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再請教 -- Go Go English [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-6-7 01:16 |只看該作者

再請教 -- Go Go English

之前多謝其他媽媽分享, 我去左mongkok d 書店睇過大陸正版Go Go English, 又去左Popular 參考香港版, 但係搞唔清個分別呀...

大陸版3 levels in 1, 香港版就分3 levels, 但係加埋d 碟同圖書o既總數兩個版本又唔同woh..... 其實主要分別o係邊呀?  多謝指教!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-7 17:47 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English


For 大陸版:
- 10 VCD with stories, #1-#9 have 4 stories each, #10 with 3 stories, so, total = 39 stories in 10 VCD
- 1 VCD for karaoke
- 1 CD for songs
- 10 colored reader books, the reader books go along with the VCD, so, book 1 goes with VCD#1, so on and so forth.  The reader books are like 連環圖, it posts the screen shots from the story video
- 2 parent guides, black and white color, book 1 for stories #1-20, book 2 for stories #21-39.  The parent guides are actually chinese translation of the English words
- selling at $120 at Idea
- Note - the story VCDs have "Mandarin" introduction and closing for each story, the introduction will have some questions asking the kids about the content from last story.

For 香港版 (family set, i.e. 3 levels in 1 box):
- 6 VCDs, #1-#3 each with 7 stories, #4-6 each with 6 stories, total = 39 stories
- No introduction/closing between stories (this is the major diff from 大陸版 VCDs)
- 6 連環圖 reader books go along with the 6 VCDs, colored, all in English.  Content is same as the 大陸版 version
- 6 activity books with 3 CDs go along.  The activity books are for "connecting dots game", "fill-in-the-blank-game", "matching-game", "listening-game", "ordering-game", etc.  The 3 CDs will introduce the game and ask the kids to follow
- 3 coloring books
- 3 song books, you can play piano with it
- 1 picture dictionary book
- 2 parent guides, book #1 for story #1-14, book #2 for story 15 onwards
- 6 Gogo stickers
- 4 Gogo plush toys
- selling at $800-900 at book fair for family set

So, is it clearer now?     

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-8 09:58 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English


very good, you are excellent mami !!!!!

I am using GoGo Hong Kong version 6 vcd, the content is very good that asking many question.  Having watched these vcds, my girl can answer question easily and fluently.

My girl likes it.

Thanks nn.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-8 16:12 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

Hi angelhair,
Do you know how much for 大陸正版Go Go English?
Thank you for your information!   

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-8 20:36 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

winma 寫道:
Hi angelhair,
Do you know how much for 大陸正版Go Go English?
Thank you for your information!   

I bought it at HK$120.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-6-9 10:11 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

nn>>請問你點用呢套go..go 呀?? 我都有買大陸版, 但我一開vcd 比小女睇, 佢完全無興趣, 搞到我都收埋o左...   
耶穌拯救人, 人間真有幸, 從此做人冇閉翳, 歡欣讚頌神, 好開心, 耶穌在我心,你與我樂共聚, 歡欣讚頌神.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-9 10:22 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

Jennie 寫道:
nn>>請問你點用呢套go..go 呀?? 我都有買大陸版, 但我一開vcd 比小女睇, 佢完全無興趣, 搞到我都收埋o左...   

How old is your girl?  My baby (starting GoGo at 1.5 yrs old) has no such problem, she loves GoGo and she always practices what she learned from GoGo in daily life.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-9 11:33 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

Hi nn,

May I have the address and contact no. of IDEA?

Many thanks.   


Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-9 11:43 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

pcwai 寫道:
Hi nn,

May I have the address and contact no. of IDEA?

Many thanks.   

http://www.ideabookshop.com/, you can call them first and see whether they have stock or not.  If not, you can ask them to order for you, and they will call you when the books arrive.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-6-9 15:13 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English


mud 您黎咗呢度呀   Ali 大個咗好多 bor, 好靚女呀

係呢, 近排有冇係當當或 Idxx 買咗新書呀, 講黎聽吓

另外, 我喺當當都見到有好多 gogo, 但套套價錢都唔同但內容又好似一樣, 唔識揀

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-9 15:17 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

Small_Cloud 寫道:

mud 您黎咗呢度呀   Ali 大個咗好多 bor, 好靚女呀

係呢, 近排有冇係當當或 Idxx 買咗新書呀, 講黎聽吓

I bought some new books from the local publishers recently to increase my stock of traditional chinese books.  For Idxx, bought some new books and asked them to source some for me as I went to SG earlier and found a few books that are quite good, I wrote down the names and asked Idxx to find for me in HK/China.

Will be free next week to scan the books and post it here to share.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-6-9 15:34 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English


Look forward to hearing from you.   

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-6-9 16:58 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

nn>>可能我太遲掛, start from 3歲, 或者呢d 唔係elmo/ barney 佢至鍾意o既characters 掛......   
nn 寫道:

How old is your girl?  My baby (starting GoGo at 1.5 yrs old) has no such problem, she loves GoGo and she always practices what she learned from GoGo in daily life.
耶穌拯救人, 人間真有幸, 從此做人冇閉翳, 歡欣讚頌神, 好開心, 耶穌在我心,你與我樂共聚, 歡欣讚頌神.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-6-10 00:15 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

nn 寫道:
winma 寫道:
Hi angelhair,
Do you know how much for 大陸正版Go Go English?
Thank you for your information!   

I bought it at HK$120.[/quote]

$120?  我去過新思維, 無貨要訂, 唔記得要$150定$180... 可能係新裝掛?( 大陸正版d書聽聞以前係black & white, 但係我見尚書房賣o既係colour書...)

但係尚書房要$210   :evil:   

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-10 03:07 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

angelhair 寫道:
$120?  我去過新思維, 無貨要訂, 唔記得要$150定$180... 可能係新裝掛?( 大陸正版d書聽聞以前係black & white, 但係我見尚書房賣o既係colour書...)

但係尚書房要$210   :evil:   

Yes, Idea does not keep stock, and you need to place order first.

The list price of China version GoGo is RMB$150, Idea offers 20% off for all books, so, it is HK$120.

FYI, I bought 1 set from Shatin 尚書房 at $189 and 2 sets from Idea at $120.  All are colored version.  Not sure why your quoted prices are so much diff from mine?  I got the receipts (I keep all receipts...) and I just double-checked them...   

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-12 16:19 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

chumamma 寫道:

very good, you are excellent mami !!!!!

I am using GoGo Hong Kong version 6 vcd, the content is very good that asking many question.  Having watched these vcds, my girl can answer question easily and fluently.

My girl likes it.

Thanks nn.

Hi, chumamma & nn,
請問可否簡單介紹一下GoGo Hong Kong version 的內容,它是教些甚麼?因為我想購買一些可讓女兒學習英語會話的教材,謝謝!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-13 16:54 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English


Where's Shatin 尚書房?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-13 19:03 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

sandythepooh 寫道:

Where's Shatin 尚書房?

Before renovation, it is a few shops next to "Commercial Press" on the upper floor.  I know the shops on those floors have been closed for renovation, don't know where they will be relocated after the renovation, as you know, New Town Plaza is moving shops here and there recently...     

But, why buy from尚書房?  The lowest price I can find from 尚書房 is $189, but the same set can be bought from Idea at $120 bor...     There is a 尚書房 in Wanchai next to my office, if you come to Wanchai to have lunch with me , I can show you...

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-13 21:30 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

Are you referring to the one next to the "toy street".... I went to Wanchai to look for the "dummy food" toy and saw 尚書房.... I bought the 小大人set there la... the one I bought was 2 packs with 5 DVDs each, is it the full set?  The price is really cheap and thanks for the recommendation...... but I didn't see any kids' books there    

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-13 21:36 |只看該作者

Re: 再請教 -- Go Go English

sandythepooh 寫道:
Are you referring to the one next to the "toy street".... I went to Wanchai to look for the "dummy food" toy and saw 尚書房.... I bought the 小大人set there la... the one I bought was 2 packs with 5 DVDs each, is it the full set?  The price is really cheap and thanks for the recommendation...... but I didn't see any kids' books there    

BINGO!!!  So, did you find the "cut-into-halves" food?  The toy materials in Toy Street is not as good as those offering in Jusco/Wing-on, so, I'd suggest if you are going to buy "food toys", buy those made in Japan as babies like to put things into mouth for food toys.

For 小大人set, there are altogether 3 sets, so, you missed one.  You can call 尚書房 and ask them to reserve the missing one for you.

FYI, the 15 titles are:
1 The BIG Plane Trip
2 The BIG Zoo
3 The BIG Aircraft Carrier
4 The BIG Submarine
5 The BIG Space Shuttle
6 The BIG Renovation
7 The BIG Park
8 The BIG Aquarium
9 The BIG Newspaper
10 The BIG Train Trip
11 The BIG Air Show
12 The BIG Hotel
13 The BIG Boom
14 The BIG Christmas Tree
15 The BIG Auto Plant

So, you work near Wan Chai?  If so, really need to go for lunch together!!  I also went to Toy Street quite often  

Wan Chai's 尚書房 has not many kids books.  Usually, they only stock little.  Mong Kok 尚書房 has little more, but you'd better go to Idea for kids books.  小大人 is the ONLY things that is offered cheaper in 尚書房 than Idea.  I have already told the staff in Idea that they are selling the 小大人set more expensive than 尚書房    

How's Hei Hei?  Fever is only the symtoms, so, what did the doctor say about the cause of fever?  Is it Rose Spot?
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