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A good book for training the autistic child at home [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-15 17:33 |只看該作者

A good book for training the autistic child at home

I want to recommend a Chinese book which talked about how to train the autistic child at home.  This book is particularly worth for reading by the full time moms who are having the typical autistic children.  The contents are very touching as the author is only an ordinary woman but with endless efforts, perservance, persistant and loves to her son which created a miracle on him.  

Her son is the serious degree of autism plus IQ deficit and without language ability.  Throughout several years of home training (not over 5 years), now he can write messages to express himself and be independent with self care.  The mother (author) who has never studied any high education courses about autism or received any formal training in this aspect.  However, with her bravery and eternal loves to her son that something really happened as a result.  

It is not a miracle book which talking about the typical autistic boy turned to very smart and normal in every area suddenly but this book is very practical which is easy for readers to follow her advice and suggestions from her real experience.  Not only mentioned about the useful techniques and skills to train and stimulate the autistic children, the writer also shared her views about how to handle the parents' stress, financial arrangement and siblings concerns etc.  I'm deeply being touched by her strives, positives, courage and loves to her smallest autistic son.

I learnt some skills from the book to stimulate my girl to speak who has the speech delay problem.  I found that it did work on my girl even she hasn't yet started her formal therapy training.

Sorry I can't type in Chinese:

The Book Name is           :        Louis Program
Author                        :        WONG YIM Lai Chi
Publisher                :        Breakthrough
Price                        :        HK$80
Bookstore                :        Joint Publishing
Hope you will also find this book be useful of training your child in need.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-4-15 23:11 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

13.4.2004  Apple Daily

改 善 「 斬 件 式 」 服 務   免 家 長 疲 於 奔 命
全 球 首 個 自 閉 症 家 居 訓 練 法
最 初 知 道 自 己 個 仔 有 病 , 真 係 好 傷 心 。 」 謝 先 生 的 兒 子 從 小 喜 歡 四 處 跳 , 卻 不 愛 跟 其 他 小 朋 友 玩 耍 , 在 一 歲 八 個 月 大 時 被 診 斷 為 自 閉 症 患 者 , 尋 求 公 立 醫 院 的 治 療 和 特 殊 學 校 的 服 務 , 一 等 就 是 一 年 ; 其 間 他 找 到 聲 稱 是 全 球 首 個 自 閉 症 家 居 訓 練 方 法 的 課 程 , 學 習 在 家 中 訓 練 兒 子 , 兒 子 現 在 已 會 說 : 「 Daddy 我 好 掛 住 你 。 」

謝 先 生 形 容 , 兒 子 初 時 的 情 況 令 他 一 度 絕 望 。 「 同 佢 講   時 候 從 來 都 唔 會 望 你 , 因 為 佢 只 係 活  自 己  世 界 度 … … 真 係 覺 得 好 彷 徨 、 好 失 望 , 同 好 無 助 , 我 個 仔 無 語 言 能 力 , 愈 早 醫 就 愈 好 , 但 等 咁 耐 , 識 講  都 變 唔 識 啦 ! 」 他 和 太 太 尋 遍 坊 間 的 書 籍 , 終 在 年 多 前 遇 上 「 努 力 試 」 課 程 。
「 佢 會 教 我  , 細 路 仔 唔 識 得 表 達 自 己 要  乜 , 第 一 步 就 係 教 佢  用 手 指 指 向 自 己 要   。 」 夫 婦 二 人 遂 於 每 晚 飯 後 開 始 訓 練 孩 子 , 一 直 至 晚 上 十 時 。 首 先 是 訓 練 集 中 力 , 由 五 分 鐘 、 十 分 鐘 開 始 , 從 有 趣 的 題 材 入 手 , 每 次 兒 子 有 進 步 , 就 用 言 語 或 食 物 作 獎 勵 。

訓 練 令 人 身 心 疲 累
「 課 程 會 教 我  同 個 小 朋 友 講 『 我 愛 你 』 , 雖 然 明 知 佢 學  , 講  時 候 其 實 無 感 情 , 但 起 碼 令 我  有 動 力 繼 續 訓 練 下 去 。 」 謝 先 生 坦 言 , 每 晚 的 訓 練 令 人 身 心 疲 累 , 「 當 諗 到 子 女 只 得 你 一 個 父 母 , 就 會 繼 續 做 落 去 。 」
「  時 佢 兩 歲 幾 , 突 然 間 有 日 佢 走 埋  攬 住 我 , 話 『 Daddy 我 好 掛 住 你 』 , 我  之 前 無 教 過 佢 , 佢 係 自 發 講  , 當 時 真 係 好 感 動 。 」 謝 先 生 的 孩 子 現 已 四 歲 , 入 讀 一 般 幼 稚 園 , 願 意 跟 其 他 小 朋 友 一 起 玩 耍 , 「 會 識 講 自 己  感 受 , 開 唔 開 心 呀 , 返 學 點 呀 , 會 同 我 講 好 驚 陌 生 人 呀 咁 。 」

「 家 長 去 教 好 重 要 」
努 力 試 課 程 訓 練 中 心 執 行 顧 問 何 展 基 指 出 : 「  生 署  數 字 話 , 每 一 千 個 細 路 仔 中 有 一 個 係 有 自 閉 症 , 其 實 個 問 題 都 幾 嚴 重 。 」 義 務 協 助 自 閉 兒 童 家 長 的 職 業 治 療 師 張 姑 娘 批 評 , 現 存 自 閉 症 兒 童 服 務 屬 「 斬 件 式 」 , 令 家 長 疲 於 奔 命 。 「 溝 通 問 題 就 搵 言 語 治 療 師 ; 感 覺 統 合 就 搵 職 業 治 療 師 ; 發 脾 氣 呀 就 搵 心 理 學 家 或 者 精 神 科 , 其 實 應 該 融 合 響 屋 企 做 。 」
曾 治 療 自 閉 症 兒 童 的 註 冊 物 理 治 療 師 鄭 泳 珊 認 為 , 類 似 的 家 居 訓 練 課 程 對 自 閉 症 患 者 有 一 定 幫 助 , 「 因 為 呢  小 朋 友 要 每 日 不 停 重 複 咁 教 , 所 以 家 長 去 教 好 重 要 , 而 且 可 以 同 個 小 朋 友 多  接 觸 。 」 但 她 補 充 , 專 業 人 士 能 評 估 患 者 的 情 況 , 家 長 必 須 與 治 療 人 員 緊 密 合 作 。

努 力 試 課 程 訓 練 中 心就是gigi2所提及的書的作者創辦。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-16 08:56 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

[quote]努 力 試 課 程 訓 練 中 心就是gigi2所提及的書的作者創辦。

Exactly!  Louis Program = 努 力 試 Chinese Name

Rank: 2

發表於 04-4-16 10:44 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

You can find more details from this web site :


They also have talks in coming May.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-16 10:58 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Lousi Programme

You may click the above link.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-16 11:17 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

望子成龍, 人之常情。要是你發現自己的骨肉是個患自閉症的弱智孩子, 你想你會有甚麼反應?

16 歲的黃澤林( 又叫澤澤) , 沒有正常孩子應有的語言能力, 智商只得六十, 且患有自閉症。媽媽黃太沒有放棄, 堅持要親自教導孩子。皇天不負有心人, 奇蹟果真出現, 而且神奇得連黃太也萬料不到, 甚至改變了兩母子的一生。
撰文: 河仔
訪問攝影: Ben ( 部分照片由被訪者提供)
\© 2001 Oriental Daily News. All rights reserved.


孩子異於常人, 對父母來說, 打擊如同宣判極刑似的。黃太形容自己得悉孩子患有自閉症, 心情沉重得像被石頭壓著一樣, 無可奈何, 又要嘗試面對現實, 感覺好痛苦。「老實說, 最初我真的有點埋怨, 唔明白事情為甚麼會發生在自己身上。那時候我覺得身邊的親友都唔會明白自己的感受, 亦幫不了自己, 感覺到連自己也自閉起來。」
切肉不離皮, 當別人都認定孩子是冇用的, 黃太心想: 「我就是不相信自己的兒子真的沒半點用處! 」就是因為不甘心, 驅使她決心親自教導孩子。


「我嘗試將自己代入孩子的角色去設計教材, 好奇怪, 每當天曚光的時分, 心面不期然湧起一些靈感, 今天想起來可能是神賜我智慧吧! 」聽黃太說, 那段日子像『搏鬥』一樣, 每天都要捉住澤澤做練習, 就是孩子不願意也要硬著心腸堅持下去, 「我先生勸我不要太辛苦, 他覺得孩子反正生成這樣, 也教不出甚麼成績, 可是我就是要堅持到底。」黃太說, 有時澤澤發脾氣, 她也不敢向別人『呻』, 果真有苦自己知。
經過一段不見天日的日子, 黃太總算見到希望的曙光, 澤澤開始懂得辨認和溝通, 雖然是一丁點的進步, 也成了黃太無比的推動力。「我相信當每個媽媽知道自己的堅持可以幫到孩子的話, 一定會像我一樣堅持。」


由最初叫孩子做簡單的選擇, 到後來進而學習簡單加數, 澤澤的進度都在黃太掌握中, 但直至1996 年的10 月下旬, 她開始發覺孩子的能力竟然是高深莫測。當澤澤學會一加二、二加三等算術不久, 一些較深的數學題, 如負數、開方, 甚至無限大的概念性問題, 他都能在兩三秒內寫出正確答案, 後來連百科全書的問題也難不倒他呢!
「那段日子感覺就好像掘金一樣興奮, 我還以為自己的孩子是個天才, 終於有出人頭地的日子。可是當有朋友對我說: 澤澤的情況好可能是神蹟時, 我真的好愕然, 又有點不服氣。殊不知當我問澤澤是誰教他時, 他筆下的答案居然是: God ( 神) 。」

現在聽來, 的確令人感到太不可思議, 何況是親歷其境的黃太。「當時我好驚, 我感到自己跟超自然的力量好接近, 我立刻跟孩子一起祈禱。」這次神奇的經歷, 令黃太覺得一切事冥冥之中有安排。
黃太說, 今天, 自己既寫書, 又做分享會, 亦是以前從未想過的。這位偉大的媽媽坦言, 希望藉著自己的經歷, 幫助到那些面對同樣問題的媽媽。


黃太和澤澤的經歷的確不可思議, 無論你信唔信有神的存在也好, 有一點可以肯定, 沒有黃太那份堅持, 澤澤可能還是一個甚麼都不曉得的孩子。她那份偉大的母愛, 值得為人父母的借鏡。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-16 12:52 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

葆媽 /gigi2

I cannot find the website, please advise.

Many thanks

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-16 13:21 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Hei媽 ,

Please click below:


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-22 15:58 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

I went to the Central store of Joint Publishing this afternoon for the book, Louis Program, but their computer record showed that there were only 2 in the Yaumatei store.  This figure 2 indicated that there used to be 2 in the Yaumatei store, doesn't necessarily mean that they still have the stock.

Anyone knows anywhere else I can look for this book?

Thank you.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-22 16:09 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Yes, should be and you may call their Yaumatei shop for booking in advance and fix the date & time with the storekeeper when you will collect it.  I have tried this way to reserve the book before on phone.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-22 16:10 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home


By the way, this is a Chinese book and can you read it?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-22 16:28 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Thanks for your advice, gigi2.  I will call them up.

Yes I can read and write Chinese but can't type it because I don't have the Chinese software.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-22 16:38 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

I've just checked with the Chung Hwa Bookstore (direct translation) at Yaumatei.  They have more than 10 in stock and I'll go these two days to buy it.  I am anxious to get the book to see how to provide home training.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-4-23 01:56 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Hello JustJust/ Gigi2,

There is another book is very good to provide training : Montessori at Home. Each game (training) is easy to follow and already separate the different games for different ages.

However, I cannot find this book to sell in bookstore. Only find this in public library. You can search at HK public library web site.
By the way, if any one knows where to buy, pls let me know.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-23 15:16 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

I bought the book, Louis Program, at Chung Hwa Book Co. Readers' Service Centre at Yaumatei today.

I also went to The Commercial Press and found that they have quite a few books on understanding and training children with autism, learning difficulties or speech delay (under Education in the Chinese books section).  But all these books are in Chinese.  There are also quite a few about Montessori but mostly in Chinese.  Only one was in English: Montessori Today.

If any of you is interested, please go and buy it today.  It is the Readers' Day today and most of the items even 幼稚園天書, puzzles, etc.
are 15% off, except for reference books, fixed price & discount items.
I spent so much time there and bought so many things that I returned to work late after the lunch break.


Thanks for your recommendation.  I've heard a lot about Montessori before but really understand it today when I read the books in the bookshop.  

Qutoed from an article Who it's best for?  "Kids who want a hands-on learning environment suited to their own needs," says Chelsea Howe of the Montessori Foundation. Special needs children thrive, especially those with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or other learning or psychological problems, because of the individual attention teachers pay to each student. Click here for full article.

For your info., one can buy Montessori at home from Yesasia.com.  Price should be more or less USD13.  They don't have stock now but you can track the order so they will let you know once they have the stock.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-23 23:20 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Hi Justjust

Can you let me know which Commercial Press bookstore that you've found the books ??? I went to bookstore located in Wanchai last 2 days but didn't found it.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-24 00:06 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

這本書名是"衝破障礙" ,在"大眾"書店有售

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-24 02:27 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Hi, LJennifer,

I bought the book at The Commercial Press (商務印書館) located in Causeway Bay yesterday.  I got the only one from the bookshelf.  Please try to call 2890 8028 to see if they still have stock.

By the way, is the bookstore in Wanchai which you went last 2 days near the Wanchai MTR station?  If so, that bokstore is Jointpublishing (三聯書店).

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-24 10:59 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

I was very glad that yesterday the Private Speech Therapist met my girl for the first time and commented that the performance of my girl was not bad.  But she assessed that my girl's comprehension ability is still fall behind than the same age group (33 months) owing to her lack of verbs stimulations.  She is strong in using nouns but lack of verbs practicing.  She was willing to answer all proper object names to the ST and her attention span was OK.  She can play the imitation game properly i.e. cooking & food cutting and patiently with the ST for 30 minutes.  The ST said that only she still need to increase more eyes contact with people.

In the clinic, she pointed to the poster and named the objects that she did not do such things in the past few months.  And more surprisingly, she expressed herself by speaking up ‘Mommy, PooPoo!”  This was the second time she expressed verbally that she wanted to go to toilet during this recent week.  I am glad to find that she gradually speaks more and more.  The ST told me it was because we have changed our behaviour to stimulate her and as a result my girl has changed her behaviour (better performance) in return.  I told to the ST," Yes, we did very hard with her at home in the past month and now I can see her changes.  If I came to see you (ST) a month ago, I just will cry to you and am very sad with her performance."

Here, I must appreciate with Madam Yim though we haven't met before but I come across by chance to get her book- Louis Programme.  I don't know whether it is work for other children or not but at least I find it is very practical and useful to me.  I am deeply being touched and encouraged by her positive and never give up spirit to nurture her severe autistic son.  I only pick up some ideas which I think they are appropriate to train my girl who is speech delay and then it does really work for her!

I trust that I was led by God to find this book in the Bookstore in one day.  Before that, I don't know anything about this book from any sources.   

Through this book, I empathize that how deep of the Mother love to her children.  As what the book said, if you find this book is useful please go ahead to recommend to others.  Recommend this book to others not because of complimentary to the author Madam Yim, she always emphasized that it was not her accomplishment but glorified our God to let Mother and the children be the tools to express loves in the World.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-26 11:32 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Hi Jennifer,

I didn't buy Louis Program from Commercial Press.  I bought it from Chung Hwa at Yaumatei.  

I can give you a few phone nos. to check with them first before going:
Chung Hwa (Yaumatei)  2385 6588
Joint Publishing (Central D'aguilla Street) 2840 1632
Commercial Press (Causeway Bay) 2890 8028

They should be able to tell you which store has the book and how many left.  I went to Joint Publishing in Central and they told me to go to Chung Hwa at Yaumatei.

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