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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 施德福K1
樓主: Nicolelau

施德福K1 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-9-14 09:44 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1


I am okay for 25-29 Sept.
How about you DodoluMam?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-14 15:11 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

hi all,
it's fine with me too...  let fix a date. pls check pm for my contact email.

you have my contact email too?!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-15 15:59 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

Hi all
there is a school notice regarding ECA. There are Gymnastics, Drawing & Music classes offered on Saturday morning, in York's campus. See if you are interested.

I need to think about it. The classes are not very special and seems like I can take anywhere.    

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-15 17:29 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1


Scott had already joined the dancing course
on Saturday with his cousins, so he can’t join it. What's yr final decision?

Jychan, knf & ferriswheel, how about you?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-16 12:52 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

I think Nicole won't join those courses at the York campus. First of all, I live in Sai Kung. I prefer to find her some activities nearby after school on weekdays. I don't need to work on Saturday and I want to have more time with her.   

For school visit, have you read the school notice that there is a birthday party on 29 Sep? Nicole's birthday was on 20 Aug and so she is one of the birhtday star for this party. I will join the party.

I can also join one more day of visit with you all.

Miss Yeung called me again yesterday and said Nicole cried a bit when singing the Goodbye Song. She told Miss Yeung she cried because she missed mummy.          Miss Yeung said her emotion was very ok during lessons but just burst into tears when finishing school. Miss Yeung said she may see my tummy is getting bigger and bigger and has the jealousy problem with her little sister. She asked me to accompany her more.

Actually I rushed home after work every day to take care of her and called her many times during the day.
But she still sometimes told me "I miss you mummy" in the phone and give me a big hug when I come home. I am glad she loves & needs me so much but she used to be very ok with her grandma & maid without me. Seems I really need to accompany her more. But you guys know I am pregnant and it's really tired sometimes after work. But I will try my best to take care of her.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-18 09:58 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1


My sister’s daughter – Kiwi is same case with Nicole, I think girls are almost like that. Although Kiwi is in K2 now, she always called my sister to take back her after school. Don’t be worry, take care yourself and the little baby.

For the school visit, I also ok for the other day, DodoluMama – How about you?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-18 20:34 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

Hi all,
Have you got the Music EQ & African Drum class memo from school today? Do we need to pay to let the kids to join the course? Or is it included in the syllabus?       

It's just a brief introduction without mentioning the details.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-19 10:30 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

I think it's the same course in the "Blue" Notice re: ECA offered on Saturday in York's campus. I won't let Erin join. She still goes to swimming & ballet on Saturday so won't upset the schedule.

Did you join the "reading program" and the "lantern design competition"? I joined both, although we don't quite agree why we need to pay $60 for the reading program.

jychan 寫道:
Hi all,
Have you got the Music EQ & African Drum class memo from school today? Do we need to pay to let the kids to join the course? Or is it included in the syllabus?       

It's just a brief introduction without mentioning the details.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-19 15:05 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

I've joined the Reading Program. However, I am still thinking about the Lantern Design Competition as I am out of creative juice & a bit lazy.

For the Music EQ Course, I also won't let Nicole join as time is not fit.

Nicole will start her Mandarin playgroup in her ex-playgroup every Tuesday afternoon starting from next week in Sai Kung. It's organised by her ex-playgroup school. About 5-6 kids per class. Hope she will enjoy.

I've just called Miss Yeung to check the school visit schedule but she's still in class. Will try call later today & let u know.

I've also sent email to you   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-20 09:48 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1


I had also joined both the "reading program" and the "lantern design competition", but cause of I'm poor in art, that will be finish by my husband, haha…

Did all of you finish the homework yesterday?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-20 12:18 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

same here... I'm not good at artwork, all these will be handled by daddy. We made a Lantern when Erin was in Nursery class, this will be her second Lantern (done by daddy)..  

I called Miss Yeung yesterday, not about school visit, but about the homework. I want to plan ECA for Erin. She's a bit bored in the afternoon. She goes Mandarin class every Tues starting this week. Thinking of one more during weekdays until the homework gets more. How's your kid's schedule like?

This is her normal routine. I found a bit "mo liu"
12:45 get off school bus
1:30 finish lunch
2:00 nap
4:00 wake up & watch TV (used to be Sesame Street, but seems it is cut recently)
5:30 bath
6:30 Dinner
9:30 "prepare to go to bed"

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-20 13:53 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1


Will you let Erin to take full day class in K2? I think I will let Scott to take full day class in K2. Similar with Erin, Scott just join the Cambridge lesson in Oct on Wed & Thur afternoon only. Other times, he will be very lonely.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-21 10:47 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

Why you bring Scott to join the Cambridge lesson so early. It's included in the school syllabus if you attned full-day class in K2 & 3.    

Nicole will also attend fuil-day class in K2 & 3 -- actually that's one of the reason I chose Stafford. As I am a working mum, I don't want her to be "mo liu" at home after school and I think school influence is definitely better than staying at home with the maid or her grandma.   

I also find Nicole a bit "mo liu" after school. However, for the weekday music class offered by school, the time is a bit not fit - 3:00pm. The 3 hours after school is difficult to handle. It's too much travel if she back home to Sai Kung and go to Kowloon Tong again in afternoon.
Hope Erin enjoys th class.

I've just sent the reply slip for lantern competition today. -- We will make an octopus lantern   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-21 17:43 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1


Scott was absent today cause of he had many running nose; I want him to take a rest.

For the Cambridge lesson – Originally, I want Scott to take a phonics lesson in ABC Pathways but their staff said that it is suitable to take the Cambridge lesson first for K1 students, so I let Scott to take the Cambridge lesson to have a better foundation and then change to the phonics lesson in K2.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-22 11:34 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

How's Scott today? Can he go to school today?  
Nicole seems in a very good mood this week and she can tell me lots of things about school. She even can name the teacher in other class to me.

I think Miss Winnie teaches them "Today is Monday / Tuesday ....., 22th September.  It's a  sunny/ rainy day.." as she will tell me the date/ day of yesterday when she wakes up in the morning.

She also learnt to be more polite and more willing to greet people by saying "Good morning ...". Whenever she needs to go to toilet, she now say "May I go to toilet, please?"

I am quite satisfied with the school so far. What about you guys, Dodolumama & Nicolelau?      

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-25 10:24 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1


Long time no see. Scott is better now, thanks.

I also satisfied with the school as Scott can remember many things he had learned from the school up to now. Did you ask Nicole to bring the lantern today?

Dodolumama, how about you?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-25 14:05 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

Do we need to bring the lantern today? isn't Friday the submission day or deadline? We haven't started yet, just bought some materials from stationery store. BTW, do you find the materials of the bule track-suit uniform no good?

Erin likes going to school. She now remembers all the names in her group and even Scott & Nicole too! She does mention Miss Winnie & Miss Denise very often, but not that much for Miss Yeung. Honestly, my previous experience with teachers in Nursery class was soooo good that I found Kindergarten teachers are a bit distant from parents. I know Miss Yeung is extremely busy as I can tell from her speed of talking. Having said that, she does learn a lot of new things from school and she manages to tell me what happened that day. Also, I found her picking up a bit of accent perhaps from Miss Winnie.  She mingles with people easily, and I'm afraid she would be the most talkative one in class.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-25 17:58 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1


Yes, but this lantern not for the competition, just for the party on about 5/10.  I think you can bring the lantern on tomorrow.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-26 11:45 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

Hi all,
I brought Nicole to school yesterday. I bought her a fish lantern to school. However, the stick was lost on the way to school.

I think the kids are getting more familiar with one another now. Nicole said she loves to play with girls like Erin, Bobo, Claudia, Rachel..... And she always mentions Scott, Enoch & Spencer. She likes to classify her classmates as boys & girls.     

I find her social skills improved a lot since she went to school. She used to be very "cool" when she saw other kids. But now she likes to mingle with kids she met in playroom, park, etc.

*** I still haven't start to make the lantern yet. Maybe I will do it with Nicole tonight.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-27 13:03 |只看該作者

Re: 施德福K1

I finally made a boat lantern for Nicole for the competition. Will bring to school tomorrow. It's quite ugly & definitely no hope of winning any prize.
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