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Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-19 17:19 |只看該作者

Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

Anybody study in this 2 centres for Jolly Phonics, what is your opinion?  

Jolly Phonics 英文速成拼音班 (3-6yrs)http://www.beaumont.edu.hk/

Jolly Kingdom Hand-in-Hand Education
以下網址有課程詳情 http://www.jollykingdom.com/info.pdf

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-19 22:00 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

東山語言中心 should be good but quite expensive (about >$200/ hr). I see their teacher is quite good (My girl join the Spanish class there and sometimes meet the English and Mandarin class teacher).
How much for Jolly Kingdom?
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-21 17:08 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

Hi hoeve
How are you?
Long time no talk!  As I haven't seen you topic so long and don't know what happen to you! Will your daughter continue K1 in KCS?  And will study Local & Int'l in K1?  I just gave birth to a baby boy in May.  So much to do!      
My daughter will go to St Clare.  Nice to talk to you again.
Did you decide to let your daughter to study Letterland?  Finally, I go for Jollly but might start in next 1/2 year.  I konw 東山 is expensive but Jolly Kingdom is alo not cheap.
Here are some details:-
1 day a week - $220 per lesson
2 days a week - $200 per lesson
3 days a week - $176 per lesson
4人自組班有 $1000 Coupon + 85折優惠. 自組班讀大概$140左右一堂.

And 東山
C) Jolly Phonics 英文速成拼音班 (3-6yrs)

拼音是學習英語最基本的工具,學好拼音,對串字、默書、會話和閱讀,會有莫大的幫助。Jolly Phonics 是專為兒童設計、生動、有趣的拼音教學系統。暑期速成班共 14 堂,學生便可學會整套系統42 個拼音。課程由專業Jolly Phonics 導師教授,生動有趣,容易上手,給學生大量應用英語的機會。

編號 Code
日期 Date
上課時間 Time

17/07/07 - 08/08/07 (Every Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
9:30 - 10:30am

09/08/07 - 31/08/07 (Every Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
9:30 - 10:30am

17/07/07 - 30/08/07 (Every Tue, Thu)
10:45 - 11:45am

18/07/07 - 31/08/07 (Every Wed, Fri)
3:15 - 4:15pm

21/07/07 (Every Sat)*
9:30 - 10:30am

28/07/07 (Every Sat)*
2:00 - 3:00pm

學費 Fees : $3,220 (14hrs) / *$4,840 (22hrs)

I watched some videos on their web about the course, it is also okay but very expensive.  What do you think?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-22 11:50 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

Hi AugSun,

Great to see you here

I read the two centers' info too. It looks like Jolly Kingdom is teaching something better then pure Jolly Phonics. As quoted from Jolly Kingdom's web site:

Jolly Phonics 是全英國最受歡迎的拼音課程,它有超過30 年的歷史,現時有超過70%的學校指定採用。Jolly Phonics 針對小童學習英語的能力和進度,用最能啟發他們的兒歌、故事和動作遊戲,使學童在多感官刺激的教育下(multi-sensory approach) 掌握英語發音。Dr. Jeff 更為Jolly Phonics 注入個人化的教學元素,全面擴充了原本的教材,設計出JollyPhonics Plus,使不同個性和能力的小朋友均得到貼身教學的效果,大大提昇他們的讀寫能力,以及增強他們對學習語文的信心和興趣。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-22 12:26 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

Hi AugSun,
我女兒k1繼續原來計劃 KCIS + KCS,恭喜晒呢,你有多個BB仔有個'好'字,好令人羨慕呢!你女兒入ST CLARE,呢間都好出名呀。
講番jolly phonics,我暫時對東山較有信心,因為令一間我唔識,而且唔平呢!東山好似重有介紹就首月半價(暑價不適用),如你想知我可以去問下。
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-22 13:22 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

Hi AugSun,

好似好難決定咁... 我覺得你不如同小朋友去試下堂啦, 一來免費, 另一方面可以睇下佢地點教.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-22 23:22 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

Hi, hoeve
First of all, thank you 晒﹐ 其實都很辛苦﹐但當然好開心啦.
你好勁﹐KCIS + KCS。我有兩個要 save money la.
講番jolly phonics, I have watched the demo video on 東山 web, I also feel they are okay, they are having a branch in Causeway (new ma!).  But I spoke to Dr Jeff at Jolly Kingdom, I also feel they are okay.  Maybe go to see both and see.  How about your daughter, I think you still go for Letterland right?  也麻煩你問一問東山有介紹是否首月半價﹐Thank you very much!!

hoeve 寫道:
Hi AugSun,
我女兒k1繼續原來計劃 KCIS + KCS,恭喜晒呢,你有多個BB仔有個'好'字,好令人羨慕呢!你女兒入ST CLARE,呢間都好出名呀。
講番jolly phonics,我暫時對東山較有信心,因為令一間我唔識,而且唔平呢!東山好似重有介紹就首月半價(暑價不適用),如你想知我可以去問下。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-25 09:39 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

Hi AugSun,

AugSun 寫道:
Hi, hoeve
First of all, thank you 晒﹐ 其實都很辛苦﹐但當然好開心啦.
你好勁﹐KCIS + KCS。我有兩個要 save money la.
講番jolly phonics, I have watched the demo video on 東山 web, I also feel they are okay, they are having a branch in Causeway (new ma!).  But I spoke to Dr Jeff at Jolly Kingdom, I also feel they are okay.  Maybe go to see both and see.  How about your daughter, I think you still go for Letterland right?  也麻煩你問一問東山有介紹是否首月半價﹐Thank you very much!!

hoeve 寫道:
Hi AugSun,
我女兒k1繼續原來計劃 KCIS + KCS,恭喜晒呢,你有多個BB仔有個'好'字,好令人羨慕呢!你女兒入ST CLARE,呢間都好出名呀。
講番jolly phonics,我暫時對東山較有信心,因為令一間我唔識,而且唔平呢!東山好似重有介紹就首月半價(暑價不適用),如你想知我可以去問下。
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-27 16:57 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

My daughter finished the jolly phonics course at  東山.  Yes, they are very expensive and one thing I don't like is the class size is too big.  They said up to 10 or 12 students in one class!!!   At the beginning, I thought the more expensive, the better but it turns out this is wrong.  She did not learn much phonics, instead, they played games and read some stories in class...(only my opinion)

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-28 18:02 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

Really, from your opinion, it sounds no good.  I saw their demo on their web, it only gots 4 in a class    So I have to think deeply again!  May I know how old is your daughter?  Will you let your daughter to continue learning Jolly Phonic, may be somewhere else?  How long did your daughter study in 東山?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-28 18:06 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

I bought the DVD and some VCD songs.  But I want my daughter to learn from outside instead of teaching by myself, of course, I will teach some time
Talk to you later. time to go home!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-28 20:05 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

Yes, it is not good at all if the class has 10 people. Most of the beginner's class for jolly phonics has 10 students and I did not like it. My daughter is in a class with only 4 students and I found it very good. For money wise, I think it costs almost the same as Jolly faith centre in Beacon Heights. However, the location of 東山 is more convenience for me. There is one thing good at 東山 as you can see and hear what they did and taught in the class outside. You see, some learning centres just do nothing but showing computer games and or asking kids to do colouring in the class.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-29 18:46 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

How old is your child? Is your child still studying Jolly at 東山.  How long did you study there and how many days do your child study in a week. Somebody told me 3 times a week.  I plan to do once a week.  What do you think?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-30 18:57 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics 東山 vs Jolly Kingdom

My daughter is 4 yrs old. Today is the 4th lession (she skipped the first 3 to 4 lessions) and I only attend the class once a week. My phonic class is not the summer class and hence it is only once a week . I know a lot of their summer courses are 2 or three times per week. A lot of the summer courses even enphasize three languages such as spanish, Japanese and French at one go. I think it is a gimmick as I will never believe a child can learn three languages at the same time in one hr. My daughter learns the English phonics first then French class afterwards. I found the phonics class that she went is real good as there are only a total of 4 kids. However, it really depends on the number of children in a class, the teacher and the English level of the children.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-3 23:18 |只看該作者
Thanks for yr info.  My daughter is nearly 3 yrs old.  Still got some time to do the research.  But I will also let my child study once a week and on weekday.
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