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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 柴天下午校 and 柴天上午校 (升中派位結果) ...
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柴天下午校 and 柴天上午校 (升中派位結果) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-20 02:10 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear All,  

I have read another posting discussing about 柴灣角天主教小學 AM and PM school's 升中派位結果.  Some parents don't have a chance to get the information and aroused some kind of unncessary misunderstandings.  My kid is studing in 下午校 .  I would like to clarify them by sending you the link of PM school of this year's (2006-07) result.  Since these two schools are very low-profiled in the district of 62.  Not much parents pay attention to their efforts in making the schools better and better.    Of course,  academic results should not be emphasized as the focus of education.  There are still rooms for improvement in other aspects.  However, I hope all the love and hard works  from both  the school teams could be appreciated fairly.  This is the motivation for doing better in the future.  It is also applied to kids.

For 下午校:
then choose  
學校簡介, then click into 升中往績.

For 上午校,  her result is even a bit better than 下午校.  But both school are very similar.  Let me updated it later when they post it on the web.  Parents could judge by themselves.  

At last, I would like to add a point.  We all want our next generation to be a "better" man in the future.  However, what is the content and meaning of "better"?  It is still opened for discussion.  I hope all the schools in this area would work hard towards their own "better" standards.  It will be an important contribution to the society.
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-20 12:00 |只看該作者
TKS nicemom

柴上柴下兩間都係好學校. 由於學校低調加上未轉全日, 所以很多家長捨棄.

學校一直都是公開透明度也很高. 柴下也公開了最新派位. 柴上暫未公開. (暫只有去年數據) , 相信待各同學(叩門那些) 穩定下來.學校一定會公報.

而柴上下過往派到英中也不差.  柴下今年 去 可風 16人, 何x耀 12 人 , 而舊基慧 今年是 可風: 15人, 何x耀 7 人.

(我不是想作任何比較. 基慧也是好學校. 只不過想講是柴天的派位不是太差. 個人認為在區內也是不錯的學校, 只是比較低調.)

其實兩間學校成績是相若. .  去過柴天的家長, 大多都認為學校安排不錯.  深信學校一定會做得更好.   2009 學校會轉全日制.  又有新校舍. 到時必帶給區內家長選校多一個選擇.

記得有家長講不願在名校做透明人.  對啦. 名校不是我心裡的那柸茶.


真的派位成績不能代表一切. 最重要是父母如何教導小朋友.  學校如何鼓勵關愛小孩. 施行全人教育. ,

Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-20 18:45 |只看該作者
Dear Hat,

I also hope that my kid could be enjoy to study in a school with love and care.  In fact, the examination pressure in my school is not that severe.  It gave me a lot of rooms to have other choices beside studying from day till night.  Hope your kid enjoy it too.

原文章由 hat 於 07-7-20 12:00 發表
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