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SKH's interview (Central) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-18 01:39 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

same with u!  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-20 06:09 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)


Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-20 10:55 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)


今年我仔仔都有去考skh, 表現都ok, 房內4位小朋友, 佢以經同老師講最多野, 但都fail, 收到信時都有少少唔開心 (因為我不嬲都冇抽獎命, 可惜連仔仔都冇 ).  其實我拿表時都以經預料skh的大牌(因為名校)及面試時的情況, (1000多人收120人, 包括幾十個人情位---所有學校及機構的現實), 但自己心甘情願博一博, 所以都不會對學校有任何埋怨.  只是要令大肚的太太辛苦2日, 心裡有些歉意  

但有些家長的價值觀令我有些感慨, 其實他們申請時都應該收到風預料到, 尤其派表時可見學校的作風, 如果不喜歡學校作風, 可以不拿表申請.  (我拿表時見到有些家長一見到人龍就掉頭走).  後來見有些家長很勞氣, 埋怨學校安排不周, 比較spc較有人情味, 不再考慮skh等.....

result 出後有些當初埋怨的家長又轉變態度, concern pm class可否轉am, waiting list 有冇機.

其實仔女可否入好學校, 每個家長都concern, 但我認為家長的價值觀對仔女的影響更大, 家長的身教非常重要.  當我們埋怨香港政府及教育不好時, 有否反思自己作為家長的價值觀呢?

就我自己而言, 我認為最重要是盡了力(自己教好仔女), 其他就隨上天安排(學校收唔收), 不要太在意結果, 仔女仲有漫漫長路, 不要令自己及仔女添加壓力

再恭喜考到skh的小朋友, 希望他們在學校展開愉快生活

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-20 11:27 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Hi all,

I would like to know if any small bbs got either accepted or wait list with no relationships (i.e. not Christian, don't know anyone, etc...)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-20 12:11 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)


eastchee我好明白你所講  "當初埋怨的家長又轉變態度, concern pm class可否轉am, waiting list 有冇機..." 因為我都係其中一份子, 其實我都要作出好大決定, 因為10個10朋友都話係好學校,名校,咁難都考到點解唔比仔仔讀...其實大家為人父母都想將最好給予仔女.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-20 13:13 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

eastchee 寫道:

今年我仔仔都有去考skh, 表現都ok, 房內4位小朋友, 佢以經同老師講最多野, 但都fail, 收到信時都有少少唔開心 (因為我不嬲都冇抽獎命, 可惜連仔仔都冇 ).  其實我拿表時都以經預料skh的大牌(因為名校)及面試時的情況, (1000多人收120人, 包括幾十個人情位---所有學校及機構的現實), 但自己心甘情願博一博, 所以都不會對學校有任何埋怨.  只是要令大肚的太太辛苦2日, 心裡有些歉意  

但有些家長的價值觀令我有些感慨, 其實他們申請時都應該收到風預料到, 尤其派表時可見學校的作風, 如果不喜歡學校作風, 可以不拿表申請.  (我拿表時見到有些家長一見到人龍就掉頭走).  後來見有些家長很勞氣, 埋怨學校安排不周, 比較spc較有人情味, 不再考慮skh等.....

result 出後有些當初埋怨的家長又轉變態度, concern pm class可否轉am, waiting list 有冇機.

其實仔女可否入好學校, 每個家長都concern, 但我認為家長的價值觀對仔女的影響更大, 家長的身教非常重要.  當我們埋怨香港政府及教育不好時, 有否反思自己作為家長的價值觀呢?

就我自己而言, 我認為最重要是盡了力(自己教好仔女), 其他就隨上天安排(學校收唔收), 不要太在意結果, 仔女仲有漫漫長路, 不要令自己及仔女添加壓力

再恭喜考到skh的小朋友, 希望他們在學校展開愉快生活

非常同意你既講法,起初呢個 topic好多人鬧個interview唔公平、老師好 cool等,口說不知幾唔鍾意呢間學校,但其實心裡都不知幾在意個結果。到公布左結果又話人地係靠關係、靠背景先考入,又是口說收都唔讀等晦氣說話,其實又不知幾在意個 waitlist。雖然我小朋友都考唔到skh,不過我從來都無埋怨個學校些什麼。我覺得作為家長身教真的很重要,若果自己係個d自怨自憐、埋怨別人的人,試問又點教出積極人生觀既小朋友呢?


Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-20 14:41 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

I think my girl was one of those who was so lucky to be accepted last year.  She was born in Dec , the smallest girl, not Christian and did not know anyone.  

I gussed she was being accepted because she performed exceptionally good last year.  Apart from answering all questions from teacher, she gave her toys to other children when they come to her desk.  We just stood next to her without giving any instructions.  I believed that this really impressed the teacher because she was only 1 yr and 11 months old at the time of interview.  (But she is not willing to share toys with others when she is 2 yrs and 11 months old now!!).  Although she got a seat in SKH, she failed in the interviews of other schools.  I finally did not take the place in SKH because the school was far away from my flat.

Don't be too disappointed with the interview result.  Remember that your child is a unique person.  He/she needs your love, support and encouragment to guide them through all possible hurdles that may come to their way.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-20 16:05 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

TszCheukMaMa 寫道:

eastchee我好明白你所講  "當初埋怨的家長又轉變態度, concern pm class可否轉am, waiting list 有冇機..." 因為我都係其中一份子, 其實我都要作出好大決定, 因為10個10朋友都話係好學校,名校,咁難都考到點解唔比仔仔讀...其實大家為人父母都想將最好給予仔女.


能放棄skh offer, 想你必找到一間教學理念相同的學校, 恭喜恭喜
其實skh跟我的教學理念幾相近, 可惜跟仔仔冇緣份

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-20 17:20 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Eastchee, no need to be so angry.  Whether your son will get a good primary and secondary school is important.  

I don't like SKH after I attended the interview (but the teacher was nice when I hand in the application form)  but when all the other mums told you that this school is reputable and have large chance to go into a band 1 school (no evidence to certify this is true), then what is your choice when you accepted by this KG?

This is a kind of 15 & 16 choice.  All those mum who are in the waiting list may not be so worry because I think some may drop their offer, I will be the one of them (pm class).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-20 17:26 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Hi everyone,

My son is accepted to SKH's pm class. We know no one from the school, no religious back ground, and my son was born on 10 Nov. Therefore, I am in no position to say this kinde is not a fair kinde.

I totally agree with Eastchee and Tangleem. Even though your children did not get an offer from this kinde, I'm sure they'll turn out as fine persons because they have good parents with a correct value.

I did not dare to say anything in this forum before because I think my son did quite well at the interview. I didn't want to upset the parents who didn't do so well. I just hope every child will go to a kinde that suits them best.

My son is also accepted to LLC's am class but I think I will put him in SKH because it's closer to where I live, plus I never heard any negative comments from past or current students' parents. And of course, the rumor of its good primary allocation.....

I have also applied for Victoria. But I think at the end, I will put my son in SKH.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-20 17:32 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

我是其中一個got reject letter的家長. 老實說, 我同小朋友行上樓梯的那一刻,已經知道我的女兒是不會got admitted的. 再加上於interview中,女兒的表現及老師的反應, 我亦知道女兒不是skh的那杯茶.

我相信每位父母都覺得兒女是皇子公主.若我去見工, 那份工是大公司, 前途很好.但最後我告訴父母,我見工失敗, 他們也會失望. 可能都會同d朋友嗔下.所以網友係度講下都唔出奇.

要怪, 只怪香港的教育制度. 大家都想小朋友讀到出名的小學, 中學. 然後入大學. 之後搵份好工. 嫁得好/娶個好老婆. 生個孫.  我地就會同個孫講:你阿爸/媽,都點點……

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-20 17:45 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Sorry clee999, my wording may hurt some parents, I know all the parents are worrying about the school life and the furture of their children.  But I think the attuitude of parents (may be feel so nervious whether could get a place from school) may affect the value of children.  Anyway, hope you can choose a right school to let your children start an enjoyable school life.

Once again, hope all the parents could take it easy to face the result, it just the starting of our children life.

(My english is not so good, but this morning I typed the message in Chinese used over one hour )

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-20 20:49 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

100% agree

其實仔女可否入好學校, 每個家長都concern, 但我認為家長的價值觀對仔女的影響更大, 家長的身教非常重要.  當我們埋怨香港政府及教育不好時, 有否反思自己作為家長的價值觀呢?

就我自己而言, 我認為最重要是盡了力(自己教好仔女), 其他就隨上天安排(學校收唔收), 不要太在意結果, 仔女仲有漫漫長路, 不要令自己及仔女添加壓力

再恭喜考到skh的小朋友, 希望他們在學校展開愉快生活

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-20 22:18 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)


比個機會我分析一下點解呢次有咁多人對SKH有反感, 正如eastchee所講, 問題不在是否太多人排隊或者名校會唔會"大牌", 基本上120個學位, 1200人去考就一早代表大部分人都會失望而回, 對於小朋友或者家長, 一次正式既面試最大得益係父母可以從中了解自己子女既能力, 面試結果只係其次, 特別係現在只係考幼稚園, 對於一生人考驗相比實在是微不足道, 其實好多家長對這次由SKH辦既interview都有expectation, 至少可以讓子女接觸一下有經驗既老師, 從中觀察出平時察覺不到的問題...

但對於好多家長來說, 結果是浪費時間! 當中過程好多家長都知或者已經post左出來, 如果你還覺得他們係說晦氣說話, 我打個簡單比喻比你, 等如而家個仔去會考, 入左個試場, 考官只係叫佢坐低, 試卷都唔派比佢, 叫佢睇住其他考生做, 結果, 卷都未見過就當有考過出番來, 就當然係 fail 啦, 而呢個考生永遠都唔知自己有咩野係唔識... 如果SKH可以用SPC面試既時間分配, 相信大部分人都可以心服口服.

Anyway, 可能SKH還是一間好學校, 只係SKH係大家心目中有如一幅完美圖畫, 而呢次interview對好多人來說就是畫上面一點污垢, 分別係有些人看不見, 有些人看得見...

再者, 內部認購在好多名校來說已經是人人皆知事實, 你可以否定它的存在嗎? 當然只係佔少數, 當中以實力獲取錄還是佔多數的, otherwise, 學校整體成績會下跌, 一間名校係唔會比呢D事發生既..  

最後, 請不要標籤對SKH interview有comment 既家長, 他們只係上來BK呻下, 不一定他們會"自怨自憐、埋怨別人", 他們已無辜地給你標籤, 你覺得後補一句 "純粹個人意見,若有得罪多多見諒"有什麼意思呢?


sunnygirl 寫道:

非常同意你既講法,起初呢個 topic好多人鬧個interview唔公平、老師好 cool等,口說不知幾唔鍾意呢間學校,但其實心裡都不知幾在意個結果。到公布左結果又話人地係靠關係、靠背景先考入,又是口說收都唔讀等晦氣說話,其實又不知幾在意個 waitlist。雖然我小朋友都考唔到skh,不過我從來都無埋怨個學校些什麼。我覺得作為家長身教真的很重要,若果自己係個d自怨自憐、埋怨別人的人,試問又點教出積極人生觀既小朋友呢?


Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-21 18:09 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

fsfort說得頂瓜瓜      .
SKH這種面試模式.對很多有參加面試的小朋友說,是完全不負責任.對他們的家長也做成很大打擊和反感.難道他們真的有能力從外表就能判斷這小朋友的能力?難道這能力就是他們成為名校的原因? :tongue:  :tongue:  :tongue:  :tongue:
其實很多家長是會樂意地接受落選的事實當在一個公平公正的面試內(像SPC).但在這種像街市買菜的面試模式下難免會多點勞蘇.唯一解決方法是校方交代他們為什么有這種面試安排 .

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-21 18:44 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Dear sunnygirl,

I totally agreed with your comment.

非常同意你既講法,起初呢個 topic好多人鬧個interview唔公平、老師好 cool等,口說不知幾唔鍾意呢間學校,但其實心裡都不知幾在意個結果。到公布左結果又話人地係靠關係、靠背景先考入,又是口說收都唔讀等晦氣說話,其實又不知幾在意個 waitlist。雖然我小朋友都考唔到skh,不過我從來都無埋怨個學校些什麼。我覺得作為家長身教真的很重要,若果自己係個d自怨自憐、埋怨別人的人,試問又點教出積極人生觀既小朋友呢?


Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-21 20:32 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

在放榜前, 我都以為我的小朋友一定唔會被取錄... 因為我冇宗教背景, 仔仔又係細仔(11月20日), 最主要係四個家庭成十二個人一齊interview, 但只有兩個老師. 老師只係同我朋友既仔仔玩....(係由頭玩到尾....我朋友一路捉住老師講.... show off 小朋友既優點)...我跟老公同小朋友都冇人理,只有三個自己玩騎馬, 玩玩具, 睇書書.... 只有走既時候比左一張winnie the pooh既 sticker 比小朋友, 小朋友said thank you and bye....心想"一定係insider-dealing la"...點知收信先知我小朋友係下午校正取生, 而我朋友既小朋友就唔得.....或者佢地有一套自己既收生準則同方法...唔係點做名校呢!!!!如果佢唔收我仔仔,我都會覺得係黑幕或者內定.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-21 22:07 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

多謝CCWC, banson_mum既回應, 但我已聞到火藥味了, 係時候輕鬆一下, 對吧?

其實每間學校要求都不同, 大家只係拿自己杯茶(子女)去比老師試下岩唔岩飲, (注意:係岩唔岩飲, 唔係好唔好飲), 問題只在未飲過就倒左, 大家難免有反感.

我出聲既原因就係感覺到有人對發表不同意見的家長, 強加一個"發難渣"的形象, 這種一支竹打死一船人的說法的確會引起大家不滿, 更可能還以更不理性反駁, 所以, 有需要為一群理性質疑呢個interview家長澄清一下立場, 我唔排除有sunnygirl所說的口不對心的家長, 但語氣可以溫和一點, 以事論事, 也不需要否定"背景後台"的存在, 另外, 不論輸贏, 賽後檢討其實十分重要, 最怕不明不白, 失敗後"發難渣"當然不對, 但是, 失敗後不去檢討反而幫主辦單位頭上加上一個神聖光環, 也是不對.

相信大家已睇到今日喇沙單新聞, 我都想天真一點, 但係都幾十歲人, 這個社會係點大家心中有數...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-21 22:17 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Hi branson_mom,

I have the same backgroung as yours, which is no background. I actually didn't know SKH is this famous and competitive until I got into this forum. That's why we were quite relaxed and at ease during the whole of the interview. Perhaps it was under this no-pressure mentality that we did well.

My son was born on 10 Nov, so he's a small boy too. He got into the pm class. My friend just told me today that usually the "famous" kindys like to put the small children into pm classes. (But she's never heard of SKH. She only hears it from me.) How about your child? Is he in pm class too?

For other small children who got into SKH, are you in pm class too?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-21 22:58 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Support fsforth

So I gave up SKH on last year for my son, even he got a seat of am class in SKH.

because I don't think SKH is the best choice, due to such "professional performance" of the teaher during the interview.

Please ask your friend calm down

只在乎你自己点睇, right?

So far, I feel that I made a 'RIGHT DECISION' for my son   .
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