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ESF - SJS or DBSPD [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-9 01:14 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Today I went to the info seminar of DBSPD (新小拔-DDS
school). And bought the "books" of the school which include some chinese and english writings of the students. I
am surprised that the standard is so high in both
languages and the teaching approach is really similar to IS. But it seems that the school offers much more activities to the students.

Actually my elder kid is at SJS and for my son (which is 2 tears old now) he should have better chance to go to SJS, too.  However, I like DBSPD also and is now really not sure which path should be planned for him? It is time to apply kinder, and the decision for future education will affect the choice of kinder..... I feel so struggle......

Any opinions to be shared?
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-9 07:31 |只看該作者
原文章由 AAA-Mom 於 07-9-9 01:14 硐表
Today I went to the info seminar of DBSPD (新小拔-DDS
school). And bought the "books" of the school which include some chinese and english writings of the students. I
am surprised that the standard  ...

I believe both are good schools.  DBSPD selects kids with abilities and background they want, while ESF takes in students based on English proficiency only.  The 2 schools use very different education philosophy, so the fundamentals of students and cirriculums are not comparable.  Personally I look at the ultimate products and results of their secondary schools.  

Is it too commercial for a school to sell (really for money - $120 each, right?)the writings of students to potential parents as their selling points?  I believe those very "aggressive" schools will definitely show off the best pieces of students' work in these introductory sessions.  Did you ever see DGS or St. Paul Co-ed doing such thing??  

ESF kinder kids can also be accepted by DBSPD if they are smart enough.  Local kinder kids can also be accepted by ESF if their English is good.  Kindergartens are very different from primary and secondary schools.  So don't think that it is too much a headache.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-9-9 08:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-9 09:50 |只看該作者
原文章由 WYmom 於 07-9-9 07:31 硐表

Is it too commercial for a school to sell (really for money - $120 each, right?)the writings of students to potential parents as their selling points?  I believe those very "aggressive" schools will definitely show off the best pieces of students' work in these introductory sessions.  Did you ever see DGS or St. Paul Co-ed doing such thing??

DGJS do put the works of their students on their website. I was very "8" and read a few. And to be honest, some of those do not exactly look like they were written by primary school students. I am not saying the works should not be corrected if there were minor mistakes. But some of those works I read were obviously too polished by adults.

[ 本文章最後由 bawt 於 07-9-9 10:13 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-9 10:12 |只看該作者
原文章由 AAA-Mom 於 07-9-9 01:14 硐表
Actually my elder kid is at SJS and for my son (which is 2 tears old now) he should have better chance to go to SJS, too.  However, I like DBSPD also and is now really not sure which path should be planned for him? It is time to apply kinder, and the decision for future education will affect the choice of kinder..... I feel so struggle......

The 2 schools are totally different. One is a very wanted local school and one is a very good IS.
Choosing a school can be like choosing a wife/girlfriend. There are always some prettier girls. (Although, I do not think DBSPD is better than SJS - in fact, I do not like this school at all. But this is only my personal views.) Why not simply choose SJS for the second child if things are doing well? You know well about SJS, but you know so little about DBSPD, right? Well, maybe except what they were trying to promote at the seminar. But don't forget that those seminars (whatever they are going to call them), are marketing tools. Yes, even the most wanted schools need to market themselves. This is to keep up with their publicity and fame. It has nothing to do with popularity. That is why you still see advertisement on TV and newspapers of BMW and Chanel.
About the books sold, I share the same view as WYmom.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-9 10:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 bawt 於 07-9-9 09:50 硐表

DGJS do put the works of their students on their websites. I was very "8" and read a few. And to be honest, some of those do not exactly look like they were writen by primary school students. I am n ...


I mean not just showing to public, but really SELL it at $120 per book at such an introductory session like DBSPD - that's what I mean as commercial!

I also agree with what you said.  Personally, I prefer SJS a lot more.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-9-9 10:17 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-9 10:37 |只看該作者
原文章由 WYmom 於 07-9-9 10:13 硐表

I mean not just showing to public, but really SELL it at $120 per book at such an introductory session like DBSPD - that's what I mean as commercial!

I also agree with what you said.  Personally, I prefer SJS a lot more.

I was so surprised they did that. And I would think calling it commercial is simply too mild a word. What was in the principal's mind? The way they did it made me sick.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-9 10:41 |只看該作者
Dear Wymon and bawt,

Thanks for your opinions. WYmon, it seems I've known you for years because few years ago when I search info of ESF you've already input lots of good opinions to me.

Of course I understand two schools are different.... but I think that for my boy it would be ok if he can get a place in such school because it provides a more "complete" school life as I think. More choices of activities, more opportunities to perform or participate at different competitions etc.
Not really heavy homework load...(since DBSPD is new DSS) I dun know, I just feel that more " 全面".

No doubt the outcome of DBS boys are bright and confident....also academic results are good for both schools....

Ah.... just don't know how to choose.....yes, it's like choosing a husband.... it's more likely to be a gamble thing. May be in my mind I think I should be give my boy the kind of education that not as free as IS as I want him to be guided by a school with strong moral and discipline training.

I am not sure to apply ESF kinder or St.Cat / York Int'l / Tutor TIme / Canon.....etc. Do you have any comments are know some friends' kids studying in "local" kinders?

原文章由 WYmom 於 07-9-9 10:13 硐表


I mean not just showing to public, but really SELL it at $120 per book at such an introductory session like DBSPD - that's what I mean as commercial!

I also agree with what you said.  Person ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-9 11:00 |只看該作者
原文章由 WYmom 於 07-9-9 07:31 硐表

I believe both are good schools.   ...

我對香港名校無親身體會, 因為我所有的子女都無緣就讀. 但基於對朋友, 同事的子女的觀察, 及由於工作原因而獲得的一些了解. 我覺得, 小學, 中學, 大學, 再往上, 研究生院, 所有華人社會, 都是越高越差. 不管子女是不是天才, 只要是可教之才, 去歐美讀書而成功的可能性會大好多. 華人社會的教育是一個平庸化的過程. 這是一般說法, 有可能某個人是例外. 如有謬誤, 請指正.

所以, 對小學來說, 讀SJS或DBDPD, 我可能會選後者. 主要好處是中文, 同數學基礎會好一些. 但壞處是英文會差一些. 但有一點, 我有小小擔心, 可能DBDPD的小朋友不如SJS的小朋友開心. 香港名校我不太喜歡, 就是做什麼都認真, 要做第一, 壓力太大. 壓力太大的結果往往是小時了了, 大未必佳. 見到6歲小朋友西裝煲呔去名校面試, 真是忍俊不禁.

如將來要讀歐美名大學, 中學再讀"名校"可能誤了小朋友.  所以如我有選擇, 我會讓小朋友讀ESF, 有錢當然讀HKIS, CIS.


好彩我沒有這樣的選擇. 呵呵.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-9 11:21 |只看該作者
原文章由 AAA-Mom 於 07-9-9 10:41 硐表
Dear Wymon and bawt,

Thanks for your opinions. WYmon, it seems I've known you for years because few years ago when I search info of ESF you've already input lots of good opinions to me.

Of course I ...

Ha, my 2 kids all study in local bilingual kinders, and they have entered ESF in later years.  So I don't think that the kinders are too much a concern.  Choosing ESF kinders or not depends if you buy their way of teaching.  ESf kinders (as I learn from other parents) just allow kids to play and let them learn doing things themselves, but not much academically.  So really depends what you want.

In bilingual kinders, they teach English and Mandarin, more homework, but still have fun as they are only kindergartens.  For me, I just allow myself a few more years to see which type of school is more suitable for the kid.  My kid also got accepted previously by St. Cat. but I declined it.  So I think there is no harm for you to try a few and make decision after understanding each school more.  There are so a lot of choices out there.

Good luck.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-9 12:18 |只看該作者
"名校我不太喜歡, 就是做什麼都認真, 要做第一, 壓力太大. 壓力太大的結果往往是小時了了, 大未必佳. 見到6歲小朋友西裝煲呔去名校面試, 真是忍俊不禁.

如將來要讀歐美名大學, 中學再讀"名校"可能誤了小朋友.  所以如我有選擇, 我會讓小朋友讀ESF, 有錢當然讀HKIS, CIS.



因父母舊生關係,我有選擇名校, 也就帶來痛苦.名校要求高,很多孩子能力也高, 做什麼都認真.自已孩子不行,痛苦!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-9 14:57 |只看該作者
I have this topic because I just want to know more in reality.....

As I told you, DBSPD is a new DSS school, do you really have updated info of this school to comment? This is not the old "DBS" wor! So this is not a traditional school.... I mean if this were the kind of "old DBS or DGS or LS....etc" definately I will not concern to choose and make comparision with SJS.

My plan for my kids are studying aborad (University, most likely in UK).

Is it real that all students at DBSPD are not happy? I doubt.

(如將來要讀歐美名大學, 中學再讀"名校"可能誤了小朋友...)


原文章由 cs1980 於 07-9-9 12:18 硐表
"名校我不太喜歡, 就是做什麼都認真, 要做第一, 壓力太大. 壓力太大的結果往往是小時了了, 大未必佳. 見到6歲小朋友西裝煲呔去名校面試, 真是忍俊不禁.

.  所以 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-9 14:58 |只看該作者
Dear WYmom,

May I know why you did not pick St. Cat?

原文章由 WYmom 於 07-9-9 11:21 硐表

Ha, my 2 kids all study in local bilingual kinders, and they have entered ESF in later years.  So I don't think that the kinders are too much a concern.  Choosing ESF kinders or not depends if you b ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-9 15:35 |只看該作者
原文章由 AAA-Mom 於 07-9-9 14:58 硐表
Dear WYmom,

May I know why you did not pick St. Cat?

Not enough English (only 0.5 hour daily in K2 and K3) for my kid.  Most students in fact attend other English classes after school.   It is famous in the past because it has NET.  But now, a lot of other kinders also have NET.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-9 16:53 |只看該作者
原文章由 AAA-Mom 於 07-9-9 01:14 硐表
Today I went to the info seminar of DBSPD (新小拔-DDS
school). And bought the "books" of the school which include some chinese and english writings of the students. I
am surprised that the standard  ...

I also went to the DBSPD seminar yesterday. This is quite disappointed. The presentation is not as good as other schools ( I have attended PLK CKY in the past. I can feel the teacher & school headteacher really have some theory of teaching their kids).  I would say, most of the information that given in the presentation can be found in the school website. The presentation did not give you extra information about the school.
I also agree with WYmom, you don't have to attend ESF kindergarten in order to go to ESF primary. My son also attended local bilingual kinder and got accepted to ESF primary.  All you need is to let your kids  to show reasonable English standard when they attend interview.  We choose bilingual kinder because we want my son to learn more Mandarin ( he did have a very good standard of Mandarin after K1 & K2). Also, it give you more chooice when you select Primary schools ( you can have more time to decide which type of school you want you kid to go - local / IS primary )

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-9 18:51 |只看該作者

Your son is only two years old and all you need to do is to train him up to the best of his ability to prepare for the primary application three years later. Target both schools but at the same time make observation. DPSBD is not easy - they have first interview, second interview, and so on…... In my view, if your son is ‘all round ‘ , smart or gifted, you may target DBSPD (but SJS is still ok for him). If your son is just average but with english proficiency , it is better for him to study in SJS with less peer pressure.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-10 19:10 |只看該作者
very good opinion. Thank you so much.

原文章由 wewangwang 於 07-9-9 18:51 硐表

Your son is only two years old and all you need to do is to train him up to the best of his ability to prepare for the primary application three years later. Target both schools but at the s ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-10 20:31 |只看該作者

For kinder, you may consider CCKG . It is a small school
with good English. Kids also learn Chinese there. Class start from K2 (no K1). DPSBD takes many students from
CCKG because they are of the same church. It is also an
ideal kinder if you target ESF.

原文章由 AAA-Mom 於 07-9-10 19:10 硐表
very good opinion. Thank you so much.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-10 23:45 |只看該作者
Really thanks. I also consider this way. But how about K1? Which school is good enough for stepping into CCKG? I know St. Cat is famous but some parents say it has only 30 mins eng daily? I wonder if this is enough to train up good english? Actually my son understands eng more than chinese right now since his sister also speaks in eng with him. My girl is in SJS.

I also consider ICS since it has reception 1 & 2 for age of 3. Any comments?

原文章由 wewangwang 於 07-9-10 20:31 硐表

For kinder, you may consider CCKG . It is a small school
with good English. Kids also learn Chinese there. Class start from K2 (no K1). DPSBD takes many students from
CCKG because they are  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-11 14:14 |只看該作者
Hi AAA-Mom,

I only knew two ex-CCKG parents. Their kids studied in 'Kent' and  'Think' in K1. Their kids' classmates studied in various kinder like SC, Yew Chung, ....... I don't think there is any stepping kinder for CCKG. One of the parents told me that the success rate for CCKG to get into DPSBD lessened in recent years. Yet it needs to be confirmed.

No idea for ICS.

Good luck.  

原文章由 AAA-Mom 於 07-9-10 23:45 硐表
Really thanks. I also consider this way. But how about K1? Which school is good enough for stepping into CCKG? I know St. Cat is famous but some parents say it has only 30 mins eng daily? I wonder if  ...
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