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呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-30 14:36 |只看該作者

呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx


1 糾正執筆姿勢(我個仔執筆會手腕彎入像隻匙羹)
2 學下怎樣寫字叫靚(跟別人的字多比較,勿做井底蛙)

開始學第一天,派了1打幼3角鉛筆,數枝white board marker,3 將張格仔透明膠片,習字簿,練字簿(4小格=1格),過了膠的"漢字基本筆畫摹寫card"+"硬筆線條練習card"(套入習字簿2頁間臨摹用)==>$70。


要做功課,= 2版基本筆劃,1版線條。


上完第3堂,"老師"叫我打電話給他 - 說我個仔好像很累(因早一晚練拳數遍),不能習中精神上堂,他教後依然照自己方法執筆,無改善,無反應。我最好可以去陪上堂,但我重申我還要上班,只能想辦法告假陪上1堂。

第4,5,6 堂,有時只有他一個人上,有時還有一位小朋友。同樣堂上臨摹,同樣功課。未開始寫過1個字。
上完第6堂,”老師” 再叫我打電話給他,要我陪上一堂,而我正有此意,要看位”老師”究竟怎教,怎會上完6/8堂數還原地踏步。
工人亦回報,” 老師”只教另一位小朋友,沒有教他,也不理他,或和那位小朋友的媽媽說話,內容主要是
2 他以前教的學生怎樣怎樣叻
3 他教的學生全來自”名校”,如劍x幼稚園,喇x小學。


第7堂,我去陪上堂,只有我們沒有別的小朋友上該堂。”老師” 向我說我個仔無反應,無改善。又問我個仔,想他怎樣教,(怎答這問題??),為甚麼要來上堂,如果他不想上大可以退回餘下1堂的學費。說我個仔在浪費他的寶貴學習時間,和媽咪的$$。
位”老師”沒有看我個仔已做的功課,在該堂最後5分鐘下堂2位小朋友和家長來到。”老師”取來那2位小朋友的功課,(是寫些很易的字,由”一十二工”開始,最近那些功課是寫”日西”等字),並讚他們寫得好,如果連續有四個字被圈,”老師” 便!會教他寫毛筆字。然後叫我個仔做功課寫”一十二工”每個字寫1行。如是又完了第7堂。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-30 15:19 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx


我知道後, ,打電話去問該"老師",為何整堂,只在和另一位家長,在他面前,以他作反面教材。
1 是親子班
2 他無反應無表情,所以不理他
3 他是在教我個仔。而我個仔會打老母 (=我無教仔)。
4 已說過可以取回$退學

1 我一開始說明我要返工
2 我亦有抽時間陪過上堂,但整堂只是在我面前,投訴我個仔無反應無表情,無聽他講去做。
= 俾壓力我個仔 ?為他好 ? :tongue:
3 在我個仔面前,及背後,向其他家長說我個仔怎樣怎樣,
這樣就 = 教我個仔 ?=教好他 ? :tongue:
4 完全不看我個仔已做的功課(尤其在第7堂)
5 只會宣傳他的學生很叻,拿獎。那些小朋友寫得好,未必是他教導的功勞,而是他們自己已是叻仔叻女!
6 我個仔無反應,無表情,= "老師"當他不存在的理由 ?
7 我因個仔ngun腳,拍了他一下,他回拍了我一下,在該"老師"口中,= 我個仔打老母。(是那"老師"的用詞,不是我的。)
8 他有提議我們退學 - 但只退1堂$(第8堂),第7堂齋談無話會退$。

那些$,我當施捨 !
(和那"老師"在電話中的對罵,我完全沒有講粗口, 態度最差也只有以上這2句。)

Rank: 1

發表於 06-8-31 22:08 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx

I was utterly horrified after reading your passages. Luckily or unluckily, I was the one sitting beside your son in the last session that you vividly described.

However, you may not believe the other side of the story....how could a teacher does his job if your son keep telling everyone in the room that he was pressured to join the session. He just told us that doesn't enjoy writing and he doesn't like Chinese at all. He did his grafiti, in return.  And, not to mention he was playing a matchbox car for that whole hour when the teacher asked him to do what he should do in a classroom. If he doesn't enjoy, we better let go.

I'm sure your Indonesian maid did a good job in reciting the conversation selectively. And, I don't think she will say anything bad at the back of her master's son.

I'm not trying to trigger a chain of mails after this.

More importantly, I think we need to be fair to both ends. You might not like the teacher at all (or, he might not fit your needs...that's fine...but the way you described is a bit irresponsible). You could choose not to attend the class instead.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-1 01:51 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx


If you were the mum who was there in the same room during the 8th lesson, perhaps you would bother to enlighten me :

1.  Why should / would a "teacher" tell another stranger to my son (i.e.you) what / how my son did during his classes in the past 6 lessons, what he thought of my son's parents (who lets a kid sleep so late at night during summer hols that he would yawn and give no response and have such dark panda eyes .....) ?
What business is that to a stranger ???

2.  Why can't my son say what he really thinks ?  I thought this is called telling the truth ?  You don't like to know the truth ?
He is not a robot, and if he doesn't like the lesson he will say so.  But he still went and attend the lesson, and handed in his work, which was criticized by the "teacher" in front of a stranger (i.e. you), to a stranger (i.e. you).  If you were my son, would you love to be so criticized ?
If my son's handwriting is the A+ type, would I need to pay for the handwriting lessons ?

3.  Did my son answer that he was "pressured to join the session", because the "teacher" asked why he attended the lesson ?  And my son gave that response ?
Do you know how many times that "teacher" had asked my son the same question ?  Why did that "teacher" ask the same question over and over again ?  And then again in front of you ?

4.  What was the correct sequence of the following events during that lesson ?
a.  The "teacher" praised your daughter's handwriting.
b.  The "teacher" chatted with you about the bad attitude and inability and unwillingness of my son to write better.
c.  The "teacher" patiently told my son how he should write, how he should hold a pencil, how he has been wrongly holding a pencil, what was wrong with his posture.
d.  The "teacher" criticized my son's writing and told him what went wrong, and how he could do it better.
e.  He did his grafiti, in return, in class (or by saying "grafiti", did you mean his "homework" ?).
f.  The "teacher" showed you and your daughter my son's handwriting and criticized how badly it was done.
g.  The "teacher" marked both your daughter and my son's homework and made constructive comments as to how their respective handwriting can become better.
h.  The "teacher" marked both your daughter and my son's homework and gave your daughter a stamp, then started to criticize my son's writing in front of a stanger (i.e. you) but did not say what was wrong, why it was wrong, how it should be done, nor said anything encouraging.
i.  My son grew unhappy and bored with the "teacher"'s criticism, then took his toy car out and rolled it on the table, and the "teacher" criticized him for doing so and more, and you commented what a bad attitude my son had.
j.  The "teacher" taught the kids how they could write better, demonstrated each pen-stroke, corrected all mistakes, then told the kids to write, then corrected their errors, repeatedly during the 1-hour lesson.

5.  You said
...the teacher asked him to do what he should do in a classroom

Did the "teacher" say :"ABC, you should not do xyz but should do what you should do in a classroom.";
or did he say :"ABC, you must put away your toy car now and take out a pencil and write the following penstrokes / characters according to the laminated sheet / the top character I wrote." ??
"Otherwise I will confiscate your toy car and tell your mother to come and get it back." ??
If that "teacher" did not give an instruction which is specific, but just a vague "don't do this" type of instruction, what does he really want my son to do ?  Did he try to keep my son / his hands occupied during the lesson apart from saying what he did ?

That "teacher" knew very well that it was the 8th and final lesson for my son.
Did he ever "teach" anything constructively during the lesson ?  Did he ever ask the kids to write anything during the 1-hr lesson ?  Did he ever encourage ?  Did he encourage through criticism ?

Has he been using the method of "teaching through criticism", ("pai-dau sik" as Mao and his red guards did during the Cultural Revolution), and how would you expect a kid to handle that ?  Love such a method of teaching ?

The way I describe it is exactly how I see it.  In what manner has this been irresponsible ?
The 1st post in this topic is a plain sequence of events.
The 2nd post is how I see it, my views.
I have used my log-in name in BK over this issue.  Why did you need to use a new one ?

To start off, I was neutral towards the "teacher" as I am towards any ECA teacher / instructor.
But the slow progress (i.e. writing such simple Chin characters as homework after the 7th lesson / a total of 8) and using my $$$ to just chat and nag during 1 whole lesson (i.e. the 7th lesson) was a bit too much !

And did the "teacher" tell you that he once bothered to call me and told me about my son's performance in class, discussed x and y with me, etc etc, for more than an hour using his mobile phone using his airtime and $$ ?
Well I can tell you that it was for 19 mintues + under 30 seconds, not over an hour.  And the phone numbers he gives to his clients are his mobile numbers.

And I could choose not to attend the class intead ?
I don't quite understand your meaning about this  

In posting such a topic, I expect some response and feedback from other BK members.  I am most delighted to know that the mum in the same room during the 8th lesson has showed up and is able to enlighten me about the missing parts, the other side of the story of what happened that day.
Why did you say this ?
I'm not trying to trigger a chain of mails after this.

I would love to hear more from you.

And the "teacher" never told me that my son was playing with a toy car during the 8th lesson, nor did he tell me why my son's handwriting was so bad.

Ah yes, and I must put 1 thing straight -
I am not the master of my Indo maid and she is not my slave.  I am her employer.  And she does tell on my son if she feels that he has been naughty.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-1 02:03 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx

The following is an extract of what I told my friends in BK on 30Aug too :

And my girl in the office found today why (my son)'s handwriting was terrible - he holds a pencil / pen in wrong manner - mainly using 2 fingers only, not 3, so spoon-shaped curved inwards, and no way to stop movement as and when required.

But that "teacher" never mentioned that.
Either he didn't see, or he didn't care.

If my colleague could see the problem the 1st time she saw my son write, why couldn't an "experienced teacher" ?
And if that "teacher" identified the problem, why did he never mention it to me ?

Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-1 16:21 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx


點解問題永遠係人地度 ?

個仔自己ge, 點解唔諗下點教?

睇得出妳好錫個仔, 好多野都就佢 :
12點先去訓, 唔知要佢幾點起身。重話 “ 亦再無要上堂之前那晚練拳”, 先至可12點訓, 意即先前練拳, 就肯定遲過12點啦。

上堂遲半個鐘, 除非人地上門, 妳點都要預有交通時間, 咩巴士加小巴, 呢d唔係理由, 要知果堂得1個鐘, 妳都遲一半先上, 重要講出黎大條道理, 可想妳個仔會點諗。

執筆件事, 妳雖是 working mom, 但點都多時間過先生, 諗住8個鐘可以執好, 妳大把8個鐘俾個仔啦。

當眾俾個仔打返轉頭, 証明妳打個仔一下時, 只係俾到個同佢一個 ”玩” ge訊息, 但呢兩下動作, 妳倆之互打, 外人看來只會搖頭, 尤其妳當時意願係教仔。個仔打老母呢個絕對係事實, 但妳的留言好像不以為已。

我相信妳除了在 bk 留言, 在妳個仔面前亦有談及此事, 語氣態度可以想像, 個仔會點諗呢, 點評價自己的上堂態度呢。

如果妳稱呼那位老師為 : 不配被稱為"老師"。只是個"dum波鐘"的學棍!,  那妳………..我唔知可以點稱呼妳了。

發表於 06-9-1 16:41 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx

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Rank: 2

發表於 06-9-1 16:46 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx




不過需要找個有愛心,耐性, 可引起他興趣的老師.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-1 17:09 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx

我的兒子都是劍鳴畢業生, 跟過梅老師,在親子皇國都很耐,實在覺得你好過份!你真係覺得自己和兒子的態度沒啥問題?
你在心聲留言「@ 老友過來傾一餐 @」的說話好過份!
Bluestar 寫道:

Well this "teacher" has quite a lot of supporters ga !
And those "good" kids usually do not receive such treatment.
But you know piglet ga la.  He is not the type who sits still and be a dumb puppet.
Bluestar 寫道:

No way ah, that "teacher" isn't fluent in Engl at all ga.

Just an oldie from the olden days who can write reasonably well (most ppl can write well in the old days as you know, better than most ppl nowadays), and he just cashed in on this.
I don't think / imagine he had any crumb of proper teaching experience (eg CertEd, MEd stuff, or even XX College of Teachers) nor is he interested in teaching (esp of kids) at all.  He is just interested in the $$$.  And his writing is v "hong foh".
My late father could write better.

I just told piglet your guess, he queried how that "teacher " can know how to chat in BK.


Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-1 18:16 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx

俾 $ 大哂 , 我係消費者, 就是如此心態。
要知道妳就是小孩子的一面鏡, 他會模仿妳的一切 (或者妳唔介意, 亦唔覺宥問題)

至於自家孩子當然比人勁比人叻, 每個 mommy 都會有這諗法。但不聽老師說話及不守紀律卻仍被 mommy 讚不是 dumbell 之類說話, 俾我係靚仔, 番去采先生至傻, 尤其 d 興趣班, 憑咩教我呀, 哼。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-1 21:27 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx


Welcome to BK !

Your posts 1st.

Yes we are a client of this "teacher", and I have told him about my son's major problem - writing terribly.

How would you react, if an ECA "teacher" never "teaches", tells what is wrong then what is right, encourages;
just chats, criticizes, ignores ?
How would you feel ?

If your kid's ECA teacher criticizes your behaviour as parents in front of your kid and another total stranger, would your kid defend you ?  Would you expect your kid to defend you ?  Or do you expect your kid to sit still and say "yes, yes, yes, sir" ?

I am a night owl, what is wrong with this habit ?
My kid likes to stay up as late as possible, especially during the summer hols.  How do you know we did not try to get him into bed as early as possible ?
Are early birds to be praised and night owls condemned ?

I did not use the word "dumbell", I said puppet.
If you had to sit there, with nothing to do, given vague instructions, how would you react ?
How would you react when you were around P1/P2 ?
Sit still for 1 hour ?  And enjoy it ?

"上堂遲半個鐘, 除非人地上門, 妳點都要預有交通時間, 咩巴士加小巴, 呢d唔係理由, 要知果堂得1個鐘, 妳都遲一半先上, 重要講出黎大條道理, 可想妳個仔會點諗。"
If you know the location of that building, you will see that if we need to wait for No.9 bus, then No. 68 green van, both of which are quite infrequent, and No. 68 bus full in the morning, and missed seeing 1 of these vans, you will easily calculate how long it takes to go from Kln City to Kln Bay.
Furthermore, that was mentioned in my 1st post under this topic, which relayed the series of events.
It was a recount, not a criticism of that "teacher" - do not misunderstand.

"執筆件事, 妳雖是 working mom, 但點都多時間過先生, 諗住8個鐘可以執好, 妳大把8個鐘俾個仔啦。"
Sure - I have spent time on this, ever since my son started to write.  But still couldn't overcome this problem, so when this "professional" "teacher" came up, I tried to see if an "expert"/"professional" could spot the problem and remedy it as much as possible.
Obviously not this one.  At least he didn't even tell what the problem was.  Or he told others but not me.

"當眾俾個仔打返轉頭, 証明妳打個仔一下時, 只係俾到個同佢一個 ”玩” ge訊息, 但呢兩下動作, 妳倆之互打, 外人看來只會搖頭, 尤其妳當時意願係教仔。個仔打老母呢個絕對係事實, 但妳的留言好像不以為已。''
Well if anybody can distinguish between 打老母and play.

''我相信妳除了在 bk 留言, 在妳個仔面前亦有談及此事, 語氣態度可以想像, 個仔會點諗呢, 點評價自己的上堂態度呢。''
Pls feel free to use your imagination.

"如果妳稱呼那位老師為 : 不配被稱為"老師"。只是個"dum波鐘"的學棍!, 那妳………..我唔知可以點稱呼妳了。"
Whatever you like, up to you.  There is still freedom of speech.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-1 21:50 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx


Thank you for your comments.

Others have posts similar topics, I am not the first.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-1 21:54 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx


Welcome to BK, too !

Pls explain your accusations that :
- in what way is my 在心聲留言「@ 老友過來傾一餐 @」的說話好過份! ???
- 你真係覺得自己和兒子的態度沒啥問題?
- 你實在很野蠻!

How did you arrive at such conclusions ?

Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-2 00:00 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx


~~~~只想學8堂,家長也沒有付出心機, 如何可以改善寫字, 大人都不可以, 任何事要成功都不是一步登天.


~~~~為何是親子班? 因為如果你只有8堂時間, 父母有一同上堂, 回家便要按老師的方法去訓練小朋友, 梅老師所有可以寫一手靚字的學生, 都是父母付出很多心機去陪子女上堂去明白老師的指導掌握了技巧, 再回家跟小朋友一起苦練的成果.

你文中提到-----開始學第一天,派了1打幼3角鉛筆,數枝white board marker,3 將張格仔透明膠片,習字簿,練字簿(4小格=1格),過了膠的"漢字基本筆畫摹寫card"+"硬筆線條練習card"(套入習字簿2頁間臨摹用)==>$70。


你文中提到-----要做功課,= 2版基本筆劃,1版線條

~~~~~請問你是否有陪你仔一起做功課, 他去臨摹基本筆劃時是否用正確的執筆手勢去寫, 每次做功課是很快速地完成或是分開幾次很用心去完成, 因要寫得靚真是要一筆一劃, 同埋是手是很’支力’的, 因此要分開幾次或幾天慢慢去完成.


~~~~~寫字跟本是很悶的, 你仔仔這樣辛苦去搭車, 一定是無心機上堂.

提到-----上完第3堂,"老師"叫我打電話給他 - 說我個仔好像很累(因早一晚練拳數遍),不能習中精神上堂,他教後依然照自己方法執筆,無改善,無反應

~~~~老師如果是冇責任心, 跟本是不會叫你仔打給你



最後, 請問你仔仔寫字時是否每次記住梅老師教的執筆方法來寫字.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-2 00:46 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx


Welcome to BK, three !!

I don't think I need to keep on answering this type of insinuations made by newcomers  or schizophrenic copies !

Perhaps I should have chartered a helicopter to avoid having to change from bus to van for going to ECAs in future, according to your logic.
What a good idea !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-2 09:43 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx


~~~~為何是親子班? 因為如果你只有8堂時間, 父母有一同上堂, 回家便要按老師的方法去訓練小朋友, 梅老師所有可以寫一手靚字的學生, 都是父母付出很多心機去陪子女上堂去明白老師的指導掌握了技巧, 再回家跟小朋友一起苦練的成果.

[size=large]If as you said being a 親子班 a parent MUST attend classes with the kid, why should this "teacher" still collect the fees $$$ and let my son attend such a class without beng accompanied by a parent, if he knew for sure, beforehand, that it would not be possible for there to be any progress / only possible for very little progress without a parent attending the class together ?

I wouldn't know before attending such a course, but the "teacher" would know for sure.

Come on, be more logical !
And have more guts !

Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-2 15:25 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx

As I said in my first response, I don't want to trigger a chain of mails...I just want to share my views to shed some lights on what actually happens so that a more balanced view is ascertained....and definitely, you are barking at the wrong tree...and, I have no choice but to drop a few lines...that's not an act of 'guts' (as you put it) but courage...

Parenting is like watering a plant...you have to invest time and harvest will eventually come...you have to share with your kids, talk to them what works and what doesn't...this is the paradigm that we should be working on...and definitely, in my views, we shouldn't use an accusing finger pointing everywhere and listing a sequence of questions, as if you were an Attorney General...we need a mirror test to the way we behave (& don't underestimate its impact to kids..a man is what he eats and a parent is what he/she preaches) that's just my humble views...

Don't be too obessed with who's wrong or who's right...more importantly, as a parent, we should divert our effort in finding an effective way to communicate with our kids...and that's why this forum is all about sharing our best practice in our daily life....

I'm sure that there are views that you couldn't stand but please also appreciate other parents' views and opinions...there's nothing wrong to be a new member here...cheers

Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-2 16:04 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx

Bluestar 寫道:
"上堂遲半個鐘, 除非人地上門, 妳點都要預有交通時間, 咩巴士加小巴, 呢d唔係理由, 要知果堂得1個鐘, 妳都遲一半先上, 重要講出黎大條道理, 可想妳個仔會點諗。"
If you know the location of that building, you will see that if we need to wait for No.9 bus, then No. 68 green van, both of which are quite infrequent, and No. 68 bus full in the morning, and missed seeing 1 of these vans, you will easily calculate how long it takes to go from Kln City to Kln Bay.

我舉此例是想說明妳及妳小朋友的態度, 可以看出大家都不尊重這件事。

妳說的理由, 簡直令人噴飯,  

試想妳仔仔是否可以有一天對校長這樣解釋...最衰係你學校, 位置又唔好, 幾難返呀, 要轉好多次車先得, d 車又難搭喎....夠哂創意。

至於妳是否可以返工遲到時, 係老細面前搬出呢d 理由...大家都心照 la, 諗起個老細聽完妳ge解釋後, 果個惘然樣, 不禁       

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 06-9-2 16:50 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx

The event is going meaningless
Everyone involved (esp. bluestar) just want to yell & argue or discuss to solve those problem......and in fact, the "problem" is who's absolutely right or improving the kid's writing skill and also even his needs?  Just forget what had happened but seek the way to help the kid.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-2 16:59 |只看該作者

Re: 呃$書法班 - 九龍灣太平洋xx中心,烈x書藝,梅xx

premum2006 寫道:
The event is going meaningless
Everyone involved (esp. bluestar) just want to yell & argue or discuss to solve those problem......and in fact, the "problem" is who's absolutely right or improving the kid's writing skill and also even his needs?  Just forget what had happened but seek the way to help the kid.

在我第一個貼已開宗明義說明問題之根本性, 查執筆方法或書法都照看都是次要,舉一反三, 看其言, 觀其行, 已知所有問題之來源。是否只有她的小朋友需要輔導呢?
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