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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 SKH's interview (Central)
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SKH's interview (Central) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-15 15:14 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Hi head,

你真係好ng鍾意間學校wor...我仔仔am waiting list ar...雖然我都希望仔仔多個機會 (如果你放棄個位的話), 不過講真wor..讀緊0個d真係無咩邊個話ng好wor...

我知道你鍾意LLC同寶血 (呢兩間我都無報, 因為太遠啦..), in 0左未呀? 幾時知結果呀?

同埋我想知你仔仔in SKH 0個日個情況係點?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-15 15:33 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

my daughter was rejected by skh, and on waiting list of spc.  But 2 months before her k1 started, spc called us there was place for my girl. That's how my girl entering into spc.  (my girl born in Dec, so she is  細女).

For my son this year,  I went to the shcool for application at 8:45a.m. and my interview time is 10:00a.m..   I think interview in the morning is better than in afternoon, just because the kid doesn't feel sleepy and more smart.

After taking 3 interviews in the past two weeks, I think the kid shall be trained with some common toys, like puzzle, kitchen toys 1 months before interview such that they are more familiar with these toys and hence more responsive during interview.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-15 15:40 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

男男, then this time if both SKH and SPC offer your boy a place, which one will you choose? And why? Pls let me know, tks!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-15 15:57 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

我覺得小朋友需要一個有心既老師, 名校當然有佢既價值, 但最後成功不是必然的, 十年前我身在大學讀書的時間, 身邊有不少所謂名校畢業生, 如Kings, SP Co-ed, DB...你話真係好特出, 我真係唔覺, 當中有唔少入到大學成績大跌, 好在中小學時學過下violin 同 piano, 係玩得幾好, 但未至於李雲廸既水準, 近呢幾年都係當婚禮現場樂師搵食, 我唔係職業歧視, 但心想如果我年年幾萬銀讀呢D名校而個outcome係咁, 我都覺得幾悲哀, 同呢D朋友講開, 中學會考有2, 3條A, 一D都唔開心, 因為9條A先有人理, 有人恭喜, 普遍既成績就無咩人去認同, 如果仔女成績唔係太勁, 入呢D學校, 可能有陪太子讀書既感覺...

第二, 名校好出路與否, 其實有D同家庭收入背景有關, 當中老豆有錢既自然有多D機會, 大不了出國讀書, 如果我地小朋友三年後有幸入到SP Coed, 好大機會同李超人個孫女做同學, 我地個仔女係屋企可能係寶, 但分分鐘係呢個情況下係學校中成為三等公民.

第三, 呢個係我個表妹經驗, 佢屋企唔係好有錢, 老豆打工仔一名, 總算有3-4萬一個月, 幼稚園讀維記(10年前), 小學聖心, 中學只憑實力考入SP Coed, 我可以講, 幼稚園同小學入唔到個D好top既名校, 可能真係少左D後台, 但上到入中學的時間, 比實力比重高好多, 戰鬥永遠係長久既...而家佢成績應在頭十名之內, 當然, 身邊依然仲有D富家小姐日日show 身家, 有個居然同人講屋企有間房長開冷氣, keep住佢D皮草, 好左我表妹都大個女, 心智成熟, 呢D野聽左得啖笑就算了, 如果你小朋友會care 呢D野, 就成為一種壓力...

以上係我考慮過既問題, 可能有D人覺得係多餘, 總之覺得個仔入到名校就一帆風順, 我就想多左有關心理因素, 人生價值觀同EQ發展.

keilocl 寫道:

講真, 講名氣講派位就SKH, 不過講氣氛, 講老師, 講有心就肯定係SPC....各位mami, do you agree?

發表於 06-11-15 16:16 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

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Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-15 17:01 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

我十分贊同 fsforth

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-11-15 17:05 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

你兩個囡囡都讀緊St. Paul Co-ed,是否都是「細女」考入去?因為我個女係Nov 出世,聽聞St. Paul Co-ed唔收「細女」or「細仔」,而且我相信唔少家長希望小朋友讀SKH的其中一個原因,都係因為SKH的畢業生考到St. Paul Co-ed的機會大D,其實真唔真?以你兩個囡囡為例,一個係SKH graduate,另一個係SPC graduate,佢

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-15 17:31 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

1. 報到個黑面主任. 我話報到, 佢叫我睇清楚通告先.
2. 到叫左number, 我行埋佢~~~輪到我嘞, 又話要帶埋囝囝~~又要輪過.
3. cheap~~interview完畢, 淨係送張貼紙. 我囝囝唔要又唔收   

一肚氣, 諗起都唔想再去

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-16 02:56 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

IOU 寫道:

May struggle if my son get offer from SPK.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-16 03:01 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

My son got interview around 11:45am

keilocl 寫道:
ee......好似無咩人係 PM 備取 gum gei...

男男, 我有無記錯呢? 係咪你個女0個時SKH 同 SPC 都收,
然後你揀0左 SPC, 然後小學入0左St Paul Co-ed 呢?

同埋我想問下已收正校上午0既爸爸媽媽們, 你0地interview in 幾點呢? (我想做個統計, 等大家知道係咪通常in 早 d 會著數d ?) TKS!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-16 06:23 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

hi, minimum,
my elder daughter is not graduated from skH, she is graduated from st.paul , causewaybay.   
大的女是born in Jan, 是"大女", 而ニ女born in Dec,是"細女".  的確st. paul co-edu like 收「大女」or「大仔」. when My second daugther and I interviewed with the headmistress four years ago, the first question that the headmistress asked was: " would you prefer to apply P1 in next year? Since your daughter is 細女". But then I told the headmistress confidently : though she is small in age, but her ability is absolutely high, that's way she've got 成績業優異生 in the kindergarten".  

For the entering rate, I think SKH is higher than SPC.  every year, just 2-3 person for SPC whereas about 5 for SKH. But it seems both of them have some 關係才可入.   Just told before, a very high rate from 寶山 entering into st. paul co-edu.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-16 06:28 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

hi, keilocl,
I feel very confused too.  I don't know how to make a decision.   SPC is a very nice school with kind headmistress, teachers.  They are all 熟悉 with me .  but I just 兼 the teaching method is a bit typical, not interactive enough.  But on the other hand I don't have enough information about SKH's teaching method.

I don't want my kids studying hardly, and I like interactive teaching way.

Would anyone tell me what is your choice and why if both SKH and SPC accept your kid.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-11-16 11:30 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)


Thank you so much for sharing.  You are so kind to share your experience to all mums which is very useful.

SPK is a reputable kg. Is it really good? Will SPK accept "small girl"? How will you compare SPK and SPC as your daughters have studied in these 2 kgs. I am struggling in arranging my daughter as "big girl" or "small girl"? Did you have the same struggle before? How will you choose for a small girl like my daughter?
(1) admit K1 in a kg first year, then repeat K1 in SPK or other reputable kg to become a big girl.  This may increase chances to be accepted by St Paul Co-ed Primary School in future, but waste one year.

(2) admit K1 to be a small girl and see whether she can catch up. If yes, continue to be a small girl in kg and primary. However, the chance to be accepted by St Paul Co-ed may be slim (I think your 2nd daughter is a bright girl and she is an exception!). If not, repeat K3 to become a big girl.  She will have two chances to apply for St Paul Co-ed but she may not be happy to be a repeater (or even the kg like SPK, SPC or SKH will not allow her to repeat K3!)

Will your son apply SPK this year? How will you choose among SKH, SPC and SKH? Sorry to ask you so many questions but I really eager to know as your views are absolutely useful and proved to be successful.

Many thanks!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 14:49 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Hi 男男,

I would like to know more about SPC.  From your experience of your duaghters, how typical and less interactive SPC is?  I like SPC very much, but I'm very concerned when you said that the teaching aproach/method is like that (as my boy is quite active).  Can you elaborate more to let us know?

On the Open Day, I saw that they have displayed some projects the students have done.  It seems that the approach is also theme-based and project-based.  Do they require to do presentation (speech) frequently?

From the experience of your daughters, besides the staff who is very loving and caring in SPC, what do you think in SPC in the following aspects:
1. academic knowledge (have you daughter learned a lot?)
2. smartness
3. reading habit/interest
4. will there be a lot of homeworks
5. how the school develop the students presentation skills and confidence
6. how the school encourage students to think critically and be curious/eager to learn

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-16 17:17 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

hi mini mun,
If for girl, i will absolutely choose SPK.  It's really really a very good school. Big campus(they will sometimes use campus of Primary and secondary school) with different functional rooms, like art room, cooking room, supermaket and doll room, music room.  The teaching system for English is good, the girls will be trained very smart and mature and good communcation skill and etc.

For small girl, studying at K3 and even P1, P2, P3. They may find difficulty in studying, like writing ,spelling.   Even now, I found my 2nd daugther has difficulty in studying as compared to the big boy/girl in the class. If I could choose again, I would not let my girl be the smallest in the class.  

So, for your case, you better let your daughter studying two year K1 or studying longer at nursery stage. This is not only for entering into St. paul co., but also for her coming life at any primary school.

I will not apply for SPK for my son, I think only 1 or 2 boys "living" in a cloud of girls is not healthy.  He may become "cam-cam".   

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-11-16 18:06 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)


Thank you very much for your prompt reply and valuable views. It's extremely competitive to admit in SPK, nearly no hope to get a seat for small girls like my daughter.  Probably wait for another year.....

Hope your son can admit to a kg that you like!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-17 15:38 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

HI 男男, have you received the letter from SPC? I think your son will be accepted by SPC too... actually no school is perfect and we have to make a decision on which point is the most important to our kids (teachers? environment? teaching method? interaction between the school and the parents?)...

some may say they don't like SKH as it doesn't give a warm feeling to the parents, the teachers are cool, the school doesn't feel like a kindergarten but a primary school... (oh! but my husband like the school because it's spacious which allows more activities to be held for the energetic kids....)

My friend's daughter is studying in SKH and she said the school is good. How good then? She said at least her daughter likes going to school everyday...
I think it's really hard to compare the teaching method between SKH and SPC, 除非有人有小朋友0係兩間都讀過 (I mean one kid studies in SKH and the other studies in SPC) ...如果唔係讀SKH 0既又話SKH好, 讀SPC 0既又話SPC好, 無兩間都試過真係好難比較...

妳自己又傾向邊間呢? 0係小朋友0甘細個0既時候, 究竟係老師0既愛心重要D (呢樣都好影響小朋友鍾唔鍾意番學..如果一開始校園生活就唔好0既, 第日都幾麻煩...) 定係教學方法重要D? (呢樣都重要, 不過影響小朋友0既 IQ多過EQ..) 講真, 我自己都唔知, can you share your view with other mamis (as you are very experienced...)

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-17 15:57 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Hi, keilocl,
I haven't checked my mail box, I'm still in the office.  I have thought about the choice between SPC and SKH, and tried to ask my friends about SKH.  Up to now, all the comments are quite positive.  Most of them said teacher of SKH is very kind, the kids love their teacher so much. Same as you, I like the spacious area provided by SKH,  this is one of the very important reason I choose SKH.   Comparing the comment on SKH and my actual experience in SPC, I think the teaching method is more systematic in SKH. SO, I probably choose SKH.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-17 17:19 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Hi 男男, 之前我read the brochure from SKH and SPC and found that they almost use same wordings on the teaching method (e.g. project base, 甚麼深入淺出呀等等..) Originally I think these two are very similar tim.... 請問你係咪問你d朋友有關SKH 0既teaching method, 了解過之後真係發覺SKH比較有系統呢? 點樣先叫做有系統呢? 又SPC's teaching method 係咪真係唔係幾好呢 (sorry for so many questions, but you know, everyone here treats you as a very experienced and outstanding mom...   )

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-17 17:37 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

We applied am class before, at the begining teacher asked if am is full, would we consider pm, I said sure.

During the whole interview the teacher was praising my little one all the way, but still only offered pm standby....  :-|  :-|
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