria warm up 咗, 所以將會去SC 的家長最好之前帶小朋友去玩吓 warm up 吓先, 因為入咗學校就無得玩, 所以滑梯都唔可以玩, 攪到小朋友好囉囉攣, 影响咗面試表現.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-11 02:12 |只看該作者
有冇細b in 完? 佢地肯唔肯唱歌呢??


因為我個女明天in, 但佢唔會自己唱歌, 除非我同佢一齊唱....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-11 06:36 |只看該作者
Heard that it's OK to sing with the kiid.

原文章由 JJ2005 於 07-11-11 02:12 硐表
有冇細b in 完? 佢地肯唔肯唱歌呢??


因為我個女明天in, 但佢唔會自己唱歌, 除非我同佢一齊唱....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-11 08:51 |只看該作者

回覆 #7 小黑咪 的文章

阿囝星期五in York, 表現幾好,但星期六一早,就不停漏鼻水兼咳,早上interview  SC及KV時,不在狀態!:cry:
你地in KV時,老師有沒有問會揀上午還是下午班,我揀了上午班呀;諗諗下應該答 "無所謂”!起碼多個機會.另外,老師都有問小朋友的身康狀況及是否有對食物敏感.KV的問題都係圍繞小朋友多D!

Rank: 1

發表於 07-11-11 12:15 |只看該作者
my son did not have singing part, all tasks completed, finished within 10 min, including queing and walking.
[img align=left]http://www.josephleung.net/My%20Baby/mth06h.jpg[/img] 皓然相薄

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-11 13:20 |只看該作者
原文章由 joseph7777777 於 07-11-11 12:15 硐表
my son did not have singing part, all tasks completed, finished within 10 min, including queing and walking.

What did you mean?  Did you mean that the teacher did
not ask your kid to sing?  Or your son did not sing?

Rank: 1

發表於 07-11-11 16:40 |只看該作者
你地講既內容,使乜要 30min呀,我個仔都係呢d,下過冇唱歌,10min做晒。不過我都覺得真係太快啦,都唔知佢地咩標準。
[img align=left]http://www.josephleung.net/My%20Baby/mth06h.jpg[/img] 皓然相薄

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-11 17:01 |只看該作者
The interviewer did not ask my son to sing either. My son did not respond too well to all the questions except the puzzle matching part. When the interviewer asked us to leave without even asking my boy to sing a song, I was thinkg "oh, boy, did we do that bad that you don't even want us to entertain you?" Haha...

He was not himself during the interview session, but I don't really care anyways because as a parent, I know what he is capable of and if he does not want to show it to a complete stranger, that's fine with me. I am pround of him anyways!

I am not having high hopes for this one, haha. Never mind, it just a very tiny little part of life and not a big deal at all!

原文章由 joseph7777777 於 07-11-11 16:40 硐表
你地講既內容,使乜要 30min呀,我個仔都係呢d,下過冇唱歌,10min做晒。不過我都覺得真係太快啦,都唔知佢地咩標準。

[ 本文章最後由 kohuei 於 07-11-11 22:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-11 22:40 |只看該作者
見我個仔既老師有叫佢唱歌呀,不過個老師問完之後就問我阿仔平時有冇係堅企唱架? 我話好少喎, 次後佢就冇要求我阿仔再唱喇

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-11 22:55 |只看該作者
我今早IN 9:45分, 我見到個老師就已經同佢講話阿仔中文不是太好, 跟住個老師問就話我點解唔教阿仔講中文, 我地間學校主要是講中文喎, 我話唔係唔講, 係講少D, 而家已經train up緊佢, 以及我知呢間學校係講中文我先選呢間學校,
跟住, 佢叫阿仔玩砌圖, 阿仔完全玩晒, 相反隔離枱的小朋友就一點都不懂得玩, 但我估個老師會收隔離個仔都唔收我個仔, 主要係我個仔唔識得講野, 在我隔離桌的小朋友可能識講野的關係, 因為我見到隔離枱的老師很開心對住個家長, 我同老師講阿仔說話能力可能比較緩慢, 個老師聽到後無幾耐仲叫我個仔唱歌, 你話係咪離譜, 我話我個仔應該三歲前可以說到短句的, 但個老師冇理我, 只是拎頭, 我已經打定輸數.
我覺得有些小朋友說話可能有些快, 有些慢, 但係唔可以因為說話能力來判斷他的學習能力, 你話係未?

原文章由 小黑咪 於 07-11-11 22:40 硐表
見我個仔既老師有叫佢唱歌呀,不過個老師問完之後就問我阿仔平時有冇係堅企唱架? 我話好少喎, 次後佢就冇要求我阿仔再唱喇

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-11 23:09 |只看該作者
I feel exactly the same way you feel!

My son's cantonese is very limited as we mainly communicate in English and Mandarin at home. The interviewer did ask me if my son able to speak, and I told her that he speaks mainly English and Mandarin but not yet able to speak in full sentenses yet. She then asked me why didn't we speak to him in Cantonese at home. I told her that daddy does speak to him in Cantonese sometimes but because I am not from HK originally, I don't want my son to pick up my Cantonese with a bad acccent.

I am not saying that my son is the smartest kid in the world, but he is age appropriate in terms of the things that he should know for his age, but he is a late talker, that's for sure. This interview somehow makes me feel that they want to pick the ones who they think are easier to handle in the classroom setting. I don't blame them, who wants to make his/her life harder by picking too many kids who require lots of efforts?  That's just my two cents anyways. I could be wrong, you know.
原文章由 joeyeddie 於 07-11-11 22:55 硐表
我今早IN 9:45分, 我見到個老師就已經同佢講話阿仔中文不是太好, 跟住個老師問就話我點解唔教阿仔講中文, 我地間學校主要是講中文喎, 我話唔係唔講, 係講少D, 而家已經train up緊佢, 以及我知呢間學校係講中文我先選 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-11 23:26 |只看該作者
My son attended kv interview yesterday
he was requested to sing in the very early part of the
interview (i had told him repeatedly before we went inside that the teachers will ask him to sing)

in the middle of the interview, one of the teachers talked to me, asked me a lot of questions about the daily of my son, while the other teacher kept asking my son many questions and i was not sure if he answered the teacher well.

i also heard kv tends not to admit children who can't talk or talk very little during the interview.

well, we won't have to wait too long,
the results will be known in 2 weeks' time.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-11 23:31 |只看該作者
Joeyeddie and Kohuei,
我都好同意你地既講法。其實只係2歲多的小朋友,根本上你唔可以要求佢可以好完整咁講中文,同埋咁短時間,根本都考唔到個小朋友d乜野, 我個仔in果陣, 老師叫佢砌puzzle呀, 做
matching呀, 全部ok, 但係全程唔肯講野, 剩係叫左我媽咻, 叫佢唱歌, 佢答no singing, 因為我都係用英文同佢溝通, 相反, sc 全情講英文, 佢就對答得好好, 所以我捻我地呢d講中文唔係太好既baby, 應該讀d以英文為主既學校, 因為中文遲早會學到, 唔洗擔心。兩個星期後就知道結果, 但係我都打定輸數。唉...
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