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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 Is St Johannes a good school?
樓主: HoHoMom

Is St Johannes a good school? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 04-9-28 22:51 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?



Rank: 1

發表於 04-9-29 00:16 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?


中秋節快樂!! 剛剛同囝囝去完公園玩燈籠, 好多人哦.

今日囝囝響學校開中秋Party, 佢好開心呀, 返到屋企一輪咀講我知又玩燈籠, 又食月餅, 仲話今日無線電視在學校訪問同學添, 見佢甘雀躍就知佢有幾興奮, 其實學校有o甘多呢"D"活動幾好, 我幾好欣賞!!!


Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-1 12:35 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?


Please check pm. Thanks!

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-3 01:55 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?


I've received your message. See you on coming


Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-13 01:05 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

at St Johannes College?
My daughter haven't told me that?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-13 09:49 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Dear all,

Below is my comments for St. Johannes College in the other topic.



係呀!我個仔當時真是在the winnie the pooh班,我是遞完退學信,個仔先比人打面,當佢三歲多時,而每次搭車經過SJC,佢都會講不要再去此校及見到姓"蟲"的老師.我個仔當時嘅陰影是怕了返學.每日返學都哭到半死,以為媽媽同姐姐唔要佢.我個仔要10多天才可復完不哭.




angelmami 寫道:

crystalss 寫道:
At that moment, one of my son's teacher is Mrs. Chung. My son did not want to go back to the school one day after I submitted the letter for give up the seat, He was crying like crazy. (the first day of the school day, my son was so happy to go there until I submitted the letter). One year later, I asked him why he don't want to go there, he told me Mrs. Chung was beat his face. For the kids who is 2years and eight months old, they will not know how to explain to you, however, when he was over three years old, he understand how to explain to you. Trust or not, up to you.


我囡囡當年都應該同crystalas 囝囝一班, 果年st Joannes 被一本雜誌揭發訂購非法膳食供應商, 此供應商同時提供茶點比 kindergarten(e.g marcorni....), 當時, 我地係parents day 個日欲了解此事, 卻被Miss chung 同我地講"如你地不認同我地學校....., 可以找另一間....." 諗番轉頭真係多謝佢咁講  e 家我囡囡係另一間讀得好開心, 英文很流利, 仲有一個當年winnie the pooh 既classmate 插班入黎讀 tim!  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-1 00:00 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-1 00:10 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?  
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-10 01:23 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Dear all,

My daughter is studying in K3 now. She is very shy when studying in K1. But the school offer her many chances to have performance on the stage, now, she become very confident and polite.  Besides, I agree that the teachers care of every student and my daughter told me she dreamed of her class teacher even in the sleeping time in school. She loves the teachers very much. Although school has homework and assessment, but she really learn so much and takes it as habit to use to the school live.
In my opinion, no school is absolutely good, but we try to appreciate the positive side and choose a school which is suitable for your child. So, the first thing is to know more about your child and you will get a direction. Many people discuss about the elderly day, but for me, which is very impressive when I can see my daughter performance on the stage. The first several time, I almost cry when I see that one shy child can perform so good there. A few weeks ago, my daughter is choose to help a press conference for holding hand with the ten outstanding youth(she help three of them). So, both me and my husband say that we choose the right school for my kid. Anyway, all of us here should not argue too much but just share to let other know more.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-10 02:27 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Hi! CD你好我的女兒剛剛今天收到SJC取錄的信(07-08p1),我都無想到上星期六去interview今日就有結果。我的女兒話都不是太困難,有幾張paper works 和外籍老師問問題。其實我都好想知除學費外其他費用幾多?因為今個星期六就要給留位費和預繳書簿費,所以想知多d學校既事和費用?希望有人能夠幫忙感謝!感謝!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-10 02:55 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Hi mamapeggie,

I have the same case with you, 星期六就要給留位費和預繳書簿費, but there are some bad news about this school, so how can we get the true?

At the first, I'm very happy that my daughter can get a seat, but after I read the bad comment, I'm so worry, is it true?
mamapeggie 寫道:
Hi! CD你好我的女兒剛剛今天收到SJC取錄的信(07-08p1),我都無想到上星期六去interview今日就有結果。我的女兒話都不是太困難,有幾張paper works 和外籍老師問問題。其實我都好想知除學費外其他費用幾多?因為今個星期六就要給留位費和預繳書簿費,所以想知多d學校既事和費用?希望有人能夠幫忙感謝!感謝!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-10 08:19 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Don't believe those rumors, someone terminated by SJC and created so many stories.

If you want to know more about SJC, use your eyes, your ears and your heart to feel it !

It's a good school indeed.

My son studying K3 (Ladybird) likes the school very very very very very much.  He loves to goes to school and he loves studying in SJC very very very very very much.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-10 08:26 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

SJC is a traditional English primary, they teach one level higher, has a lot of homework.  I know a girl studying there for 6 years (P.6 now), she has to go to tutor class everyday after school for a few hours.

So study or not depends if the school fits your child.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-10 09:22 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

My son is P1 in SJC.  I haven't heard any bad comments from him.  He loves his class-teacher, classmates and even the school.
I find out that he has a big improvement in English in these months.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-10 12:14 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-10 12:16 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Hi! 你們好? 我明天唔得閒去交留位費所以今天下午五時半後去交。但是我好想知道除學費外有無OTHER 費用呀? 以及有無朋友住順利DSQ 呢?校巴和保母車有無分別同幾錢?希望大家可以幫幫忙。感謝!感謝!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-10 12:50 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Hi mamapeggie,

The school fee in 06/07 is about $3,600 x 10 months.  I want to know how much about 07/08.
The mis fee is about $1,000 but I forget it's half-year or one-year.
I live in Tsing Yi.  The school fee is $920.  I don't know the fee for 順利 Discipline HQ.  You may telephone the school bus co at 2778 8700.
The school bus co will provide the service after Friday extra activities.  Extra fee is required about $140/7 lesson weeks.
For lunch, each meal is about $16.5.  You may order fresh milk every lunch.  It's about $5.5 and optional.
Hope you find it useful.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-10 16:48 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Thank you very much whfok! It is very nice that you can give me these useful informations, I will going to SJC this evening to pay the deposit. I hope that I can talk to you later. Thanks a lot.
whfok 寫道:
Hi mamapeggie,

The school fee in 06/07 is about $3,600 x 10 months.  I want to know how much about 07/08.
The mis fee is about $1,000 but I forget it's half-year or one-year.
I live in Tsing Yi.  The school fee is $920.  I don't know the fee for 順利 Discipline HQ.  You may telephone the school bus co at 2778 8700.
The school bus co will provide the service after Friday extra activities.  Extra fee is required about $140/7 lesson weeks.
For lunch, each meal is about $16.5.  You may order fresh milk every lunch.  It's about $5.5 and optional.
Hope you find it useful.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-10 17:24 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Dear swycsit,

I udnerstand your worry.  Just like two years ago when my daughter first joined the school.  I was frigthened by the comments from Angel's mother, joycle and crystalss who always said that their son was beaten by Ms Chung, the teachers were bad, money making and bad school meals.  

During these years, I notice that once there are any threads about SJC, they would pop out and said everything against the school and repeatedly quoted their sayings.  I do not know who they are and what their background is as well as why they did so.  However, I totally disagree with what they said.  

Regarding the beating story,  please note that it was evidenced by another BK mother when Angel mother first said out her story that there is another side of the story.  I just wonder if the school is just like what  they have labelled as money making and Ms Chung only cares about money, why Ms Chung would beat her son which would lead to criminal proceedings and lose of much business.  If she cares so much about money, what is her behind intention to beat a little boy.  Only a nut will do so.  And only a nut will believe such ridiculous allegation.  Indeed, the operator of the school, Dr Leung is very very rich.  He had donated one million US dollar last year to a school in Amercian.  You know who will care the sum of three thousands or something of a monthly school fee.  Perhaps, to someone three thousands and something is a big figure, but it definitely not fot the school.

Regarding bad meal,  I must stress that the school took an initiative to explain what had happened about the report of next magazine two years ago.  I don't read that magazine.  I was fully explained by the teacher that the supplier of the meals did had a license but the license did not cater its business for delivery so many meals to the school.  The school is innocent.  Once the report was realesed, they had immediately chaged the supplier.  I think the school has done what it has to be done.  How can you blame for an innocent party without any reasonings.

In respect of money making, there has never any pressure for you to donate money to the school. Someone may says that the Repect Elderly Day is a trick making money from the parents.  It  is not the truth,  we have never asked to donate money.  The truth is if your children are selected to perform in the Repect Elderly Day which is usually held in the Inter-coontinental Hotel,  you may consider to buy the tickets from school to see the show and enjoy the party with the elderly together. Or you may just pick up your child after the performance and take your childen away.  To me,  I think it is a fair deal, you see the show enjoy the meal, you have to pay for it. Oppositely, I trust it is a very precious chance for my child to be selected to perform in the show.  My whole family enjoy very very much and deeply trust that the happiness could not be buy by money.  It is really worth.  Try to think you pay some money, but your chuild has a chance to perform (by selection) and learn the morale of respecting the elderly, is it worth more that you have paid several hundreds dollars.

I know I have written so long but may bore you.  But the above are all my experience and feelings of the school.  I get the right choice to send my child to this school.  I hope the above would clarify your worry.  All those named ones have said are rubbish and obsolete, try to listen to more comments from existing parents or you may counter check with the parents who pick up their children after school outside the capus.  You will find the truth.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-10 20:22 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?


Thanks for your information!
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