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政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-11 16:14 |只看該作者

政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

點解呢? 分享下.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-11 16:21 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

人的心態: 平嘢無好, ............

另外咪係公司有津貼, 吾讀私校交下學費, 會比同事笑   

Rank: 4

發表於 06-10-11 16:29 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

因感覺上質數好D, 而且出名嘅學校都轉左做私校或直資. 如果, 負擔得起, 都可以考慮吓架

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-11 16:34 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

christytt ,
點解呢? 分享下.

How about your thought!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-11 16:36 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

我自己就覺得同政府選校方案有關, 因為好多時你住宅區既學校校風or其他未如理想, 其他區你又沒有機會入.  我相信個個家長都想比最好既小朋友, 所以寧願節衣縮食都要比小朋友讀好d.  私校唔平, 如果入到心目中既學校, 相信沒人會選私校.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-11 16:37 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

教育是一種投資而需要付出成本,而可自由選擇就是自由市場及自由經濟體系中最可貴的地方, 故很多家長(包括我)也願意為子女負出成本而得到可自行運用教育資源的學校如真資及私校, 我相信可自行運用教育資源的學校可令學生受惠得最多,故我也只選擇直資或私校給我的女兒, 勝過由政府安排以抽籤或計分方式來安排子女入學的命運, 由其是在我區內的小學及中學也全是資助或官立, 但我見到他們很多學生的質素真是........ 著住校服講粗口, 吸煙, 公眾地方行為不檢, 而老師在街上當面教訓他們, 他們當聽不到及自行逃離而不理會他. 真是不知誰的錯?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-11 16:53 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

如果我好有錢或是得一個小朋友, 我也會choose 私小或直資. 如果唔係, 是但一個無工做, 點算呀

其實最主要的原因是我們已無把握入那一間津小, 因為只靠運氣.
:-) :-) :-) :-D

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 06-10-11 17:22 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

而且我最想入果間, "咁arm"係直資, 所以咪要俾學費lor
chingyanma 寫道:
其實最主要的原因是我們已無把握入那一間津小, 因為只靠運氣.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-11 17:28 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

Not all the DSS and private are good, or better than Gov't/ Subsid school, cannot find proven record of their result, for most of such schools (too new to see their allocation/ open exam results).  There are also some arguements on the approaches and the education modes of such schools, cannot tell wether good to pay for such education...of course, except some old/ traditional schools.

As parents, I do not want to send my kid to try and wait for my dream results after few years.  I don't think this choice is risk-free, especially they are so new on the market and out of the government's control (to certain extend).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-11 17:30 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

由其是在我區內的小學及中學也全是資助或官立, 但我見到他們很多學生的質素真是........  著住校服講粗口, 吸煙, 公眾地方行為不檢


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-11 18:01 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?


Peer group is very important.

They can choose the similar background and level students.  

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-11 18:29 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

我覺得家長有免費都不讀, 肯攞錢出來, 咁對小朋友會不會又好大期望呢?

咁你地期望小朋友係私校或直資學到啲咩嘢? 係津校學不到ga呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-11 19:23 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

stevema 寫道:
Not all the DSS and private are good, or better than Gov't/ Subsid school, cannot find proven record of their result, for most of such schools (too new to see their allocation/ open exam results).  There are also some arguements on the approaches and the education modes of such schools, cannot tell wether good to pay for such education...of course, except some old/ traditional schools.

As parents, I do not want to send my kid to try and wait for my dream results after few years.  I don't think this choice is risk-free, especially they are so new on the market and out of the government's control (to certain extend).

Obviously, you are a sensible parent who does not follow trend blindly.

In my old school days, private schools were usually 'rubbish schools' for 'rubbish'.  Though some of them may not be classified as such, there has never been any proven record of outstanding performance.

As to the DSSs, which are new in our education system, their performance is yet to be seen.  In the absence of track record, it is too early to conclude that they are goods school worth paying your money.  To me, they are just selling an 'idea'.  Whether this idea works well can only be demonstrated through laboratory experiment, in which our kids are elements.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-11 19:33 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

christytt 寫道:
我覺得家長有免費都不讀, 肯攞錢出來, 咁對小朋友會不會又好大期望呢?

咁你地期望小朋友係私校或直資學到啲咩嘢? 係津校學不到ga呢?

其實私校直資的教學自由度高d,收生方面會有殷選過,似乎好d.但津校和官校就沒有這個優勢.不得承認,這些年頭很多有質素的家庭都會棄選不用$的, 相對來說, 學生質素都會相對提高. 當然津官都不乏高質素的家庭, 但現今香港很多都是一孩家庭, 作為家長, 又會不會去take risk 去比小朋友去讀律官呢??!!

為什麼??香港的教育制度一日唔改, 津官的生存空間只會越來越少!

真是!!! 記得我地讀書時, 私校是給人歧視的.


現在, 真是世界輪流轉!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-11 20:32 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

Schools have freedom doesn't mean that they will make everything more effective or deliver better result.  Yes, I still remember those rubbish private schools or those "buy seat" schools in my old days.
Freedom to them just is just nothing - their output are rubbish finally.  That's why I concern.  If those new DSS tell that they will follow the main stream, and will do it better by additional resources from parents, I would feel more comfortable, but most of them are telling me very attractive "plans" and dream education approaches, which may fall out the main stream of local. At the same time, I can't see why the resources are sufficient to run those popular
education system... (of course, I admire their education approaches).  

I am trying to collect some convincing evidence to make me feel my choice to my kid is right, for sure.  I just can't take this risk.  Don't tell me that I have to wait... kids who is fail to the dream education, but cannot go back to the main stream, will surely affect their future...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-11 20:55 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

最主要係好多直資及私校都好注重英語上既培訓, 大部份都由外籍老師教英文科. 以我囡囡間直資為例, 所有主科都是外籍老師教, 除左中文, 普通話同德育課是用中文教之外, 其他科目均是以英文教.  早會, 週會甚至家長會都是用英文, 全校都營造左一個好好既英語環境, 相信官津校暫時都提供唔到.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 06-10-11 22:30 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

christytt 寫道:
咁你地期望小朋友係私校或直資學到啲咩嘢? 係津校學不到ga呢?


1. 陳守仁的英語和法語學習環境
2. 新小拔的全人教育,如每學期可選修:陶瓷、攝影、禮儀、日文、韓國文化.....
3. 培僑的通識課,及中英文科用國內及英國教科書
4. 優才的資優教學及跳班
5. 真道的快人一步:11年修畢中小預科課程
6. 弘立的英普IB課程
7. 蔡繼有的圖書教學,中西雙班主任
8. 培正的科學探究精神
9. 音小的音樂教學課程
10. 小女拔的課程,令學生有優越的寫作能力
11. 維多利亞的獨特IB課程,中文和數學用本地課本
12. 聖士提反的宿生體驗
13. 方方樂趣的小班IB課程
14. 啟基的五心教育,愉快學習

培正都係私小,所以直資和私小又點會只係 Native English Teachers 咁簡單。最重要是它們在課程上的設計,可以和官津完全不同。不同的直資和私小提供不一樣的選擇給家長。這樣家長可以根據小孩的需要,選擇適合的課程。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-11 22:55 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

G-Ma 寫道:
最主要係好多直資及私校都好注重英語上既培訓, 大部份都由外籍老師教英文科.

I had already had Western teacher in my primary school 'N' years ago.  Native English teacher is not a new phenomenon to me.   Apart from Chinese and Bible, which were in Chinese, all other subjects taught were in English, for examples, Maths, Geography, Health Education, Science, and even History as I said earlier in another topic this morning.

But the same question arises again.  Did it make me any brighter in my secondary education?  The answer I can tell is: No, it didn't.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-11 23:07 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

Child in the age from 3-8 is very crucial for language learning. In the old days as mine, I have English secondary school with all subjects teaching in English, as well as NET teacher.. but it is too late!  So nowadays, if we, parents can afford, would like our kids to have better chance to expose to English speaking environment earlier.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-11 23:30 |只看該作者

Re: 政府有9年免費教育, 點解有咁多家長都會幫小朋友選擇私校或直資?

The point I wish to point out is that learning English should not be the sole reason for going to private or DSS.

No doubt, frequent exposure in English speaking environment enables one to communicate more effectively in English.  But still it can't help learning good English.  The only way to improve English is by constant reading lots of English essays and articles, and by writing.  There is no short cut in this connection.

However, whether one is fond of reading depends on his own character, and that cannot be forced upon.  Personally, I don't think it can help much simply by putting a kid in an English primary school.

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