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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)
樓主: monmantong

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-10-12 10:45 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)

Actually what is the difference between "non-profit making' & "private"

點解讀私幼父母一定月入10萬, Mr. donald duck 你會唔會好'武斷'呢! :evil: 我地都有交稅架,連呢d褔利都亨受唔到

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 10:53 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)

They have in their websites dividing them into the 2 catergories..  
I know, and worse.... we always contribute nearly the most, and benefits the less..
  carrie bb       

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 10:57 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)

CarrieBB 寫道:
I know...    I never feel that I was "that" underpay until yesterday after reading Mr. Tseung's 施政報告.   10萬 per monthss.. gosh.. I wish i have!!
O. and accroding to the article, so there are at least 2400 kindergarten in HK? Wow.. I didn't notice that.   I think we need to go and 遊行靜坐 Soon...

        carrie bb

靜坐洗吾洗絕食架? 我會暈架bor!!    

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 11:00 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)



please check PM

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 11:01 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 11:05 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)

CarrieBB 寫道:


妳邊肥呀?      瘦過好多人架喇, 起碼瘦過我先啦!    

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 11:08 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)


I'm also felt unfair.  因為底入息家庭佢地已經可以申請幼稚園資助, 今次佢只不過係擴大個範圍但始終我地都受惠唔到, 而我地交稅又交得多, 真唔明政府做乜 , 唔通唔做野? 點解底收入及無收入的人乜都有得受惠! 好似外levy, 到最後又係傭主比晒, 由原初比$3270工人(其實傭主都係比$3670無分別)到宜家加到$3400(即係我地比緊$3800一個月), 你話慘唔慘!
supergirl 寫道:
Actually what is the difference between "non-profit making' & "private"

點解讀私幼父母一定月入10萬, Mr. donald duck 你會唔會好'武斷'呢! :evil: 我地都有交稅架,連呢d褔利都亨受唔到

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 11:11 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)


妳暈, 等我扶妳啊!

聰明豆 寫道:

靜坐洗吾洗絕食架? 我會暈架bor!!    

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 11:13 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)


also the recent high % of the pregnant women from china to private hospitals and our public hospitals. ..


I'm also felt unfair. 因為底入息家庭佢地已經可以申請幼稚園資助, 今次佢只不過係擴大個範圍但始終我地都受惠唔到, 而我地交稅又交得多, 真唔明政府做乜 , 唔通唔做野? 點解底收入及無收入的人乜都有得受惠! 好似外levy, 到最後又係傭主比晒, 由原初比$3270工人(其實傭主都係比$3670無分別)到宜家加到$3400(即係我地比緊$3800一個月), 你話慘唔慘!  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 11:13 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)

飢饉三十 ~~ 妳哋有無參與過啊?

我未生Adrian 前幾年, 有參加過啊!參加過3年啊! 都幾得意架! 但放心, 唔食得野, 但係可以飲流質的野例如奶.......

CarrieBB 寫道:


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 11:29 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)


總知做我地就慘, 高不成底不就, 交稅就有我地份而褔利無我地份, 真係唔公平, 一d都唔似外國一視同仁.

咁辛苦都唔知為乜, 唔通比好d下一代係錯既??????

monmantong 寫道:

also the recent high % of the pregnant women from china to private hospitals and our public hospitals. ..


I'm also felt unfair. 因為底入息家庭佢地已經可以申請幼稚園資助, 今次佢只不過係擴大個範圍但始終我地都受惠唔到, 而我地交稅又交得多, 真唔明政府做乜 , 唔通唔做野? 點解底收入及無收入的人乜都有得受惠! 好似外levy, 到最後又係傭主比晒, 由原初比$3270工人(其實傭主都係比$3670無分別)到宜家加到$3400(即係我地比緊$3800一個月), 你話慘唔慘!  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 11:32 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)

This reminds me of my colleague; her daughter is now in Primary 2. Few years ago, when her kid was in K1, she was really upset that the kindergarten was not what she expected to be. She kept on questioning about the "teaching concepts" of the school for nearly the whole year of K1, we have tried to talk to her, but well.....
And at the end, she made up her mind and changed to an international school for K2. Her daughter is still now studying in international primary school and my colleague seems to be satisfied with everything of the school now.  
Anyway, just a story to tell. We all have different expectations on our kids, may be mine is a bit too low. I just want Carrie to be happy and healthy, enjoy her kindergarten school life, learn what she can, as she has a long way to go for the "student life".



It's good to hear that Gai Gai loves studying in KM.
However, as a friendly reminder, if we put our kids into a school, we believe that we should trust schools, teachers that they are qualified to educate our children, we should have the same 教育方針 as school, and we should agree with teaching approach and methods of the schools, otherwise we will be very painful if we always feel uncomfortable with all about the school, it is not only a short course, 2 weeks, instead it is three years-long road .
Our feeling about the school directly affects our kids' attitude to the school, if we always have complaints about what we received from the schools, even though a minor things- a little memo from school, we will be so unhappy for the coming three years. Kids' mind is so simple, they just receive what we offer. Any type of schools they can adapt to.

I remember that last year, Mo Mo was admitted by another famous traditional school - Kenville, which is a very good kindergarten also. I have re-considered again and again as it was never my dream/target school but finally mo mo passed the interview. however, after my consideration again, I really do not agree with very traditional teaching approach even it is very famous and being a dream school of others. Finally I gave up Kenville and chose KM as I believe Km meets most of the criterias of my target schools requirements.

So, I think it is better to re-adjust your thoughts and consider whether you should continue or just quit it, so that you have no regret after 3 years. ( sorry that maybe I am too straight, but I just want to share what I see).


Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-12 11:52 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)


什麼?  是我的理解能力不好, 還是妳的英文程度欠佳?  恕我冒昧, 為什麼 “misunderstanding”是用[size=large]an?,  這應否[size=large]“a misunderstanding”???  單憑這點, 也不難怪妳希望貴公子學好英文.  以我在BK上看到妳的種種留言, 我相信妳所指的是劍嗚學校未能滿足妳的需求.  這不是相等於”不滿”這個詞彙嗎?   或是我不應省略了這兩個字眼不   “太”   滿   “足”!!!

劍嗚學校下午國際班, 英文翻譯成International pm class, 與其他私校的國際班相差無幾.  但這肯定不等於國際學校, 就是由學費方面巳足夠看得出來!!!

忠言逆耳, 希望妳能體會我的苦心勸勉.

Hi Oct,

I did not say that I feel "不滿". That is an misunderstanding. Anyway, I don't want to talk about it any more.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 11:57 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)

Renee 寫道:

妳暈, 等我扶妳啊!

吾該哂妳呵, 我驚"擇"親妳呵!!    

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 12:00 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)


其實不倫international school or tranditional school只要我地的小朋友讀得開心又學到野咪得纙, 有時比最好的野又未必係對小朋友有得著.  其實亞仔都有讀過international school, 但與km相比下我覺得佢在km學既野比較多, 因為international school 的敎育方針的確同傳統的好唔同, 我質疑亞仔是否識合international school?

CarrieBB 寫道:
This reminds me of my colleague; her daughter is now in Primary 2. Few years ago, when her kid was in K1, she was really upset that the kindergarten was not what she expected to be. She kept on questioning about the "teaching concepts" of the school for nearly the whole year of K1, we have tried to talk to her, but well.....
And at the end, she made up her mind and changed to an international school for K2. Her daughter is still now studying in international primary school and my colleague seems to be satisfied with everything of the school now.  
Anyway, just a story to tell. We all have different expectations on our kids, may be mine is a bit too low. I just want Carrie to be happy and healthy, enjoy her kindergarten school life, learn what she can, as she has a long way to go for the "student life".


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 12:00 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)

我同 Renee 一齊扶你囉
carrie bb  
聰明豆 寫道:
Renee 寫道:

妳暈, 等我扶妳啊!

吾該哂妳呵, 我驚"擇"親妳呵!!     [/quote]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 12:03 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)

yes, you have same concept as me. I only want Mo Mo to learn happily, enjoy his school life. But remember last year, when I selected Kindergartens, unforunately  most of the " non-profit " kindergartens are " out" , because they do not provide NET daily for English, and the mandarin language is not strong, and most of the academic level is lower.. therefore, I didn't apply for an interview. But I did use a lot of times to do researchs, to ask everyone's comments about schools, to make a visit of the schools to understand more before making any decision.

anyway, now I cannot blame myself that i didn't choose " non-profit " kindergartens, even I know we can get benefits from Government now, my decision will be the same.

But it let me recall my friend as well. When her girl was in k1, she shouted everyday and yelled and asked why there are not enough Mandarin classes and no native provided. But the teacher told her that the school clearly told her that it will only have mandarin class once a week, and native to teach Eng once a week too. Finally her whole family was affected by her, her girl of course does not like going to school finally as her mom keeps saying "xx zzxx"..Finally she quits this school and changed to " victoria".

由 CarrieBB 於 2006-10-12 11:32:41由 CarrieBB 於 2006-10-12 11:32:41

This reminds me of my colleague; her daughter is now in Primary 2. Few years ago, when her kid was in K1, she was really upset that the kindergarten was not what she expected to be. She kept on questioning about the "teaching concepts" of the school for nearly the whole year of K1, we have tried to talk to her, but well.....
And at the end, she made up her mind and changed to an international school for K2. Her daughter is still now studying in international primary school and my colleague seems to be satisfied with everything of the school now.
Anyway, just a story to tell. We all have different expectations on our kids, may be mine is a bit too low. I just want Carrie to be happy and healthy, enjoy her kindergarten school life, learn what she can, as she has a long way to go for the "student life".

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 12:05 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)


可能豆想要[型男]扶佢多d 喎!

CarrieBB 寫道:
我同 Renee 一齊扶你囉
carrie bb  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 12:06 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)

monmantong 寫道:

also the recent high % of the pregnant women from china to private hospitals and our public hospitals. ..

仲有話政府醫院對d大陸孕婦黎港生仔加價, 有鬼用咩?    我同事個親戚又係走落黎生, 生完話無錢咪又係求其比小小就走得!  :evil:  :evil:  佢話無錢妳拉佢呀?    

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-12 12:07 |只看該作者

Re: 2006 K1- KEEN MIND AND FRIENDS (part IV)


You are right. Maybe sometimes it is only a belief of a parent that she wants her kid studying in a traditional or international school, But actually her kid may not suitable to the teaching styling of the school as the parent wishes.

由 BebeChu 於 2006-10-12 12:00:01由 BebeChu 於 2006-10-12 12:00:01


其實不倫international school or tranditional school只要我地的小朋友讀得開心又學到野咪得纙, 有時比最好的野又未必係對小朋友有得著. 其實亞仔都有讀過international school, 但與km相比下我覺得佢在km學既野比較多, 因為international school 的敎育方針的確同傳統的好唔同, 我質疑亞仔是否識合international school?
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