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請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-2 21:51 |只看該作者

請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?



我個囝囝,依家讀緊聖嘉勒幼稚園,老實講呢間學校都唔錯,老師係MS. LEE,讀的都幾開心,本來諗住就由佢讀到去F7算數,聖嘉勒小學係直資小學,升上去應該不會有大問題.



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-3 09:51 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?


聖嘉勒小學係直資小學,正如你說,升上去應該不會有大問題;聖士提反幼稚園是基督教學校,要上小學,好視乎你係咪教友+係咪住11 net, 如果兩樣都唔係,就要諗清楚啦!
我朋友呀女今年讀聖士提反k3,第一都round唔得,因為無諗到有咁多有家姐係到! 佢已經係教友+大女,有20分,要等大抽獎(佢住11 net;大抽獎只有48個位)。校長同呀朋友派定心丸,如果大抽獎都唔得,叩門應該無問題,因為係教友。


Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-3 13:08 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi Potato3388
I also got the accetance letter yesterday and am also wondering whether to change to SSGK, as my girls' current school (SKH in Central) is also very good and she enjoys it very much.
I heard that SSKG is a strict school and there's no guarantee to get into P1.   So we are in the same situation la!
Do you live close to SSKG? We live very close, so this is a benefit for us.  Good luck in our decision!

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-3 13:14 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi Bobomegan
Thanks for your sharing.  So your friend's daughter is happy at SSKG?  I heard that it's a strict school, are the children happy there?  Thanks for your infomation!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-3 14:16 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi aconly,

Yes, she has happy life in SSGK!  

According to my friend, her daughter has little home work but of course, the teachers there are quite traditional and seems to be very strict.  Also, the English standard in their Kinder's stage is still very simple, I believe they have a kind of teaching method which can growth their English ability to be very strong in the Primary stage.  Hope this help!


Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-3 14:32 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi Bobomegan
Thanks very much for your help.  
Which kindergarten she went to before SSGK?
Hope your daughter has happy school life in St Clare!   

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-3 15:01 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi aconly,
My daughter was accepted by both SSGK and SKH this year, and I'm as puzzled as you.  Do you think SKH's academic (including English and Potunghua) and moral education is good enough, and are the kids there trained in communication skills so that their performance in interview is good enough for  直資?  

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-3 15:26 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi Cinder
Which school is your girl at now?  Congratulations she got admitted by both SKH & SSKG for K2.  Both schools are good & difficult to get into!
Is your girl happy at her current school?  It's a headache to have choices sometimes.
SKH's academic is good, there's quite a lot of homework starting from 2nd term of K1, (some almost everyday) and I think they started having Potongha lessons now. In terms of communication skills, I think it depends on the children. SKH trains the children by asking them to bring certain things to school without issung memos to parents.  I think SSKG is similar.  
All children have fun in SKH, but there are only a few girls in each class, I think because many girls go to SSKG or St Paul's etc.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-3 22:55 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi, bobomegan

現時讀緊聖嘉勒都算唔錯,昨天咳嗽唔俾返學都差點俾佢煩死,吵住要返學.老師係MS. LEE,聽講以前任教聖保祿.算幾好.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-4 10:27 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hello potato3388:

Your baby is a 囝囝 not a girl???

Anyway, please click the below and see the infomation first:

"No. of seat for lucky draw"
=>than choose net 11

"Total number of available seats"

In 2006 P1 admission, it got 48 seats for the lucky draw; for 2007 P1 admission, according to the link, it got 45 seats for the luck draw.   As the total number for SSG's P1 is only about 100 seats, so the distribution is half half law.  But don't know why there are 3 seats less than last year.

If you are not 教友 , only 15 marks must fail in the first round.  If you talking about the lucky draw, mark is not a factor to influence the result as it's all depends on your luck.  Hence you are living in net 11, that's mean you can pick SSG in both sections in the lucky draw, but I don't know how lucky you are.

My friend's case is, her daughter transfer to SSKG in K2.  She got 20 marks but still fail in the first round.  She is living in net 11 but even if she fail in the lucky draw, her 叩門 chance will be higher because they are 教友.  

If I were you,  I would have stay in St Clare's and go to the lucky draw for SSG.  If ok than SSG, if not ok, than at least I have St Clare's.

But definitely, SSKG is a very good school as my friend's daughter has a happy school life.  

By the way, can you tell me some more about St Clare's?  haha, information exchange.......

Hope this help!


Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-4 10:57 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi Bobomegan
Thanks   Your info is very useful for all of us ar...so you didn't choose SSGK?
Happy Easter!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-4 11:04 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi aconly,

Please check PM.
You are welcome la, as we are helping each other here ma.....
I'm not going to choose SSGK as my chance is equal to zero!     But I like SSG very much.


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-4-4 13:34 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

你著重英文既話,應該係睇果間學校教出黎既英文點樣...唔係睇果間學校係英文定中文學校,st paul co-ed都係中文學校

potato3388 寫道:


Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-4 14:41 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi bobomegan,
I agree with you! If my daughter is studying in St. Clares's, I'd rather stay in St Clare's and go to the lucky draw for SSG since St Clare's is a through-trained school.  

bobomegan 寫道:
Hello potato3388:

Your baby is a 囝囝 not a girl???

Anyway, please click the below and see the infomation first:

"No. of seat for lucky draw"
=>than choose net 11

"Total number of available seats"

In 2006 P1 admission, it got 48 seats for the lucky draw; for 2007 P1 admission, according from the link, it got 45 seats for the luck draw.   As the total number for SSG's P1 is only about 100 seats, so the distribution is half half law.  But don't know why there are 3 seats less than last year.

If you are not 教友 , only 15 mark must fail in the first round.  If you talking about the lucky draw, mark is not a factor to influence the result as it's all depends on your luck.  Hence you are living in net 11, that's mean you can pick SSG in both sections in the lucky draw, but I don't know how lucky you are.

My friend's case is, her daughter transfer to SSKG in K2.  She got 20 marks but still fail in the first round.  She is living in net 11 but even if she fail in the lucky draw, her 叩門 chance will be higher because they are 教友.  

If I were you,  I would have stay in St Clare's and go to the lucky draw for SSG.  If ok than SSG, if not ok, than at least I have St Clare's.

But definitely, SSKG is a very good school as my friend's daughter has a happy school life.  

By the way, can you tell me some more about St Clare's?  haha, information exchange.......

Hope this help!


Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-4 14:57 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi aconly,

Thanks for your information.  I find it difficult to choose just because both schools are difficult to enter! My daughter is studying in Victoria and she is very happy.  She talks a lot in Chinese, English and sing Potunghua songs.  However, I want her to go to traditional primary school like SSKG, and want her to learn more discipline.  Do you know will the children in SKH have more chance to enter primary schools run by SKH?

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-4 17:56 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi Cinder
You girl is very smart..both schools are good, so whichever you choose will not be a mistake!
I've obtained quite a bit of info re:SSGK, if you want your girl to learn discipline , manners and be ladylike, it's a very good school to go, as the teachers are strict, but they still love the kids.
SKH is good also and is lively, there's quite a lot of homework though and the teachers are very nice.  So it all depends on what you expect & the personality of your girl!

I'm in the same situation as you except you have one more choice, to stay in Victoria!  :
You never know, we might see each other at school, either in SKH or SSGK

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-5 01:17 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi, bobomegan

Many thanks for you and others Mom.'s advise.

I think I better let my daughter keep study in St. Clare kindergarten.



Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-6 09:41 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi BK moms,
I've missed BK during the holidays!

Hi aconly,
If my daughter can be admitted to primary school so easily, then I must celebrate!
I'm just thinking that I may let my daughter study in SSGK and have additional lessons in English and Potunghua......but, will she get too tired?

Do anyone knows if there is any school bus travel from North Point to SSKG? How long does it takes to travel?  

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-7 23:16 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi Potato3388 and aconly,
May I know your final decision? Will you register SSKG?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-8 23:17 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 聖士提反幼稚園(柏道)&聖嘉勒幼稚園的抉擇?

Hi bobomegan,

After read your information about SSG's P1, could you help to answer some of my question?
My draughter is a K2 student at one of the WanChai 幼稚園. We will move to net 11 later. SSKG just accept my draughter jump into K3, that mean she will be a K3 student of SSKG this September. Will she has a fare chance with other existing students in the first lucky draw this September?
My wife and me also a 教友, so my draughter has 20 marks on hand now. Will she has good chance? Because I saw only forty something lucky girls in the first round last year.
If unfortunately fail in the first round, she may need another more lucky in the second round. Does it means no others factor can affect in second round except lucky?
I'm so worry about this in this few months.
Hope you can help!

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