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有在職媽媽分享"蒙特梭利"教學法的心得嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-7 09:50 |只看該作者


Hi there,

I am a working mom and new to "蒙特梭利"教學法.  Just wondering if any experience mom can share their viewpoints / experience when implementing such method.

I also have the following queries:
1.  I only have v. limited time to spend w/ my 1-yr old BB, is "蒙特梭利" still a good method then?   If so, how should I fully utilized the time / how to implement it more effectively?

2. I've read through the internet and read some articles, saying that some children whom adopt to  "蒙特梭利" at kindergarden stage may encounter some difficulties in primary school,  as most of the p. schools don't adopt "蒙特梭利".  Is that true??  and what's the solution??

3. Just found out that most of the "蒙特梭利" materials are best to be made at home.  But I don't think I can spare time for that.  And I am not intended to pay a high price to buy from the local market.  any suggestion?

So sorry I typed in Eng as my Chinese typing is really S~L~O~W.

Wait for your comment!

Million thxxxxxxxx

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-9 22:41 |只看該作者

Re: 有在職媽媽分享"蒙特梭利"教學法的心得嗎?

據我所知"蒙特梭利"教育法, 其中一部份是日常生活化題材, 我買了教材後, 其中的圖書, 大部份都是以我們生活題材為主, 例如我細仔最近看了一本有關看牙醫的故事書, 內容是以老師, 小朋友, 小廚師等, 他們牙痛不能做自己喜歡的事情, 都需看牙醫, 看完後, 因他怕看牙醫, 所以便自動張大口洗牙.

其實任何教小朋友的題材都要以生活化的, 如果以現實的人物來教他, 效果會好過以動物為角色, 用身邊的人物容易代入過動物, 你話對嗎???

還有我覺得, 每一個教育法, 也有他們的好處, 將理論如何套用於適當的教材或教具, 就可能要一d專家來設計, 因自已的經濟許可, 所以選擇購買, 但當然還要加上父母的時間來倍他用呢.  

日常再有新的經驗, 會同大家分享的.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-16 21:38 |只看該作者

Re: 有在職媽媽分享"蒙特梭利"教學法的心得嗎?

I'm very new with Montessori methods and I want to talk about what I've done with my son.

I started reading the 3 books by Maria Montessori 1 month ago. I repeat 1 month ago.

According to soem other writer's guidance, I started teaching him how to handle a book, what to emphasize, where to pause and ask questions, etc.

Like magic, previously, he couldn't sit tight and let me finish the 4-8 sentences per page. Now, he knows there's something more in the words (not just some alien symbols). He can now almost sit tight and finish the whole story. This evening, while I was lying on bed, taking a rest, he pushed 3 little books in fornt of me and I had to struggle between rest and redaing. He won, of course.

I was thinking where to buy the set. Now, I concentrate on the methods. If it's more than 6K to buy the set, I'd rather study the course offered by YMCA. It's a course after all.

There's an orientation talk in YMCA tomorrow. Interested parties can go have a look.

Ah, my son is 2yr 7 mths old.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-16 23:33 |只看該作者

Re: 有在職媽媽分享"蒙特梭利"教學法的心得嗎?

Dear cwcw,
I was so happy that your son has such a great improvement, I hope mine would be the same!
I have bought 1 set of book from Montessori a weeks ago at 9K! What's the name of the set of book you mention cost 6K?
Anyway, I believe I bought a good reading material.
By the way, can you tell me the time of the orientation talk?
Thanks a lot.  
Baby is our future ;-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-17 00:16 |只看該作者

Re: 有在職媽媽分享"蒙特梭利"教學法的心得嗎?


真的很高興, 你也買了這套教材, 我細仔現時21個月, 我買了大約4個星期, 他一聽到I am so happy這隻歌後, 就自已開始跳舞, 裏面的字都已看得明了. 第日請你多d 過料, 看下你小朋友學成點.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-17 17:21 |只看該作者

Re: 有在職媽媽分享"蒙特梭利"教學法的心得嗎?

Hi Family Mna,

The $6k IS  a wild guess and since I don't trust expensive toys or taching aids, I'd rather have the money invested in myself - eduaction.

The time is 5:00 to 5:45pm today. 17/6/04
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