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Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-4-26 16:57 |只看該作者

Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup

Any mammy with child joining Anfield's playgroup now?

Please share your comments.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-4-30 14:26 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup

joined one - called Todderobics


taught by teacher M - Indian teacher, she is ok, i would rated her good.

four lessons taught by four substitute teachers - rated all bad to worst.  

(i) first substitute lesson - we asked the teacher to sing new song and her response is "i do not know any song".
(ii) second substitute lesson - the teacher took 20 minutes to set up the playground equipment and we all stood there watching.
(iii) third substitute lesson - we had to sing Twinkle Twinkle little star - seven times.....
(iv) fourth substitue lesson - disorganized, during the whole lesson, the teacher did not play any music, the air is awfully dead

overall, it is ok but to be honest, if i had to choose it again, i would not send my kid to the program.

just my personal opinion......please anyone do not attack to my comments.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-4-30 14:27 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup

joined one - called Todderobics


taught by teacher M - Indian teacher, she is ok, i would rated her good.

four lessons taught by four substitute teachers - rated all bad to worst.  

(i) first substitute lesson - we asked the teacher to sing new song and her response is "i do not know any song".
(ii) second substitute lesson - the teacher took 20 minutes to set up the playground equipment and we all stood there watching.
(iii) third substitute lesson - we had to sing Twinkle Twinkle little star - seven times.....
(iv) fourth substitue lesson - disorganized, during the whole lesson, the teacher did not play any music, the air is awfully dead

overall, it is ok but to be honest, if i had to choose it again, i would not send my kid to the program.

just my personal opinion......please anyone do not attack to my comments.

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-5-1 16:03 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup


Wow, I think your experience is really awful!
I haven't joined Toddlerobic but I attend the playgroup and prep-program with my boy.  Quite different experience!

First, I joined the playgroup on Sat, the teacher was Teacher Meena.  No substitute lesson during that 2 months.  The lesson was OK and we received a report for my boy's progress.

Then followed the summer course, playgroup on Sat again.  The teacher was Rukshana.  She was nice but not as experienced as Meena.  She could not sing well.

But my boy enjoyed the class since there were swimming sessions during summer time.

Recently, we joined the playgroup for 2 days/week.  Teacher Robert was GREAT!!!  His method is excellent and all kids like him.

And now we attend the prep program for 3 days/week.  Teacher Justin is gentle but different style comparing with teacher Robert.  He allows more room for the kids.

Hope it will help.


Rank: 4

發表於 07-5-2 14:28 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup


Thx for your comments.  My child will start to attend the 2-day pg this week. It's great to hear Robert is good as he'll be my child's class teacher.

The kids of some of my colleagues also attended the pg of Anfield years ago and they said their children were very happy.

Let's keep in touch and share more about Anfield later on  =-B

Maybe u've read this thread about Anfield as well:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-8 20:06 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup

My daughter is now 15 months old and I'm also interested in Anfield.  The school told me that there will be an open day on June 9 for campus visit.  I want to join the coming term as my daughter will be about 1.5 years old.  Do you know the duration of the coming term?  When will application begin?  Any trial class for new comers? as I want to see if my daughter loves it.  

I go to Tutor Time this afternoon for campus visit and it's quite good.  

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-5-8 22:06 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup


For Anfield, no trial class.  You could only observe it when you go to the open day with your kid.  (A class for demonstration only.)
The next term is summer course, from July to Mid Aug.  But usually the teachers are so and so at that time.   You'd better join the class from Sept.


發表於 07-5-11 12:03 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-11 21:33 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup

The open day will start at 2pm - 5pm.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-12 00:15 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup

May I know why you said the teachers are 'so so' at that time?? Is it because all good /well experienced teachers will be gone for holidays during Summer??
It's very important to me cos I plan to let my son attend the next 'playgroup' which will start from July.
Many thanks.

Radiomama 寫道:

For Anfield, no trial class.  You could only observe it when you go to the open day with your kid.  (A class for demonstration only.)
The next term is summer course, from July to Mid Aug.  But usually the teachers are so and so at that time.   You'd better join the class from Sept.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-17 09:45 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup

Hi gardenwoods

Did you apply for the summer course of Anfield?  I'm now considering to apply Sat playgroup for my son.  But don't know whether the playgroup in Anfield or Tutor Time is better  

My colleague and my husband's colleague have good comments on Anfield.  As they are based on first-come first serve basis, they suggested to apply as soon as possible.

Regarding Tutor Time, I do not have much information.  Did you recieve any comments on it

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-17 10:29 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup


I didn't apply for Anfield or TT because of the transportation issue (no parking space). I'll go to visit HLYIS next Tue cos I live in NT.

I have a friend whose girl tried Anfield's playgroup before and the comments is good. Of course, it maybe another story for the summer course which will be handled by substitute teachers.

About TT, the building is new and clean. I like the envirnoment very much and the comments are good too from most BK moms. But agreed with some moms that TT allows every visitor visit the classrooms at anytime which is a little interruption to  both the kids & parents there. The reception girl was very nice when I visited there last Tue.

If I were you, I would try TT first because you can skip the substitute teachers in Anfield during the Summer time (Summer Camp).

Try TT first to feel it's good or not yourself. If it's good, then keep it otherwise switch to Anfield after Summer.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-17 23:28 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup


Thank you for your comment and suggestion.

Did you visit Anfield before?  Is the environment good?  I've not visit either one   

By the way, may I know the full name of HLYIS, I also live in NT   

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-5-18 22:25 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup


The difference between Anfield and Tutor Time is the instruction medium.

Anfield: Mostly English and 10-15 mins Mandarin
TT: Half English and half Mandarin

Besides, it is the campus.  Anfield is old and TT is new.

I choose Anfield because I want to provide an Eng speaking environment for my son.

But for the teachers in summer time, the clerk said they have not yet decided.  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-18 23:45 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup


Yes, I have visited Anfield too. This school is old but I like it has front & rear playgrounds (TT has only one small playground). Be honest, I would say Anfield is a school & TT is more like a playgroup center.

HLYIS is Hong Lok Yuen Int'l School. Remember I said my friend's girl tried Anfield's playgroup before?? After the playgroup, the girl switched to study at HLYIS for K1 (now is K2). The girl's cousin (same age) keeps studying in Anfield after the playgroup. Compare these 2 girls, my friend said both speak good English in complete sentence, however her niece knows more words while her girl is independent.

Where do u live?? I live in MOS.

angusbbma 寫道:

Thank you for your comment and suggestion.

Did you visit Anfield before?  Is the environment good?  I've not visit either one   

By the way, may I know the full name of HLYIS, I also live in NT   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-19 00:35 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup

Hi gardenwoods

I also live in MOS.  My colleague's son studied Anfield playgroup before and now switched to KM.  She said Anfield's school fee is too expensive.

By the way, have you consider THINK or Boxhill in MOS for K1?  Will you plan your son to enter IS or local school?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-19 01:04 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup


I live in VP and actually my son (18mths old now) has already been accepted by Boxhill for N1 in Jan 08.
Consider other kinders just because I don't want my son to study in a kinder which has no outside playground for 4 years. Therefore you can see all kinders I have talked about have outside playgrounds.
And, IS/ESF is my target as my son 99% will go to university in Canada in future.
Do u want to join me to visit HLYIS next Tue afternoon??

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-19 20:42 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup

Thank you for your invitation to visit HLYIS.  But I think Tai Po is quite far away and not convenient to me.

My son is now 17 months old.  I've applied Boxhill for my son and now waiting for an interview.  

I remembered when I requested for their application form, the reception lady told me that the nusery class is almost full (even on Jan 08 or Sept 08) and urged me to apply as soon as possible!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-20 00:17 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup


Is Boxhill your final choice for N1?? If yes, why don't u just join the Mother Duck playgroup in Boxhill?? My son is now attending it every Mon, Wed & Fri (1 hr/day & 3 days/wk). It's not bad to a 1.5 yrs old boy especially no need to travel from MOS to KLN.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-20 23:58 |只看該作者

Re: Anfield International Kindergarten - Playgroup


What do you think of Boxhill's playgroup?  Is it good?  What are the kids normally do during the Motherduck playgroup?

I also consider to join Saturday Motherduck class of Boxhill this Sep after my baby reached 18 months (but they have no timetable fixed yet).

Be honest, I think the campus of Boxhill is a bit small with no outdoor playground (as you said before).  It seems not enough space for kids to move around.  Besides, the kids indoor playgroup is a bit dark and the classroom has not much sunlight to go in.  I cannot get a refresh feeling there.  That's why I'm searching for other school's playgroup and K1.

I also have a problem that my mommy cannot understand English.  So I need to find some playgroups taught in Chinese during weekdays!  My mommy said the she is not comfortable if my baby is left behind to respond late in class if the teaching language is in English.

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