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又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-1-4 08:57 |只看該作者

又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

如題! 請各位媽咪比D意見.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-1-4 17:41 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-1-5 01:18 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-1-5 09:02 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

Hi kkk2000,


其實我仍考慮當中, 我見YYC派的小學衹是普普通通. 我想如果叩門是不是劍鳴好D啦.


Rank: 1

發表於 07-1-5 17:51 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

YCC.The teaher is so kind.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-1-5 22:09 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

I like teachers, campus, facilities and the learning method in yyc very much. I also know that the syllabus of yyc is not deeper than KM. I also know that the famous private primary school from KM allocated is better than yyc. But, I always think that what do you want to give the child in the 3-yr kindergarten life. I should give them a happy, warm, love, respectable in this 3-yr. And, more moral training and how to simulate the knowledge seeking should be provided in the kindergarten life. So, I think yyc is better for me.
ELING2004 寫道:
Hi kkk2000,


其實我仍考慮當中, 我見YYC派的小學衹是普普通通. 我想如果叩門是不是劍鳴好D啦.


Rank: 4

發表於 07-1-5 22:44 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

Although the syllabus of KM is quite difficult, most of the students do enjoy their school life very much.  They love going to school a lot.  The training KM gives to students is good and adequate.  The only one thing I don;t like about KM is the campus. It is not very big when compared with other KG.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-1-5 23:21 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

I know some yyc graduated students, they can't adapt P1 syllabus no matter in traditional or new active approach primary schools. Their parents told me that the main problem is the kids don't understand & accept why they need to change their school life. Besides, they can't follow the standard of most primary schools that cause great pressure to them.

However, I also agree yyc is a good and happy kindy. But we should follow the game of hk poor educational system. If you choose yyc, you must take some "academic" courses outside, starting from the 1st term of k2.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-1-6 13:14 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

Hi Woodymom,
Can u explain again what u don't like KM. U stated it is bec the campus is too big.  It seems it is not a drawback.  KM accept my gal for K1 but still 15/16.  Normally how many children within a class?
I had checked with KM but their answer is always different by different people. So, I feel concern.... Hope u can give me some advice. Tks!

Woodymom 寫道:
Although the syllabus of KM is quite difficult, most of the students do enjoy their school life very much.  They love going to school a lot.  The training KM gives to students is good and adequate.  The only one thing I don;t like about KM is the campus. It is very big when compared with other KG.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-1-6 16:47 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

sorry, I have made a typing error. The campus is not really big, not "very big".  In my son's class, there are about 22 students.  Actually my son is very happy with his school life in KM and I am also very happy with the progress he has made so far.  But of course, if you compare the playground and school hall of KM with those of other KG, you may find them not very big.  However, the environment of KM is very clean  indeed.  

What do u want to know about KM? I hope I can answer some questions for u.  

TszYingMama 寫道:
Hi Woodymom,
Can u explain again what u don't like KM. U stated it is bec the campus is too big.  It seems it is not a drawback.  KM accept my gal for K1 but still 15/16.  Normally how many children within a class?
I had checked with KM but their answer is always different by different people. So, I feel concern.... Hope u can give me some advice. Tks!

Woodymom 寫道:
Although the syllabus of KM is quite difficult, most of the students do enjoy their school life very much.  They love going to school a lot.  The training KM gives to students is good and adequate.  The only one thing I don;t like about KM is the campus. It is very big when compared with other KG.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-1-6 21:40 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

如果st. cat and KM. 你會選擇那間?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-1-6 22:38 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

Last year, some of my son's N1 classmates left KM and studied in St Cat because of SC's longer history and reputation. However, some gave up the offer of SC because they like the small class size of KM and its good training in both Eng and Chinese.

kkk2000 寫道:
如果st. cat and KM. 你會選擇那間?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-1-7 00:09 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

Hi Woodymum,
Tks for yr valuable comment.  Actually my concerns is the teacher kind enough or not more than the level of English.  I believe their English level is almost the same as SC.  BY they way, would u mind to let me know how often the meeting between teacher and parents? Do they care the children growth and their development? Do they have the regular story time and circular the story book for reading at home with parents.  The school bus drives still not yet cfm they can arrange to pick and drop near my house or not.  So, it is also my concerns as well.  Sorry I have a lot of the questions and hope u can help me before I make up my mind. If u don't mind, pls let me know your email address because I am not quite familiar to use of this BK.  Sorry...  
Woodymom 寫道:
sorry, I have made a typing error. The campus is not really big, not "very big".  In my son's class, there are about 22 students.  Actually my son is very happy with his school life in KM and I am also very happy with the progress he has made so far.  But of course, if you compare the playground and school hall of KM with those of other KG, you may find them not very big.  However, the environment of KM is very clean  indeed.  

What do u want to know about KM? I hope I can answer some questions for u.  

Rank: 4

發表於 07-1-7 18:03 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?


My son studies in am class, so the arrangements of Eng lessons may be different from that of int'l class.  

Every day, my son has Eng lesson for an hour. I know that they have storytime but not sure how frequent it is.   According to the handbook, I see that they have a reader for English.  Also, parents are expected to read at least one book with kids every week for the reading log.

Regarding the meeting between parents and teachers, there are 2 formal meetings after the assessments in a year.  However, every Sat when I take my son to KM for ECA, I do have a chat with the teachers.  Sometimes when my son makes any trouble or progress in school, they will discuss me.  I think they are very caring and love children very much. My son really likes and obeys his teachers.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-1-9 14:15 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

Hi Woodymom,
I just pass by. My son will study in Keenmind in coming 07. What will be your target Primary School at this moment? By the way, what is the primary 派位 result of k3 kids in 06-07. (LS? DBSPD?.....)
Thanks for sharing.     

Rank: 4

發表於 07-1-9 23:19 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

Hi Woodymum,
Sorry for my late reply.  Your information is very useful.  However, what is the meaning of "ECA"? Tks for yr sharing so far.

Woodymom 寫道:

My son studies in am class, so the arrangements of Eng lessons may be different from that of int'l class.  

Every day, my son has Eng lesson for an hour. I know that they have storytime but not sure how frequent it is.   According to the handbook, I see that they have a reader for English.  Also, parents are expected to read at least one book with kids every week for the reading log.

Regarding the meeting between parents and teachers, there are 2 formal meetings after the assessments in a year.  However, every Sat when I take my son to KM for ECA, I do have a chat with the teachers.  Sometimes when my son makes any trouble or progress in school, they will discuss me.  I think they are very caring and love children very much. My son really likes and obeys his teachers.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-1-10 09:04 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

Woodymom 寫道:

My son studies in am class, so the arrangements of Eng lessons may be different from that of int'l class.  

Every day, my son has Eng lesson for an hour. I know that they have storytime but not sure how frequent it is.   According to the handbook, I see that they have a reader for English.  Also, parents are expected to read at least one book with kids every week for the reading log.

Regarding the meeting between parents and teachers, there are 2 formal meetings after the assessments in a year.  However, every Sat when I take my son to KM for ECA, I do have a chat with the teachers.  Sometimes when my son makes any trouble or progress in school, they will discuss me.  I think they are very caring and love children very much. My son really likes and obeys his teachers.  

Hi woodymum,

so what you said about the reading log..is it mean the school will provide the book for the parents to read with their children every week.....
or the parent need to borrow book from public library...
also the reading log will have chinese and english book each every week??

Thanks for sharing !!

Rank: 4

發表於 07-1-10 19:18 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

you need to borrow a book from the library or any books available at home. Both Chi and Eng books are fine.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-1-10 19:27 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

ECA = extra-curricular activities

I still have not made up my mind. Maybe LS will be my first choice as we are Catholic.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-1-11 08:53 |只看該作者

Re: 又一村學校 和 劍鳴, 你會揀那間?

Woodymom 寫道:
you need to borrow a book from the library or any books available at home. Both Chi and Eng books are fine.

Hi woodymom,

so what do the school expect their children in reading log?...need to tell the story at school?? or read about the book???

btw....are your son studying in AM or PM class??

how much time you need to spend for the kid every day for studying??cos we are working mum...I am afraid do not have enough time to match with his study... :-|

I always heard KM got good discipline..so your kids will do the homework by himself??

Thanks for your advice and sharing !!
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