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Cambridge Young Learners English Tests [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-22 15:52 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear all parents,

I want my son to take the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests but I have no idea how to train him.  I would like to ask for any advice on the following questions:

1.  Is there any good training schools for children to prepare for the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests?

2.  What is the qualification of the teachers?

3.  What is the teaching fee?

Many thanks.

Miss Wan
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-23 10:03 |只看該作者
You can have a look of the sample exam papers from some local bookstore or buy the past exam papers for children in British Council. Maybe, you can enroll some classes for the children.

For me, I have enrolled a teacher to teach English and one of the syllabus is Cambridge English. I have bought some text book and ex. from a local bookstore specially designed for Cambridge English for the preparation of the test.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-23 20:03 |只看該作者
Dear 馬媽媽,

Thanks for your advice.

Is he/she a private teacher or in some class?  A class is cheaper.  Do you have some choice for a private teacher and class provider?  What is the rough cost?

I guess a teacher is essential to teach spoken and listening English.  Do you agree?

Miss Wan

原文章由 馬媽媽 於 07-7-23 10:03 發表
You can have a look of the sample exam papers from some local bookstore or buy the past exam papers for children in British Council. Maybe, you can enroll some classes for the children.

For m ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-24 09:47 |只看該作者
You can try to find some private teachers in BK as my teacher is a part time teacher, who is quite fully booked. If you employ a private teacher, you can discuss the course content with her so that she can teach what you want. Besides Cambridge English, you can request her to teach spelling, phonics, story telling and conversation, which will pinpoint in the weakness of your children.

I would choose a private teacher because my daughter has been studying in some playgroups for a long time already. I wish her to have more improvements and I can have  closer monitor on her progress. So I choose a private teacher. Surely, you have to pay more if you employ a private teacher.

Besides, if your children is young and is not good at English at moment, you can choose some English playgroups for them to adopt first.

If you wish to have an idea of $ per hour, you can PM me.

原文章由 hkparent 於 07-7-23 20:03 發表
Dear 馬媽媽,

Thanks for your advice.

Is he/she a private teacher or in some class?  A class is cheaper.  Do you have some choice for a private teacher and class provider?  What is the rough ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-22 09:48 |只看該作者
讀者 F來郵話香港英國文化協會與英基( ESF)其實有合辦埋劍橋 Young Learners English Exam(劍橋幼兒英文試),考試費六百元,冇千千聲咁貴,考生唔駛上深圳考試咁嘥錢,幼稚園逼學生去深圳考,為咗錢咋啩?多謝讀者 F提供資料。

source from appledaily

收到幾份讀者電郵,難以一一以電郵回覆,就此簡單回答幾句,請讀者諒解。(一)最近提過兼通中醫理論嘅醫生 C(私家西醫),有兩三位讀者要求介紹姓名及地址。為避免任何誤會,左丁山講過就算,不會介紹醫生,以免他日無端端負上嘅某些責任,累人累己。請呢幾位讀者原諒。(二)一位理工大學社區學院讀副學士嘅學生,想到美國升學,按道理理工大學社區學院會有升學輔導,請你返學校查詢。如果冇,自己上網搵學校,自行申請都得,不過現在已係二月,要夏天到美國入學,已經太遲,如申請明年冬季入學(即二○一二年一月),應該仲有時間,理大副學士唔知有冇同其他海外掛鈎,如果冇,或者可以考慮各州立大學,多到不得了,鍾意邊間就申請囉。好多年前(現已停辦)浸會大學先修班曾與美國 Western Michigan University掛鈎,讀完兩年就過 WMU讀三年班,呢間 WMU嘅心理學系幾有名氣 o架。
(三)讀者 F來郵話香港英國文化協會與英基( ESF)其實有合辦埋劍橋 Young Learners English Exam(劍橋幼兒英文試),考試費六百元,冇千千聲咁貴,考生唔駛上深圳考試咁嘥錢,幼稚園逼學生去深圳考,為咗錢咋啩?多謝讀者 F提供資料。
(四)有關學童巴士一事,讀者 C再度來郵,澄清佢賣牌唔係賣學童巴士牌,而係賣咗十個 A字公共巴士牌及兩個無價 D牌再加大巴、細巴等等。學童巴(十二座、十六座)係 D字牌,牌照並無金錢價值。
讀者 C提醒左丁山,佢睇咗「 GG細語」好耐好耐,九八年從本欄某篇文章觸發靈感,發掘咗一個巴士接送商機,搵到錢供養女兒到美國讀書,曾經來函致謝!呢啲事,左丁山真係唔記得晒咯。讀者因睇本欄而搵到銀,係你地夠醒目夠勤力啫,與左丁山冇關係,唔駛多謝。相反地,本欄有嘢唔啱睇,亦唔好過份激動,來函將左丁山罵到狗血淋頭。
讀者 V傳來一段新版「何家猜」,應係網上傳閱版本,幾好笑,亦夠諷刺性,不便轉載嘞,爭產之事層出不窮,連一向供應鏞記溏心皮蛋嘅上環順興行,亦發生兄弟不和而鬧上法庭嘅新聞,「何家猜」呢啲事件好可能係社會縮影。

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