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教育王國 討論區 瑪利曼小學 請問想考Marymount小學,边間幼稚園成數高些... ...
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請問想考Marymount小學,边間幼稚園成數高些... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-13 17:09 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
如題, 有冇家長讀緊Marymount, 之前讀边間幼稚園傢 ?

   1    0    0    0
妹妹豬 齊來做個好朋友)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-13 23:07 |只看該作者
原文章由 zitaeric 於 07-7-13 17:09 發表
如題, 有冇家長讀緊Marymount, 之前讀边間幼稚園傢 ?

It makes absolutely no difference.  How many times do people need to be told about this.  For government schools or aided schools, it makes absolutely no difference.  

It is natural for some KGs to have more students getting into famous aided schools.    KGs in district X tend to accept more students living in district X, and students living in district X tend to get allocated to primary schools in district X.  

For part 1 of allocation, if a KG takes i a lot of children of old boy/old girl of a famous primary and with the  same religion, do you think that the chances of their getting in through stage 1 is higher?  

Don't be silly, the fact that some KGs have more students getting into an aided school does NOT does NOT does NOT does NOT mean that the principal of the primary school thinks that the particukar KG is a big deal ....

That, of course., does not stop C9s from gossiping about "Oh my KG has lots of students getting into this and that aided school.  Must be because the principal likes our good quality la ..."

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-14 00:06 |只看該作者
yes, agreed, actually when you fill in the form of seat allocation, no need to write down the name of KG, the primary school or the government don't know about any informatio of your kg.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-14 02:31 |只看該作者
zitaeric ,

As a government aided school, admission to Marymount is stipulated by POA system which implies no preference can be given to any KGs.

If you are told that a large number of pupils of certain KG have got admitted by Marymount, it's because of the number advantage, school net advantage, religion advantage and possibly family affiliation advantage.

In other words, that KG must consist of a lot of pupils, living in net 12, possibly catholic and/or with siblings/parents affliated with Marymount.  

Unless that KG favors catholic kids living in net 12 with siblings/parents affliated with Marymount, it couldn't push its success rate up by other means.  

Even so, you are what you are.

原文章由 anxiousparent 於 07-7-13 23:07 發表

It makes absolutely no difference.  How many times do people need to be told about this.  For government schools or aided schools, it makes absolutely no difference.  

It is natural for so ...

[ 本文章最後由 leschelems 於 07-7-14 02:41 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-14 12:28 |只看該作者
原文章由 leschelems 於 07-7-14 02:31 發表
zitaeric ,

As a government aided school, admission to Marymount is stipulated by POA system which implies no preference can be given to any KGs.

If you are told that a large number of pupi ...


In case people are still unsure, people get allocated to famous Catholic primary schools because either

(1) they have 20 or 25 points (i.e. mom/dad graduate plus Catholic); (stage 1 of system) or

(2) they live in the correct school net (stage 2),

If a particular KG has a high rate of entry into a famous aided (I am not talking about DSS or privatye schools) Catholic school it is because it takes in a lot of students falling under (1) or (2) above.  

It is not because the KG trains its students particularly well and the aided school principal then says to EMB "O please allocate students from this KG to me please please please."  (and therefore do not believe C9s who say "O, the principal of this and that aided schoollikes to admit students from this and that KG".  They are C9s who "yee ngor chuen ngor")


It is very sad (and makes me feel very anxious) to see the same questions being asked a million times.  It shows that some parents do not bother to read previous posts or do not try to understand the system.  Or, even if they understand the system, they still think that there could be "preference" or "backdoor" based on which KG you go to.  Ceertainly not for stages 1 and 2.  and frankly, even if you proceed to stage 3 (where the principal can decided on a small number of places), it may not depend on what KG you go to ....

[ 本文章最後由 anxiousparent 於 07-7-14 12:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 07-7-14 13:37 |只看該作者
除非有d幼稚園校長, 咁有勢力可以安排到學生從特別途徑去某d名津小叩門啦............ (我聽過有架!)
不過講真, 一間小學有幾多叩門位丫! 好似marymount咁, 我知年年都有校友女女, 20分入唔到, 大抽獎又入唔到....要叩門, 排隊都未到我呢d"路人甲"啦!
原文章由 anxiousparent 於 07-7-13 23:07 發表
That, of course., does not stop C9s from gossiping about "Oh my KG has lots of students getting into this and that aided school.  Must be because the principal likes our good quality la ..."

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-14 15:49 |只看該作者
好多謝咁多位, 我係一位新手媽咪, 好多嘢都蒙查查, 但好鐘意Marymount這間學校, 你地的意見同分享對我好有用.

妹妹豬 齊來做個好朋友)

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 07-7-14 17:43 |只看該作者
你個女女仲細, 俾d時間準備下啦
我仲記得第一次,由我同事口中得知小一派位方法, 真係非常震驚呢!
原文章由 zitaeric 於 07-7-14 15:49 發表
好多謝咁多位, 我係一位新手媽咪, 好多嘢都蒙查查, 但好鐘意Marymount這間學校, 你地的意見同分享對我好有用.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-14 18:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 zitaeric 於 07-7-14 15:49 發表
好多謝咁多位, 我係一位新手媽咪, 好多嘢都蒙查查, 但好鐘意Marymount這間學校, 你地的意見同分享對我好有用.


No need to say thanks.  Hope that you can later withstand the irresistable C9 gossip/rumour mill of "which KG gets the most students allocated to this or that school".  Look at the other threads on BK.  There are lots of false impression being created.   There is another MSS thread where parents are getting very excited about students in some KGs getting allocated places in MSS .

DSS or or private school, of course, is a different story altogether.  Charlotte_mom can tell you something about it.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 07-7-14 18:53 |只看該作者
咩呀, 我都係c9咋
你咁俾機會我, 我又講下啦!
新手家長, 可以參考下以下網頁: http://chsc.edb.hkedcity.net/primary/ 有晒政府"小一入學統籌辦法", 及各區學校名單
你會見到小學分為"官立/津貼/私立/直資"4款, 其中官立/津貼係跟小一入學統籌辦法派位, 即係你成日聽到咩校網, 咩攪珠果d, 第一round自行分配學位, 會用計分方法去派位, 如果係名校, 例如marymount, la salle, maryknoll等等, 一定係25分至必入, 20分既, 人太多, 都要抽籤, 如果唔係名氣咁響, 可能15分已經有機架!
如果第一round落空, 就要去第2round統一派位, 咁就完全靠運喇, 留意, 90%學位, 係留俾區內學生, 所以點解校網咁緊要喇
如果不幸第2round都派唔到心水學校(咁總會派到一間既!), 就要去叩門喇, 呢個時候, 小學校長終於都有自由去收生喇
所以, 讀邊間幼稚園, o係以上呢個"遊戲"黎講, 基本上係無咩關係........除非幼稚園校長"把炮"到有門路令到學生優先叩門啦!

至於直資/私立, 就係自由收生既, 佢地鐘意點收都得, 所以有d傳統名校(eg聖保羅男女, 拔萃), 就轉做直資黎換取收生既自由度, 直資學校可以向學生收最多一個月$4800學費, 同時亦有政府支助, 所以政策上, 唔似私校咁自由, 而係受政府監管(例如資金運用, 學費上限等等), 由於直資學校學生有受政府支助, 所以, 當學生confirm左直資學校offer, 就會即時從小一入學統籌辦法中out出, 唔會再有官/津校學位
由於直資/私立可以自由收生, 家長就要一早plan定仔女讀邊間幼稚園喇, 因為可以好大影響, 例如真光小學, 會100%收晒自己幼稚園生, st paul convent都收九成以上, 又例如陳守仁鐘意收保良局集團幼稚園, 尢其是某一間英文幼稚園, 又例如九龍塘有幾間幼稚園學得好深, 去考名私小/直資比較有利............呢d就真係要靠888888888喇!

發表於 07-7-14 21:58 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-14 22:23 |只看該作者
Charlotte_mom 你好犀利呀, 解釋得好清楚, 講真, 我都要睇咗bk媽咪d講解成年先明白個遊戲規則, 可能有些媽咪同我一樣, 起初唔係好明津貼同直資的分別, 直資比人錯覺以為係政府直接資助, 以為就直資=津貼, 有得自行決定 收生, 其實原來係政府以學校收幾多人來決定津貼幾多錢.  
原文章由 Charlotte_mom 於 07-7-14 18:53 發表
咩呀, 我都係c9咋
你咁俾機會我, 我又講下啦!
新手家長, 可以參考下以下網頁: http://chsc.edb.hkedcity.net/primary/ 有晒政府"小一入學統籌辦法", 及各區學校名單
你會見到小學分為"官立/津貼/私立 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-14 22:38 |只看該作者
原文章由 Charlotte_mom 於 07-7-14 18:53 發表
咩呀, 我都係c9咋
你咁俾機會我, 我又講下啦!
新手家長, 可以參考下以下網頁: http://chsc.edb.hkedcity.net/primary/ 有晒政府"小一入學統籌辦法", 及各區學校名單
你會見到小學分為"官立/津貼/私立 ...

O No.  You are the glory and cream of all C9s.  I hope that all the C9's typing on BK can be as knowledgeable as you, and there will be no more people spreading nonsense like "this KG is good in allocating students to this aided/government school".

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 07-7-14 22:47 |只看該作者
咪玩啦 講專業, 呢度大把人專業過我啦!
原文章由 anxiousparent 於 07-7-14 22:38 發表

O No.  You are the glory and cream of all C9s.  I hope that all the C9's typing on BK can be as knowledgeable as you, and there will be no more people spreading nonsense like "this KG is good ...
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