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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~ ...
樓主: milkbear23

有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~ [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-28 08:25 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

katyfok 寫道:
how long did you guys stay in the States??

I am still in states now

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 06-11-29 14:41 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

I was study in Perth, Australia of 5 years, 2 years for Cert and Diploma. 3 years for Uni.  
Cert & Diploma - TAFE College of West Australia
University - Curtin University of Technology

I got same experience as you, I also met my husban when I was study in University, but we are studied in Perth.  We are also planning take our kids back to Australia, when they are 12 years old, my husban want they study chinese, chinese history and traditional chinese family concept in hong kong.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-29 20:09 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-30 01:31 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~


I agree with you 100%.
I haven't seen too many "quality" Aus. graduates around.
( Sorry... Just speaking from my own experience.... don't mean to offend anyone here)

Please enjoy the Cali sun for me!!!!
I envy you sooo much ar.
... we 're planning a 3 week vacation this Chinese New Year --- desination? SF! Hee hee!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-30 01:35 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

tabobo302 寫道:
hi all, I also studied in LA for 9 years, came back 3 yrs ago...really miss things in LA (everything!!)...i really wish I can go back some day for good!!

btw. I studied in Cal Poly and then Cali. School of Culinary Art....

Wow... Cali School of Culinary Art... Is it the one in Napa??
You must cook very well... what's your specialty?
Dessert?? Yummm....

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-30 13:53 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

no la, it's not the one in napa, the campus's at Pasadena... I did that for living ga ma...when I was in LA, I worked at a French restaurant as Pastry cook in Pasadena...for only for 9 months.....

then since I come back, I only cook at home, and totally change profession....work in property management now......sad.. :cry:  

I really enjoy cooking and working in restaurant, but then when I have family,it's very hard.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-30 17:10 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

I really envy you....you must be very good at cooking.  The time which you spent working at the French restaurant must be very rewarding.  Pasadena is very nice indeed!
I love to walk around at the new outdoor plaza at Pasadena....I would love to rent an apartment over there!
Your family is very lucky...do you make pastries for them at home?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-30 23:05 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

Sounds like lots of Canadians here...  I studied there too.  Canada is a nice place except that it could be very cold at times.  Some says that Vancouver is a better place but I have never been there...  These days, I am thinking of retiring there.

Anyway, after spending around 10 years in Toronto, I went to USA for college.  The schools that I studied are: 1) Columbia University, New York (MS), and 2) University of Chicago (MBA).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-1 00:53 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

espana 寫道:
Sounds like lots of Canadians here...  I studied there too.  Canada is a nice place except that it could be very cold at times.  Some says that Vancouver is a better place but I have never been there...  These days, I am thinking of retiring there.

Anyway, after spending around 10 years in Toronto, I went to USA for college.  The schools that I studied are: 1) Columbia University, New York (MS), and 2) University of Chicago (MBA).

Wow... both are great schools!!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-12-1 10:26 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

Finally someone from the East Coast.  I studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Espana, you like Spain a lot?  I am guessing from your login name.

espana 寫道:
Sounds like lots of Canadians here...  I studied there too.  Canada is a nice place except that it could be very cold at times.  Some says that Vancouver is a better place but I have never been there...  These days, I am thinking of retiring there.

Anyway, after spending around 10 years in Toronto, I went to USA for college.  The schools that I studied are: 1) Columbia University, New York (MS), and 2) University of Chicago (MBA).

Rank: 2

發表於 06-12-1 11:43 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

Yes, I like Spain a lot.  As a matter of fact, I am bringing my family there for a vacation this Christmas, departing on the 12th.  Apart from Barcelona, we will be driving around Spain, and possibly, spending a short while in Portugal.

MIT is a great school indeed.  I wish I had a chance to study there, perhaps, majoring in financial economics, or the like.  Gone are the college days, it won't matter anymore.  What matters now is my family, and I shall spend my life with that goal in mind, and I shall never stop.

By the way, a few of my colleagues  at work are also MIT graduates.  Maybe you know each other through alumni functions, etc.  


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-12-1 13:07 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~


Even though I have studied Spanish for 6 years, I have never been to Spain.  I would love to go some day, but my baby is too small now.  We can only take short trips to Thailand/Malaysia.

I studied Economics and Management at MIT, while my husband studied Computer Science.  Perhaps I know some of your colleagues (if they are there in the late 90s).

I enjoyed college life too, but I have to face the reality that I cannot go back in time.  What matters most now, as you said, is family.  Perhaps when my kid goes off to college and I can retire, I can go back to school again...(but of course not to a competitive school like MIT..I cannot stay up all nights to do problem sets).

espana 寫道:
Yes, I like Spain a lot.  As a matter of fact, I am bringing my family there for a vacation this Christmas, departing on the 12th.  Apart from Barcelona, we will be driving around Spain, and possibly, spending a short while in Portugal.

MIT is a great school indeed.  I wish I had a chance to study there, perhaps, majoring in financial economics, or the like.  Gone are the college days, it won't matter anymore.  What matters now is my family, and I shall spend my life with that goal in mind, and I shall never stop.

By the way, a few of my colleagues  at work are also MIT graduates.  Maybe you know each other through alumni functions, etc.  


Rank: 2

發表於 06-12-1 16:11 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

How old is your baby?  My daughter is currently 2 years 9 months old.  I shall let you know whether taking such a long trip is doable :)  At present, we believe that we can handle it.  

We also had some other short trips.  We went to places like Shanghai, etc.  The trips were OK, not too difficult.  The only problem we had was food.  We did not really want to feed her Chinese grown things.

Did you go to the join school BBQ, the one involved MIT, Stanford(?), and some Ivy League schools?  If you did, maybe we met before.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-1 16:39 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

Wa...how impressive! Many Ivy League graduates here!  I thought about going to Carnegie Melon before, but didn't end up going.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-1 16:59 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

Hi Hi! I studied O levels, A levels and Undergraduate in UK, then went to UC Berkeley for Master, now working in Hong Kong. I enjoyed my time in both places, but still think Hong Kong is the best place to live, at least for now, may think otherwise when I retire!!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-12-1 22:45 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

Excuse me.

Does anyone know any GOOD high school in or near to Pasadena, Arcadia, El Monte, Montery park or Durate, etc in California?? Private or public? How much is the school fees? Free for the locals? What is the best subject?

Should you donno it, pls infrom where can I get this kind of info. Any gov't formal website?

Thanks a lot!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-2 00:53 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

San Marino and Arcadia High are good.  Alhambra high and Mark Keppel are the two which located in Monterey Park/Alhambra area.  They are not amoung the best.  Too many vietnamnese and Mexicans in there.  Conducts are not too good, but then of course there are still many outstanding students in there.  The schools which I mention here are all public. Go to: http://www.greatschools.net/
to compare and find out more.
Hope this helps.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-12-2 11:23 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

I don't cook that often anymore, I ususally only cook on Sunday and bake on speacial ocassions like birthday / x'mas etc....

I also like walking around in Pasadena too, it's so nice there....really want to go back to LA.... but I guess I won't be able to go back in short period of time........

lenglengma 寫道:
I really envy you....you must be very good at cooking.  The time which you spent working at the French restaurant must be very rewarding.  Pasadena is very nice indeed!
I love to walk around at the new outdoor plaza at Pasadena....I would love to rent an apartment over there!
Your family is very lucky...do you make pastries for them at home?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-2 23:31 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~

Me too....I wish I can go back...but since my hubby is working here...I don't think I can go back very soon... :cry:

Rank: 4

發表於 06-12-6 13:26 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係外國留過學呀?? 同埋讀邊間school呢~~


Thanks so much for your reply and reminding me San Marino. Do you have any idea about the teachers there? Does the kid need to be very excellent in some outdoor activities aparts from good academic result??

Sorry one more question, as you know most of the certificates gained here are in Chinese. Is there any govt' organisation to certify these certificate in CA? Or I should get a lawyer to certify them on my own? Thanks!

Yep!!!! Kind of missing the sunshine there. Still can feel the heat on your hands when you drive.  

lenglengma 寫道:
San Marino and Arcadia High are good.  Alhambra high and Mark Keppel are the two which located in Monterey Park/Alhambra area.  They are not amoung the best.  Too many vietnamnese and Mexicans in there.  Conducts are not too good, but then of course there are still many outstanding students in there.  The schools which I mention here are all public. Go to: http://www.greatschools.net/
to compare and find out more.
Hope this helps.
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