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急!請問點算好?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-24 03:00 |只看該作者


今年10月interview,仔仔好怕醜,點算??請問各位mama點算好?please help help...thank you very much!!!     

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-24 09:44 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??

cacatam 寫道:
今年10月interview,仔仔好怕醜,點算??請問各位mama點算好?please help help...thank you very much!!!     

都重有8個月,小朋友會有好多轉變,可以既話,帶佢多d去公園同其他小朋友玩,同埋去參加多d playgrounds。重有一樣,做家長要識得放手!
因為  神使這兩樣並列,

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 07-2-24 09:46 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??

Join a couple of playgroups, go out more often and meet different kind of people in different places like the supermarket, park, wet market, post office, department store..... or you can even take him to some kindergartens and see the kids going home after school, just to let him feel how it's like to go to school.

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-2-24 14:05 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??


Your son is small boy or big boy?  It's OK, he will be more mature at that time!  Go out and play on the playground as much as you can.  You will see the amazement!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-24 14:51 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??


仔仔5月生日, big boy or small boy ah?? 仔仔平時好多口,但係一見到陌生人就唔出聲,interview一定唔ok啦!好擔心呀!   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-25 18:34 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??

cacatam 寫道:

仔仔5月生日, big boy or small boy ah?? 仔仔平時好多口,但係一見到陌生人就唔出聲,interview一定唔ok啦!好擔心呀!   

5月出世都算係大仔! 你去帶佢見多d陌生人,慢慢有改變! 唔駛擔心
因為  神使這兩樣並列,

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-2-26 01:22 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??

We had a similar problem, but were not aware of its seriousness until the mock interview held by the kindergarten in September.  The mother was summoned to see the principal, and was told that the boy was so nervous that he couldn't even tell the teachers which kindergarten he comes from.  

It was already mid or late September.  We had to send him to an interview class to get him familiar with the situation.  His confidence built up a bit and was able to get into some primary schools.  

Some parents may insist that interview classes are waste of money.   That's also what I had thought.  But now I would say, depending on your kids, interview classes could be useful...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-2-26 01:34 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-2-26 13:49 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??


Your boy is a big boy!  He will be fine when he has the interview on this Oct/Nov.

No need to go to any training class but sure it will be helpful to let your son to join playgroup/music class.

Talk to him as much as you can.  Don't let him watch too much TV.  Instead of this, you could tell him story yourself to train him listening.

Any targets?  For SC/KV, it's highly competitive.  For big kid  whom will be required to sing a song during the interview.  Pls prepare.  For other KG, try to teach them to name fruits, various parts of the body etc.  Beside of english, some putonghua as well.

I think it's difficult but my boy did it amazingly well!  (He's a small boy, born in Nov)

So, pls relax!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-26 15:11 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??

well,...SC and KV are two of my targets...I may also apply York, Pui Ching, KM...and may also apply SKH on hk side...are they good?? are they easily to get an offer??...well...I know that SC, KV and PC may not easily get an offer...

ah??...putonghua...wah...really difficult ah~~

can you tell me which KG is your boy sit it now??

Radiomama 寫道:

Your boy is a big boy!  He will be fine when he has the interview on this Oct/Nov.

No need to go to any training class but sure it will be helpful to let your son to join playgroup/music class.

Talk to him as much as you can.  Don't let him watch too much TV.  Instead of this, you could tell him story yourself to train him listening.

Any targets?  For SC/KV, it's highly competitive.  For big kid  whom will be required to sing a song during the interview.  Pls prepare.  For other KG, try to teach them to name fruits, various parts of the body etc.  Beside of english, some putonghua as well.

I think it's difficult but my boy did it amazingly well!  (He's a small boy, born in Nov)

So, pls relax!


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-2-26 16:01 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??


Wow, SC, KV, PC and KM, plus York and SKH in Hong Kong Island!

You need to do some deep, deep, deep researches.  If you live in Kowloon side, pls don't bother about the one in Hong Kong Island!  The travelling time is so long for the little kid.  (You may consider it when you apply for P1 )

My boy will be K1 at HKPS in this fall!   


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-26 17:03 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??

i know that i may apply too much...but...i do worry about that it's not easy to get an offer...so, try to apply more....by the way...what's the chinese name of HKPS??...is it good??...is it easy to get an offer??....and any good suggestions for choosing KG???...ah...i'm really worry ah~~     
Radiomama 寫道:

Wow, SC, KV, PC and KM, plus York and SKH in Hong Kong Island!

You need to do some deep, deep, deep researches.  If you live in Kowloon side, pls don't bother about the one in Hong Kong Island!  The travelling time is so long for the little kid.  (You may consider it when you apply for P1 )

My boy will be K1 at HKPS in this fall!   


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-2-26 18:43 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??

As radiomama said, u should not think of any kindies on the HK side if u are a Kowlooner unless u have some other reasons.  U should also set your priorities as well because some kindies like SC & KV usually have their interviews on the same dates, or even same interview times if u are lucky enough.  Therefore be prepared to face the clashes.

cacatam 寫道:
i know that i may apply too much...but...i do worry about that it's not easy to get an offer...so, try to apply more....by the way...what's the chinese name of HKPS??...is it good??...is it easy to get an offer??....and any good suggestions for choosing KG???...ah...i'm really worry ah~~     
Radiomama 寫道:

Wow, SC, KV, PC and KM, plus York and SKH in Hong Kong Island!

You need to do some deep, deep, deep researches.  If you live in Kowloon side, pls don't bother about the one in Hong Kong Island!  The travelling time is so long for the little kid.  (You may consider it when you apply for P1 )

My boy will be K1 at HKPS in this fall!   


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-2-27 09:39 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??


It would be OK to apply 4-6 kindies.  I applied 6 kindies but just had 4 interviews.

Pls read the messages left by SC/KV/PC/KM's parents. And decide which one is the first/second and etc.  Choose one as fall back--when all the dreams schools are fail, then you still have one good choice.  (Usually with nice teachers but academically not so high.)  

As I've mentioned before, I don't agree to apply for SKH since it is in Hong Kong side.  And also not for York.  (The school's reputation is not so good.  Pls check.)

HKPS is 樂基幼兒學校 in Kowloon Tong.  It's difficult to get the am seat there since it would be reserved for the pre-nursery class.  I agree with the school's style and I think it is as good as SC and KM.

If you target at the international class of the aboved kindies, you need to train your son to speak eng naturally at home since the interviews will be conducted in Eng/ Mand.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-27 16:09 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??


would u mind to tell me that which 6 kindies did you apply??...and how's the interview??

ah...SC/KV and PC are good kindies...and it's not easy to get an offer...any other kindies are quite good, but a bit easy to get in ah?? can you give me some suggestions??   

actually, I was quite interested in York before...it seems that the standard, in particular the Eng.standard is quite high...but...quite a number of mamas didn't give good comment on this KG...what's the problem of this KG??     

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-2-27 16:32 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??


I applied the followings: (with the interview/favorite order)
1/4) Creative Primary's Kind.--offer with am class (paid but given up)
2/3) HKBUK--offer with am class (not paid and given up)
3/2) Victoria--offer with am class (paid and not yet given up)
4/1) HKPS--offer with pm class (paid and try my best to seek for the seat in am session)

And I have also applied KM and Lingliang at Diamond Hill.  But we didn't go to have the interview since I/my son was not available.

For KV/SC/PC, I'm sorry I just learnt them from other's moms, not first hand info, so can't make any comments.

For HKPS, you could read from another topic: 九龍塘樂基家長會, very informative!

For Victoria, it's good but after the orientation there, I have some hesitations.  My boy doesn't enjoy the classroom there--too much artwork, too much teaching materials and he loose his focus.

For HKBUK, a very good kindy and my hubby like it the most.  But the english lesson is too few!   

For CPK, a nice place with nice teachers.  They would offer you the place right after the interview.  (on the following day)

Pls flip through all the topics here and you could have a much more thorough picture!

Good luck.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-28 12:08 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??

wow....your bb boy must be very smart.  He got 4 offers...   and thanks very much for your info.  

i'm just curious to know...why didn't you apply KV, SC and PC for your boy??  He may get an offer also...   and do you have any comments of York??  thanks!!

Radiomama 寫道:

I applied the followings: (with the interview/favorite order)
1/4) Creative Primary's Kind.--offer with am class (paid but given up)
2/3) HKBUK--offer with am class (not paid and given up)
3/2) Victoria--offer with am class (paid and not yet given up)
4/1) HKPS--offer with pm class (paid and try my best to seek for the seat in am session)

And I have also applied KM and Lingliang at Diamond Hill.  But we didn't go to have the interview since I/my son was not available.

For KV/SC/PC, I'm sorry I just learnt them from other's moms, not first hand info, so can't make any comments.

For HKPS, you could read from another topic: 九龍塘樂基家長會, very informative!

For Victoria, it's good but after the orientation there, I have some hesitations.  My boy doesn't enjoy the classroom there--too much artwork, too much teaching materials and he loose his focus.

For HKBUK, a very good kindy and my hubby like it the most.  But the english lesson is too few!   

For CPK, a nice place with nice teachers.  They would offer you the place right after the interview.  (on the following day)

Pls flip through all the topics here and you could have a much more thorough picture!

Good luck.


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-2-28 17:38 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??


My boy is lucky.

He can't speak fluent eng so I have not applied any int'l stream for him.  Therefore no need to have eng interview.  But we showed to the interviewers that he could say a few vocab in both eng and putonghua.   

For SC, it's a good school but my hesitation is too much students.  I don't know whether my son could be well care by the teachers.

For KV, it's really tough for the kids.  The academic standard in chinese and maths is so high that the kid need to do so many homework from K1.  I don't want to push so harsh to my boy.  

For Pui Ching, only for big boy (like your son) but my boy born in Nov.

So...this is my experience.  You would go thru all these steps in the end of this year.  Hope you enjoy it with your family!

P.S. Do more research and perform yourself too during the interview.  Show your 誠意 & love to the school and your kid.  Have you applied for any pre-nursery class?  This would be a good way to have some interview experiences.  (We have tried Learning Habitat and Cannan in last May and July.)


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-1 09:31 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??

Learning Habitat and Cannan ?? are they good?? and where?? in fact, I'll apply pre-nursery for my boy...would it be too late to apply pre-nursery?? just let him to join in one pre-nursery school nearby or let him to join in one near Kowloon tong??...I hope that he'll start in August...or would it be better for him to join the pre-nursery class as early as possible (coming May when he is 2 years old)??    

I'm so sorry that I have so many question...and one more...what do you think of York??     

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-3-1 10:11 |只看該作者

Re: 急!請問點算好??


Pls check your pm.  I have make some comments there.

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