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教育王國 討論區 聖士提反書院附屬小學 有冇赤柱聖氏提反小學既家長呀????

有冇赤柱聖氏提反小學既家長呀???? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-1 17:19 |只看該作者
I usually get home at around 8pm :-| , which mean I only have one hour to prepare/study everything with my son.  Luckily, he can finish his homework by himself before I come home.  But still, practise piano + study + checking homework + ....... is not enough time.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-11-1 18:08 |只看該作者
大家好! 我的女兒將於明年入讀聖士提反, 請問小一的功課忙嗎? 還有您們的小朋友在今年九月開學時, 有沒有適應問題? 請賜教.
Rachel MaMi

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-2 09:59 |只看該作者
恭喜! 那麼早就能定下來,省卻無謂心神.

從幼稚園過渡上小學有些分別很自然,不用太擔心. 老師在適應期都算很寛鬆, 壓力不大.

阿女因為以前返下午班, 除了早起較難外, 其他都算可以.尤其對普通話感興趣,經常在家自己講.

原文章由 Rachel-MaMi 於 07-11-1 18:08 硐表
大家好! 我的女兒將於明年入讀聖士提反, 請問小一的功課忙嗎? 還有您們的小朋友在今年九月開學時, 有沒有適應問題? 請賜教.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-2 10:10 |只看該作者
我覺得小朋友適應好快, 係我地大人適應有問題就真

louise, justinma, cy-ma, junior fan,
你地都keep得d時間幾好喎, jasmine呢.....我有同佢講數架, 但係佢太鍾意玩, 講完都好似冇用, 激到我死死下, 好似上星期四咪都幾多功課既, 我問佢做晒未, 佢好輕鬆咁答我, 好少咋, 做晒lu, 點知我一返到屋企check........唉.....只係做左一樣咋, 但係手冊有8個items佢只係做左一樣, 唔怪得佢話少啦, 佢唔比姐姐幫佢睇下d功課, 因為佢想求其做完就玩左先, 到我返黎佢先再做, 你話係咪激死呀, 我都真係要諗下方法先得.你地有冇咩提議呀?

原文章由 Rachel-MaMi 於 07-11-1 18:08 硐表
大家好! 我的女兒將於明年入讀聖士提反, 請問小一的功課忙嗎? 還有您們的小朋友在今年九月開學時, 有沒有適應問題? 請賜教.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-2 11:03 |只看該作者
Hi Wing(婷婷媽咪),

I'm totally agree with you.  Most of the kids are ok and able to fit in theirselves very soon, only we as parents need more time to adjust ourselves.

Btw, did Jasmine wear winter PE uniform to school this morning.  My son refused to wear the winter uniform as he worried that there're no one wearing today.

[ 本文章最後由 CY-ma 於 07-11-2 14:17 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-2 20:52 |只看該作者

jasmine今日都係著夏季運動衫褲, 但係就著左件風褸囉, 我屋企樓下有個女仔都係讀st.stephen, 佢話呢件風褸一年四季都著得, 所以jasmine近呢一個星期係日日都著呢件風褸, 因為件白色外套都唔夠暖lu

原文章由 CY-ma 於 07-11-2 11:03 硐表
Hi Wing(婷婷媽咪),

I'm totally agree with you.  Most of the kids are ok and able to fit in theirselves very soon, only we as parents need more time to adjust ourselves.

Btw, did Jasmine wear winter ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-2 22:25 |只看該作者
今日除咗一早涼dd,其實又真唔係想像中咁 , 不過我都要justin著冬季校服,事關佢已經有小小傷風喇

原文章由 Wing(婷婷媽咪) 於 07-11-2 20:52 硐表

jasmine今日都係著夏季運動衫褲, 但係就著左件風褸囉, 我屋企樓下有個女仔都係讀st.stephen, 佢話呢件風褸一年四季都著得, 所以jasmine近呢一個星期係日日都著呢件風褸, 因為件白色外套都唔夠暖lu


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-3 00:41 |只看該作者
同意 真係唔可以低仲大人都要適應呢個問題

我地個時間表初初都好detail,發覺阿囡唔鍾意:( :( ,就轉個簡單易記既:D :D 。仲要降低自己既要求,等佢同自己都舒服D ,最近發覺佢好似仲自動自覺咗 。過都係果句,「親子同温習的時間都唔係幾夠」:time: :time: ,真係要珍惜珍惜

阿囡話好多同學和高年班都著藍白色個件風樓,所以佢都唔肯著白色薄外衣,咪lala聲去買番件loh 請問係唔係要等通告至換冬季校服

原文章由 Wing(婷婷媽咪) 於 07-11-2 10:10 硐表
我覺得小朋友適應好快, 係我地大人適應有問題就真

louise, justinma, cy-ma, junior fan,
你地都keep得d時間幾好喎, jasmine呢.....我有同佢講數架, 但係佢太鍾意玩, 講完都好似冇用, 激到我死死下, 好似上 ...

發表於 07-11-3 00:52 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-3 00:57 |只看該作者

原文章由 Tatama123 於 07-11-3 00:52 硐表
請問各位家長St Stephen學生是否一定要在校內學一樣樂器, 如果自己已學小提琴, 可不可以?還是學校決定冇得揀?

Rank: 1

發表於 07-11-4 12:12 |只看該作者
我的小朋友在校外学結他 但每学期要回校作測試


原文章由 louise8702 於 07-11-3 00:57 硐表

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-9 13:57 |只看該作者
Hello Parents of St Stephen's kids.  My boy has luckily got admitted to P1 next year.  I like this school very much and have decided to register.  There are a no. of Qs that I wish to know so i can better prepare for him next year. Can anyone help please -

1. I have read another thread (Nov 2006) and learnt that some ECAs are free and some others are fee-charging, e.g.
-        Tennis
-        Science Workshop
-        Rugby
-        Taekwondo
-        Football training
-        Swimming training
-        Go Chess
-        Different kinds of musical instruments
What is the monthly fee ($$$) for these ECAs?  Do you think the fee charged by school is reasonable compared to other organizations.  You know, the school fee+lunch+sch bus is already v expensive.

2. Is it preferrable to take swimming lesson before P1 starts, or additional swimming lessons after P1 begins (as ECA or outside school) as i understand swimming is taught in class?

3. How many ECAs on average does each P1 student take?  

4. Is there any 排名次(考第幾) for exams?  Or are the classes assigned according to exam results? (I hope not)

Thank you very much in advance for sharing this information.  I'm really looking forward to his P1 school life in 2008.

原文章由 stevenliu 於 07-11-4 12:12 硐表
我的小朋友在校外学結他 但每学期要回校作測試


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-13 10:05 |只看該作者

1. It is so glad to see a school that can offer so many variety of ECA. Since we have only 90+ kids in a grade, some classes are not available and some can only be alloted by teacher after the term begins. No need to worry much and nothing can be done so early. Wait untill you've got all information and you will have plenty time to make the choice. Fee is reasonable, but I am sure you can find some cheaper alternatives in the market where more learners can attend the same class. One thing is excellent that the school buses will take care of them after ECA by an additional charges, make us no additional trouble to escort them to different places in different time.

2. Swimming class only for higher grade (?). It is good if your son know how to swim already and you may catch up with the swimming gala next October.

3. My girl has joined the Choir only.

4. We don't have exam in first term P1 so cannot answer. The school said they will mix students up after a year to make it even.

原文章由 qqzzma 於 07-11-9 13:57 硐表
Hello Parents of St Stephen's kids.  My boy has luckily got admitted to P1 next year.  I like this school very much and have decided to register.  There are a no. of Qs that I wish to know so i can be ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-13 12:49 |只看該作者
Dear rohoy2k,

Many thanks for your sharing.

Any more sharihg on ECA from other St Stephen's parents please?

(Sorry I don't know how to type chinese.)


原文章由 rohoy2k 於 07-11-13 10:05 硐表

1. It is so glad to see a school that can offer so many variety of ECA. Since we have only 90+ kids in a grade, some classes are not available and some can only be alloted by teacher after th ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-13 13:05 |只看該作者


各位就讀St. Stephen的家長, 我都收到學校嘅offer, 我哋都好鍾意間學校, 而家只有少少嘢考慮中.

今日問過學校有關中文科以普通話授課, 校方表示唔會輔以廣東話, 但會教拼音. 我諗緊, 佢哋而家K.3讀中文認緊字, 讀音同埋寫法, 但如果小學唔用廣東話, 咁個小朋友見字只學到普通話讀法, 咪會唔知d中文字廣東話點樣讀囉.

對呢點我覺得好奇怪, 好難想像, 請問各位的小朋友學中文的實況係點樣呢.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-13 13:22 |只看該作者
咁針冇兩頭利架麻, 如果又要廣東話又要國語教, 咪即係要用雙重時間? 我個囡有時見到d字係會唔識用廣東話讀返出黎架, 佢會用國語, 咁我會用廣東話講, 從而佢就學到, 唔知幫唔幫到你呢

原文章由 Candy925 於 07-11-13 13:05 硐表
各位就讀St. Stephen的家長, 我都收到學校嘅offer, 我哋都好鍾意間學校, 而家只有少少嘢考慮中.

今日問過學校有關中文科以普通話授課, 校方表示唔會輔以廣東話, 但會教拼音. 我諗緊, 佢哋而家K.3讀中文認緊字, 讀音 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-13 13:27 |只看該作者
From my experience, my son is now studying K3 in a Putonghua/English kinder.  His chinese teachers are native Putonghua speakers.  But at home he speaks Cantonese/English with us and we read books in Cantonese/English.  So far he does not have any problem learning chinese.

For me, i like this language environment v much.

原文章由 Wing(婷婷媽咪) 於 07-11-13 13:22 硐表
咁針冇兩頭利架麻, 如果又要廣東話又要國語教, 咪即係要用雙重時間? 我個囡有時見到d字係會唔識用廣東話讀返出黎架, 佢會用國語, 咁我會用廣東話講, 從而佢就學到, 唔知幫唔幫到你呢


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-13 18:43 |只看該作者
My daughter is luckily accepted by the school, and we all love the school.

However, I lived in Kowloon, so can any parent suggest a school bus route how much? how long from kowloon to school?

Rank: 1

發表於 07-11-13 20:44 |只看該作者
Why not move to HK side.  

I used to live in the NT side.  We moved to HK side to avoid long travelling time.

原文章由 xiaong 於 07-11-13 18:43 硐表
My daughter is luckily accepted by the school, and we all love the school.

However, I lived in Kowloon, so can any parent suggest a school bus route how much? how long from kowloon to school?

:adore ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-14 12:01 |只看該作者
we are thinking on that too, but just to have more option.

can anyone help, thanks a lot

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