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仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享... [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-8-30 12:11 |只看該作者

仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

阿仔其實唔識講, 亦聽唔董英文… 現已返了3天IS, 他表現得好唔開心, 我亦明白是需要時間適應, 但佢由2歲開始返學都從未哭過, 但仔仔佢返了sis後, 在學校哭了及今天要我打電話返學校唔返學….我知對佢來說面對全英語的學校是一個好困難的適應期, 我唔知可以怎樣幫佢, 又好憂慮他會否以後變得抗拒上學, 又擔心佢如何可以跟得上聽同講,….. :cry:
[url=Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker]Lilypie.com[/url]

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發表於 06-8-30 12:41 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

你不用太不開心,去年我女兒都很怕外籍老師,第一星期她說完全不明,但第二星期,她開始明了. 他哭可能是要面對外籍老師面孔.去年初,我都要花一d時間explain 給她. You can ask him why he afaird and found a soultion.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-8-30 13:02 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...


Sorry to hear about your son's situation. How old is your child? Talk to the teacher about his situation and see what kind of help they can offer. Whether a child with little English can settle in an IS depends very much on how the teaher look after him.   My child, now 16, transferred to an IS from a local school at primary 4 with very little English. He did not react in the same strong way as your son did but did struggle with his homework. Fortunately his teacher was very nice and caring and assigned a classmate to be his mentor. The mentor sat next to my son helping him understand what the teacher was saying. He also played with my son during play time. He called my son the first day after school to check out if my son understood what he was supposed to do for the homework assignments. That was very hepful. I really appreciated that.
Please find out if there is anything really unpleasant happened to your boy at school, e.g being teased, looked stupid for not being able to follow teachers' instructions, no friends to play with etc. I don't know the language policy of SIS, but I think it will help if your son has chances to talk in Chinese at school.

Rjsm ( new to BK and happy to contribute)


發表於 06-8-30 13:06 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

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發表於 06-8-30 14:45 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...


Today, I have talked to the form teacher of my son's suituation....the teacher said that she will pay attention to him but she said that she has no experience in the past when handling a chird with no english acknowledge....so i  am so worry.....even i have talked to..
[url=Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker]Lilypie.com[/url]

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發表於 06-8-30 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...


thanks for your sharing, my son now is 3/10 month.

[url=Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker]Lilypie.com[/url]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-30 16:26 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...


Don't worry.  I can share my experience to you.  My son also joined an IS last year.  He was only 3 years 0 month then.  He knew no English at all, and had the same bahaviour as your son, told me that he hated school and cried every day during the first month.  I had communicated with his teacher who was kind to pay more attention to my son.  

Now after 1 school year, my son could understand and speak basic English and he's eager to go to school.  So I would say that this was a necessary stage for those non-English speaking kids.   Don't worry, you will see the sunshine very soon.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-30 19:32 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

Hello CY-mother

which class does your boy go to?   My son goes to SIS' PY1 too.   He told me a little boy in his class cried on Monday and Tuesday (but not today).   If they are in the same class, I can ask my son to look out for him.  It's easier if the child knows there is a little buddy to hang out with and he is not alone.  Even if it's just mummy dropping a classmate's name, I think it helps (it shows them we are so in control!).   

Anyway, please don't worry too much about the crying.  I saw a few children in my son's previous school who cried A LOT at the beginning because they were frightened and they also refused to go to school.  They all settled in very nicely after a while and really enjoyed themselves!  Some children just take a little more time to settle into an unfamiliar environment, it's natural.   I personally think the kindergarten has to be really really bad for a child not to enjoy school.  I have confidence that SIS is nowhere close to that.

Perhaps I could share with you how I prepare my son to cope.  I did quite a bit of psychological preparation with him before school term starts.    I told him he's going to feel frightened, uneasy and even have panick attacks about this new school.  I reassured him that it's ok (and it's natural) for him to feel that way;  and that all the children in his class will feel exactly the same because everything is new to them too.    But in no time, they will all become friends and enjoy the teacher, the playground, go to each other's birthday parties, etc.  just like his old school days.  I did quite a bit of scenario comparison to put him at ease.   I also told him that some kids when confronting uncomfortable situations will react by crying, shying away, screaming, hitting, etc.  The idea is to allow to him to understand why he may react in a certain way and not to feel bad about it afterwards..... My son still tells me he feels a bit scared of the school.  But, I think he accepts the fact that it's natural to have this feeling and is patiently coping with the situation.  Perhaps you could try this tactic too.  The key thing is we need to let them feel that we're positive about this new change, and that they can look forward to something 'good'.   

As for the language barrier, my son speaks English but he is hopeless in mandarin.   He told me he has no clue what the Mandarin teacher says in class!!  I'm not too worried because I know he will eventually pick up even though some other kids may already be fluent in Mandarin.  So there, your son is not alone.

If you are really worried about English, one thing you perhaps could help to alleviate the language barrier is to work with the teachers.  Ask them what they plan to do with the class a day or a week in advance. Eg. the theme/ letters/ key words/games/activities, what the activity involves, the whole process.  You can then brief you son what to expect for the coming class/classes, including key words.   This means he will go in prepared and won't feel as much at lost.
Hope this helps.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-31 09:05 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...


although my son is still too young and i have no experience at all for my son's schooling, i have praised you on your efforts and your way to soothe your son to face his new challenge.

please could you also check pm.  Thanks.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-31 09:38 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

HI all Moms,
My son started his Year 1 at SJS this August, looking back to the beginning of Kindergarten, he yelled for 2 months every morning before school, some kids still don't want to school even in K2, so.... we should prepare for the worst but show him you are happy in the morning. Now, he is very happy to go with his friends from all other languages.
Good luck to all moms.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-31 12:13 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

Dear JJsMama

Thank you! My son is in PYIC, how about your son?
My son told me yesterday, he don't like the school and ask me why i choose this school for him, he cried and even cried in the mid-night when he is in sleeping....  :cry:  

One more, he told me that the school life is boring because they were only told to read the book and singing a song and no more activities during these days...... is it true??  

[url=Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker]Lilypie.com[/url]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-31 14:36 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

Hi All,

I guess, English as a barrier, which also affect children's view on school.

I know that many parents talk to their children in both English and Cantonese.  Sometimes, English and Cantonese in one sentence.

But I also heard that it is no good for one to speak two languages at the same time.  It is better to speak one lanugage by one person, say mother speaks Cantonese, father speaks English.

I am still thinking whether it does any harm to speak both at the same time, so that the child can learn English, at least some vocabularies.  Say, many parents talk to children, like: apple 好好味呀, 大家要sharing呀, 同小朋友shake hand 啦, etc.  as it is also quite common even among adult world to speak like that.

Sorry that it may not be relevant to your topic.
May I have your comment, please?  
Thanks so much!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-8-31 14:42 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

Just remember, with his limited eng, he still managed to pass the interview! Be confident in him. Children can get used to a new language environment easier than u thought. I'm sure it's just a matter of time.       [quote]
CY-mother 寫道:
阿仔其實唔識講, 亦聽唔董英文…

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-31 15:07 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

Hello cy-mother

What a shame, my child is in a different class!

I’m not sure what they did at school because my son has been vague about it.  From what I could make out, they played with toys, drew pictures, sang songs and had snacks.  My son told me they didn’t leave the classroom for other activities, which I find a bit surprising.   Perhaps you could call the teachers directly to find out exactly what they are doing these few days.  

It must be difficult for you to see your little one so sad.     Try to talk to him a lot and get to understand all his worries and concerns.  It’s easier to think of ways to help him overcome problems once you know what they are.

Also, you can direct him to focus on the ‘positive’ stuff, e.g.  teach him how to initiate conversation/play with kids next to him (I’m sure some will speak Cantonese).  Once he feels at ease with his environment, he will start to enjoy himself.

It’s a very trying time, but try not to lose faith and confidence.  Remember, you are your son’s pillar of strength!!!  And as many parents have said, this phase will definitely pass!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-31 15:59 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

我記得大女讀PY1時, 有時我會送佢上學, 順便聽佢地唱完歌分班才走;有一對孖女, 其中一個次次上堂都大喊, stick住個工人唔放, 唔肯入去, 喊得很悽慘;如是者個幾月都是這樣, 當然, 最後都無事啦! 她的case應該不是怕, 因有姐姐;至於是否因為聽不明白, 但應該有很多小朋友都是會聽不明白的; 我大女讀PY1前, 我們也沒有特別裝備佢, 也沒有特別考慮佢適應的問題; 幸好我大女也沒有強烈的反應, 只是默默地在進步中; 但我相信每個小朋友都唔同, 希望妳不要太介意妳仔仔的反應, 以至自己手足無措; 告訴他妳明白佢的感受, 但這條路佢還是要行的, 不要讓佢覺得只要佢反對, 妳就會讓佢唔返學; 記得上個月帶2歲半的細女去美國, 法律規定44磅以下小朋友要配帶安全帶, 佢唔肯帶, 大喊了十多分鐘, 最後daddy嚴厲告訴佢一定要帶, 我也沒有理佢, 讓佢慢慢安定下來; 第2次上車佢就知道要帶安全帶, 也沒有反抗了….希望妳仔仔很快便適應到啦!

我大女bb時家中只說廣東話, 佢好快識講野; 上IS讀也沒有太大問題(可能與K1在方方讀時已是外國老師教英文有關); 細女2.7歲, 家中工人和家姐同佢講英文, 我和DADDY同佢講廣東話, 佢識講野係比較慢, 但現在識用英文和工人傾計; 和我們就用廣東話; 佢讀LOCAL KINDER, 今年會讀K1, 早一年比佢讀因想今年幫佢申請PY1, 明年2-3月便要INTERVIEW,希望佢ok啦! 依家有時會用英文問佢叫什麼名,幾歲?然後教佢用句子答, 有時又會拿圖片問佢見到什麼…唔知有用否!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-31 18:39 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

我仔仔返o左幾日P1 , 表現好失落. 又話要返講廣東話學校.
但一放學又 ok. 我因為怕佢唔適應所以接+送了幾日.
明天開始搭校車. 現在煩於轉校否?
但讀了兩年無功課淨玩的 K1 & K2 跟本追唔到!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-31 19:02 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

44 寫道:
我仔仔返o左幾日P1 , 表現好失落. 又話要返講廣東話學校.
但一放學又 ok. 我因為怕佢唔適應所以接+送了幾日.
明天開始搭校車. 現在煩於轉校否?
但讀了兩年無功課淨玩的 K1 & K2 跟本追唔到!

No need to worry.  If you son goes to IS, the first few weeks in school is mainly play and learn through play.  He will be ok very soon.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-31 19:11 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

thank you

kathiema 寫道:
44 寫道:
我仔仔返o左幾日P1 , 表現好失落. 又話要返講廣東話學校.
但一放學又 ok. 我因為怕佢唔適應所以接+送了幾日.
明天開始搭校車. 現在煩於轉校否?
但讀了兩年無功課淨玩的 K1 & K2 跟本追唔到!

No need to worry.  If you son goes to IS, the first few weeks in school is mainly play and learn through play.  He will be ok very soon.[/quote]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-1 11:36 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

多謝各位媽媽的鼓勵及分享, 真的好感動!!

[url=Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker]Lilypie.com[/url]

發表於 06-9-2 18:18 |只看該作者

Re: 仔仔返了IS了...我感到憂慮, 可吾分享...

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