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樓主: fannylo1621

K1D [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-18 14:49 |只看該作者
Hi mmmami,
係呀! 我昨天問老師個o個Blue Bag 幾時會俾, 佢話每兩個星期ge 最後o個日(星期五), 老師就會發一個"藍色袋"俾小朋友帶返屋企, 咁家長就要同小朋友溫習過去個兩星期學過d 嘢, 而跟住個星期一就要將個藍色袋帶回學校交俾老師。

但係我個仔昨天我問佢老師教muh, 佢同我講有大字. 真係唔知佢係邊聽返黎, 可能係我教佢又話係老師教!  

原文章由 mmmami 於 07-9-18 13:28 硐表
Mine got the book yesterday as well. He was so excited when I got back home, that he wanted me to read the book with him.
Today he told me on the phone that their school tv broke down, no tv to watch ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-18 20:42 |只看該作者
Hi! Nice to meet you MJS. Your son is in orange group as well. My son called 君延, what is the name of your son. Do you know is there any Miss. Mike in K1D? coz my son always said Miss Mike........

原文章由 MJS 於 2007-9-14 02:49 PM 硐表
Hi mmmami,
係呀! 我昨天問老師個o個Blue Bag 幾時會俾, 佢話每兩個星期ge 最後o個日(星期五), 老師就會發一個"藍色袋"俾小朋友帶返屋企, 咁家長就要同小朋友溫習過去個兩星期學過d 嘢, 而跟住個星期一就要將個藍色 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-19 09:29 |只看該作者
Yes, is Miss 米
原文章由 BerylChan 於 07-9-18 20:42 硐表
Hi! Nice to meet you MJS. Your son is in orange group as well. My son called 君延, what is the name of your son. Do you know is there any Miss. Mike in K1D? coz my son always said Miss Mike........ ...

He usually sits behind the driver, coz he's the first on the bus. What did you see in him?:
I saw him today and at the very begining I saw something about him....do you want to know???

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-19 09:32 |只看該作者
原文章由 mmmami 於 07-9-19 09:29 硐表
Yes, is Miss 米

He usually sits behind the driver, coz he's the first on the bus. What did you see in him?:

Good morning MMMami,

Yes, I've seen him today....is he with very short hair cut???

what's his name?  I want to introduce to My son "Isaac"..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-19 09:34 |只看該作者

May be, he was learnt from school...cos' they will learn things from this week...anyway, he can tell you the word is a good thing....right?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-19 09:37 |只看該作者
原文章由 mmmami 於 07-9-19 09:29 硐表
Yes, is Miss 米


the other teacher 姓"米"? 真係第一次聽呢個姓....好cute...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-19 09:45 |只看該作者
Hi BerylChan,
Yes, my son is in 橙組. His name is Marcus, actually 橙組有兩個Marcus, 佢地兩個剛剛對住坐, 我仔係瘦d o個個背住個fire place。我之前唔知有個小朋友係同名叫Marcus, 我問我仔, 你學校好朋友叫咩名呀, 佢成日話 Marcus,初初我仲以為佢唔明我意思, 我成日話佢,"我唔係問你叫咩名呀" "我問你個好朋友叫咩名呀 " 點知原來係我誤會左佢ops:" />ops:" /> , 我這個mami真要 , 佢到依家都係話 marcus 係佢好朋友, 真係幾攪笑。

原來另外個老師係 miss 米, 真係第一次聽。 :

原文章由 BerylChan 於 07-9-18 20:42 硐表
Hi! Nice to meet you MJS. Your son is in orange group as well. My son called 君延, what is the name of your son. Do you know is there any Miss. Mike in K1D? coz my son always said Miss Mike........ ...

[ 本文章最後由 MJS 於 07-9-19 09:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-19 12:05 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-19 12:50 |只看該作者
Yes he is with very short hair. You have not tell me what is it that you saw about him. I wan to know.

原文章由 CI 於 07-9-18 14:24 硐表


Does your son sit behind the driver at 2nd row? My son sits behing him, normally row 4 or 5...

I saw him today and at the very begining I saw something about him....do you want to know???

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-19 12:53 |只看該作者
I am not too sure whether the other teacher name is written as "米", but its pronounce as "米".

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-20 09:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 mmmami 於 07-9-19 12:53 硐表
I am not too sure whether the other teacher name is written as "米", but its pronounce as "米".

Oh, yes...I've asked Isaac, he said "Miss Mike"

I saw him go "vv" at the road side of "fire station"....did he tell you?  The bus driver went with him....
What's his name??

My also sing "打開雪櫃" last week and he sing "ABC" song this week.

[ 本文章最後由 CI 於 07-9-20 09:17 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-20 11:27 |只看該作者
Thanks. It's not until I asked mine whether they have sing such song that he started to sing. But he ends the song with "Yumy yumy!"

原文章由 GBAmon 於 07-9-19 12:05 硐表

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-20 11:31 |只看該作者
I also asked my son what is the other teacher name? Is it Ms Wong, Ms Lee?  He said NO.  He answesed me was "Miss Mike 早晨"

原文章由 CI 於 07-9-20 09:13 硐表

Oh, yes...I've asked Isaac, he said "Miss Mike"

I saw him go "vv" at the road side of "fire station"....did he tell you?  The bus driver went with him....
What's his name??


Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-20 11:46 |只看該作者
Oh that one.:loveliness:  'Choi E' told me. It happened on the 2nd day. He wanted 'vv' but did not want to be at the road, coz he scared . After that day he did not want to go to school and . I need to clear his blader very morning, cos he needs to travel for 45mins. Now he ok.

He calls "Jun Ming", we call him "Jun Jun" (can't type chinese).
原文章由 CI 於 07-9-20 09:13 硐表

Oh, yes...I've asked Isaac, he said "Miss Mike"

I saw him go "vv" at the road side of "fire station"....did he tell you?  The bus driver went with him....
What's his name??


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-20 15:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 mmmami 於 07-9-20 11:46 硐表
Oh that one.:loveliness:  'Choi E' told me. It happened on the 2nd day. He wanted 'vv' but did not want to be at the road, coz he scared . After that day he did not want to go to school  ...

Hi mmmami,

His name is ....俊俊, 頌頌, 尊尊, 晶晶....
it's hard to translate this word..."Jun"

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-20 15:29 |只看該作者
Thanks MJS and mmmami. Teachers called them Marcus and Jun Jun in the school? Let me introduce them to my son. My son said there have Miss Suen, Miss Ng and Miss Mike in the class. But I'm not sure whether it is true or not.

Did they learn the word of "大" in the school? My friend's son is in K1E and she told me that their teacher taught "飛機歌" to let the children know what is the meaning of "大". But my son seems doesn't know this song.

CI, What is the name of your son? Is he in orange group as well?

原文章由 CI 於 2007-9-14 03:13 PM 硐表

Hi mmmami,

His name is ....俊俊, 頌頌, 尊尊, 晶晶....
it's hard to translate this word..."Jun"

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-20 15:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 BerylChan 於 07-9-20 15:29 硐表
Thanks MJS and mmmami. Teachers called them Marcus and Jun Jun in the school? Let me introduce them to my son. My son said there have Miss Suen, Miss Ng and Miss Mike in the class. But I'm not sure wh ...

Hi Beryl Chan,

yes, my son is also in orange group...he called "Isaac"

Oh, I will try to ask him about 'Miss Ng" tonight

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-20 21:42 |只看該作者
It's 俊, but without the man and add 3 drops of water infront., if you know what I mean.
原文章由 CI 於 07-9-20 15:13 硐表

Hi mmmami,

His name is ....俊俊, 頌頌, 尊尊, 晶晶....
it's hard to translate this word..."Jun"

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-21 10:53 |只看該作者
原文章由 mmmami 於 07-9-20 21:42 硐表
It's 俊, but without the man and add 3 drops of water infront., if you know what I mean.

hi mmmami,

ic.... your son called "浚浚".  I asked my son yesterday.....He also told me that he has a classmate called "浚浚"...

A happy thing share with you all.  Yesterday, I revealed that some biscuits left in the box are wet...so I asked my son "Did you pour the water out of the cup and wet the box?"..He answered me.."Not me.  It's Marcus, he wet himself and teacher blamed him"...I never tell him his class has 2 Marcus....everytime, when I asked him does he know his classmate's name....He will answer me his grandma's name "Chan XX".....

Now, at least..I think he know 2 classmates "Jun Jun" and "Marcus".

Marcus ma (2 mami),
Do u know did it happen?

And Isaac told me that Miss suen was sick...only Miss Mike was in lesson....and he told me a teacher called "Miss Au" yesterday.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-21 12:29 |只看該作者
Hi CI,

ops:" />ops:" />ops:" /> ops:" />ops:" />ops:" /> Is your son in Orange Group also?  As I know they should hv 3 Marcus in the class (2 same group, 1 different grouop).  My maid said Teacher told her becoz he V V, wet himself, I don't know is it truth, but he didn't finished his biscult yesterday, I asked him why don't you finished your biscult he said he don't like it.  I will ask him tonight.  If he did it...I do feel sorry.     ops:" />ops:" />ops:" /> ops:" />ops:" />ops:" />   

原文章由 CI 於 07-9-21 10:53 硐表

hi mmmami,

ic.... your son called "浚浚".  I asked my son yesterday.....He also told me that he has a classmate called "浚浚"...

A happy thing share with you all.  Yesterday, I revealed that some  ...

[ 本文章最後由 MJS 於 07-9-21 14:30 編輯 ]
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