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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 SKH's interview (Central)
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SKH's interview (Central) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-7 18:15 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

份報名表話上下午班各收60人, 即係120 人啦...但係當中60% 會留俾有關係人士, (即係有爸母讀過, 兄姐讀過, 識得D 校董OR 有份量人士)...如果假設呢60%都係揀上午班, 即係外來申請, 而又取錄的小朋友將會係全部下午班。

以上純粹個人計算, 如果當中有人係完全無關係而又取錄到上午班的, 請記得上黎通知我地, 等我地無咁心理不平衡....

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 06-11-7 18:18 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

我鐘意你同我講 I Love U, I Love U Too!You're my sunshine. My only sunshine. U make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear. How much I Love U. Please don't take my sunshine away.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-7 18:22 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

唔駛咁快唔開心, 應該諗下如果收你個小朋友讀下午班, 你會唔會考慮...
esmehouse 寫道:

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 06-11-7 19:01 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

我都係in 4樓第一個課室,對正樓梯個間。我覺得ok喎,由係操場開始,只要大家準時,都冇需要等好耐,佢地掌握時間都好準。

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-7 20:02 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

But my kid was in 4th floor the 2nd classroom and the teachers are very different and cool.   

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-7 20:17 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

To me, if they accept my girl to AM, I still say "NO".  They is not the type of KG that I want my girl to spend her 3 years with.  

The teacher I came across when I handed in my application form is nice and young.  But the one who interviewed my girl is old (near 45 yr old).

My college teacher told me that her girl was accepted by SKH and SPC but she picked SPC coz SHK changed headmaster and fired those senior teachers to save cost.  

They got so many application and students, why don't they improve the enviroment and toys of the school?

They are not transparent and I don't think lots of their students went to St. Paul Co-edu.  At least, my brother and my brother-in-law from St. Paul Co-edu did not came from SKH.

Even me from St. Stephen Girls' not from SKH.  Therefore, if you have time, spend more time to teach your kids at home rather than to rely on KG teachers for only 3 hours a day to teach your kids.

Am I right?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-7 20:40 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

I came from BPS (Belilios Public School) and actually I just graduated from Pukfulam Gov't Primary School (and I was born in China and came to HK at the age of 10). I totally agree with you that the family is of highest importance to the child, esp in this stage. Therefore I give a lot of love and care to my child. My son is a very happy and smart boy..^.^
Even if SKH won't offer a place to my son, I won't feel unhappy...

I just want to ask one question, that is, if the teachers are not good and there's no big relationship between entering a good kinder and a good primary school, then why there are so many people applying SKH each year nei? Really want to know the reason behind....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-7 23:48 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

睇完大家d comment後有感而發. 我以為只係in我個仔個miss比較cool & 冷漠, 原來其他miss都差不多,試問咁樣又點放心比阿仔係呢到渡過佢3年快快樂樂ge幼稚園生活.

我仔仔入課室就玩車,個miss第一個問題係問: 呢架係咩車?  仔仔答: 泥頭車.  第二個問題:爸爸有冇揸車?  仔仔答: 有.  第三個問題:爸爸今日有冇揸車黎?   仔仔答: 有(停一停)冇搭的士黎.  之後叫阿仔泊車比佢睇,仔仔照做仲話好快"翠",miss就話佢講嘢都幾叻就走咗~~個miss全情係冇表情冇笑容呀!

發表於 06-11-8 00:25 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

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Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-8 00:51 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Totally agree with the comments from the parents who loves their kids and don't want to put them in risk.

This school may be reputable 1x years ago but now, I doubt!  It even do not give much indication to the parents that its P1 allocation.  Most KG do, you can take a look at SPC.  Do they want to hide away something?

A happy and fun loving childhood is very important.  I observed my daughter when doing the interview and I trust the 3rd sense from my daughter.

I did not say this school is totally a crap but surely this school do not match my and my daughter expecation.  Waste of my time to do the form filling and interview.  Time is precious to us.  Sorry to say this school FAIL.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 06-11-8 09:50 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

問咁既問題我就最憎,係米有錢有世交既子女至讀得呀,有錢既唔代表一定讀書叻 & 有禮貌,如果佢地真係用父母既職業、坐咩車 & 住邊來決定收唔收既,我估間學校都唔會好得去邊,分分鐘仲會教壞個小朋友,因為太著重有錢冇錢方面,仲有呀近排米好多報館上黎囉料,唔知 d 報館人如果係 BK 度見到我地對依間名校幼稚園既意見 & 對代會點呢,好心間學校檢討下啦

TszCheukMaMa 寫道:
我鐘意你同我講 I Love U, I Love U Too!You're my sunshine. My only sunshine. U make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear. How much I Love U. Please don't take my sunshine away.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 06-11-8 10:38 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

有skh家長話舊年skh多人入左dg, db, 所以今年多左人爭...
我心唸, 我又唔係skh家長, 鬼知佢d畢業生去左邊咩! 上網又無資料.......
anyway, in完之後, 發現skh唔係我杯茶 :evil:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-8 11:57 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

總之都係個句...塞翁失馬, 焉知非福....

係呢個SKH interview 入面, 有些家長見到好親切既老師, 也有不少見到果幾個不知所謂既老師, 樹大有枯枝, 但係一間叫做有名譽既學校, 正在容忍呢一類人有機會去教我地子女, 忙不是一個借口去冷落一個小朋友, even 呢個小朋友已經比呢班自以為高高在上的女人certify 左入唔到來讀, 小朋友正值一個人格培養時間, 不幸遇到呢類老師, 點算呢? 如果得罪左呢類人, 當你個仔女到時又唔係咁得寵時, 會唔會在K3上小學的重要時刻, 由你自生自滅呢? 如果上唔到DG, DB, SP Co-ed, 等等名校, 又會去邊呢? SKH 有無公開小學派位結果?

而且SKH 校舍太似一間小學, 個氣氛唔太合適小朋友...

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-8 14:51 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

My husband and I and my son interviewed at 10:00am at 1/f classroom opposite to the stair.  The teacher is young and nice with smiling face.  At First, my son sat down in the big table and wanted to play the puzzle and then teacher approached and tried to play with him. But just a few seconds, my son went to another corner to play other toys ( a tray of colourful feathers).  The teacher went immediately with my son, and just wanted to talk to him about the feathers, my son went away again. My son then went back to play the puzzle and the teacher played with him and ask him to take many puzzles with different shapes and colours. Just a while, my son went  to play the toy kitchen and he played the cooking utensil there and the teacher stopped there and asked him to pass her fruits, fork, cup , kettle and etc.  The teacher spent quite long time with him , more than 5 min total.   Finally, the teacher gave him sticker, I asked my son to say thank you, then my son kissed the teacher and say goodbye.  The teacher haven't talked too much with us, just ask us if we are willing to accept PM class.

I think the teacher had no idea about our background when interview.  When I entered into the room, I passed her the file(with our form), she hasn't paid any attention on it.    When my son was cutting some toy fruits and I ask him to cut the favourite pear for his sister.  At that time, 她才看看張form. then , she said "you've got two sisters!"

There were 3 families and 2 teachers in our session and.  Teacher A is concentrated on 1 family, Teacher B is concentrated on another familiy and we. It seemed that the teacher was talking more with my son than the another family.  The parent of one family looked unhappy that his son was being ignored.  

My two daughters are now studying in st. paul co-edu primary school.  I understand each year there is about 10-15 from SKH entering into our school whereas there is more 30 from 寶山.   Among 10-15  from SKH, most of them have relation, like brother and sister studying in SKH.

My second daughter is graudated in St. Paul church 3 years ago.  The teachers there are extremely nice and they love the kids very much,  the relationship between the teachers, kids, even the parents just likes a family.   The teachers always  called me "little sister"    My first daugther is graudated in St. Paul kindergarten, CWB.   I highly recommended this school,  it is very professional, open teaching method, good english base, exceptionally big campus (they will use primary, secondary school area too).

I have some nieces, friend's kids currently studying in SKH,  they also have high comment on SKH.   They say the teaching method is open, not difficult. and the teachers are nice, only but some parents are quite trouble.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 06-11-8 15:24 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

你真係好彩,個老師肯花咁多時間去 in 你個小朋友,如果換轉個老師唔多理你既小朋友,我相信你既感覺都會好似我地咁,咁米就係唔公平囉
我鐘意你同我講 I Love U, I Love U Too!You're my sunshine. My only sunshine. U make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear. How much I Love U. Please don't take my sunshine away.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-8 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

In 我仔仔個老師都非常好人呀, 但係我都完全明Esmehouse既感受, 如果調轉我個仔比人忽視, 我都會覺得好ng開心...我覺得無論有幾多人申請都好, 又無論有無"內定"或者"黑幕"都好, d老師都要儘量平均分配時間, 起碼令每位家長都好過d...

係啦男男, 你兩個女都讀緊St Paul Co-ed, 請問妳係by relationship入去既, 定係by 自己努力爭取(interview)ga nei? 間學校係咪真係好好呀? 如果妳係靠自己努力既話, 可ng可以分享一下秘訣呀?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-8 16:55 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

我都係在上星期六interview下午3:45在4樓最尾的一間課室, 我對個老師印象都幾好,應該過了40歲。老師開頭無理我個仔, 由得我個仔玩玩具。 之後我見佢問完其中1個小朋友就過來我地到問亞仔問題, 問知吳知我地係邊個, 叫咩名, 你鐘意食咩, 現在會吳會眼訓等等,亞仔開頭無理佢顧住玩, 後來老師開始引導亞仔講, 亞仔才答佢, interview都算ok, 比上次in 迦南的好。還有,老師都有問我會唔會讀下午班, 其實我當然想讀上午班, 但若果無得選擇都會考慮。

請問其他媽咪, 還報了什麼學校? 我們星期六還要in St Paul 和救恩, 本來禮賢會都係星期六 in , 但昨日來電話教會有事要順延1個星期。

其實我鐘意St Paul和禮賢會多些, 開放日參觀這兩間學校d老師都好nice。尤其禮賢會比我的感覺最好,沿途參觀學校d老師都好有笑容,不斷叫你同亞仔玩下佢地的設施, 走時又問你換左禮物未,還有新校園出年啟用, 活動空間好大。

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-8 16:58 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

skh 張 application form 道
所以我唸 "男男" ge 小朋友
skh 一定收
當年我小朋友一句野都無講過 (係細b)
但收左, 0下?
這是唯一 ge 解釋

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 06-11-8 17:11 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

點都好啦,希望個個都入到心水幼稚園 & 小朋友讀得開心去啦
我鐘意你同我講 I Love U, I Love U Too!You're my sunshine. My only sunshine. U make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear. How much I Love U. Please don't take my sunshine away.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-8 17:15 |只看該作者

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

星期六我同囝囝 2:30pm晌4樓最尾間課室interview
而且, 整體學校氣氛 & 感覺認真麻麻地~~
同室interview就有兩個類似中國人, 又講英文
收都唔去讀 :tongue:
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