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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 2 歲幼兒在美國的教育安排???
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2 歲幼兒在美國的教育安排??? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-7 11:31 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

本人即將在年底移民 LA, 但對於美國的幼兒教育制度毫無認識, 請教各位以下問題:-

1. 香港有 2 歲的幼兒 BB 班, 美國有嗎?
2. 公立? 私人? 學費多少?
3. 全日制? 半日制? 通常由幾點至幾點?
4. 抑或有 Playgroup? 親子一齊上堂? 學費又多少?
5. 請問美國 6 歲前的教育制度是如何安排?
6. 孩子 6 歲讀 Grade 1 時需否提早報名或面試?

Thanks a lot!!!
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-11 04:07 |只看該作者
I live in San Fran Bay Area, but can still give you some info as a reference. LA should be the same or very similar.

1. 香港有 2 歲的幼兒 BB , 美國有嗎?
Usually kids can go to pre-school at 2.5 years old. Most pre-schools require kids to be fully potty trained (介片)。 But also there are day care centers (托兒所) for younger kids or babies.

公立? 私人? 學費多少?
Most  托兒所 or pre-schools are 私人. There are some government funded programs but you need to meet the low income requirement to apply and usually there is long waiting list.  There are two kinds of 托兒所: home-based or center. Home-based are those that has a license to take care of a few kids at home. Usually these are cheaper. For 2 year-old, somewhere between $600-800 a month (maybe cheaper in LA).  Center is usually more expensive like $800-$1200, but more structured. Some good ones also have waiting list.

3. 全日制? 半日制? 通常由幾點至幾點?
There are both 全日制 or
半日制. 全日制usually from 8am - 6 pm.

抑或有 Playgroup? 親子一齊上堂? 學費又多少?
Gymboree is a popular playgroup. You can check it out at http://www.gymboreeclasses.com/b2c/customer/home.jsp

請問美國 6 歲前的教育制度是如何安排?

Pre-school: 2.5-5
Kindergarten: 5
Grade 1: 6

6. 孩子 6 歲讀 Grade 1 時需否提早報名或面試?
Depends on the school district. Usually if the kid is five years old before Dec 1 of that year, he/she can apply for kindergarten in Feb/Mar that year to attend school in Aug/Sept.  For example, my son is born on Nov 21, 2003. He will be 5 years old before Dec 1, 2008.  I can apply kindergarten for him in Feb/Mar 2008, so he can start going to kindergarten in Aug/Sep 2008.

Hope this helps.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-11 22:28 |只看該作者
Dear mrschao,

非常感謝您的回覆. 我還有一些問題 (真不好意思), 請賜教:-

1. 有關您提及的 Pre-school, 學費不平宜啊! 如果只參加半日班, Home-based 要多少錢? Centre 又要多少呢? 時間由幾點至幾點?

2. 多謝您提供有關 Gymboree 的網址, 我 check 過我所住的區25 miles 範圍以內也沒有 centre.

3. 請問孩子 5 歲入讀的 Kindergarten , 是否跟 Grade 1 的學校是同一所? 我指是直升上去? 抑或 Grade 1 時須另找學校.

4. 最後, 想請問你有否讓孩子讀 Pre-school 的經驗嗎? 優點? 缺點? 未知可否分享一下嗎?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-12 07:08 |只看該作者
  • 有關您提及的 Pre-school, 學費不平宜啊! 如果只參加半日班, Home-based 要多少錢? Centre 又要多少呢? 時間由幾點至幾點?
半日班學費 should be around ½ or 3/4 of 全日班學費. The time varies by schools, but usually the time at home-based are more flexible. You can consider home-based as an auntie taking care of a few babies/kids. It’s just that the auntie has taken some courses and has got a license. Also the house is inspected and approved to be a home-based pre-school.

多謝您提供有關 Gymboree 的網址, check 過我所住的區25 miles 範圍以內也沒有 centre.
Which city and county are you going to stay in? I can probably help to find some info for you, not only playgroups, but also pre-schools.
Will you prefer Chinese-operated or does it matter?

請問孩子 5 歲入讀的 Kindergarten, 是否跟 Grade 1 的學校是同一所? 我指是直升上去? 抑或 Grade 1 時須另找學校.

It’s the same school, 直升上去.

最後, 想請問你有否讓孩子讀 Pre-school 的經驗嗎? 優點? 缺點? 未知可否分享一下嗎?
My son is in Pre-school 2 now. Actually it’s a day care center for infants (new born) to 5.5 years old. I mentioned that centers are more structured in a way that the kids of the same age will be grouped together. For example:

New born – 1.5 yr old: baby room
1.5– 2 yr old: toddler 1
2 – 2.5 yr old: toddler 2
2.5 – 3.5 yr old: Pre-school 1
3.5 – 4.5 yr old: Pre-school 2
4.5 – 5.5 yr old: Pre-school 3
Each day care center may be different. This is just an example of the center my son is going to.
I like day care centers because the curriculum is usually more structured. They can learn and play with kids of the same age. The downside I experienced is that kids get sick more easily (because more kids) and it’s more expensive.

For home-based, one care giver usually takes care of at least 3 to 4 babies/kids of mixed ages. I heard that the bigger kids may “” the smaller ones.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-19 11:32 |只看該作者
Dear mrschao,

Hello! 您好! 謝謝您的熱心幫忙, 這麼快給我回覆.

我這陣子忙到不得了, 未能抽空上網回應您. 事緣我的印尼女傭因病向我請辭, 要回家鄉醫治, 事出突然, 擾亂了正常的家庭生活. 我有兩名兒子, 長子快將五歲, 幼子兩歲, 加上正值香港暑假, 長子不用上學, 兩兄弟整天在家吵吵鬧鬧, 加上之前替孩子報名參加了很多暑期活動, 而新女傭又未到港, 現在每天要為接送孩子上暑期班而頭痛不已.

我現在要趕著帶孩子出去, 如不嫌煩, 遲些再向您講教.

Let's keep in touch.  Thanks a lot!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-7 06:47 |只看該作者

Which part of LA will u move to? I live in LA too, and I just start sending my 2 years old daughter to a nursery school. So see if my experience helps or not.

Mrschao is correct, most 2 yrs old go to day care instead of school. However, I still find some around my area that get the license to take in toddlers of that age, esp so for Montessori schools if u like them.

There is a website to search for school (just type in the zip code of your area) and u can get some idea from other parents' comments:


My daughter now attend 5 half days and the fee is $600 per month, including potty training fee. I heard my colleague saying that in his area, he only need to pay $200. So it really depends.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-8 23:07 |只看該作者
Dear mrschao & culver,

Hello! 您們好! 謝謝您們的幫忙.

我將會移民往 LA 的 Arcadia, 剛在透過 culver 提供的網站, 找到一些位於 Arcadia 的 Pre-schools 資料, 唔該晒! 其中一間名為 Arcadia Presbyterian Child Development Centre , 在網上的評價似乎幾好, 請問您們有否聽聞過呢? 有否朋友的子女曾入讀? 我見那網站說入讀需 waiting list, 請問通常要輪候多久?  假設我想明年九月入讀, 應何時報名? 介時我的幼子年齡將會是 3 歲 4 個月.

有關學費問題, 我預算不可多於 US$500, 因移民初期, 希望儘量開源節流, 節省開支, 又不知老公搵工的情形如何? 而我除了兩個孩子外, 還需照顧一同移民的老爺, 相信不會出外工作; 正因如此, 我老公希望我留在家中照顧幼子, 毋需入讀學校以節省開支. 在我而言, 當然希望幼子可入讀學校, 但還須看移民後實際的家庭狀況.

Thanks a lot!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-10 01:19 |只看該作者
原文章由 tkmama 於 07-8-8 23:07 發表
Dear mrschao & culver,

Hello! 您們好! 謝謝您們的幫忙.

我將會移民往 LA 的 Arcadia, 剛在透過 culver 提供的網站, 找到一些位於 Arcadia 的 Pre-schools 資料, 唔該晒! 其中一間名為 Arcadia Presbyte ...


For the most accurate info about the preschool (e.g. fee, hours, waiting list) the best is to phone the school using IDD. Usually the school director will be busy in the morning and maybe able to get your call in the afternoon (US time of course)

Also I think visiting the school will be important, so now u may have some schools in mind. Then after u land and settle down in US, u need to bring your kid to visit the school and talk to the director, so as to see if your kid and u like it or not.

If I remember correctly, u said u will move to US end of this year, and if your son want to go to school next Sep, I think there's still time to find a good school. For me, I only start searching in April this year and find my daughter's school in June, then start her in Aug. Of course there are also some "dream schools" that need to wait for 1.5 years! However schools are plenty and they use diff style, so a lot to choose from.

$$ wise, if u want to get it cheap, look for something called "co-op" and it can be as low as $100 per month. The idea is to have the parents help out in the school like twice per month so as to lower the cost. Also u can opt to bring your son to school 3 half days per week, then he has the school experience and u can save $!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-10 04:24 |只看該作者
tkmama, if you are not going to work, I agree that half-day pre-school is better for you money-wise. I am not so familiar with schools in L.A., but I heard that Arcadia is a pretty good school district, and the houses there are more expensive. I visited 4 day care centers before I chose this one.  It doesn't have the best facility, but the teachers are nice and experienced. You really need to go there in-person to see if you and your kid likes it or not.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-10 16:46 |只看該作者
Dear mrschao & culver,


有關移民的時間, 我本人打算年底舉家前往 LA, 逗留太約兩星期, 辦理綠咭及 social security number card 等等有關的手續, 順道睇屋及參觀學校 (謝謝 mrschao 的提醒). 正式移民時間會是 2008 年的暑假. 但我丈夫則希望在年底或最遲明年初離港, 不再回流. 暫時我倆仍未有共識.

culver, 您提議我致電到學校, 非常多謝您. 但我是土生土長的香港人, 面對外籍女傭講英文當然無問題, 但要我跟西人說英語, 我會很緊張, 深怕聽不明白別人的說話, 又怕自己的舌頭會打結. 其實, 我從前的工作經常要講英文, 但內容只限於與工作有關的範圍, 講來講去也是那幾句. 您見我以中文來跟您們聯繫, 就知道我很怕講英文. 我常跟朋友說笑將來移民後只會結交說 "中文" 的朋友. 所以, 您說的那個 "co-op" 相信不適合怕講英語的我.  [ Also u can opt to bring your son to school 3 half days per week, then he has the school experience and u can save $! ] 這提議非常好, 可以平衡我夫婦倆的分歧, thanks a lot.

[ 本文章最後由 tkmama 於 07-8-11 13:37 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-11 14:30 |只看該作者
Dear mrschao & culver,

Hello!!! 我的兩個小寶貝午睡了, 此刻才可偷空來上網.

請容我冒昧問您們一些問題, 您們是否也是經移民而來到美國生活? 如是, 你們移民時是否已經帶着孩子?

移民在即, 我心裡有很多疑惑, 徬徨, 憂慮. 更加捨不得自己的家人----- 媽媽, 爸爸, 妹妹, 外甥等等. 如果只是我夫婦倆個成年人移民, 當然無問題. 但帶着兩個孩子, 心裡有很大的壓力. 兼且, 還有我的老爺, 在港我們不同住, 關係非常好, 時常開玩笑, 相處融洽, 但去到美國, 住在同一屋簷下, 深怕 [ 相見好, 同住難 ] 的場面會發生, 破壞了彼此友好的關係. 加上, 在港可聘請女傭協助打理家務, 在美國, 我須獨力照顧四個男人的起居飲食, (我廚藝很差) 想起來, 真令人頭痛.

請問, 移民 [ 前 ] [ 後 ] 有任何須留意的地方? 美國的生活沈悶嗎? 移民前, 我須作何準備? 如何加快適應美國的生活? 有否種族歧視? 孩子在學校有否被欺負? 如不介意, 請與我分享您們的生活體驗, 謝謝!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-12 08:50 |只看該作者
原文章由 tkmama 於 07-8-11 14:30 發表
Dear mrschao & culver,

Hello!!! 我的兩個小寶貝午睡了, 此刻才可偷空來上網.

請容我冒昧問您們一些問題, 您們是否也是經移民而來到美國生活? 如是, 你們移民時是否已經帶着孩子?

移民在即, 我 ...


Don't worry too much la (I know it's easy to say it but difficult really to take action!) If u want to share with more US moms, feel free to start a new topic in the US BK mama forum and I am sure a lot of moms there will be happy to share with u!

My daughter is now having her afternoon nap too (and the 2nd one is still in the tummy)! Good time to go onto BK!

As far as I know, the area u move to (i.e. Arcadia) is a very good area to start with.... a lot of Chinese live there and u can even have similar lifestyle as in HK (e.g. shopping in Chinese supermarket, your father-in-law can drink tea every morning....) u can do all these without talking to Westerner, without driving etc. Whereas if u live in other area (like me), things will be different.

However, I will suggest u to meet more Westerners in order to become really part of this society.

My daugher wakes up, talk later!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-12 15:26 |只看該作者
Culver is exactly right, you can get a lot of support from the BK moms in the US. Don't worry!! I'll share my experience with you later, as my husband is asking me to go to bed now (it's 12:23 am).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-13 10:51 |只看該作者
Dear mrschao & culver,

Hello!!! 謝謝您們的支持與安慰.

突然想起一個問題, 您們有否讓孩子學習中文? 在學校有否中文學? (國語? 廣東話?) 還是額外在外面學? 抑或自己教? 在家說中文嗎? 還是 bb 說英您說中? 對於孩子學中文, 您們有何看法?

這麼多問題, 真不好意思!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-14 01:19 |只看該作者
Hi tkmama,

We speak Cantonese to our kids at home. They speak English at school. Some schools have Chinese classes in the San Francisco Bay Area. I guess they probably have it in Los Angeles area too since there are many Chinese as well. Some parents send their kids to Chinese School (some Mandarin and some Cantonese) on Saturdays. I am planning to do this too when my kids are older. I’ll let them learn Mandarin at the Chinese School.

We actually have this topic in the U.S. mom’s forum. Go there and get more ideas about what other U.S. moms are doing.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-14 08:34 |只看該作者
原文章由 tkmama 於 07-8-11 14:30 發表
Dear mrschao & culver,

Hello!!! 我的兩個小寶貝午睡了, 此刻才可偷空來上網.

請容我冒昧問您們一些問題, 您們是否也是經移民而來到美國生活? 如是, 你們移民時是否已經帶着孩子?

移民在即, 我 ...


About the "Chinese school", as mrschao said, u can go to US mama forum to check that related topic. I guess in Arcadia, it will be very easy to find a Chinese school (one that give extra tuition during weekend/ after school) for your kids.

About my own "immigration" experince: my hubby and I moved to LA by holding work visa (so we are not really immigrating!) The first year was really hard to get adjusted, and at that time we did not have our daughter yet. However, once we got settled down and got used to how things work here, life is quite enjoyable. Think about the fresh air, more free time/ places to go during weekends etc.... That's why we started to think about having kids    Racial discrimination can be seen here and there, I think it's unavoidable. However, take it easy and your area, as I said, is a good area for Chinese too! For kids in school, I think peer bullying can happen everywhere and it's not necessarily related to the race.

Now I am carrying my 2nd baby, my father-in-law came from HK to help me. Like your case, I never live with him under the same roof before but we have a good relationship. I would say, take time to adjust also, but so far so good! The key is respect and adjust your expectation/ habit if u can.

In short.... time and your own attritube will help with the adjustment! Don't worry, be happy

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-15 04:04 |只看該作者
Hi tkmama,

Similar to culver, my husband came to the U.S. with a work visa. I came as a foriegn student, then work visa. Both of my kids were born here. Although different from your case, I can understand your worry and stress. Immigration is a big decision. But if you have already decided, don't worry too much. 船到橋頭自然直。 Think positively will help you overcome many obstacles. You also need to work hand-in-hand with your husband, since you will be far away from your family in HK.

It took me a few years before I really get used to living here. Now I like it better than HK. Arcadia and the cities nearby is perfect for Chinese immigrants. Basically you don't really need to speak much English to get around. Sometimes I think there are too many Chinese... But of course for long term, you still need to get used to daily conversation in English. Accept the fact that you will never speak perfect English like those American-born. No body cares about your grammer mistake or strong Chinese accent, except yourself. I know tt's easier said then done, but you can do it! I still remember I was so afraid to answer the phone that I just let it ring and ring and let the people leave messages on answering machine... hahaha...

Do you know how to drive? You might not need to in HK, but here in California driving is a must. It will help you get used to the living style here much faster if you can drive. Public transportation is not convenient at all. Waiting for someone to give you rides is not practical. For me, I like to be more independent.

As for living with your father-in-law, I guess it's better than living with mother-in-law, haha... I agree with culver that respect is very important. We all have different habits. Let's not think about who's right, who's wrong, or whose habit is better, because basically we are just different. If you accept this, you will have less frustration.

Long message...I'll stop here. Feel free to express your concern. We are here to support you!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-17 18:07 |只看該作者
Dear mrschao & culver,

看完您們寫給我的回應, 由衷的, 發自內心的, 有一種不能言喻的感動, 彼此萍水相逢, 多謝您們的鼓勵, 真的, 非常多謝您們.

mrschao, 您寫道: [ Accept the fact that you will never speak perfect English like those American-born. No body cares about your grammer mistake or strong Chinese accent, except yourself. I know tt's easier said then done, but you can do it! I still remember I was so afraid to answer the phone that I just let it ring and ring and let the people leave messages on answering machine... hahaha ], 正正是我心內的其中一樣恐懼. 不過, 得您的開解, 此刻人輕鬆了很多.

有關駕駛, 我在 2000 年已在港考獲車牌, 但八年來從未駕駛任何車輛, 已忘記得一乾二淨. 我哥哥剛送我一部二手私家車, 囑我好趁移民前儘快獲得多一點的駕駛經驗, 所以, 現在積極 [學] 車, 在馬路駕駛蠻可以, 但泊位則好頭痛, 需多些時間去揣摩.

culver, 恭喜您懷有第二名 bb, 您老爺來美國照顧您嗎? 他日生完 bb 坐月要多食多睡, 養好身體, 將來才有精力照顧家中各成員.

我的寶貝睡醒了, Bye-bye.

Thanks a lot.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-18 01:58 |只看該作者
原文章由 tkmama 於 07-8-17 18:07 發表
........所以, 現在積極 [學] 車, 在馬路駕駛蠻可以, 但泊位則好頭痛, 需多些時間去揣摩.


good that u know how to drive already! Driving is really an essential skill here in LA! The only thing to practise here is the driver seat being on the left side and there are different rules on the road. Once u get used to them, u have the freedom to go everywhere! Roads are wider, but sometimes drivers are also wilder(!) here..... no need to worry about 泊位, here parking spaces are so many and they are wide and easy enough for a dummy like me!

Yes, I am @ 39 weeks now, and today the contraction is really hurting, so I asked my hubby to send our elder daughter to a friend's home already. Any time to rush to the hospital la!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-18 06:07 |只看該作者
原文章由 tkmama 於 07-8-11 14:30 發表
Dear mrschao & culver,

Hello!!! 我的兩個小寶貝午睡了, 此刻才可偷空來上網.

請容我冒昧問您們一些問題, 您們是否也是經移民而來到美國生活? 如是, 你們移民時是否已經帶着孩子?

移民在即, 我 ...

你 移 民 到 LA﹐  其 實 遇 到 中 國 /亞 洲 人 既 比 率 非 常 之 高。 你 如 果 去 返 唐 人 supermarket, 基 本 上 講 國 語 /廣 東 話 都 OK。 我 住 系 san francisco area, 久 吾 久 就 會 心 思 思 開 落 去 LA 食 好 野 。
美 國 生 活 悶 吾 悶: 肯 定 無 系 香 港 甘 多 節 目 ﹐  出 入 又 多 數 要 開 車 。  不 過 ﹐  你 都 話 拉 ﹐  又 要 照 顧 2個 小 朋 友 ﹐  同 你 老 爺 ﹐  已 經 occupy 好 多 時 間 ﹐  所 以 你 應 該 吾 會 有 好 多 時 間 覺 得 悶 。

其 實 系 美 國 開 車 系 最 容 易 不 過 的 事 ﹐  因 為 地 方 大 ﹐  所 以 泊 位 比 香 港 容 易 得 多 。
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