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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Dilemma again! RC or SJS?
樓主: Fattymom

Dilemma again! RC or SJS? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-7 23:41 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

"The reason why there are still some foreign kids at RC because the ESF schools are fully subscribed and it is not easy to have a vacancy except for the year 1. If the foreign kids hadn't joined ESF at year 1, they are also no easy to join at later years although they have a higher priority because of the limited number of vacancy available each year as well as the long waiting queue. "

Just wonder how you came up with this conclusion?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-2-8 00:47 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

The reason why there are still some foreign kids at RC because the ESF schools are fully subscribed and it is not easy to have a vacancy except for the year 1.  If the foreign kids hadn't joined ESF at year 1, they are also no easy to join at later years although they have a higher priority because of the limited number of vacancy available each year as well as the long waiting queue.

I do not think we can be so sure why there are so many western kids are in RC (when compared to SJS and KJS). RC might as well be the first choice of their parents.

I personally know quite a number of kids (western and Chinese) who were able to get into a ESF schools at different year groups. Children come and go at international schools. It is probably very difficult mainly for kids from local schools, not because of the limited places at ESF but mainly their language ability.

Anyway, originally, I only wanted to point out a fact that my friend told me -- there are indeed a lot of western kids at RC. Why is that so, I do not want to speculate. But since you said that the western kids population in a school should be a factor, I thought others would like to know.

發表於 07-2-8 09:17 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

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發表於 07-2-8 09:27 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

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Rank: 2

發表於 07-2-8 11:49 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

I have said that there are always exception and different people have their own considerations.

It would not lead to a fair and just discussion if one always says that what other people see are "exception". This is not a global explanation to everything you do not agree to.

However, if anyone chooses RC instead of other ESF primary only because of the reason of the Chinese curriculum, I would say that it would be a big misunderstaning!

I do not believe anyone would choose a school because of only one reason. If parents want strong Chinese curriculum, they would choose local schools.

On the other hand, do you have any data on the percentage of foreign kids in RC?  Different people may have different interpretation or perception on "a lot" when they saw some western kids in a school intentionally developed for local Chinese to have an international style and mode of education instead of for foreigners.

I am not RC or SJS parent. I know you were once an ESF parent too, so you probably know more. No, I do not have the data, and I am not trying to challenge anyone.

I am only sharing information I got from my friend. My friend has a child at SJS and she lives near RC. I do not think she would bother with the date too, but I would trust what she says. I did not intend to start arguing on this point here, just information sharing.

If the western population is that important (I personally do not think so), than RC would be better than SJS and then SJS would be better than KJS. I am sure as an ESF fans, you would not agree.

On the contrary, if the western population in a school is not really that important at all, why even argue which school has more? One way or the other, I do not think the discussion would lead to anything constructive.

It is quite interesting to see that people say that "you choose RC, because you cannot get into ESF". I wonder whether this can be the only reason of why people "chose" RC. So they did not chose but they were in fact "unwanted by ESF"? Such comment is mean and disgusting.

You are entitled to your choice and view. But to speculate what other people think (namely, why people, whether local Chinese or Western, chose RC), and putting in what you yourself want to believe in, would not lead to a fair discussion. As an ESF parent once, you probably would want to think it this way. But as a non ESF/RC parents, such comments would not help us make the right choice.

I am trying to find more information (for my children and my sister's children) and get fair and just comments. ESF does have better records and they have a long history. But from what I heard from my friend, ESF schools have their own problems too. And it appears to her (she does know a few children that switched from ESF to RC) that RC has quite good morale, and they are copying (and improving) the "RC model" to the DB new school.

Anyway, thanks for your input.

發表於 07-2-8 12:37 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-8 12:42 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?


As RC is a new school, so they need some time to build up brand name and reputation.  I am not a RC parent, but have visited the school before, seems that the teachers and school facilities are very good.  

SJS has long history and good track records, but it gives higher priority to non-Chinese speaking kids.

So the category of the kid affects very much the chance of being accepted.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-2-8 16:21 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

WYmom 寫道:

As RC is a new school, so they need some time to build up brand name and reputation.  I am not a RC parent, but have visited the school before, seems that the teachers and school facilities are very good.  

SJS has long history and good track records, but it gives higher priority to non-Chinese speaking kids.

So the category of the kid affects very much the chance of being accepted.

Honestly, at this moment, I also prefer SJS because of their longer history. And because I know some kids from this school.

I just feel that it is really nasty to say that the people chose RC, just because they were not selected by SJS.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-2-8 16:31 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

Whatever. You must be right.

I have no data whatsoever, regarding the exact number of western students. But isn't that obvious? Just like the fact that the ESF schools on HK Island have many more western students than SJS.
In any case, I was thinking, is this western population really a factor? If so, then many other international schools are not international schools at all. I know that Yiu Chung and SIS have just a few of them. I do not know much about, but SIS is definitely not bad.
Anyway, you win. Okay.
Too tired of dragging on this point.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-8 16:37 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

Just information Sharing:

My girl is in RC year 1, there is 2 English kids in her class. I have been talking to their  parents during school activities. Reasons why they chose RC mainly because the Chiness Curriculum, the new campus, small size of the class and they admired Mr Peter Kenny (the Principle) and Mr Muller (the Primary School Head), trusted their ability could lead the school to a promising future.

There is another western kids in other class swtiched from AIS to RC, her parents didn't consider any other ESF school before until RC opened.


May be in other grades, case may be different, that's why I asked how you came up with such a conclusion.  Just thought you might have better information sources. No offence.

發表於 07-2-8 17:11 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

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Rank: 2

發表於 07-2-8 17:26 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

Information about the secondary:

A native English parent has two kids. Her first child has been studying in KGV for years and the second one could have got into KGV automatically. Yet the parent  chose RC for her younger one.

Quite a number of secondary kids come from families returning from overseas. They were high on ESF's priority list as they speak only English. Yet they went to RC.

Parents make their choices based on a variety of reasons. For RC I think the Principal is the major reason for parents' confidence. A teacher I know of turned down the offer ( higher pay) by a prestigious IS in HK side and came to RC because of the Principal. A good leader attracts good teachers.   

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-2-8 17:27 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

我最近去過 RC,都見的確係好多白人小孩,亦有幾個黑人,而我聽到好多華裔孩子,都有流利英語口音。
聽聞好多係回流的移民,可能真係易 d 插班啦,
我知其實而家大部份 ESF 的孩子,主要都係來自家中說廣東話的本地家庭,好多只因孩子入 ESF 幼稚園而有優先進校的機會。
講國際性,反而 RC 有優勢,

我唔知 d 白人孩子的父母點解選 RC,我都係聽聞話係想孩子學多少少中文,咁事實學中文係一個潮流。
我有一個 "鬼佬" 朋友都諗過比小朋友轉去 RC,
佢猛問我,RC 的課外活動多唔多,有冇泳池,有冇 GYM,佢地好重視 SPORTS,反而冇乜點問我 ACADEMIC 的事。
我估佢地唔係好似我地咁,又話怕學校冇 PASS RECORDS,又話怕學校新。
佢地 D 細路,個個小學都係玩玩下過,最緊要有 SPORTS,上中學先正式發力。

SJS 同 KJS,好多年都冇乜白人小孩啦,"鬼佬" 都係鍾意住港島或 discovery bay 多。唔駛下下問人囉咩人數,大家係有眼見,我有朋友孩子讀 KJS,佢都話就算係外藉的,都係印度人多,我冇貶意,不過真係事實。佢都識一個同學仔轉了去 RC,係一個華裔女孩。
ESF 都係港島先多鬼妹鬼仔,我有朋友的孩子早兩年由英國番香港,係 BHS 學了流利的廣東話粗口,叻過佢讀 LOCAL SCHOOL 的表弟。

講番事實,學校有冇白人小孩,真係好重要咩?白人係英語流利,不過除了英語,對整體學習未必有幫助,白人都有懶人,都有唔讀書,我覺得睇整體學習氣氛重要 D。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-8 18:06 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

Yes, KJS and BHS' students are mostly Chinese, Asians and Indians.  I also know a few BHS kids switch to RC as the parents want them to learn more Chinese.

SJS' students are mainly Chinese and Asians.  So may be not too much different from RC, except the fee.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-9 01:51 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

My kid is studying in upper primary section of RC now.  He transferred to RC from another international school in Aug last year.  Initially, I planned to let him stay in the original school until completion of the primary years, and to make the decision to stay or change to other school later.  However, after I had read through the background and qualification of RC’s teachers and principals, I made the decision to apply for RC last year.  RC is the only choice I’d consider because it can meet all my requirements: a new grand campus, good facilities, strong team of teaching staff, emphasis on Chinese curriculum and proximity to my home.

So far, I’m happy with RC and my kid enjoys his school life very much.  From the name list of classes distributed to parents at the first day of term 1, I find that there are about three to four foreigners (hinted from their names) in each class.  The Chinese students are from different sources: local famous schools, Phoneix Int’l School, Australian Int’l School, Yew Chung, returnees from overseas, etc.  

As RC adopts IB programme, the approach of teaching/learning is different from my kid’s previous school.  Students are required to learn independently by searching information from relevant web sites.  They are required to draft a plan before doing any writing.  The whole learning process emphasizes more on the underlying meaning/reason.  For example, students need to find out the meaning of “division” and suggest 5 different ways to solve a division problem.  After completion of each topic, students are required to write down what they have learnt and how they feel as a reflection.  To me, such teaching method seems not efficient (i.e. teach them a lot of knowledge in a short period) but it may be good for fostering students’ proper learning approach.

Regarding Chinese, RC divides the students in the same year into 4 groups based on their competency in Chinese.  My kid is in the top group, in which students use local Chinese textbook printed in traditional Chinese at one year level lower than local school.  Usually, the foreigners are assigned to the group in which simplified Chinese is taught and simple textbook (the level is about 3 to 4 years below the top group) is used.  Chinese subject is taught in Putonghua.  Currently, there are four 1-hour Chinese lessons per week.

RC has designated staff to arrange after school activities and IT facilities.  It provides various extra-curriculum activities.

Hope the above information is useful for those parents who are interested in RC.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-2-9 02:04 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

說說我為何選啟新, 理由不分先後, 相當瑣碎, 不一定充分,而且絕對"個人":

不是中文教育比例佔百分之二十/繁體字, 是中文老師的能力強, 能把絕大多數是"香港仔"的朗誦隊, 在短短三個月內,捧個?冠亞季?軍, 我----刮目相看!

現在讀國際學校, 哪兒都一樣, 沒有真正的"國際"!看了德瑞去年年報上的照片, 平均每班二十七人, 最多六個金髮,當中有混血兒,跟啟新我孩子那班一樣, 我孩子那班還有日籍韓裔等?亞洲老外"呢!漢基和香港國際的外籍學生就更少, 混血家庭比較多.  最多金髮的該是法國國際。  有朋友海外歸港, 以為拿著外國護照報國際學校隨報隨讀, 等有空了才去報名, 結果, 她說:"天哪, 全漢化/港化了, 我要排隊呢!"

很多國際學校的老師都有?子女在本校免費讀書?的待遇, 啟新就特別多教師家庭, 丈夫教數學, 太太教美術,還有體育、中文......他們的孩子就唸某某某班.  讓我覺得: 老師不光來了香港有了工作, 她/他們更把家也安在香港, 而且就安在啟新。 越來越多的老師搬到學校附近, 老外老師喜歡周遊列國去教書, 很少在某地落根置業,但我知道有不少啟新老師已在馬鞍山買房了. 這種"氣氛"讓我覺得很安心.

啟新很大方, 老師很投入, 我指的是這裡的課外活動.  我孩子報了乐團和合唱團, 但又捨不得放棄"冠軍"朗誦隊, 跟中文老師一說, 她們覺得條件符合又剛好還有名額, 便開開心心地要他"回隊"。 午飯時我孩子看到同學們跑去跟校長學新西蘭傳統歌舞, 他也去問校長能不能參加, 校長很樂意看到一大幫學生學"他的東西", 當然歡迎! 所以, 我小孩有四個課外活動, 全部免費!

啟新的老師個個身懷一/二技, 真材實料: 滾軸溜冰. 跳繩. 唱歌. 舞蹈. 手工. 乐器. 四輪腳踏車. 網球. 高球. 刺繡手工. 球類等等...而且常常帶課外活動直到四點多, 有些甚至五點多六點(可能住得近吧!)

學術水平? 無論唸的是直資/傳統官立/名牌國際學校, 只要是中國家庭(老外不吃這套), 學業成績好的都是"HOME MADE", 我的意思是中國家庭不滿足於僅僅達到學校的水平, 而是要超越它, 於是"十全大補",坊間著名的,上門搶手的,等等、等等。所以並不太能真正地反映該校的水平!

啟新剛從意大利請了音樂老師搞合唱兼教小提琴(個別收費), 校長們上個月去曼谷面試了四十位老師, 二月一日又去了倫敦?找?老師。我知道校長要�追求的是甚麼!









寫道這兒,我發現啟新很接近我心中的dream school,這可是開學才六個月的學校,我還求甚麼?喔,對了,甚麼時候能把?第三種語言?放在常規教程上,如每週兩次法文�德文�西班牙文,從小一開始,泡到中五泡它八年、十年,準能泡出個?未來?。

這個欄目是rc 跟sjs的?兩難選擇?,sjs我不熟,所以沒話說。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-9 09:43 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

Fattymom 寫道:
My son will apply for P1 this Aug, which one will u choose?  Pls comments. I can only choose one; otherwise, he will not be shortlisted for the 1st round interview!

Dear Fattymom,

I think the original questions are twofold:

1) The technical arrangement to get entry to either one.   

2) Which is one more favourite.

For the former, it is difficult. Your choice for one may lose the chance for another. You need to consider the second point (Which one is more favourite) as well.

RC and SJS are not comparable.  In veiw of RC's performance, it is a rising star. Relatively, it is not difficult to get entry right now, but some time later, it may become a pouplar and outstanding school.  

SJS is surely a good school with long history and strong tradition, and it is still striving for further improvement. Being attached with Shatin College, the graduates of SJS have the guarantee to be admitted to a well established secondary school.  
Admitting kids to a school depends on lots of factors. If you focus on school's characteristics only,
I would give you an analogy. If you, as a girl, choose a prospective husband, which type will you prefer-----a competent young boy with probably bright future or a stable gentleman with good foundation and promising development?

Good luck!     


Rank: 2

發表於 07-2-9 13:57 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

Dear all,

I have 2 kids going to SJS now.    Both of them used to go to HK style international kindergarten.    In a class of 30 students, about 7-9 are English speaking kids ie including Eurasians, Indians, Koreans and other Westerners.    Well, it doesn't matter what nationalities they are, they automatically change to English if they interact with others in school.   Even my Year 1 girl, she is now very confident in speaking English.

Another thing that I can share is that the waiting list is very long.   Last year, there was a school newsletter telling us that the total is over 1000 for year 1 to year 6.   I know for a fact that even siblings have to wait for years for a place at SJS.   The number of students who drop out is relatively low.  The extreme long waiting list is probably because that there is only 1 primary ESF primary school in the Shatin and Northern District area.   The demand is high.  


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-9 18:33 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

i realy love your chinese.

nanshanlu 寫道:
說說我為何選啟新, 理由不分先後, 相當瑣碎, 不一定充分,而且絕對"個人":

不是中文教育比例佔百分之二十/繁體字, 是中文老師的能力強, 能把絕大多數是"香港仔"的朗誦隊, 在短短三個月內,捧個?冠亞季?軍, 我----刮目相看!

現在讀國際學校, 哪兒都一樣, 沒有真正的"國際"!看了德瑞去年年報上的照片, 平均每班二十七人, 最多六個金髮,當中有混血兒,跟啟新我孩子那班一樣, 我孩子那班還有日籍韓裔等?亞洲老外"呢!漢基和香港國際的外籍學生就更少, 混血家庭比較多.  最多金髮的該是法國國際。  有朋友海外歸港, 以為拿著外國護照報國際學校隨報隨讀, 等有空了才去報名, 結果, 她說:"天哪, 全漢化/港化了, 我要排隊呢!"

很多國際學校的老師都有?子女在本校免費讀書?的待遇, 啟新就特別多教師家庭, 丈夫教數學, 太太教美術,還有體育、中文......他們的孩子就唸某某某班.  讓我覺得: 老師不光來了香港有了工作, 她/他們更把家也安在香港, 而且就安在啟新。 越來越多的老師搬到學校附近, 老外老師喜歡周遊列國去教書, 很少在某地落根置業,但我知道有不少啟新老師已在馬鞍山買房了. 這種"氣氛"讓我覺得很安心.

啟新很大方, 老師很投入, 我指的是這裡的課外活動.  我孩子報了乐團和合唱團, 但又捨不得放棄"冠軍"朗誦隊, 跟中文老師一說, 她們覺得條件符合又剛好還有名額, 便開開心心地要他"回隊"。 午飯時我孩子看到同學們跑去跟校長學新西蘭傳統歌舞, 他也去問校長能不能參加, 校長很樂意看到一大幫學生學"他的東西", 當然歡迎! 所以, 我小孩有四個課外活動, 全部免費!

啟新的老師個個身懷一/二技, 真材實料: 滾軸溜冰. 跳繩. 唱歌. 舞蹈. 手工. 乐器. 四輪腳踏車. 網球. 高球. 刺繡手工. 球類等等...而且常常帶課外活動直到四點多, 有些甚至五點多六點(可能住得近吧!)

學術水平? 無論唸的是直資/傳統官立/名牌國際學校, 只要是中國家庭(老外不吃這套), 學業成績好的都是"HOME MADE", 我的意思是中國家庭不滿足於僅僅達到學校的水平, 而是要超越它, 於是"十全大補",坊間著名的,上門搶手的,等等、等等。所以並不太能真正地反映該校的水平!

啟新剛從意大利請了音樂老師搞合唱兼教小提琴(個別收費), 校長們上個月去曼谷面試了四十位老師, 二月一日又去了倫敦?找?老師。我知道校長要�追求的是甚麼!









寫道這兒,我發現啟新很接近我心中的dream school,這可是開學才六個月的學校,我還求甚麼?喔,對了,甚麼時候能把?第三種語言?放在常規教程上,如每週兩次法文�德文�西班牙文,從小一開始,泡到中五泡它八年、十年,準能泡出個?未來?。

這個欄目是rc 跟sjs的?兩難選擇?,sjs我不熟,所以沒話說。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-9 23:13 |只看該作者

Re: Dilemma again! RC or SJS?

nanshanlu, iamMrsLau,

Thanks very much for your sharing.  From your messages, I learnt more about things that happened in the school and good things too!!
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