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今日in左ESF.......... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-19 21:16 |只看該作者


my son is finished the interview this afternoon, the result is fail. i'm so sad about this result as i found my son's english ability is not bad and he's studying in int'l kindergarten. my son has attended so many extra course before and the native eng teacher will said his english is pretty good. SORRY, all bk mom, i'm not going to SELL my boy here. JUST hard to hear someone said my boy's english standard is bad ! ......... the interviewer explained to me that my boy's ability is quite good, the reason they refused is he can't answer the questions in full sentences, not wording or any simply phrase, it must in full sentences   i'm so sad it's not because my son is failed for this interview, even if they offer a seat for my son, i won't choice as the school fee is super expensive. i'm going to have a interviewe today just want to take a choice to my son to see how's his ability............ actaully, i'm proud of my son's performance today, is that means a kid aged 4.5 who can't answer a question in full sentences equal to his english ability is poor (it's the answer fm the interviewer)........... anyway, just want to express my feeling here, all BK mom, pls forgive me to talk so much, agains, i'm not going to SELL my son's eng abiliy here, pls understand what's the feeling being a mama

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-6-19 21:35 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........

bebe_c 寫道:
my son is finished the interview this afternoon, the result is fail. i'm so sad about this result as i found my son's english ability is not bad and he's studying in int'l kindergarten. my son has attended so many extra course before and the native eng teacher will said his english is pretty good. SORRY, all bk mom, i'm not going to SELL my boy here. JUST hard to hear someone said my boy's english standard is bad ! ......... the interviewer explained to me that my boy's ability is quite good, the reason they refused is he can't answer the questions in full sentences, not wording or any simply phrase, it must in full sentences   i'm so sad it's not because my son is failed for this interview, even if they offer a seat for my son, i won't choice as the school fee is super expensive. i'm going to have a interviewe today just want to take a choice to my son to see how's his ability............ actaully, i'm proud of my son's performance today, is that means a kid aged 4.5 who can't answer a question in full sentences equal to his english ability is poor (it's the answer fm the interviewer)........... anyway, just want to express my feeling here, all BK mom, pls forgive me to talk so much, agains, i'm not going to SELL my son's eng abiliy here, pls understand what's the feeling being a mama

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-19 21:52 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........

First, you think your son's English standard is good, you took him to ESF to have an interview, you didn't want to interview actually, and you just wanted the teacher to praise your son.

Then the teacher told you the truth, they thought that you son's English standard is not as high as you think, and you are very unhappy about that…

I cannot understand being a mama like you can do such a silly thing, you wasted the teacher's time and your behavior is unacceptable.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 06-6-19 23:10 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........

Agree.  Silly that you won't let your son study ESF but sent him to interview, just to prove his English stardard

andrew 寫道:
First, you think your son's English standard is good, you took him to ESF to have an interview, you didn't want to interview actually, and you just wanted the teacher to praise your son.

Then the teacher told you the truth, they thought that you son's English standard is not as high as you think, and you are very unhappy about that…

I cannot understand being a mama like you can do such a silly thing, you wasted the teacher's time and your behavior is unacceptable.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-19 23:47 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........

我想我的英文唔多好令大家唔會啦,首先我話"will not choice this school"係我唔會完成佢整個幼小中的階段,若果入到只會讀2-3年而已,所以我唔覺得而個係什麼 "silly thing, you wasted the teacher's time and your behavior is unacceptable.".........而我所講的係"my son's english standard is not bad"係覺得小朋友只得4yrs而又唔係native eng speaker,加上家人唔係用英文日日溝通,面對外國人都可以對答自如,我認為這已是不錯,當然同一些全英的中國小朋友比也許小兒只是小小小蟲!!!我所講的唔開心唔係你所說的"the teacher told you the truth"......andrew & bighug,也許你唔知佢地的interview內容,要一個4yr小朋友睇一張圖,然後用約100個字的完整子句講出圖的內容,而我的小朋友只可講到些short phrase and a lot of word to discribe the picture,問心,一個小朋友可以做到一些已經是不錯, 而the interviewer said my boy's english is not good就係因為佢冇用約100個字的完整子句講出.........對於以上兩位bk的朋友,我唔知你地有否小朋友,也許是語言好好,所以請你們清楚知道個中的事件先好批評人家.........再講你所指控的"you just wanted the teacher to praise your son."就太冇修養了,相信個個小孩都是大人的寶,試問又怎會把自已的小朋友送去比人玩啦,要知道任何interview小朋友都有一定的考驗,要用精神去玩去答,若果見著個黑面神,仲會令小朋友唔開心..........anyway,出這個topic只係想舒發下,唔係要搵人閙,

bighug 寫道:
Agree.  Silly that you won't let your son study ESF but sent him to interview, just to prove his English stardard

andrew 寫道:
First, you think your son's English standard is good, you took him to ESF to have an interview, you didn't want to interview actually, and you just wanted the teacher to praise your son.

Then the teacher told you the truth, they thought that you son's English standard is not as high as you think, and you are very unhappy about that…

I cannot understand being a mama like you can do such a silly thing, you wasted the teacher's time and your behavior is unacceptable.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-19 23:49 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-20 00:22 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........


人生中有很多考驗, 有得有失, 有時是不關能力或努力問題, 何況是一個這麼年幼的小兒. 如對孩子有信心, 加上你的恆久愛心教導扶持, 雖長路漫漫, 成功是指日可待的. 現出生率下降, 學校選擇也多, 不要氣餒, 不要因一次失敗加重自己或孩子的學習壓力, 將來要面對的還多呢. 放輕心懷, 做個快樂人.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-20 07:19 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........


I believe your son is a small boy (born by end of 2001) and he has done very well indeed! ESF is expecting kids to use English as first language, so the expectation is higher and there are really too many applicants. So don't feel bad about it, your boy is still so small, just take this as an experience, there are so many choices out there.

In fact, Christ Church Kinder (CCKG) also require a K1 kid (3 to 3.5 years old) to answer questions in English using full sentences and there are 2000 people competing for 80 seats! It is like this as well in a lot of DSS/private school interviews! So hope you don't take it too seriously and don't give too much pressure to your son.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-20 09:31 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........


ESF首先係會首選以英語為母語o既小朋友, 佢哋最好係有英國公民護照.  另外如果小朋友喺英基幼稚園就讀,佢哋有優先權面試. 餘下的學位咪留比其他學校就讀o既小朋友.

以完整說話對答(不論中文或英文),其實應付學校面試或考試都需要. 不如你同你小朋友個老師傾傾,改善呢個問題啦!呢一個問題,其實係香港小朋友一個好普遍o既問題.

你唔好因為呢次失敗,而感到不安.更加唔好比小朋友感受到. 如果唔係,咁就你有壓力,佢有壓力啦!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-20 10:01 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........

好多謝各位bk朋友的支持, 放心吧, 我會繼績努力, 自己係有唔開心,不過我唔會表現在個仔面前, 因為唔想比佢無形的壓力,所以只好在bk這裹發洩一下,多謝大家的包容

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-20 10:03 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........



小B媽咪 寫道:

ESF首先係會首選以英語為母語o既小朋友, 佢哋最好係有英國公民護照.  另外如果小朋友喺英基幼稚園就讀,佢哋有優先權面試. 餘下的學位咪留比其他學校就讀o既小朋友.

以完整說話對答(不論中文或英文),其實應付學校面試或考試都需要. 不如你同你小朋友個老師傾傾,改善呢個問題啦!呢一個問題,其實係香港小朋友一個好普遍o既問題.

你唔好因為呢次失敗,而感到不安.更加唔好比小朋友感受到. 如果唔係,咁就你有壓力,佢有壓力啦!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-20 11:18 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........


interview呢d野, 有時係要in多幾間, 等個小朋友去熟習呢個遊戲..........有時都唔係話一定要讀先去in既, 當去見識下都無壞! 每人都有自己唔同諗法, 唔需要別人應同, 只要無傷大雅唔使理別人點諗.........更加唔需要攻擊人..........唔好唔開心!bk 係一個forum俾大家交換下情報心得, 互助互勉既地方!  相信您的小朋友係您悉心教導下是可以成材的! 努力!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-20 21:38 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-6-21 00:02 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........

Hi Bebe_c,

I know completely how you felt but don't give up. "咩都可以輸, 信心唔可以輸".  Based on what you described, you son is a smart kid. God will look after him and I am sure you will do the same too.

In fact, the performance of int'v could be varied by many factors. Not entirly because your son's English level. Maybe he just didn't want to talk that day, or he did not want to talk to that teacher.

Don't worry ! Be happy !


Rank: 2

發表於 06-6-21 13:57 |只看該作者

Re: 今日in左ESF..........

Hi Bebe_c,

Could you please tell me which ESF Primary you had apply? Tks!

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